PA liberal governor has opened the penitentiary doors

These guys are all in their 50's... I doubt they are going to commit any more crimes.
Also I had no idea no one commits crimes at the ripe old age of fifty.
Once you hit 50 you get a get-out-of-jail-free card.

I'm 58. I've never been arrested, never convicted of any crime, never been in jail; but I must wonder what crime I could commit, now, if I were so inclined, that Incel Joe would think I should be let off easy on, because I'm in my fifties, and not likely to commit any more crimes.
It's wrong that any of these pieces of shit were allowed to continue to keep wasting space, oxygen, and other resources that could have been used to the benefit of human beings, once their guilt had been reliably enough established.

I guess if you are out for revenge, um, yeah.

I see there is a difference between let's say, a John Wayne Gacy and some dumb kid who got talked into a stickup and some old guy had a heart attack. But I don't belong to a cult that is into sadism like you are.

Now, I'm going to try to take a second to discuss this logically. Is it an effective use of resources to lock someone up or to go through the years of court filings to maybe execute someone? 2020 was a year when the Federal Government executed more people than all the states combined because Trump is objectively awful.

I oppose the death penalty for a very sensible reason. Because you run too high of a risk of executing someone who is innocent. Even with all the "safeguards", 162 people who were sent to death row were exonerated. This is 10% of the people we've actually managed to execute.

I get angry when I see a Gacy thumbing his nose at the system for years taking every appeal before they strapped him to a gurney. But I get equally upset when the State of Illinois framed Rolando Cruz and kept prosecuting him even after someone else confessed to the crime because they couldn't admit they made a mistake.

But of course, you're on the side of subhuman criminal pieces of shit, against that of human beings. All your efforts to try to portray yourself as anything human notwithstanding, it seems much more likely that you, yourself, are no human, but a subhuman criminals piece of shit no better than those whose side you consistently take. It is certainly obvious to all who read your posts that your mind and your character are far more consistent with those of a subhuman criminal piece of shit, than those of a human being.

Naw, man, I'm on the side of "If something isn't working, stop doing that."

Look, buddy, we've tried it YOUR way. We created a huge Prison industrial complex where we spend 80 BILLION a year to keep 2.3 million people behind bars. Yet you are Bitterly Clinging to your gun and your Book of Mormon, terrified of crime.

The definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing and expecting a different result.
I'm 58. I've never been arrested, never convicted of any crime, never been in jail; but I must wonder what crime I could commit, now, if I were so inclined, that Incel Joe would think I should be let off easy on, because I'm in my fifties, and not likely to commit any more crimes.

I'm 58, I've never been arrested. But I would want the judge to actually look at the totality of your life.

For instance, if you got angry and hit someone because they made Mormon Jokes in front of you and they accidently died, I would expect that should treat you differently than if they found a bunch of dead hookers in your crawlspace.

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