Over 300 House bills sitting on Reids desk !

And for the fools that think that the lawmakers are just passing bills that are a dog and pony show, give your head a freaking shake.

Reid is blocking votes on some very important issues.

They note that House Republicans passed more than 200 bills in 2013, many of which Reid has refused to hold votes on in the Senate.

House-passed legislation is readily dismissed as “dead on arrival” in the upper chamber, while the storyline surrounding Senate measures, such as the immigration bill, tends to focus on House speaker John Boehner “facing pressure” to hold a vote in the House.

In reality, of the 72 bills President Obama signed into law last year, only 16 originated in the Senate.

Reid has refused to bring up measures that would almost certainly pass with bipartisan support, such as legislation approving construction of the Keystone XL oil pipeline, or the aforementioned medical-device-tax repeal. He has also refused to consider legislation to impose new sanctions on Iran: A majority of Senate Democrats support the idea, but it’s strongly opposed by the White House.

On the Iranian issue, Republicans have accused Reid of “playing defense for the president” against the wishes of his own conference.

Harry Reid?s Obstructionism | National Review Online
300 dog and pony bills
tell Me, when did it become required that the opposition had to agree with your legislation?

Will you hold the same attitude and beliefs when Democrat bills are piling up on a Republicans desk because they're worthless legislation?

Sorry, worthless legislation by Democrats is redundant.
And for the fools that think that the lawmakers are just passing bills that are a dog and pony show, give your head a freaking shake.

Reid is blocking votes on some very important issues.

They note that House Republicans passed more than 200 bills in 2013, many of which Reid has refused to hold votes on in the Senate.

House-passed legislation is readily dismissed as “dead on arrival” in the upper chamber, while the storyline surrounding Senate measures, such as the immigration bill, tends to focus on House speaker John Boehner “facing pressure” to hold a vote in the House.

In reality, of the 72 bills President Obama signed into law last year, only 16 originated in the Senate.

Reid has refused to bring up measures that would almost certainly pass with bipartisan support, such as legislation approving construction of the Keystone XL oil pipeline, or the aforementioned medical-device-tax repeal. He has also refused to consider legislation to impose new sanctions on Iran: A majority of Senate Democrats support the idea, but it’s strongly opposed by the White House.

On the Iranian issue, Republicans have accused Reid of “playing defense for the president” against the wishes of his own conference.

Harry Reid?s Obstructionism | National Review Online

Careful, facts give lwing Democrats headaches.
Let's see?

There is the Kill Obamacare jobs bill
The Kill Obamacare patriot bill
The Kill Obamacare energy bill
The Kill Obamacare education bill

Did I miss any?
Obama calls the Right obstructionists ........ the Democrat led Senate is the reason nothing is getting done .

55 are the same defund Obamacare bill ... get it ?
Again, the opposition party does not get to determine what the other side believes is right or wrong.

Debate it and vote.

Or be prepared to have the same tactic used on you.

Many in congress think that Democrat legislation is pure bunk and nothing but a waste of paper. Yet, they debate it and vote.
And for the fools that think that the lawmakers are just passing bills that are a dog and pony show, give your head a freaking shake.

Reid is blocking votes on some very important issues.

They note that House Republicans passed more than 200 bills in 2013, many of which Reid has refused to hold votes on in the Senate.

House-passed legislation is readily dismissed as “dead on arrival” in the upper chamber, while the storyline surrounding Senate measures, such as the immigration bill, tends to focus on House speaker John Boehner “facing pressure” to hold a vote in the House.

In reality, of the 72 bills President Obama signed into law last year, only 16 originated in the Senate.

Reid has refused to bring up measures that would almost certainly pass with bipartisan support, such as legislation approving construction of the Keystone XL oil pipeline, or the aforementioned medical-device-tax repeal. He has also refused to consider legislation to impose new sanctions on Iran: A majority of Senate Democrats support the idea, but it’s strongly opposed by the White House.

On the Iranian issue, Republicans have accused Reid of “playing defense for the president” against the wishes of his own conference.

Harry Reid?s Obstructionism | National Review Online

so you're saying that's a stand alone bill based strictly on its own merit ? are they all (300) stand alone bills ... or are they attached to partisan legislation that the Left would never sign ?
Obama calls the Right obstructionists ........ the Democrat led Senate is the reason nothing is getting done .

Both parties are at fault for refusing to find middle ground. When you have a divided government you don't get everything you want, but each side can compromise and get something.

Forget about parties. Look at the leaders who feed on division. We have a President that uses rhetoric like calling for to votes to punish their enemies. A president who tells the opposition to get to the back of the bus. A president who when a nation is divided, he picks sides and does nothing to unite.
And for the fools that think that the lawmakers are just passing bills that are a dog and pony show, give your head a freaking shake.

Reid is blocking votes on some very important issues.

They note that House Republicans passed more than 200 bills in 2013, many of which Reid has refused to hold votes on in the Senate.

House-passed legislation is readily dismissed as “dead on arrival” in the upper chamber, while the storyline surrounding Senate measures, such as the immigration bill, tends to focus on House speaker John Boehner “facing pressure” to hold a vote in the House.

In reality, of the 72 bills President Obama signed into law last year, only 16 originated in the Senate.

Reid has refused to bring up measures that would almost certainly pass with bipartisan support, such as legislation approving construction of the Keystone XL oil pipeline, or the aforementioned medical-device-tax repeal. He has also refused to consider legislation to impose new sanctions on Iran: A majority of Senate Democrats support the idea, but it’s strongly opposed by the White House.

On the Iranian issue, Republicans have accused Reid of “playing defense for the president” against the wishes of his own conference.

Harry Reid?s Obstructionism | National Review Online

so you're saying that's a stand alone bill based strictly on its own merit ? are they all (300) stand alone bills ... or are they attached to partisan legislation that the Left would never sign ?
Who cares, the voters want to know where their representatives stand on issues. We find out by having them actually vote on bills.
Obama calls the Right obstructionists ........ the Democrat led Senate is the reason nothing is getting done .

Why should the Democratic Senate pass Republican House bills?
By that reasoning, why should any party pass anything unless it is echo chamber legislation.

My guess is that Democratic Senators were not elected by their voters to pass the Republican agenda.

What's your guess?
Obama calls the Right obstructionists ........ the Democrat led Senate is the reason nothing is getting done .

Well, there are all the record breaking number of Republican filibusters. Then there are the instances where Republicans voted against their own bills even though they had bipartisan support just to deny a "victory" for Obama. Your contention that it is all the fault of the Democratic Senate majority is demonstrably false.
Obama calls the Right obstructionists ........ the Democrat led Senate is the reason nothing is getting done .

By your own admission, the Wrongpublican-led House is burying Reid in paperwork. How can the Democratic Party get anything done when Wrongpublicans continuously shovel mountains of bullshit onto our side of the political fence, and then demand we respond every time they complain about how dirty our yard is?
Libtards and Reid are the problem. Nice try but you are, as usual, wrong.
Obama calls the Right obstructionists ........ the Democrat led Senate is the reason nothing is getting done .

Why should the Democratic Senate pass Republican House bills?
Pass a Republican bill ?? at least vote on some of them !! make amendments and changes that every one can live with !! can't do any of that with Dems obstructing the possibility of a vote on any bill the House has passed !
Obama calls the Right obstructionists ........ the Democrat led Senate is the reason nothing is getting done .

Well, to be fair, the Right Wing will vote down ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING of taxation because they signed the Grover Norquist "no more taxes" pledge. They don't have the authority to THINK about the bill. They just know they have to vote no if it costs anything.

Perhaps you can enlighten us on the bills the Right Wing wants to pass? I'm all ears kiddo. Because the Right Wing has no bills, they are simply known as the "Party of NO"

I know most Right Wing bills are named "positively" like the Patriot Act so the people that hate politics don't have to think. So let's hear them. (flashback to posts about bumper stickers stating the Left hates Patriots and do not support the Patriot act)
Obama calls the Right obstructionists ........ the Democrat led Senate is the reason nothing is getting done .

Both parties are at fault for refusing to find middle ground. When you have a divided government you don't get everything you want, but each side can compromise and get something.

Forget about parties. Look at the leaders who feed on division. We have a President that uses rhetoric like calling for to votes to punish their enemies. A president who tells the opposition to get to the back of the bus. A president who when a nation is divided, he picks sides and does nothing to unite.

"Leaders" don't feed on division, self interest Corporations that run Politics in America do. The Leaders today are at the mercy of the people's ignorance today because we aren't changing Citizens United. Even a good hearted leader has to please blood hearted Corporate interests today. Top donors in American politics are not good interests for America.

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