Overrated Oprah gave a "passionate" tribute to Nelson Mandela on Thursday


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
saying that the former president “could have crushed his opponents with his power. But instead he chose to defeat them without ever dishonoring them.” The former talk show host went on to urge the youth of South Africa that “your day will come. I applaud your resilience.” Oprah was visiting South Africa to promote gender equality and address still pressuring issues of high unemployment, poverty and other social challenges persisting in africa
That filthy, ingrate, phony, racist LIAR Oprah whore, whose weight inflates and deflates on the hour, making that Oprabomination look like a walking lung. The Opig is sooo racist against the white people who made her a billionaire, that before she was rich enough to have her own private jet and used to fly commercial, she used to insist on ONLY black flight attendants serving her. And whenever she wrote books, she insisted on ONLY black publishers. And on the cruise to commemorate the overglorified, incoherent coke-whore poet Maya Angelou, Opig fired the cruise's white cruise director and hired a black. Not to mention her comments that older white people just "need to die" for racism to end.

Because its stupid, negroid brain can't figure out that its fellow black crybabies are always creating new young racists every day due to the black crybabies' gargantuan, record-setting crime epidemic against the white people this horrid, malicious, vindictive, utterly failed race blames for everything.
Nelson Mandela was a white-slaughtering terrorist maggot and that nagger brutally murdered plenty of his white political opponents by shoving a truck tire around them, filling it with gasoline, and lighting it on fire. So his many, many white victims would burn to death with molten rubber oozing into their flesh. That's the kind of evil genetically inherent to the most failed, quantifiably worthless race on this planet. I hope Mandela died pissing and shitting its pants.
What is overrated about her?
she has no talent with low IQ and is the richest black woman on earth
She is definitely richer than Trump...and became a multi-billionaire without her daddy giving her millions of dollars to start her out....
Yep, she had a tv network instead of a dad, which is even easier. Those networks put a hell of a lot more money into her than Trump ever got from his dad.
Nelson Mandela was a white-slaughtering terrorist maggot and that nagger brutally murdered plenty of his white political opponents by shoving a truck tire around them, filling it with gasoline, and lighting it on fire. So his many, many white victims would burn to death with molten rubber oozing into their flesh. That's the kind of evil genetically inherent to the most failed, quantifiably worthless race on this planet. I hope Mandela died pissing and shitting its pants.

Did you mean to put this on Stormfront, your racist ramblings are a disgrace.

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