PA Official Glorifies Teenage Terrorist in Live PA TV Broadcast

The South Africans honor Nelson Mandela. He was a terrorist according to the whites, a freedom fighter according to the non-whites.

You sound very juvenile like you are a young person. Is anyone stopping you from becoming a shaheed? Just make sure you are someplace deserted like the Mojave Desert.

You sound, not only juvenile, but uneducated with respect to history. What I stated is a fact, that no one on either side of the South Africa conflict would disagree with. Freedom Fighters and Terrorists are one and the same, depending on the point of view of the observer.

Bullshit. Freedom fighters attack government forces.
Terrorists attack civilians and government forces
"And in your mind, that's an excuse for deliberately targeting civilians? How about murdering Olympic athletes? Blowing up airplanes?"

Of course, how else could the non-whites in South Africa overcome apartheid? They bombed white shopping centers and killed civilians. How do you think the Algerians forced the French out of their country? When one is oppressed by an opponent with overwhelming arms superiority, asymmetric warfare is the only option. Unfortunate, but true. Usually, the opponent with an overwhelming arms superiority does far more damage and kills many more of the oppressed, that's the way it goes. The Rhodesians were extremely effective in killing blacks, but the black's ability to use asymmetric and some British pressure resulted in the creation of Zimbabwe and the end of white rule.

Mandela eschewed violence against people. He was all for blowing up buildings but he was smart enough to realize that once you kill an innocent civilian you have lost the moral and ethical argument. That's one reason why he was admired by almost all people in South Africa.

The ANC's use of violence actually hindered the anti-apartheid movement in SA.
You sound very juvenile like you are a young person. Is anyone stopping you from becoming a shaheed? Just make sure you are someplace deserted like the Mojave Desert.

You sound, not only juvenile, but uneducated with respect to history. What I stated is a fact, that no one on either side of the South Africa conflict would disagree with. Freedom Fighters and Terrorists are one and the same, depending on the point of view of the observer.

Bullshit. Freedom fighters attack government forces.
Terrorists attack civilians and government forces

So, based on this Mandela was a terrorist. Not many would agree with you.
"Mandela eschewed violence against people."

Actually, he approved the Church Street bombing and admitted he did so. Just googl Church Street bombing and Mandela and you can find the interview. He was also arrested at a hideout which contained weapons and bomb making material and plans to place a bomb at a shopping center, prior to the Church Street bombing.
You sound, not only juvenile, but uneducated with respect to history. What I stated is a fact, that no one on either side of the South Africa conflict would disagree with. Freedom Fighters and Terrorists are one and the same, depending on the point of view of the observer.

Bullshit. Freedom fighters attack government forces.
Terrorists attack civilians and government forces

So, based on this Mandela was a terrorist. Not many would agree with you.
Recent article of Mandela and his connection to terrorism.

‘Go safely Umkhonto. Umkhonto we Sizwe. We the members of the Umkhonto have pledged ourselves to kill them — kill the whites.” These are lyrics from the anthem of Umkhonto we Sizwe, or “Spear of the Nation.” The organization is better known as the MK, the military wing of the Marxist African National Congress (ANC). The MK was established by its commander, Nelson Mandela, to prosecute a terrorist war against South Africa’s racist apartheid regime.

Mandela had been out of prison for about two years in September 1992 when, fist clenched in the “black power” salute, he was filmed singing the anthem with a number of his comrades. Interestingly, but not ironically, as Mandela and others repeated the refrain about killing Boer farmers, it was a white man who stood next to him, similarly clench-fisted and singing. The man’s name is Ronnie Kasrils. A Soviet-trained terrorist who helped Mandela found the MK, Kasrils was a member of the Central Committee of the South African Communist Party.

So was Mandela. No surprise there: Communism was, and remains, the animating ideology of the ANC. That makes it the enduring tragedy of South Africa.

Remembering Mandela, without Rose-Colored Glasses | National Review Online
The thread is about asymmetrical warfare, where one side has an overwhelming superiority in arms. Desperation can induce combatants to use horrific tactics to prosecute a war or fend off defeat against a better armed opponent. I would prefer that the young not be used for suicide attacks.

By the way, the "Muslims" are not the first and only people to use "suicide missions/bombers".

"In 1831, During the Belgian Revolution, Dutch Lieutenant Jan van Speijk detonated his own ship in the harbour of Antwerp to prevent its capture by the Belgians. Prussian soldier Karl Klinke who sacrificed his life in an effort to blow a hole in a Danish fortification at the Battle of Dybbøl in 1864.... LTTE (Tamil Tigers who are Hindu) perfected the art of suicide bombing and used effectively as weapon in Sri Lankan war. They were considered most dreaded and successful terrorists organisation due to their suicide squad. Among Tiger victims: Sri Lankan President Ranasinghe Premadasa , the head of the Sri Lankan air force, a minister of national security, an opposition leader and a former prime minister of India, Rajiv Gandhi. In July 2001, they blew up half of the Sri Lankan national airline's small fleet of jets. LTTE is credited to develop the suicide vests, which can be used to strap around body. LTTE carried out close to 115 suicide bombings. LTTE used women close to 30 percent of the time when carrying out such suicide attacks. "

Suicide Missions: Nothing Islamic about it |
The thread is about asymmetrical warfare, where one side has an overwhelming superiority in arms. Desperation can induce combatants to use horrific tactics to prosecute a war or fend off defeat against a better armed opponent. I would prefer that the young not be used for suicide attacks.

By the way, the "Muslims" are not the first and only people to use "suicide missions/bombers".

"In 1831, During the Belgian Revolution, Dutch Lieutenant Jan van Speijk detonated his own ship in the harbour of Antwerp to prevent its capture by the Belgians. Prussian soldier Karl Klinke who sacrificed his life in an effort to blow a hole in a Danish fortification at the Battle of Dybbøl in 1864.... LTTE (Tamil Tigers who are Hindu) perfected the art of suicide bombing and used effectively as weapon in Sri Lankan war. They were considered most dreaded and successful terrorists organisation due to their suicide squad. Among Tiger victims: Sri Lankan President Ranasinghe Premadasa , the head of the Sri Lankan air force, a minister of national security, an opposition leader and a former prime minister of India, Rajiv Gandhi. In July 2001, they blew up half of the Sri Lankan national airline's small fleet of jets. LTTE is credited to develop the suicide vests, which can be used to strap around body. LTTE carried out close to 115 suicide bombings. LTTE used women close to 30 percent of the time when carrying out such suicide attacks. "

Suicide Missions: Nothing Islamic about it |

How about being honest and tell us which group is actually employing suicide bombings in the world of today. Meanwhile, back to the title of this thread. Do you agree that young people should be encouraged to become suicide bombers, and do you think they should be treated as heoes for blowing themselves up while of course taking out innocent people with them? I, myself, feel it is very sad when young people are convinced to be suicide bombers. You will noticer that those encouraging the young people never volunteer to blow themselves up. They are willing to let children do the dirty deed for them. In fact, I once read that someone asked a Hamas leader how come his own children don't become suicide bombers, and he said that they have better things to do, meaning let somebody's else children become a suicide bomber.

Countering Child Suicide Bombers: Interview With Brooke Goldstein :: Children's Rights Institute
The thread is about asymmetrical warfare, where one side has an overwhelming superiority in arms. Desperation can induce combatants to use horrific tactics to prosecute a war or fend off defeat against a better armed opponent. I would prefer that the young not be used for suicide attacks.

By the way, the "Muslims" are not the first and only people to use "suicide missions/bombers".

"In 1831, During the Belgian Revolution, Dutch Lieutenant Jan van Speijk detonated his own ship in the harbour of Antwerp to prevent its capture by the Belgians. Prussian soldier Karl Klinke who sacrificed his life in an effort to blow a hole in a Danish fortification at the Battle of Dybbøl in 1864.... LTTE (Tamil Tigers who are Hindu) perfected the art of suicide bombing and used effectively as weapon in Sri Lankan war. They were considered most dreaded and successful terrorists organisation due to their suicide squad. Among Tiger victims: Sri Lankan President Ranasinghe Premadasa , the head of the Sri Lankan air force, a minister of national security, an opposition leader and a former prime minister of India, Rajiv Gandhi. In July 2001, they blew up half of the Sri Lankan national airline's small fleet of jets. LTTE is credited to develop the suicide vests, which can be used to strap around body. LTTE carried out close to 115 suicide bombings. LTTE used women close to 30 percent of the time when carrying out such suicide attacks. "

Suicide Missions: Nothing Islamic about it |

Care to show us other groups engaging in suicide bombing now?

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