Palestine Travel Show - please share it

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Well thats about as wildly off topic as it can get.

I was hoping for another gut buster Travelshoe.

Travel in the Arab Muslim area of Israel is about the worst idea I've heard in a long time.
So looking at the travel issues this little darling pops up,d.amc

So by all means, lets have a travel club, all go to the Arab Muslim areas and end up stuck there. Perfect.

At least that way we have all our terrorist supporters in one place. Living right next to the terrorists.

Are you planing any trips to Syria ?


Sorry Travelshoe but this is one of the funniest ideas to hit this page in a while. My apologies if I'm having a bit to much fun wiht it.

You can't be serious.

A, what happens when one of your travelers gets attacked or even killed. There's zero law or legitimate courts over there. Your victim is just as likely to be found guilty of the crime as the Arab Muslim is.

B, what happens if your victim ends up in jail. And what expenses are associated with being involved in a crime over there ? Do you even know ? Even the victim will incur costs, does your companies insurance cover those costs ?

C, What warnings are you informing your travelers of ? If you downplay those warnings as you have here, how liable are you when one of your travelers is attacked ?

D, Even with a passport travel is forbidden into and out of many Arab Muslim area for months at a time. You promised someone a safe one week trip and now they are stuck for months, who pays for that ?

I run a business, used to run several, I gotta say, this is about the dumbest idea for a business I've ever heard.

Its so ridiculously stupid and fraught with liability concerns I'm guessing your just playing a PR joke on us.

I will admit it was pretty funny
Thanks for the link. :thup:

Three Swedish children and their father are stuck in Gaza unable to travel back to Sweden despite their having Swedish passports and help from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.

Swedish Radio news reports that the family has been ready to leave since June, but Israeli bureaucracy and a closed border between the Gaza Strip and Egypt have prevented them from leaving.​

Clearly if you have a problem it is with fucking Israel.
Originally posted by ForeverYoung436
Israel HAS to have these laws in place. Gazans are animals. When a teen-aged Alisa Flatow tried to visit Gaza, she was burned to death.

If I were a palestinian arab this would probably be my reply, ForeverYoung:

"These are the laws of mankind, european invader:

Share the land you stole from us or be attacked, with deadly force, for as long as we consider it appropriate.

Since when has an invited guest been an invader, and to ice the cake since when has an invader invaded their own lands ?

Or are you another Jew hater that thinks international law should never work in the Jews favour ?
So looking at the travel issues this little darling pops up,d.amc

So by all means, lets have a travel club, all go to the Arab Muslim areas and end up stuck there. Perfect.

At least that way we have all our terrorist supporters in one place. Living right next to the terrorists.

Are you planing any trips to Syria ?


Sorry Travelshoe but this is one of the funniest ideas to hit this page in a while. My apologies if I'm having a bit to much fun wiht it.

You can't be serious.

A, what happens when one of your travelers gets attacked or even killed. There's zero law or legitimate courts over there. Your victim is just as likely to be found guilty of the crime as the Arab Muslim is.

B, what happens if your victim ends up in jail. And what expenses are associated with being involved in a crime over there ? Do you even know ? Even the victim will incur costs, does your companies insurance cover those costs ?

C, What warnings are you informing your travelers of ? If you downplay those warnings as you have here, how liable are you when one of your travelers is attacked ?

D, Even with a passport travel is forbidden into and out of many Arab Muslim area for months at a time. You promised someone a safe one week trip and now they are stuck for months, who pays for that ?

I run a business, used to run several, I gotta say, this is about the dumbest idea for a business I've ever heard.

Its so ridiculously stupid and fraught with liability concerns I'm guessing your just playing a PR joke on us.

I will admit it was pretty funny
Thanks for the link. :thup:

Three Swedish children and their father are stuck in Gaza unable to travel back to Sweden despite their having Swedish passports and help from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.

Swedish Radio news reports that the family has been ready to leave since June, but Israeli bureaucracy and a closed border between the Gaza Strip and Egypt have prevented them from leaving.​

Clearly if you have a problem it is with fucking Israel.

Are you having geography problems again as Egypt is on the other side of gaza to Israel, and hamas control the crossing.
So looking at the travel issues this little darling pops up,d.amc

So by all means, lets have a travel club, all go to the Arab Muslim areas and end up stuck there. Perfect.

At least that way we have all our terrorist supporters in one place. Living right next to the terrorists.

Are you planing any trips to Syria ?


Sorry Travelshoe but this is one of the funniest ideas to hit this page in a while. My apologies if I'm having a bit to much fun wiht it.

You can't be serious.

A, what happens when one of your travelers gets attacked or even killed. There's zero law or legitimate courts over there. Your victim is just as likely to be found guilty of the crime as the Arab Muslim is.

B, what happens if your victim ends up in jail. And what expenses are associated with being involved in a crime over there ? Do you even know ? Even the victim will incur costs, does your companies insurance cover those costs ?

C, What warnings are you informing your travelers of ? If you downplay those warnings as you have here, how liable are you when one of your travelers is attacked ?

D, Even with a passport travel is forbidden into and out of many Arab Muslim area for months at a time. You promised someone a safe one week trip and now they are stuck for months, who pays for that ?

I run a business, used to run several, I gotta say, this is about the dumbest idea for a business I've ever heard.

Its so ridiculously stupid and fraught with liability concerns I'm guessing your just playing a PR joke on us.

I will admit it was pretty funny
Thanks for the link. :thup:

Three Swedish children and their father are stuck in Gaza unable to travel back to Sweden despite their having Swedish passports and help from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.

Swedish Radio news reports that the family has been ready to leave since June, but Israeli bureaucracy and a closed border between the Gaza Strip and Egypt have prevented them from leaving.​

Clearly if you have a problem it is with fucking Israel.

Are you having geography problems again as Egypt is on the other side of gaza to Israel, and hamas control the crossing.
Nope, Egypt is paid billions of dollars by the US to suck up to Israel.
So looking at the travel issues this little darling pops up,d.amc

So by all means, lets have a travel club, all go to the Arab Muslim areas and end up stuck there. Perfect.

At least that way we have all our terrorist supporters in one place. Living right next to the terrorists.

Are you planing any trips to Syria ?


Sorry Travelshoe but this is one of the funniest ideas to hit this page in a while. My apologies if I'm having a bit to much fun wiht it.

You can't be serious.

A, what happens when one of your travelers gets attacked or even killed. There's zero law or legitimate courts over there. Your victim is just as likely to be found guilty of the crime as the Arab Muslim is.

B, what happens if your victim ends up in jail. And what expenses are associated with being involved in a crime over there ? Do you even know ? Even the victim will incur costs, does your companies insurance cover those costs ?

C, What warnings are you informing your travelers of ? If you downplay those warnings as you have here, how liable are you when one of your travelers is attacked ?

D, Even with a passport travel is forbidden into and out of many Arab Muslim area for months at a time. You promised someone a safe one week trip and now they are stuck for months, who pays for that ?

I run a business, used to run several, I gotta say, this is about the dumbest idea for a business I've ever heard.

Its so ridiculously stupid and fraught with liability concerns I'm guessing your just playing a PR joke on us.

I will admit it was pretty funny
Thanks for the link. :thup:

Three Swedish children and their father are stuck in Gaza unable to travel back to Sweden despite their having Swedish passports and help from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.

Swedish Radio news reports that the family has been ready to leave since June, but Israeli bureaucracy and a closed border between the Gaza Strip and Egypt have prevented them from leaving.​

Clearly if you have a problem it is with fucking Israel.


I love this thread.

So the Gazans commit one terrorist act after another leading the international community placing restrictions on their movement and you point fingers at Israel. LOL What about Egypt ? why don't they leave through Egypt genius ?

And where is our travel guide ;--)

He should have all the answers ;--)

After all, it was a one week vacation wasn't it ? We all want to know how we get home ;--)

Or even just out of that hell hole you call a vacation destination.
Originally posted by Boston1
Well then Hoser I guess the only appropriate response is


And we'll see who cracks first ;--)

Its really too bad one can't really convey the stench from that street sewer.

Must make a great vacation site tho LOL

My imaginary Palestinian would probably say:

"Go ahead, invader...

Do to us what your fellow colonists did to the natives in North America.

Destroy our food sources, our sewer system, exterminate 70%, 80% of our people...

If the blow is devastating enough, I GUARANTEE YOU no one will shoot, bomb and stab your soldiers and civilians anymore.

The tacit, unspoken rules that have been "regulating" land grabs since the dawn of man are pretty simple:

You steal my land and I fight back.

As long as the natives fight, it's up for grabs.

If you manage to break their will to fight, the land is yours... however much you can take.

But the decision to die fighting or live like a dog begging his master for mercy without a semblance of human dignity belongs to them and nobody else.

How melodramatic can you get! Israel hasn't "exterminated" the Arabs by 80%, the Palestinians have increased by 80%. And the Judaic people are the natives there.
Originally posted by ForeveYoung436
And the Judaic people are the natives there.

The ancient, semitic Jews who inhabited Judea 2000 years ago were indeed natives of the land and as such they had every right to resist the Roman occupation of their land just like palestinian arabs are doing today.

They lost their right to live in Palestine as Jews the moment they lost not only their will to fight for their homeland but even their jewish identities through religious conversion and (regarding diaspora Jews) their will to move there when allowed .

So nobody is treating the founders of Israel "unfairly", nobody is creating a special set of rules just for them.

The customary laws of land conquest that informally "regulate" the land grab of Palestine by Russians, Ukrainians and Poles of jewish faith are the same laws that "regulated" every other land grab in the history of mankind:

Ancient, semitic Jews vs. the Roman Empire

Indians vs. Americans

Mexicans vs. Americans

etc, etc...

Whether or not you believe the mythological origins of modern Askhenazi Jews the reality of the matter is that the ancient semitic Jews who inhabited Judea ended up renouncing to their right to have an independent jewish kingdom, feud, nation-state, etc... through a combination of warfare, religious conversions and cultural assimilation.

No people in the world, be they native americans, Mexicans or ancient semitic Jews, let alone, eastern Europeans pathetically claiming to be their progeny, have the right to live centuries and centuries abroad without making the minimal effort to reconstitute their nation and then all of a sudden in 1890 launch a "nationalist" movement to "reclaim" their "homeland".

This is not a legitimate nationalist movement by any stretch of the imagination...

This is a blatant, scandalous case of a european colonialist movement backed by the military might of british imperialism.

To become the rightful owners of Palestine, the eastern Europeans of jewish faith need to do exactly what other invaders before them like the Romans and Americans accomplished in their respective land grabs:

Imposing an unbearable level of suffering on the native population to make them definitely renounce their claim to live in their historic homeland.
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It goes without saying that in my previous posts I "adopted" just for the sake of the debate, the dehumanizing view through which Palestinians are viewed by most members of the Board, from die-hard Zionists like RoccoR, Boston and Shusha to more "friendly" posters like Coyote:

As subhuman natives that must be subjected to unimaginable abuse to make them renounce to their natural rights and not as full human beings entitled to the same rights as racial minorities in the US.

Being only partially humans, just like ancient semitic Jews in Judea, Native Americans and black South Africans before them, the enforcement of the customary laws of land conquest on the palestinian people seem perfectly legitimate in their dehumanizing view.
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So looking at the travel issues this little darling pops up,d.amc

So by all means, lets have a travel club, all go to the Arab Muslim areas and end up stuck there. Perfect.

At least that way we have all our terrorist supporters in one place. Living right next to the terrorists.

Are you planing any trips to Syria ?


Sorry Travelshoe but this is one of the funniest ideas to hit this page in a while. My apologies if I'm having a bit to much fun wiht it.

You can't be serious.

A, what happens when one of your travelers gets attacked or even killed. There's zero law or legitimate courts over there. Your victim is just as likely to be found guilty of the crime as the Arab Muslim is.

B, what happens if your victim ends up in jail. And what expenses are associated with being involved in a crime over there ? Do you even know ? Even the victim will incur costs, does your companies insurance cover those costs ?

C, What warnings are you informing your travelers of ? If you downplay those warnings as you have here, how liable are you when one of your travelers is attacked ?

D, Even with a passport travel is forbidden into and out of many Arab Muslim area for months at a time. You promised someone a safe one week trip and now they are stuck for months, who pays for that ?

I run a business, used to run several, I gotta say, this is about the dumbest idea for a business I've ever heard.

Its so ridiculously stupid and fraught with liability concerns I'm guessing your just playing a PR joke on us.

I will admit it was pretty funny
Thanks for the link. :thup:

Three Swedish children and their father are stuck in Gaza unable to travel back to Sweden despite their having Swedish passports and help from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.

Swedish Radio news reports that the family has been ready to leave since June, but Israeli bureaucracy and a closed border between the Gaza Strip and Egypt have prevented them from leaving.​

Clearly if you have a problem it is with fucking Israel.

Are you having geography problems again as Egypt is on the other side of gaza to Israel, and hamas control the crossing.
Nope, Egypt is paid billions of dollars by the US to suck up to Israel.

It was Egypt that demanded the money in the first place before they would sign the peace treaty. So it was agreed and now Egypt's leaders get $ millions to put in their swiss bank accounts. As I said the border into Egypt is controlled by hamas and it is them stopping the expatriation as a form of propaganda. The world is reporting this and the Palestinians are spitting feathers.
So looking at the travel issues this little darling pops up,d.amc

So by all means, lets have a travel club, all go to the Arab Muslim areas and end up stuck there. Perfect.

At least that way we have all our terrorist supporters in one place. Living right next to the terrorists.

Are you planing any trips to Syria ?


Sorry Travelshoe but this is one of the funniest ideas to hit this page in a while. My apologies if I'm having a bit to much fun wiht it.

You can't be serious.

A, what happens when one of your travelers gets attacked or even killed. There's zero law or legitimate courts over there. Your victim is just as likely to be found guilty of the crime as the Arab Muslim is.

B, what happens if your victim ends up in jail. And what expenses are associated with being involved in a crime over there ? Do you even know ? Even the victim will incur costs, does your companies insurance cover those costs ?

C, What warnings are you informing your travelers of ? If you downplay those warnings as you have here, how liable are you when one of your travelers is attacked ?

D, Even with a passport travel is forbidden into and out of many Arab Muslim area for months at a time. You promised someone a safe one week trip and now they are stuck for months, who pays for that ?

I run a business, used to run several, I gotta say, this is about the dumbest idea for a business I've ever heard.

Its so ridiculously stupid and fraught with liability concerns I'm guessing your just playing a PR joke on us.

I will admit it was pretty funny
Thanks for the link. :thup:

Three Swedish children and their father are stuck in Gaza unable to travel back to Sweden despite their having Swedish passports and help from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.

Swedish Radio news reports that the family has been ready to leave since June, but Israeli bureaucracy and a closed border between the Gaza Strip and Egypt have prevented them from leaving.​

Clearly if you have a problem it is with fucking Israel.


I love this thread.

So the Gazans commit one terrorist act after another leading the international community placing restrictions on their movement and you point fingers at Israel. LOL What about Egypt ? why don't they leave through Egypt genius ?

And where is our travel guide ;--)

He should have all the answers ;--)

After all, it was a one week vacation wasn't it ? We all want to know how we get home ;--)

Or even just out of that hell hole you call a vacation destination.

It is the Egyptian crossing that is closed to them, and hamas controls that crossing.
Originally posted by ForeveYoung436
And the Judaic people are the natives there.

The ancient, semitic Jews who inhabited Judea 2000 years ago were indeed natives of the land and as such they had every right to resist the Roman occupation of their land just like palestinian arabs are doing today.

They lost their right to live in Palestine as Jews the moment they lost not only their will to fight for their homeland but even their jewish identities through religious conversion and (regarding diaspora Jews) their will to move there when allowed .

So nobody is treating the founders of Israel "unfairly", nobody is creating a special set of rules just for them.

The customary laws of land conquest that informally "regulate" the land grab of Palestine by Russians, Ukrainians and Poles of jewish faith are the same laws that "regulated" every other land grab in the history of mankind:

Ancient, semitic Jews vs. the Roman Empire

Indians vs. Americans

Mexicans vs. Americans

etc, etc...

Whether or not you believe the mythological origins of modern Askhenazi Jews the reality of the matter is that the ancient semitic Jews who inhabited Judea ended up renouncing to their right to have an independent jewish kingdom, feud, nation-state, etc... through a combination of warfare, religious conversions and cultural assimilation.

No people in the world, be they native americans, Mexicans or ancient semitic Jews, let alone, eastern Europeans pathetically claiming to be their progeny, have the right to live centuries and centuries abroad without making the minimal effort to reconstitute their nation and then all of a sudden in 1890 launch a "nationalist" movement to "reclaim" their "homeland".

This is not a legitimate nationalist movement by any stretch of the imagination...

This is a blatant, scandalous case of a european colonialist movement backed by the military might of british imperialism.

To become the rightful owners of Palestine, the eastern Europeans of jewish faith need to do exactly what other invaders before them like the Romans and Americans accomplished in their respective land grabs:

Imposing an unbearable level of suffering on the native population to make them definitely renounce their claim to live in their historic homeland.

A simple question for you

Who were named Palestinians by the Roman conquerors in 70 C.E. and the name used as an insult down through the millennia for the same people ?
It goes without saying that in my previous posts I "adopted" just for the sake of the debate, the dehumanizing view through which Palestinians are viewed by most members of the Board, from die-hard Zionists like RoccoR, Boston and Shusha to more "friendly" posters like Coyote:

As subhuman natives that must be subjected to unimaginable abuse to make them renounce to their natural rights and not as full human beings entitled to the same rights as racial minorities in the US.

Being only partially humans, just like ancient semitic Jews in Judea, Native Americans and black South Africans before them, the enforcement of the customary laws of land conquest on the palestinian people seem perfectly legitimate in their dehumanizing view.

Try reading the Ottonman history of Palestine to see just how many arab muslims were in Palestine prior to the invitation of the Jews to close colonise the land ?
Originally posted by Phoenall
Try reading the Ottonman history of Palestine to see just how many arab muslims were in Palestine prior to the invitation of the Jews to close colonise the land?

Does it really matter?

With little more than 3 million people, Mongolia has one of the least population densities in the whole world but the mongolian people still have the right to maintain the mongolian character of their land.
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Originally posted by Phoenall
Try reading the Ottonman history of Palestine to see just how many arab muslims were in Palestine prior to the invitation of the Jews to close colonise the land?

Does it really matter?

With little more than 3 million people, Mongolia has one of the least population densities in the whole world but the mongolian people still have the right to maintain the mongolian character of their land.

Yes because they also show that at the same time the Jews were in the majority and owned more land than the arab muslims. The arab muslims had been given their 3 chances by the Ottomans and failed each time, so the only way they could ever get the land would by invasion and conquest. This they have tried and failed at every turn, leading to the nakba that was the final insult in the eyes of islam. The Jews are just 12 million people, with under half living in Israel and you are saying that they don't have the right to a Jewish homeland and the right to free determination, but that invaders from the surrounding countries do. Want to explain why ?
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