Palestine Travel Show - please share it

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I am not all Palestinian are terrorists, its actually pretty safe and it support their local economy which is struggling
I don't care about their economy. Its been a terrorist sh#t hole for more then four decades. Its the birth place of more terrorist groups than ANY other country.

People are resisting the occupation. Maybe no occupation = no resistance = no "terrorism"?

Another useful idiot?:)

That being said, I think it's positive you make them invest in tourism. As long as they're busy showing people like you around, they're too busy from stabbing people like me on the street.

So thanks.;)
I am not all Palestinian are terrorists, its actually pretty safe and it support their local economy which is struggling

Well I'm certainly going to Israel in the next year or so. Not sure I want to travel through the filthy cities and towns of the Arab Muslim areas tho. Aside from the obvious safety concerns there's the lawlessness. Armed robbery, rape, murder are rampant in the Arab Muslim areas. There's a reason their woman never travel alone. A woman gets attacked in the Arab Muslim areas and its her fault according to those people.

Something else you forgot to mention is they hate Americans with a passion. Prices are higher for Americans, a lot higher.

you also forgot to mention that while you might be able to get into Gaza, you might not be able to get out anytime soon.

One might also note various state dep travel warnings and employee restrictions on travel.


Travel Warning issued February 18, 2015.

The Department of State strongly warns U.S. citizens against travel to the Gaza Strip and urges those in Gaza to leave immediately when border crossings are open; U.S. government employees are not allowed to conduct official or personal travel to Gaza.

U.S. citizens should consider the rules U.S. government employees must follow when planning their travel:

  • With the exception of Jericho and Bethlehem, U.S. government employees are prohibited from personal travel to the West Bank. There are some restrictions on the personal travel of U.S. government employees to Bethlehem, listed in the section below on the West Bank;
  • U.S. government employees are prohibited from using public and inter-city buses (and associated bus terminals) throughout Israel and the West Bank. From mid-October until the end of November 2015, there was a temporary prohibition on using the Jerusalem light rail north of the City Hall stop on Jaffa Road; and
  • U.S. government employees must obtain advance approval if they wish to travel to the following locations:
    • within 7 miles of the Gaza demarcation line;
    • within 1.5 miles of the Lebanon border;
    • north and east of the Sea of Galilee;
    • on or east of Route 98 in the Golan; and
    • south of Be’er Sheva.
The U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv and U.S. Consulate General in Jerusalem are continuously monitoring the security situation. As conditions change, they can make adjustments, as necessary, to these travel restrictions on U.S. government employees. Please review the security messages at the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv and the U.S. Consulate General in Jerusalem for the most current information.

End Quote

In the end I hope your business has fantastic liability insurance because someones going to get killed following your advice and someones family is going to have you singing like a cheer leader on prom night.
I am not all Palestinian are terrorists, its actually pretty safe and it support their local economy which is struggling
I don't care about their economy. Its been a terrorist sh#t hole for more then four decades. Its the birth place of more terrorist groups than ANY other country.

People are resisting the occupation. Maybe no occupation = no resistance = no "terrorism"?

Another useful idiot?:)

That being said, I think it's positive you make them invest in tourism. As long as they're busy showing people like you around, they're too busy from stabbing people like me on the street.

So thanks.;)
Indeed, Israel should allow tourism in Gaza.

I am not all Palestinian are terrorists, its actually pretty safe and it support their local economy which is struggling
I don't care about their economy. Its been a terrorist sh#t hole for more then four decades. Its the birth place of more terrorist groups than ANY other country.

People are resisting the occupation. Maybe no occupation = no resistance = no "terrorism"?

You lie

There was one pogrom after another long before there was any so called occupation.

Its a blatant lie to blame the racism and prejudice on the Judaic peoples return to their traditional homeland.

If its all because of an occupation how do you explain Gaza ( 100% Arab Muslim ) firing rockets into Israel ? Its not occupied.
I am not all Palestinian are terrorists, its actually pretty safe and it support their local economy which is struggling
I don't care about their economy. Its been a terrorist sh#t hole for more then four decades. Its the birth place of more terrorist groups than ANY other country.

People are resisting the occupation. Maybe no occupation = no resistance = no "terrorism"?

Another useful idiot?:)

That being said, I think it's positive you make them invest in tourism. As long as they're busy showing people like you around, they're too busy from stabbing people like me on the street.

So thanks.;)
Indeed, Israel should allow tourism in Gaza.

Gaza'istan - maybe the last place you will ever visit.

So looking at the travel issues this little darling pops up,d.amc

So by all means, lets have a travel club, all go to the Arab Muslim areas and end up stuck there. Perfect.

At least that way we have all our terrorist supporters in one place. Living right next to the terrorists.

Are you planing any trips to Syria ?


Sorry Travelshoe but this is one of the funniest ideas to hit this page in a while. My apologies if I'm having a bit to much fun wiht it.

You can't be serious.

A, what happens when one of your travelers gets attacked or even killed. There's zero law or legitimate courts over there. Your victim is just as likely to be found guilty of the crime as the Arab Muslim is.

B, what happens if your victim ends up in jail. And what expenses are associated with being involved in a crime over there ? Do you even know ? Even the victim will incur costs, does your companies insurance cover those costs ?

C, What warnings are you informing your travelers of ? If you downplay those warnings as you have here, how liable are you when one of your travelers is attacked ?

D, Even with a passport travel is forbidden into and out of many Arab Muslim area for months at a time. You promised someone a safe one week trip and now they are stuck for months, who pays for that ?

I run a business, used to run several, I gotta say, this is about the dumbest idea for a business I've ever heard.

Its so ridiculously stupid and fraught with liability concerns I'm guessing your just playing a PR joke on us.

I will admit it was pretty funny
I am not all Palestinian are terrorists, its actually pretty safe and it support their local economy which is struggling
I don't care about their economy. Its been a terrorist sh#t hole for more then four decades. Its the birth place of more terrorist groups than ANY other country.

People are resisting the occupation. Maybe no occupation = no resistance = no "terrorism"?

Another useful idiot?:)

That being said, I think it's positive you make them invest in tourism. As long as they're busy showing people like you around, they're too busy from stabbing people like me on the street.

So thanks.;)
Indeed, Israel should allow tourism in Gaza.

Gaza'istan - maybe the last place you will ever visit.

Typical bullshit.

Jews visit Gaza.

I don't care about their economy. Its been a terrorist sh#t hole for more then four decades. Its the birth place of more terrorist groups than ANY other country.

People are resisting the occupation. Maybe no occupation = no resistance = no "terrorism"?

Another useful idiot?:)

That being said, I think it's positive you make them invest in tourism. As long as they're busy showing people like you around, they're too busy from stabbing people like me on the street.

So thanks.;)
Indeed, Israel should allow tourism in Gaza.

Gaza'istan - maybe the last place you will ever visit.

Typical bullshit.

Jews visit Gaza.

Yeah. It's a party.

Typical Bullshit

Its illegal for an Israeli to go to into Gaza Numbnutts


According to Israeli law, Lebanon, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Yemen and Iran are enemy countries and an Israeli citizen may not visit them without a special permit issued by the Israeli minister of the interior. An Israeli who visits these countries, be it with a foreign passport or an Israeli one, may be prosecuted when coming back to Israel. This list was set in 1954, and was updated only once on 25 July 2007 to include Iran.[2] Egypt and Jordan allegedly remained among the "enemy countries", however the Israeli Ministry of the Interior issued a general unlimited permit to visit these countries, following the peace treaty signed between Israel and each of them, hence voiding the law in respect to both countries.[3] On 1 April 2008, the Israeli government proposed a new revised law which includes a list of 10 countries and territories to be defined as "enemy countries": Iran, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Libya, Sudan, Syria, Iraq, Pakistan, Yemen and the Gaza Strip. As of March 2009, the legislative procedures of this revised law have not been concluded yet.[4]

End Quote

That legislation was approved later that same year.

What a great thread. This is a laugh a minute.

OK so how exactly would you organize this joyous little vacation. You need a permit to so much as use one of the lovely outdoor latrines in Arab Muslim areas



In reverse, it is illegal for Israeli citizens to enter the West Bank area A (the major Palestinian settlements); if caught there they can be fined or arrested. It becomes almost insuperably difficult for people - who live in different worlds - to come into contact. Of course Israelis who have the courage to go to say, Bethlehem (an area ‘A’ town), or to Gaza, out of solidarity with Palestinians are given a royal welcome. Only an international can for the most part travel across boundaries as they will, though the Israeli authorities certainly do not like one visiting the West Bank (other than innocuously as a ‘pilgrim’ visiting holy sites). { fails to mention its illegal for an Israeli to travel to these areas }

From 1996 onwards IDs of people moving from Gaza to the West Bank have been ‘frozen’ (not updated); from 2000 all IDs. This has enabled Israel to classify all such people, including foreigners who have married West Bank residents, as ‘infiltrators’.

Further, it is not allowed that West Bank Palestinians travel abroad through Tel Aviv; they must exit through Jordan (the complications of the journey taking most of a day) and then fly from Amman. A Bedouin commented to us that it was easier to get to England than to Jerusalem! Foreigners are regularly refused entrance into Israel (and are thus also unable to visit the Palestinian territories).

End Quote
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Typical Bullshit

Its illegal for an Israeli to go to into Gaza Numbnutts


According to Israeli law, Lebanon, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Yemen and Iran are enemy countries and an Israeli citizen may not visit them without a special permit issued by the Israeli minister of the interior. An Israeli who visits these countries, be it with a foreign passport or an Israeli one, may be prosecuted when coming back to Israel. This list was set in 1954, and was updated only once on 25 July 2007 to include Iran.[2] Egypt and Jordan allegedly remained among the "enemy countries", however the Israeli Ministry of the Interior issued a general unlimited permit to visit these countries, following the peace treaty signed between Israel and each of them, hence voiding the law in respect to both countries.[3] On 1 April 2008, the Israeli government proposed a new revised law which includes a list of 10 countries and territories to be defined as "enemy countries": Iran, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Libya, Sudan, Syria, Iraq, Pakistan, Yemen and the Gaza Strip. As of March 2009, the legislative procedures of this revised law have not been concluded yet.[4]

End Quote

That legislation was approved later that same year.

What a great thread. This is a laugh a minute.

OK so how exactly would you organize this joyous little vacation. You need a permit to so much as use one of the lovely outdoor latrines in Arab Muslim areas



In reverse, it is illegal for Israeli citizens to enter the West Bank area A (the major Palestinian settlements); if caught there they can be fined or arrested. It becomes almost insuperably difficult for people - who live in different worlds - to come into contact. Of course Israelis who have the courage to go to say, Bethlehem (an area ‘A’ town), or to Gaza, out of solidarity with Palestinians are given a royal welcome. Only an international can for the most part travel across boundaries as they will, though the Israeli authorities certainly do not like one visiting the West Bank (other than innocuously as a ‘pilgrim’ visiting holy sites).

From 1996 onwards IDs of people moving from Gaza to the West Bank have been ‘frozen’ (not updated); from 2000 all IDs. This has enabled Israel to classify all such people, including foreigners who have married West Bank residents, as ‘infiltrators’.

Further, it is not allowed that West Bank Palestinians travel abroad through Tel Aviv; they must exit through Jordan (the complications of the journey taking most of a day) and then fly from Amman. A Bedouin commented to us that it was easier to get to England than to Jerusalem! Foreigners are regularly refused entrance into Israel (and are thus also unable to visit the Palestinian territories).

End Quote
Israel really tries to be as asshole as possible.
Typical Bullshit

Its illegal for an Israeli to go to into Gaza Numbnutts


According to Israeli law, Lebanon, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Yemen and Iran are enemy countries and an Israeli citizen may not visit them without a special permit issued by the Israeli minister of the interior. An Israeli who visits these countries, be it with a foreign passport or an Israeli one, may be prosecuted when coming back to Israel. This list was set in 1954, and was updated only once on 25 July 2007 to include Iran.[2] Egypt and Jordan allegedly remained among the "enemy countries", however the Israeli Ministry of the Interior issued a general unlimited permit to visit these countries, following the peace treaty signed between Israel and each of them, hence voiding the law in respect to both countries.[3] On 1 April 2008, the Israeli government proposed a new revised law which includes a list of 10 countries and territories to be defined as "enemy countries": Iran, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Libya, Sudan, Syria, Iraq, Pakistan, Yemen and the Gaza Strip. As of March 2009, the legislative procedures of this revised law have not been concluded yet.[4]

End Quote

That legislation was approved later that same year.

What a great thread. This is a laugh a minute.

OK so how exactly would you organize this joyous little vacation. You need a permit to so much as use one of the lovely outdoor latrines in Arab Muslim areas



In reverse, it is illegal for Israeli citizens to enter the West Bank area A (the major Palestinian settlements); if caught there they can be fined or arrested. It becomes almost insuperably difficult for people - who live in different worlds - to come into contact. Of course Israelis who have the courage to go to say, Bethlehem (an area ‘A’ town), or to Gaza, out of solidarity with Palestinians are given a royal welcome. Only an international can for the most part travel across boundaries as they will, though the Israeli authorities certainly do not like one visiting the West Bank (other than innocuously as a ‘pilgrim’ visiting holy sites).

From 1996 onwards IDs of people moving from Gaza to the West Bank have been ‘frozen’ (not updated); from 2000 all IDs. This has enabled Israel to classify all such people, including foreigners who have married West Bank residents, as ‘infiltrators’.

Further, it is not allowed that West Bank Palestinians travel abroad through Tel Aviv; they must exit through Jordan (the complications of the journey taking most of a day) and then fly from Amman. A Bedouin commented to us that it was easier to get to England than to Jerusalem! Foreigners are regularly refused entrance into Israel (and are thus also unable to visit the Palestinian territories).

End Quote
Israel really tries to be as asshole as possible.

I suspect it has more to do with security issues surrounding a rather odd dynamic of Arabs-Moslems spontaneously 'asplodin or weapons appearing from under clothing.
Typical Bullshit

Its illegal for an Israeli to go to into Gaza Numbnutts


According to Israeli law, Lebanon, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Yemen and Iran are enemy countries and an Israeli citizen may not visit them without a special permit issued by the Israeli minister of the interior. An Israeli who visits these countries, be it with a foreign passport or an Israeli one, may be prosecuted when coming back to Israel. This list was set in 1954, and was updated only once on 25 July 2007 to include Iran.[2] Egypt and Jordan allegedly remained among the "enemy countries", however the Israeli Ministry of the Interior issued a general unlimited permit to visit these countries, following the peace treaty signed between Israel and each of them, hence voiding the law in respect to both countries.[3] On 1 April 2008, the Israeli government proposed a new revised law which includes a list of 10 countries and territories to be defined as "enemy countries": Iran, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Libya, Sudan, Syria, Iraq, Pakistan, Yemen and the Gaza Strip. As of March 2009, the legislative procedures of this revised law have not been concluded yet.[4]

End Quote

That legislation was approved later that same year.

What a great thread. This is a laugh a minute.

OK so how exactly would you organize this joyous little vacation. You need a permit to so much as use one of the lovely outdoor latrines in Arab Muslim areas



In reverse, it is illegal for Israeli citizens to enter the West Bank area A (the major Palestinian settlements); if caught there they can be fined or arrested. It becomes almost insuperably difficult for people - who live in different worlds - to come into contact. Of course Israelis who have the courage to go to say, Bethlehem (an area ‘A’ town), or to Gaza, out of solidarity with Palestinians are given a royal welcome. Only an international can for the most part travel across boundaries as they will, though the Israeli authorities certainly do not like one visiting the West Bank (other than innocuously as a ‘pilgrim’ visiting holy sites).

From 1996 onwards IDs of people moving from Gaza to the West Bank have been ‘frozen’ (not updated); from 2000 all IDs. This has enabled Israel to classify all such people, including foreigners who have married West Bank residents, as ‘infiltrators’.

Further, it is not allowed that West Bank Palestinians travel abroad through Tel Aviv; they must exit through Jordan (the complications of the journey taking most of a day) and then fly from Amman. A Bedouin commented to us that it was easier to get to England than to Jerusalem! Foreigners are regularly refused entrance into Israel (and are thus also unable to visit the Palestinian territories).

End Quote
Israel really tries to be as asshole as possible.

I suspect it has more to do with security issues surrounding a rather odd dynamic of Arabs-Moslems spontaneously 'asplodin or weapons appearing from under clothing.
Yeah, whatever. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Jews are safer in Gaza than in Israel.
Typical Bullshit

Its illegal for an Israeli to go to into Gaza Numbnutts


According to Israeli law, Lebanon, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Yemen and Iran are enemy countries and an Israeli citizen may not visit them without a special permit issued by the Israeli minister of the interior. An Israeli who visits these countries, be it with a foreign passport or an Israeli one, may be prosecuted when coming back to Israel. This list was set in 1954, and was updated only once on 25 July 2007 to include Iran.[2] Egypt and Jordan allegedly remained among the "enemy countries", however the Israeli Ministry of the Interior issued a general unlimited permit to visit these countries, following the peace treaty signed between Israel and each of them, hence voiding the law in respect to both countries.[3] On 1 April 2008, the Israeli government proposed a new revised law which includes a list of 10 countries and territories to be defined as "enemy countries": Iran, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Libya, Sudan, Syria, Iraq, Pakistan, Yemen and the Gaza Strip. As of March 2009, the legislative procedures of this revised law have not been concluded yet.[4]

End Quote

That legislation was approved later that same year.

What a great thread. This is a laugh a minute.

OK so how exactly would you organize this joyous little vacation. You need a permit to so much as use one of the lovely outdoor latrines in Arab Muslim areas



In reverse, it is illegal for Israeli citizens to enter the West Bank area A (the major Palestinian settlements); if caught there they can be fined or arrested. It becomes almost insuperably difficult for people - who live in different worlds - to come into contact. Of course Israelis who have the courage to go to say, Bethlehem (an area ‘A’ town), or to Gaza, out of solidarity with Palestinians are given a royal welcome. Only an international can for the most part travel across boundaries as they will, though the Israeli authorities certainly do not like one visiting the West Bank (other than innocuously as a ‘pilgrim’ visiting holy sites).

From 1996 onwards IDs of people moving from Gaza to the West Bank have been ‘frozen’ (not updated); from 2000 all IDs. This has enabled Israel to classify all such people, including foreigners who have married West Bank residents, as ‘infiltrators’.

Further, it is not allowed that West Bank Palestinians travel abroad through Tel Aviv; they must exit through Jordan (the complications of the journey taking most of a day) and then fly from Amman. A Bedouin commented to us that it was easier to get to England than to Jerusalem! Foreigners are regularly refused entrance into Israel (and are thus also unable to visit the Palestinian territories).

End Quote
Israel really tries to be as asshole as possible.

Israel HAS to have these laws in place. Gazans are animals. When a teen-aged Alisa Flatow tried to visit Gaza, she was burned to death.
Typical Bullshit

Its illegal for an Israeli to go to into Gaza Numbnutts


According to Israeli law, Lebanon, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Yemen and Iran are enemy countries and an Israeli citizen may not visit them without a special permit issued by the Israeli minister of the interior. An Israeli who visits these countries, be it with a foreign passport or an Israeli one, may be prosecuted when coming back to Israel. This list was set in 1954, and was updated only once on 25 July 2007 to include Iran.[2] Egypt and Jordan allegedly remained among the "enemy countries", however the Israeli Ministry of the Interior issued a general unlimited permit to visit these countries, following the peace treaty signed between Israel and each of them, hence voiding the law in respect to both countries.[3] On 1 April 2008, the Israeli government proposed a new revised law which includes a list of 10 countries and territories to be defined as "enemy countries": Iran, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Libya, Sudan, Syria, Iraq, Pakistan, Yemen and the Gaza Strip. As of March 2009, the legislative procedures of this revised law have not been concluded yet.[4]

End Quote

That legislation was approved later that same year.

What a great thread. This is a laugh a minute.

OK so how exactly would you organize this joyous little vacation. You need a permit to so much as use one of the lovely outdoor latrines in Arab Muslim areas



In reverse, it is illegal for Israeli citizens to enter the West Bank area A (the major Palestinian settlements); if caught there they can be fined or arrested. It becomes almost insuperably difficult for people - who live in different worlds - to come into contact. Of course Israelis who have the courage to go to say, Bethlehem (an area ‘A’ town), or to Gaza, out of solidarity with Palestinians are given a royal welcome. Only an international can for the most part travel across boundaries as they will, though the Israeli authorities certainly do not like one visiting the West Bank (other than innocuously as a ‘pilgrim’ visiting holy sites).

From 1996 onwards IDs of people moving from Gaza to the West Bank have been ‘frozen’ (not updated); from 2000 all IDs. This has enabled Israel to classify all such people, including foreigners who have married West Bank residents, as ‘infiltrators’.

Further, it is not allowed that West Bank Palestinians travel abroad through Tel Aviv; they must exit through Jordan (the complications of the journey taking most of a day) and then fly from Amman. A Bedouin commented to us that it was easier to get to England than to Jerusalem! Foreigners are regularly refused entrance into Israel (and are thus also unable to visit the Palestinian territories).

End Quote
Israel really tries to be as asshole as possible.

I suspect it has more to do with security issues surrounding a rather odd dynamic of Arabs-Moslems spontaneously 'asplodin or weapons appearing from under clothing.
Yeah, whatever. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Jews are safer in Gaza than in Israel.

Have you fallen down again and bumped your head?
Originally posted by ForeverYoung436
Israel HAS to have these laws in place. Gazans are animals. When a teen-aged Alisa Flatow tried to visit Gaza, she was burned to death.

If I were a palestinian arab this would probably be my reply, ForeverYoung:

"These are the laws of mankind, european invader:

Share the land you stole from us or be attacked, with deadly force, for as long as we consider it appropriate.
Typical Bullshit

Its illegal for an Israeli to go to into Gaza Numbnutts


According to Israeli law, Lebanon, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Yemen and Iran are enemy countries and an Israeli citizen may not visit them without a special permit issued by the Israeli minister of the interior. An Israeli who visits these countries, be it with a foreign passport or an Israeli one, may be prosecuted when coming back to Israel. This list was set in 1954, and was updated only once on 25 July 2007 to include Iran.[2] Egypt and Jordan allegedly remained among the "enemy countries", however the Israeli Ministry of the Interior issued a general unlimited permit to visit these countries, following the peace treaty signed between Israel and each of them, hence voiding the law in respect to both countries.[3] On 1 April 2008, the Israeli government proposed a new revised law which includes a list of 10 countries and territories to be defined as "enemy countries": Iran, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Libya, Sudan, Syria, Iraq, Pakistan, Yemen and the Gaza Strip. As of March 2009, the legislative procedures of this revised law have not been concluded yet.[4]

End Quote

That legislation was approved later that same year.

What a great thread. This is a laugh a minute.

OK so how exactly would you organize this joyous little vacation. You need a permit to so much as use one of the lovely outdoor latrines in Arab Muslim areas



In reverse, it is illegal for Israeli citizens to enter the West Bank area A (the major Palestinian settlements); if caught there they can be fined or arrested. It becomes almost insuperably difficult for people - who live in different worlds - to come into contact. Of course Israelis who have the courage to go to say, Bethlehem (an area ‘A’ town), or to Gaza, out of solidarity with Palestinians are given a royal welcome. Only an international can for the most part travel across boundaries as they will, though the Israeli authorities certainly do not like one visiting the West Bank (other than innocuously as a ‘pilgrim’ visiting holy sites).

From 1996 onwards IDs of people moving from Gaza to the West Bank have been ‘frozen’ (not updated); from 2000 all IDs. This has enabled Israel to classify all such people, including foreigners who have married West Bank residents, as ‘infiltrators’.

Further, it is not allowed that West Bank Palestinians travel abroad through Tel Aviv; they must exit through Jordan (the complications of the journey taking most of a day) and then fly from Amman. A Bedouin commented to us that it was easier to get to England than to Jerusalem! Foreigners are regularly refused entrance into Israel (and are thus also unable to visit the Palestinian territories).

End Quote
Israel really tries to be as asshole as possible.

Israel HAS to have these laws in place. Gazans are animals. When a teen-aged Alisa Flatow tried to visit Gaza, she was burned to death.
Another lie.

She was on her way to the beach in Gush Katif​

Gush Katif is not Gaza.
Originally posted by ForeverYoung436
Israel HAS to have these laws in place. Gazans are animals. When a teen-aged Alisa Flatow tried to visit Gaza, she was burned to death.

If I were a palestinian arab this would probably be my reply, ForeverYoung:

"These are the laws of mankind, european invader:

Share the land you stole from us or be attacked, with deadly force, for as long as we consider it appropriate.

Well then Hoser I guess the only appropriate response is


And we'll see who cracks first ;--)

Its really too bad one can't really convey the stench from that street sewer.

Must make a great vacation site tho LOL
You simply cannot occupy a country that never existed.

It doesn't matter, what it matters its controlling the whole population of West Bank and Gaza. Not in a good way.
Israel needs to finish cleaning out the west bank of islamic terrorists. When the towers came down and the people of Gaza danced in the streets? America SHOULD have killed them right then.

That dancing footage NOT related to 9/11, but was used by FOX. Manipulated the news.

Media Manipulation - Palestinians Dancing on 9/11 Vids, page 1
Palestinians Dancing in the Street

Like I said we SHOULD have killed them.

Binyahu, this is good, very good, well not good but good for us.

Israel always thinks terrorisms on other lands benefit them, so who has the most incentive to carry out these attacks, Jews and well NY got rid of lots of incriminating paperwork in building 7 and lots of asbestos in the twin towers. All planned demolitions in my opinion.

And the asbestos will have infected thousands in not millions of people, and they will suffer greatly in later life. You don't get ill as soon as you breathe in asbestos dust it takes 50 years or so before the first signs appear, and then a further 5 to 15 years after before the lungs start to cease working. I know because I am in stage 3 of asbestosis from when I started work in the mid 1960's.

So anyone that passed through that cloud of asbestos as it circled the earth is a potential victim, just as those who passed through the cloud from Chernobyl are potential victims of radiation poisoning in later life.

As for planned demolitions they are a non starter as there is not enough intelligence to bring a building like the WTC straight down, the charges are not accurate enough, and it would take 5 years to plant them working during the night only. No reports of constant remedial work on the internal walls for 5 years is there ?
Originally posted by Boston1
Well then Hoser I guess the only appropriate response is


And we'll see who cracks first ;--)

Its really too bad one can't really convey the stench from that street sewer.

Must make a great vacation site tho LOL

My imaginary Palestinian would probably say:

"Go ahead, invader...

Do to us what your fellow colonists did to the natives in North America.

Destroy our food sources, our sewer system, exterminate 70%, 80% of our people...

If the blow is devastating enough, I GUARANTEE YOU no one will shoot, bomb and stab your soldiers and civilians anymore.

The tacit, unspoken rules that have been "regulating" land grabs since the dawn of man are pretty simple:

You steal my land and I fight back.

As long as the natives fight, it's up for grabs.

If you manage to break their will to fight, the land is yours... however much you can take.

But the decision to die fighting or live like a dog begging his master for mercy without a semblance of human dignity belongs to them and nobody else.
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