Outstanding: Michigan House Passes Bill Allowing EMTs To Refuse Treatment To Gay People


:lol: outstandingly ridonkulous.

IF the proposal were to pass through the michigan senate, no doubt it would ultimately be found unconstitutional.

House Speaker Jase Bolger, who sponsored the bill, said the intention is to shield people who are being forced by the government to violate their deeply held religious beliefs.

“The individual must show they have a sincerely held religious belief that has been substantially burdened,” Bolger said in a statement. “This bill is not a license to discriminate; the courts have already demonstrated for decades that wild claims will not be supported.”

The bill passed the Michigan House by a 59-50 vote earlier this month and is now headed to the Senate for consideration.

“These bills are about the individual freedoms and rights that our country was founded on,” Rep. Greg MacMaster, who voted for the bill, said in a statement.

License To Discriminate Lawmakers Consider Bill Allowing Doctors EMTs To Refuse Care Of Gay Patients CBS Detroit
None of that article is true. It completely bastardizes the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.
Instead of this nonsense they should be scrapping public accommodation laws altogether with exception of essential services. Let the free market decide if these businesses deserve the support of the public. Let them proudly shout which segments of society they will or will not serve. If their business fails they'll have no one to blame but themselves.
Write your state reps people and tell them to follow Michigans patriotic lead in this. You will be doing Gods work.

Michigan House Passed Bill Allowing EMTs To Refuse Treatment To Gay Peitople NewNowNext
Knowing how I feel about the sin of homosexuality this is wrong.
It also isn't true.

It is a wild interpretation of the bill, no doubt. It sort reminds me when folks claim that churches will be forces to marry gays against their wishes. It is still a stupid bill though.
Instead of this nonsense they should be scrapping public accommodation laws altogether with exception of essential services. Let the free market decide if these businesses deserve the support of the public. Let them proudly shout which segments of society they will or will not serve. If their business fails they'll have no one to blame but themselves.
Repealing public accommodations laws is as ridiculous and as unwarranted as the proposed Michigan measure.

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