Over 500 busses so far! You go boy!

It's inhumane to send them all to the same places instead of spreading them out throughout the USA.... and it was done with intentional malice....nothing for the Good, will come out of that...

He's NOT presidential material, based on that, alone....imo
If he spread them out you'd piss and moan that he was "separating families", and don't pretend you give a fruit fly's fuck about "humanity" or you'd be seething at the federal government for allowing hordes of turd worlders in with little to no vetting at all.
If he spread them out you'd piss and moan that he was "separating families", and don't pretend you give a fruit fly's fuck about "humanity" or you'd be seething at the federal government for allowing hordes of turd worlders in with little to no vetting at all.
It's okay if Americans are victimized....as long as it's not them. I still haven't heard any of them bragging about taking in migrants yet.
Abbott is doing the right thing. The immigrants need sanctuary so he sends them to sanctuary cities. NYC received them with open arms even celebrating their arrival with much aid and support. Word got back to the border and the immigrants there said they too wanted to go to NYC. Abbott obliged. NYC became a 'welfare magnet', like many liberal run cities do. Now NYC is a victim of its own success. Look for immigrants to choose other cities soon, with predictable results.
It's okay if Americans are victimized....as long as it's not them. I still haven't heard any of them bragging about taking in migrants yet.
It isn't even Americans being victimized that I expect bed wetters to even pretend to give a shit about.

They pretend they give a shit about these people, who end up risking their lives just to get to the border. Then they somehow come up with thousands of dollars to pay the cartels for passage across the border along with perhaps a complimentary rape. Then there's the sex slaves, the labor slaves, the potential terrorists, the drug runners and the folks who can not wait to exploit the free shit the democrook party will offer. Those people will remain dependent and in poverty until the collapse of the dollar. Then they will become feral.

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