Over 500 busses so far! You go boy!

It isn't even Americans being victimized that I expect bed wetters to even pretend to give a shit about.

They pretend they give a shit about these people, who end up risking their lives just to get to the border. Then they somehow come up with thousands of dollars to pay the cartels for passage across the border along with perhaps a complimentary rape. Then there's the sex slaves, the labor slaves, the potential terrorists, the drug runners and the folks who can not wait to exploit the free shit the democrook party will offer. Those people will remain dependent and in poverty until the collapse of the dollar. Then they will become feral.
Spot on! And how much you wanna bet that the coyotes have to share that take with the Federales eh?
Lol...yeah...both parties team up for that kill....that's the problem.
I want a hard core right winger. Someone that makes Pinochet look like a bed wetting liberal. We need someone that eradicates almost everything the DNC has done to the country since Andrew Jackson. He was possibly the last thing close to a decent human being the democrooks elected and he is guilty of genocide.
"Trust you"?
THAT sounds familiar.

The Feds on Abbott?
Never scared him before, WHY now?
As you wish...IMO Mexico would scream and the State Department would come swooping in with Federal Judges. I'm expecting NY and Cali to go there anyway.
Keeping them honest Mr. Greg Abbot has touched off a conflict that is not going away nor will it be stifled. Having relocated more than 30,000 migrants to the self proclaimed sanctuary cities (notice the total lack of self righteous headlines these days from full-a-shit mayors) who have been screeching racism for a decade at the border states. This is going to set him up for a POTUS run.

/——/ And as a result of the flood into a sanctuary city…
Sure he can.

Aliens :: Article I. Legislative Department :: US Constitution ...

View attachment 826493
https://law.justia.com › constitution › 46-aliens

Yet Congress is empowered to assert a considerable degree of control over aliens after their admission to the country. By the Alien Registration Act of 1940, ...

Just deny them admission.
Nowhere in your link does it say they can deport illegals.
In fact, Josh Hawley tried to give governors authority to deport last year. Know how far that law went?
Yet that's about 1/3 of the "migrants" that's been bussed to Sanctuary areas by the likes of Catholic Charities and the other "non-profit" resettlement .orgs.
Cut off government funding to the “charities” and that number drops to zero
Nowhere in your link does it say they can deport illegals.
In fact, Josh Hawley tried to give governors authority to deport last year. Know how far that law went?
As far as the State Department....

"Centrists" are complicit with the corruption of both sides and just want a cut.
Most Americans are 'center right'. Sadly, the political power brokers don't support centrists for office. Plus, voters are either extremists themselves or apathetic on election day. They want things to be right then elect those who take us further down the shithole.
Catholic Charities has a huge contract with the government.
Big $$$ straight to Pontifax Maximus Socialista! Prolly some real good kick back in there too!
Do you know that it was Democrats who fought GW BUSh's plan and Bill for the government to link up with religious charities and fund them?

democrats did NOT set this situation up, the republicans and religious right set this up.

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