Over-regulated America

I think we need better regulators and tougher enforcement rather than more complex crap that nobody understands. For God's sake, banks are scared to lend money as it is, and you want to make it harder?

Good post and reaction. I think also you are most correct. I see this applied down here along the southern frontier here in NM. It's still the old west down here and folks make it off the land in agribusiness and the like. It is so impossible in this vein to obey all the federal regulations that may or may not apply down here.

Folks then do what they must, laws be damned. With the agribusiness and farming it requires the rules of the land to be applied and spurious governmental rules simply cannot be deployed and obeyed for the most part. Your post points this out perfectly.

Down here along the border nobody wants more complex rules and regulations that are impossible to understand, let alone comply with.

It is very much The Old West.

Banks hire top mathematicians to formulate tricky new ways to skim off the top and make money disappear from the economy and end up in their pockets, if banks want simplicity in regulation then they should be prepared to drop their hideously complex ways of making money appear out of nowhere and vanish from sight. Their dark alchemy demands complex regulation.

Uh huh. And you "know" this about banks because . . . ?
Banks hire top mathematicians to formulate tricky new ways to skim off the top and make money disappear from the economy and end up in their pockets, if banks want simplicity in regulation then they should be prepared to drop their hideously complex ways of making money appear out of nowhere and vanish from sight. Their dark alchemy demands complex regulation.

Uh huh. And you "know" this about banks because . . . ?

It's fairly common knowledge but here's a link if you think I am just making stuff up.

BBC NEWS | Business | Mathematicians' role in market mayhem
Banks hire top mathematicians to formulate tricky new ways to skim off the top and make money disappear from the economy and end up in their pockets, if banks want simplicity in regulation then they should be prepared to drop their hideously complex ways of making money appear out of nowhere and vanish from sight. Their dark alchemy demands complex regulation.

Uh huh. And you "know" this about banks because . . . ?

It's fairly common knowledge but here's a link if you think I am just making stuff up.

BBC NEWS | Business | Mathematicians' role in market mayhem

Oh, WELL, the BBC thinks that American banks operate in an unregulated free-for-all, so that proves it. :cuckoo:

Or perhaps it's just that you're a dimwit who hears that banks use accountants to the best financial advantage they can, and assumes that means they just "magically" make money appear and disappear and are stealing and breaking the law.

Tell me something real that isn't your own paranoia-of-the-uneducated-prole assumption based on foreign newspapers, please.
Uh huh. And you "know" this about banks because . . . ?

It's fairly common knowledge but here's a link if you think I am just making stuff up.

BBC NEWS | Business | Mathematicians' role in market mayhem

Oh, WELL, the BBC thinks that American banks operate in an unregulated free-for-all, so that proves it. :cuckoo:

Or perhaps it's just that you're a dimwit who hears that banks use accountants to the best financial advantage they can, and assumes that means they just "magically" make money appear and disappear and are stealing and breaking the law.

Tell me something real that isn't your own paranoia-of-the-uneducated-prole assumption based on foreign newspapers, please.

You really need to take a good look at the methods the brokerage houses use to game the system. Some very dishonest and damaging things are legal only because the law is still in a pencil and paper mindset. You seem to be fine with acts that are similar in nature to embezzlement.
Uh huh. And you "know" this about banks because . . . ?

It's fairly common knowledge but here's a link if you think I am just making stuff up.

BBC NEWS | Business | Mathematicians' role in market mayhem

Oh, WELL, the BBC thinks that American banks operate in an unregulated free-for-all, so that proves it. :cuckoo:

Or perhaps it's just that you're a dimwit who hears that banks use accountants to the best financial advantage they can, and assumes that means they just "magically" make money appear and disappear and are stealing and breaking the law.

Tell me something real that isn't your own paranoia-of-the-uneducated-prole assumption based on foreign newspapers, please.

Also the article is from 2007

It does appear the British are starting to rethink the damage they
have done to their own economy

As Obama pushes new regulations, UK eyes privatizing its health care
Uh huh. And you "know" this about banks because . . . ?

It's fairly common knowledge but here's a link if you think I am just making stuff up.

BBC NEWS | Business | Mathematicians' role in market mayhem

Oh, WELL, the BBC thinks that American banks operate in an unregulated free-for-all, so that proves it. :cuckoo:

Or perhaps it's just that you're a dimwit who hears that banks use accountants to the best financial advantage they can, and assumes that means they just "magically" make money appear and disappear and are stealing and breaking the law.

Tell me something real that isn't your own paranoia-of-the-uneducated-prole assumption based on foreign newspapers, please.

Better check yosef befor ya reck yosef! CG has her neg hammer on a hair trigger and she don play that negativity on the Englais opinions..:eek:
Banks hire top mathematicians to formulate tricky new ways to skim off the top and make money disappear from the economy and end up in their pockets, if banks want simplicity in regulation then they should be prepared to drop their hideously complex ways of making money appear out of nowhere and vanish from sight. Their dark alchemy demands complex regulation.

I am inundated with offers to "go green" and not be mailed bills by my creditors. You think it is so they can save trees? No. It is so people will disregard e-mails and miss payments as a result; so they can levy late charges.
Banks hire top mathematicians to formulate tricky new ways to skim off the top and make money disappear from the economy and end up in their pockets, if banks want simplicity in regulation then they should be prepared to drop their hideously complex ways of making money appear out of nowhere and vanish from sight. Their dark alchemy demands complex regulation.

I am inundated with offers to "go green" and not be mailed bills by my creditors. You think it is so they can save trees? No. It is so people will disregard e-mails and miss payments as a result; so they can levy late charges.

Since banks are a necessity, their fees can be seen as taxation without representation, their fees on practically everything adds cost to everything and no one pays more than the people who live month to month.
Over rrgulation in the wrong areas is designed to cripple entrepraneurship and competitive markets at all levels.

It's not 'designed to', it is the result of the law of unintended consequences.

100% right. I like Romney's idea to have any regulation that is going to have an impact of $100M+ put to a congressional vote. It is a submission of power from the executive that is encouraging.
It's fairly common knowledge but here's a link if you think I am just making stuff up.

BBC NEWS | Business | Mathematicians' role in market mayhem

Oh, WELL, the BBC thinks that American banks operate in an unregulated free-for-all, so that proves it. :cuckoo:

Or perhaps it's just that you're a dimwit who hears that banks use accountants to the best financial advantage they can, and assumes that means they just "magically" make money appear and disappear and are stealing and breaking the law.

Tell me something real that isn't your own paranoia-of-the-uneducated-prole assumption based on foreign newspapers, please.

Better check yosef befor ya reck yosef! CG has her neg hammer on a hair trigger and she don play that negativity on the Englais opinions..:eek:

Now, now, Diaper Dude... don't lie. There's a good boy.
Underregulated America....

Credit default swaps destroy the world economy in 2008.

BP spills 2 million barrels of oil in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010.
Underregulated America....

Credit default swaps destroy the world economy in 2008.

BP spills 2 million barrels of oil in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010.

There is a big difference between bad regulation and under regulation. It was bad regulation, and a lack of oversight (that's the Government's fault, by the way)... that caused a huge amount of the problems during the 'recession'.

if the federal gov't concentrated on using regulation to promote free markets
and regulate things such as natural monopolies and public goods

We would be better off

Instead, the crony capitalism regulation promoted by both parties is
useless and is mostly used to protect market share and promote gov't causes
which have nothing to do with bettering the free markets and competition
Last edited:
Underregulated America....

Credit default swaps destroy the world economy in 2008.

BP spills 2 million barrels of oil in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010.

I think the problem was more a case of poor or lax enforcement of existing regs.
Underregulated America....
Credit default swaps destroy the world economy in 2008.

BP spills 2 million barrels of oil in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010.

I think the problem was more a case of poor or lax enforcement of existing regs.

Besides the Left should be happy about it
According to the MSM Papa Obama was instrumental in stopping it


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