Overreach Prevents Obama From Solving Problems


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
This article pretty much SUMS it up...............Face it folks, Obama doesn't give two shits about you...HIS VISIONS is more important and they are a danger to you and our LILVELYHOODS..you brought this down on us..shameful


Mona Charen | Feb 18, 2014

There are many reasons President Barack Obama's presidency has proven so ineffectual even by its own standards -- boosting economic growth, improving health care, preventing the spread of weapons of mass destruction, enhancing America's world reputation. One reason is that Obama is the most ideologically rigid president in American history. He believes in all the wrong ideas, and holds to them with mulish tenacity.

But there's a second reason that was on vivid display the past few days -- overweening arrogance. This president has no patience with attempting to solve the actual problems that afflict the people he was elected to serve. That's small beer. A great, world historical figure like himself cannot be tending to trivial matters, like whether Healthcare.gov will actually work, or whether there might be something the federal government can do to alleviate the effects of drought in California. Valerie Jarrett, the close aide who has been intimate with both Obamas for many years and is considered by many to be the most influential adviser in the White House, once described him as " ... Somebody with such extraordinary talents that had to be really taxed in order for him to be happy ... He's been bored to death his whole life. He's just too talented to do what ordinary people do." Or what ordinary politicians do, apparently.

Consider the California drought. It has been a very dry year for the state of California. So severe have drought conditions become that farmers in the Central Valley, which provides one-third of the nation's fruits and vegetables, have cut back their planting by 25 percent. An estimated 600,000 acres of farmland will lie fallow this year for lack of water.

Water has always been a relatively scarce resource in California, and previous droughts have created hardship. This may well be the most rainless winter in more than 100 years. But the farmers and ranchers of California have long relied on irrigation, not just rain, for their crops, and as National Review's Charles C.W. Cooke explains, the pumps that supply the Central Valley have been dramatically curtailed for the sake of a small fish called the delta smelt. The Natural Resources Defense Council won a case against the California water system, arguing that the pumps that extract water from the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta and send it south were "sucking in and shredding an unacceptable number of smelt." Since the Endangered Species Act covers the smelt, the pumps had to be dialed down.

all of it here
Overreach Prevents Obama From Solving Problems - Mona Charen - Page 1
Mulish tenacity. It can be your friend, it can be your enemy.

This guy isn't a problem solver, he's a trouble maker.
Obama reminds me of Chairman Mao.
The fucking Communist lunatic got it in his head that song birds were eating too much of the grain harvest so he put out a degree that all song birds must be killed.
Of course after virtually every song bird in China had been killed by school children some one in fear of his life told the Chairman that b/c the song birds were all dead the grass hoppers and locusts had no predators so there was a plague of the insects that destroyed virtually the entire grain harvest for years causing mass starvation.
If Chairman Obama had his way there would be ten thousand Solyndra manufacturing plants cranking out worthless over priced junk intended to be attached to hundreds of thousands of 'Volt's' roofs.
Exact same lunacy.
This what happens when the 'OJ jury' elects one of their own based solely on his skin color and the size of his 'promises'.

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