Pakistani Spy Ring Mastermind Shrugs Off Trump-Fueled Economy $1k Bonuses to Middle Class


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
$1k will buy a lot of packs of cigarettes in prison, I am told, which is the real currency in prison where she should be right now.

Following in the footsteps of Nancy 'Peanuts' Pelosi, traitor DWS attempted to downplay the embarrassment of the Democrats prediction of 'Armageddon' as a result of Trump's Tax Reform, stating:

"Frankly, if you look at the bonuses, which I haven't heard of a corporate bonus more than $1,000 so far—which by the way is taxed, so it's not $1,000 And then you spread $1,000 over the course of a year—to think of about how much that is—of course they get it all at once. But I'm not sure that $1,000—which is taxed, taxable—goes very far for almost anyone."

Putting $1k of their own money back into the pockets of Middle Class Americans was not worth the effort for Democrats to pass Tax Reform Legislation, but it was 'little' enough to cause them to oppose it and attempt to deny it.

Besides, that money could have gone to helping Democrats in their stand with illegals over Americans...which they prefer, as the Schumer Shutdown demonstrated.

Democrats like this traitor are right on the mark, right - if Middle Class Americans can not get MORE than $1,000 more dollars a year back in their pockets then they would rather have none at all...right?!


Wasserman Schultz shrugs off $1,000 bonuses tied to tax reform, says won't go 'very far'
She might want to check these 2 links out, but be prepared to eat her words. Lol
List of Tax Reform Good News
Boom: 164 companies give bonuses, lower fees to millions, citing Trump tax cuts
$1k will buy a lot of packs of cigarettes in prison, I am told, which is the real currency in prison where she should be right now.

Following in the footsteps of Nancy 'Peanuts' Pelosi, traitor DWS attempted to downplay the embarrassment of the Democrats prediction of 'Armageddon' as a result of Trump's Tax Reform, stating:

"Frankly, if you look at the bonuses, which I haven't heard of a corporate bonus more than $1,000 so far—which by the way is taxed, so it's not $1,000 And then you spread $1,000 over the course of a year—to think of about how much that is—of course they get it all at once. But I'm not sure that $1,000—which is taxed, taxable—goes very far for almost anyone."

Putting $1k of their own money back into the pockets of Middle Class Americans was not worth the effort for Democrats to pass Tax Reform Legislation, but it was 'little' enough to cause them to oppose it and attempt to deny it.

Besides, that money could have gone to helping Democrats in their stand with illegals over Americans...which they prefer, as the Schumer Shutdown demonstrated.

Democrats like this traitor are right on the mark, right - if Middle Class Americans can not get MORE than $1,000 more dollars a year back in their pockets then they would rather have none at all...right?!


Wasserman Schultz shrugs off $1,000 bonuses tied to tax reform, says won't go 'very far'
She won't. She KNOWS she and the Democrats are wrong, that they were lying the whole time, and that they were engaging in 'FEAR-MONGERING'...and now egg is all over their faces. They followed this disaster up by following Schumer in standing beside illegals rather than Americans to affect the 'Schumer Shutdown'.
$1k will buy a lot of packs of cigarettes in prison, I am told, which is the real currency in prison where she should be right now.

Following in the footsteps of Nancy 'Peanuts' Pelosi, traitor DWS attempted to downplay the embarrassment of the Democrats prediction of 'Armageddon' as a result of Trump's Tax Reform, stating:

"Frankly, if you look at the bonuses, which I haven't heard of a corporate bonus more than $1,000 so far—which by the way is taxed, so it's not $1,000 And then you spread $1,000 over the course of a year—to think of about how much that is—of course they get it all at once. But I'm not sure that $1,000—which is taxed, taxable—goes very far for almost anyone."

Putting $1k of their own money back into the pockets of Middle Class Americans was not worth the effort for Democrats to pass Tax Reform Legislation, but it was 'little' enough to cause them to oppose it and attempt to deny it.

Besides, that money could have gone to helping Democrats in their stand with illegals over Americans...which they prefer, as the Schumer Shutdown demonstrated.

Democrats like this traitor are right on the mark, right - if Middle Class Americans can not get MORE than $1,000 more dollars a year back in their pockets then they would rather have none at all...right?!


Wasserman Schultz shrugs off $1,000 bonuses tied to tax reform, says won't go 'very far'
if it doesn't go very far, then they don't need it.
if it doesn't go very far, then they don't need it.
That's what liberals want Americans to think / what Liberals use to try to justify denying Americans that money.
sorry - i wasn't clear. if giving me $1k won't mean much to me, then it shouldn't mean anything to them. i mean, it's not that much, don't worry about it. :) or give me $2k back a year.
a spy ring huh?

like Republipukes, they arent very successful are they

I mean if they make it to the internet and show up on some RW message board covert operation isn't their forte' is it.

spy ring my ass .. :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
sorry - i wasn't clear. if giving me $1k won't mean much to me, then it shouldn't mean anything to them. i mean, it's not that much, don't worry about it. :) or give me $2k back a year.
Thank you for the clarification...and I agree.

Liberals believe any money you get back, even though they took it from you to begin with, is theirs. Any you get back is because they allow you to have some of their money.

Liberals love re-distribution of wealth, especially to terrorists/foreign enemies/illegals, as long as it is not THEIR money getting re-distributed.

DWS demonstrates how they believe they know how to spend your money better than you do and believe they have the authority to tell you that getting $1k of your money back is not worth it to you and not worth their time trying to make happen, not when they can spend it much better than you can.
sorry - i wasn't clear. if giving me $1k won't mean much to me, then it shouldn't mean anything to them. i mean, it's not that much, don't worry about it. :) or give me $2k back a year.
Thank you for the clarification...and I agree.

Liberals believe any money you get back, even though they took it from you to begin with, is theirs. Any you get back is because they allow you to have some of their money.

Liberals love re-distribution of wealth, especially to terrorists/foreign enemies/illegals, as long as it is not THEIR money getting re-distributed.

DWS demonstrates how they believe they know how to spend your money better than you do and believe they have the authority to tell you that getting $1k of your money back is not worth it to you and not worth their time trying to make happen, not when they can spend it much better than you can.

quit lying about the 1000 bucks, its 600 after taxes
sorry - i wasn't clear. if giving me $1k won't mean much to me, then it shouldn't mean anything to them. i mean, it's not that much, don't worry about it. :) or give me $2k back a year.
Thank you for the clarification...and I agree.

Liberals believe any money you get back, even though they took it from you to begin with, is theirs. Any you get back is because they allow you to have some of their money.

Liberals love re-distribution of wealth, especially to terrorists/foreign enemies/illegals, as long as it is not THEIR money getting re-distributed.

DWS demonstrates how they believe they know how to spend your money better than you do and believe they have the authority to tell you that getting $1k of your money back is not worth it to you and not worth their time trying to make happen, not when they can spend it much better than you can.

quit lying about the 1000 bucks, its 600 after taxes
Do you know how much of an idiot you sound like, when you are ranting against me about what a reporter wrote in an article?!

sorry - i wasn't clear. if giving me $1k won't mean much to me, then it shouldn't mean anything to them. i mean, it's not that much, don't worry about it. :) or give me $2k back a year.
Thank you for the clarification...and I agree.

Liberals believe any money you get back, even though they took it from you to begin with, is theirs. Any you get back is because they allow you to have some of their money.

Liberals love re-distribution of wealth, especially to terrorists/foreign enemies/illegals, as long as it is not THEIR money getting re-distributed.

DWS demonstrates how they believe they know how to spend your money better than you do and believe they have the authority to tell you that getting $1k of your money back is not worth it to you and not worth their time trying to make happen, not when they can spend it much better than you can.
well they just want to think they can spend money better than i can. promise that they can't. :)
sorry - i wasn't clear. if giving me $1k won't mean much to me, then it shouldn't mean anything to them. i mean, it's not that much, don't worry about it. :) or give me $2k back a year.
Thank you for the clarification...and I agree.

Liberals believe any money you get back, even though they took it from you to begin with, is theirs. Any you get back is because they allow you to have some of their money.

Liberals love re-distribution of wealth, especially to terrorists/foreign enemies/illegals, as long as it is not THEIR money getting re-distributed.

DWS demonstrates how they believe they know how to spend your money better than you do and believe they have the authority to tell you that getting $1k of your money back is not worth it to you and not worth their time trying to make happen, not when they can spend it much better than you can.

quit lying about the 1000 bucks, its 600 after taxes
so the gov got 40% of my money anyway - why do they have to get it all?
She won't. She KNOWS she and the Democrats are wrong, that they were lying the whole time, and that they were engaging in 'FEAR-MONGERING'...and now egg is all over their faces. They followed this disaster up by following Schumer in standing beside illegals rather than Americans to affect the 'Schumer Shutdown'.
Rotten Eggs

How much are we paying for the education of DACA maggots?
I guess Democrats are bummed because that is $1k per tax paying citizen they will not be able to use to pay off their victims of sexual misconduct....


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