Pakistan blasphemy death sentence overturned.

When someone breaks the law where they reside.

They are subject to that country's legal system and penalties. ..... :cool:
Some laws shouldn't be enacted.
Islam's blasphemy laws are an excellent example. All it takes is an anti-Christian (anti-infidel) individual or group to falsely claim a Christian/infidel committed blasphemy and it's off to prison and worse for the poor Christian. It's part of the core teachings in the Koran to hate non-believers, especially the people of the book and Jews. Although the world would be better off without any of the Abrahamic religions, Islam is the worst and most violent of the lot.
yes well, rest asurred some of us men are on your side , as long as we can wave our wands in your gizzards that is....:banana:
I can believe you don't know those words that started a revolution and eventually the United States of America. .... You might want to check out the Declaration of Independence.
The OP is about a crime that happened in Saudi Arabia under Sharia law, and has nothing to do with America or the Declaration of Independence. ... :cool:
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The story is about Pakistan and its Supreme Court finding evidence insufficient to convict was accepted by a lower court and an innocent person condemned to death.
Since religion itself is blasphemy, what utter hypocrisy to have such rules anywhere. The very idea is repugnant to any thinking person.
Are there rights that are 'inalienable'? Or, should subjective constraints be allowed to be imposed merely because subjective believers insist they are objective? When will humanity mature to the point that this kind of folly disappears?
When someone breaks the law where they reside.

They are subject to that country's legal system and penalties. ..... :cool:
That only applies to civilized societies with normal justice systems, not Muslim shit countries.. We can control the courts of Muslim shit countries through outside pressure. They cannot do the same to us. That's how you know they suck.
At least the Pakistani Supreme Court showed some courage in doing the right thing.
Are there rights that are 'inalienable'? Or, should subjective constraints be allowed to be imposed merely because subjective believers insist they are objective?

good Q

Perhaps our own scotus serves as best example , re; the Fred Phelps church of insanity >>>>Snyder v. Phelps - Wikipedia

this is exactly why any hint of therocray ,celestial morality , or religmo rationale need not apply to governance

Some truths are found to be self-evident.
Which so called "truths"? ... :dunno:

Self-evident to whom?? ... :cool:

I'm so not surprised you don't know or recognized the words from Thomas Jefferson he wrote in the Declaration of Independence.

Those truths are that all men are created equal and endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights. Those being Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. I know those words by heart and never have to look them up. I had a proper education, I love our nation and the document that started the revolution that won our freedom from a monarch.

They are self evident to Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, John Hancock, Samual Adams, John Adams, and the 51 other patriots who put their lives on the line when they signed that declaration. Some are the founders of this nation. I'm sure you don't know every person who signed that document signed their death warrant. Those who were captured by the British were killed for signing that document.

I can believe you don't know those words that started a revolution and eventually the United States of America.

From what I've read of your posts you hate America.You hate what we stand for and you hate anyone who doesn't share your views.

You might want to check out the Declaration of Independence. It's easy to find. You just have to get off the porn sites and political boards.

you (Dana) should learn the details of shariah law ---especially those
that impact on non-muslims. Feel free to ask questions
When someone breaks the law where they reside.

They are subject to that country's legal system and penalties. ..... :cool:
Yep just like in Israel. :04:

UNFORTUNATELY----Israel refuses to apply "shariah-like" laws to
muslims living in the Jewish country. Ejection of all muslims from
the holy jewish city of Jerusalem would be justified based on equity
with Islamic laws ----feel free to ask questions
Some truths are found to be self-evident.
Which so called "truths"? ... :dunno:

Self-evident to whom?? ... :cool:

I'm so not surprised you don't know or recognized the words from Thomas Jefferson he wrote in the Declaration of Independence.

Those truths are that all men are created equal and endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights. Those being Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. I know those words by heart and never have to look them up. I had a proper education, I love our nation and the document that started the revolution that won our freedom from a monarch.

They are self evident to Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, John Hancock, Samual Adams, John Adams, and the 51 other patriots who put their lives on the line when they signed that declaration. Some are the founders of this nation. I'm sure you don't know every person who signed that document signed their death warrant. Those who were captured by the British were killed for signing that document.

I can believe you don't know those words that started a revolution and eventually the United States of America.

From what I've read of your posts you hate America.You hate what we stand for and you hate anyone who doesn't share your views.

You might want to check out the Declaration of Independence. It's easy to find. You just have to get off the porn sites and political boards.
Problem is, THESE crimes are not so "self evident." I'm glad she beat the rap, the left here want to destroy those who don't comply with OUR "self evident truths." Half the population HATES your tyranny.
While 'rose' is somewhat virulent in attitude towards the faith of Mohammed, what she is saying is essentially the case.
That blasphemy is even a crime, let alone punishable, condemns the associated culture. There are many and even more important examples other than blasphemy.
The argument is not about or against any particular religion practiced by choice by an individual. It takes practice to become perfect.
After becoming perfect, one may proselytize.
While 'rose' is somewhat virulent in attitude towards the faith of Mohammed, what she is saying is essentially the case.
That blasphemy is even a crime, let alone punishable, condemns the associated culture. There are many and even more important examples other than blasphemy.
The argument is not about or against any particular religion practiced by choice by an individual. It takes practice to become perfect.
After becoming perfect, one may proselytize.

all religions that advocate proselytizing-----IF they gain lots of
power, ------~~~~~~ become genocidal----it is a FIRM lesson
of history
While 'rose' is somewhat virulent in attitude towards the faith of Mohammed, what she is saying is essentially the case.
That blasphemy is even a crime, let alone punishable, condemns the associated culture. There are many and even more important examples other than blasphemy.
The argument is not about or against any particular religion practiced by choice by an individual. It takes practice to become perfect.
After becoming perfect, one may proselytize.

all religions that advocate proselytizing-----IF they gain lots of
power, ------~~~~~~ become genocidal----it is a FIRM lesson
of history
None are perfect.

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