P. Diddy needs some help from whitey, because he cannot convince Black people how much power he has

So I am reviewing Mr. Combs website Revolt, as I prepare to respond to his whiney letter; and it is 99% music, and then there is an article about Lebron James ownership of the Dead Sox, and an update from the Chuaven Trial.

. . . And I will bet he despises Black people being depicted as minstrels.

The same feet these companies use to stand with us in solidarity are the same feet they use to stand on our necks.
Oh, how poetic - he must be very proud of that teaser.

When confronted by the leaders of several Black-owned media companies, General Motors (GM) listed my network, REVOLT, as an example of the Black-owned media it supports. While REVOLT does receive advertising revenue from GM, our relationship is not an example of success. Instead, REVOLT, just like other Black-owned media companies, fights for crumbs while GM makes billions of dollars every year from the Black community. Exposing GM’s historic refusal to fairly invest in Black-owned media is not an assassination of character, it’s exposing the way GM and many other advertisers have always treated us. No longer can Corporate America manipulate our community into believing that incremental progress is acceptable action.
Oh, no - what are you threatening, here - a BOYCOTT! :RockOn:
Corporations like General Motors have exploited our culture, undermined our power, and excluded Black entrepreneurs from participating in the value created by Black consumers.
Does P elaborate on how the companies that provide getaway vehicles explain how evil Whitey actually does this?
Corporations like General Motors have exploited our culture, undermined our power, and excluded Black entrepreneurs from participating in the value created by Black consumers.
No. Pretty good chance Black people have been given extra opportunity to produce innovation, and they have failed. It is probably a really really good chance that college educated Black people have been given some non-essential corporate offices and directorships and appeased for several years; and eventually, the appeasement goes to their heads, and they recognize that their ideas and their fellow Black employees' ideas are not being implemented. And so the Black corporate office holder thinks they are being discriminated against because they are black, and not because they are not very innovative.

In 2019, brands spent $239 billion on advertising. Less than 1% of that was invested in Black-owned media companies. Out of the roughly $3 billion General Motors spent on advertising, we estimate only $10 million was invested in Black-owned media. Only $10 million out of $3 billion! Like the rest of Corporate America, General Motors is telling us to sit down, shut up and be happy with what we get.

It’s disrespectful that Black-owned media companies only represent 1% of the total advertising market. It’s disrespectful that distributors refuse to carry Black-owned media brands in an era where our impact and influence is undeniable. It’s disrespectful that the same community that represents 14% of the population and spends over $1.4 trillion annually is still the most economically undervalued and underserved at every level. To repeat, $1.4 TRILLION ANNUALLY! The Almighty Black Dollar!
Why do you need money?
How much advertising does Black-owned companies spend?
Oh, is that what you do with the money from Big Corp - you spend it on advertizing your products, or do you pay your employees with it???
We demand that Corporate America reinvest an equitable percentage of what you take from our community back into our community. If the Black community represents 15% of your revenue, Black-owned media should receive at least 15% of the advertising spend.
Are companies allowed to register the race of their consumers - how does this work?
I will bet that companies put that number out to correspond with the population percentages - it might not be real.

What are the racial-consumer percentages for Black owned businesses?

Does not seem like you really want to go down this road.

The same way you understand the power of our dollars, we understand our power to take them away from any corporation that doesn’t give us the economic inclusion we deserve. We are prepared to weaponize our dollars.

If you love us, pay us! Not a token investment. Not a charity check or donation.

The time is now! Radical change is the only option. You’re either with us or you are on the other side.
What are the consequences? Boycotts???
Corporations like General Motors have exploited our culture, undermined our power, and excluded Black entrepreneurs from participating in the value created by Black consumers.

He's still pissed that Yeezy got Kim K. and he didn't. LOL

But really, Sean Combs is just another corporate whore, like his Hollywood pals.
If Black people had what Mr. Combs is trying to convince us that they have, then he would not be trying to convince us.

White supremacy lives rent-free in Black people's minds.

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