Palestinian animals attack Israeli medics treating other Palestinians


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
Medics attacked by Palestinians near Jerusalem - Israel News, Ynetnews

Medics attacked by Palestinians near Jerusalem

Emergency crew responding on scene of accident find themselves the target of violent mob

Akiva Novick

An emergency medical crew narrowly escaped being lynched this week while responding on the scene of an injurious car accident near Jerusalem, Yedioth Ahronoth reported Friday.

The fateful call came on Tuesday; a car carrying a group of Palestinian youths from east Jerusalem swerved off the road and hit a safety barrier near the village of Hizma.

Upon reaching on the scene the crew began treating two young women who were hurt in the crash. But their efforts were interrupted with the arrival of the victims' family members, whose misguided attempts to defend the women quickly turned violent. "Suddenly, a Volkswagen came to a screeching halt and three Arab youths emerged," said S., a paramedic. "They started to curse and tried to discern who hurt the women."

The crew's account of the accident failed to pacify the enraged men, who upped the verbal attack. "They started cursing the IDF, Magen David Adom and everything affiliated with the state," S. said. "They called us 'maniacs and f***ing Jews.' We were shocked by how angry they were."
Medics attacked by Palestinians near Jerusalem - Israel News, Ynetnews

Medics attacked by Palestinians near Jerusalem

Emergency crew responding on scene of accident find themselves the target of violent mob

Akiva Novick

An emergency medical crew narrowly escaped being lynched this week while responding on the scene of an injurious car accident near Jerusalem, Yedioth Ahronoth reported Friday.

The fateful call came on Tuesday; a car carrying a group of Palestinian youths from east Jerusalem swerved off the road and hit a safety barrier near the village of Hizma.

Upon reaching on the scene the crew began treating two young women who were hurt in the crash. But their efforts were interrupted with the arrival of the victims' family members, whose misguided attempts to defend the women quickly turned violent. "Suddenly, a Volkswagen came to a screeching halt and three Arab youths emerged," said S., a paramedic. "They started to curse and tried to discern who hurt the women."

The crew's account of the accident failed to pacify the enraged men, who upped the verbal attack. "They started cursing the IDF, Magen David Adom and everything affiliated with the state," S. said. "They called us 'maniacs and f***ing Jews.' We were shocked by how angry they were."
As MJB always observes: Palisimian mentality. Such a pity.
[ame=]Sock puppet marketing - YouTube[/ame]
IDF hit clearly marked ambulance workers
The international Red Cross on Sunday deplored the killing by the Israel Defense Forces of two "clearly marked" ambulance workers removing a Palestinian body from an earlier Israeli attack in the Gaza Strip.

The paramedics of the Palestine Red Crescent Society were wearing clearly marked fluorescent jackets and the flashing lights of their ambulance were visible from a great distance when they were hit by Israeli fire after dark on Friday evening, said the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).
'Deeply shocked'

One of the paramedics was killed on the spot when Israeli Defense Force munitions suddenly hit the area, it said.

The other died of his injuries a few hours later.
Red Cross: IDF hit clearly marked ambulance workers - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News
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Medics attacked by Palestinians near Jerusalem - Israel News, Ynetnews

Medics attacked by Palestinians near Jerusalem

Emergency crew responding on scene of accident find themselves the target of violent mob

Akiva Novick

An emergency medical crew narrowly escaped being lynched this week while responding on the scene of an injurious car accident near Jerusalem, Yedioth Ahronoth reported Friday.

The fateful call came on Tuesday; a car carrying a group of Palestinian youths from east Jerusalem swerved off the road and hit a safety barrier near the village of Hizma.

Upon reaching on the scene the crew began treating two young women who were hurt in the crash. But their efforts were interrupted with the arrival of the victims' family members, whose misguided attempts to defend the women quickly turned violent. "Suddenly, a Volkswagen came to a screeching halt and three Arab youths emerged," said S., a paramedic. "They started to curse and tried to discern who hurt the women."

The crew's account of the accident failed to pacify the enraged men, who upped the verbal attack. "They started cursing the IDF, Magen David Adom and everything affiliated with the state," S. said. "They called us 'maniacs and f***ing Jews.' We were shocked by how angry they were."

After a Palestinian operated ambulance and police arrived, the crowd was dispersed, and three men were arrested.
Angry Arab Mob Attacks Israeli Ambulance Crew | Jewish & Israel News
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Medics attacked by Palestinians near Jerusalem - Israel News, Ynetnews

Medics attacked by Palestinians near Jerusalem

Emergency crew responding on scene of accident find themselves the target of violent mob

Akiva Novick

An emergency medical crew narrowly escaped being lynched this week while responding on the scene of an injurious car accident near Jerusalem, Yedioth Ahronoth reported Friday.

The fateful call came on Tuesday; a car carrying a group of Palestinian youths from east Jerusalem swerved off the road and hit a safety barrier near the village of Hizma.

Upon reaching on the scene the crew began treating two young women who were hurt in the crash. But their efforts were interrupted with the arrival of the victims' family members, whose misguided attempts to defend the women quickly turned violent. "Suddenly, a Volkswagen came to a screeching halt and three Arab youths emerged," said S., a paramedic. "They started to curse and tried to discern who hurt the women."

The crew's account of the accident failed to pacify the enraged men, who upped the verbal attack. "They started cursing the IDF, Magen David Adom and everything affiliated with the state," S. said. "They called us 'maniacs and f***ing Jews.' We were shocked by how angry they were."

After a Palestinian operated ambulance and police arrived, the crowd was dispersed, and three men were arrested.
Angry Arab Mob Attacks Israeli Ambulance Crew | Jewish & Israel News
Good reporting.You would make an outstanding reporter for Palestine Today. Except for one thing. The timing. Didn't you look at the byline on the article. It is dated Nov 6, 2006. That's 5 1/2 years ago. I remembered the incident and to double-check I pulled up an article by another paper, NCBI, ( National Center for Biotechnology Information) dated Dec 2, 2006. Same story, same incident. Shame on you, Jos. From now on do your homework. The Eye is watching you.

Red Cross accuses Israeli forces of killing two ambulance workers
Israel attacks Ambulances nothing new
Muslim / Palestinian animals use their own children and ambulances for terrorism. Nothing new. Even US forces encountered this savagery in Iraq and Afghanistan:

[ame=]Reuters - Palestinians Terrorists use UN Ambulance - YouTube[/ame]

Red Cross Ambulance used for transport of Palestinian terrorists
Watch the Reuters movie proving UN ambulances serve Palestinian terror

Red Cross Ambulance used for transport of Palestinian terrorists
Who made this film, who were the actors, where was it shot, to whose propaganda did it serve?
Who made this film, who were the actors, where was it shot, to whose propaganda did it serve?
Just a short video of a war crime committed by "Freedom Fighters", filmed by Reuters.
Who made this film, who were the actors, where was it shot, to whose propaganda did it serve?
Actors? Ha ha. "Starring Jos the Islamist Hezobollah pig boy as the driver." As I said it's nothing new. You Muslims have no shame, anything goes in the name of the filth of Islam and Jihad. Here is another recent one in Iraq. Lemme guess, actors too? Come on now, don't act like you Muslim animals don't do this shit. PS. Keep sucking that Mullah Kir.

Ambulance Bomb In Iraqby Christopher R. Albon on April 6, 2011

In January an ambulance was used as a car bomb in Iraq. It is one more tragic datapoint showing that health is often exploited by combatants for military advantage:

At least 12 people have been killed after a suicide bomber detonated an ambulance packed with explosives outside a security headquarters in central Iraq, officials said.

Another 55 people were said to be wounded in the attack on Wednesday.

The attack occurred at around 10am, in the middle of the ethnically-mixed city of Baquba, north of the capital Baghdad.

The blast occurred near the front gate of the Facilities Protective Services compound, which
houses the local headquarters and training grounds for the Iraqi security force tasked with guarding government buildings.
Who made this film, who were the actors, where was it shot, to whose propaganda did it serve?
Just a short video of a war crime committed by "Freedom Fighters", filmed by Reuters.
When they offer their own kids as suicide bombers, and celebrate when they blow themselves up, why would ambulances be off limits to these savages?
Who made this film, who were the actors, where was it shot, to whose propaganda did it serve?

It is muslim fucking garbage like this animal asshole that will lead to major wars in the coming years, as it is this psychotic, hate-filled, lying and diseased mentality that permeates so much of the muslim world.

It tries to equivocate a heinous, despicable act by arab muslims by bringing up a wholly unrelated situation - of which is justified, given the muslim propensity to use ambulances as weapons of war - and tries to divert attention away from the core failure of arab muslims. It is this sickness that causes the arab muslims to continue to screech about tiny Israel while Bashar massacres thousands, and the arab muslim world languishes in paranoia, economic failure, backwardness, and conspiracy theories.

The close-minded psychosis today which is the foundation for what passes for the muslim "thought" process today is tragic, it has led to the complete collapse and failing of muslim society - with sadly only one possible outcome - either it or its enemies will be destroyed.

Hopefully, the West and rest of the non-muslim world will recognize this pending conflict and take action to forcibly terminate its cause - Islam - and detoxify the victims / profferers of this cancer.
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When they offer their own kids as suicide bombers, and celebrate when they blow themselves up, why would ambulances be off limits to these savages?

That's always made me laugh when the various muslim turd defenders screech in the media or on internet forums about being killed by the West - but then claim that muslims seek death as martyrs to acquire virgins in their alleged splendid afterlife.

Be nice if this fucking trash would make up their minds already. Personally I'd love to help more of them achieve martyr status as soon as possible.
When they offer their own kids as suicide bombers, and celebrate when they blow themselves up, why would ambulances be off limits to these savages?

That's always made me laugh when the various muslim turd defenders screech in the media or on internet forums about being killed by the West - but then claim that muslims seek death as martyrs to acquire virgins in their alleged splendid afterlife.

Be nice if this fucking trash would make up their minds already. Personally I'd love to help more of them achieve martyr status as soon as possible.
I've often wondered how those martyrs would be of any use to those 72 virgins when they would all be in pieces. They couldn't have any co-ordination to speak of.
Who made this film, who were the actors, where was it shot, to whose propaganda did it serve?

It is muslim fucking garbage like this animal asshole that will lead to major wars in the coming years, as it is this psychotic, hate-filled, lying and diseased mentality that permeates so much of the muslim world.

It tries to equivocate a heinous, despicable act by arab muslims by bringing up a wholly unrelated situation - of which is justified, given the muslim propensity to use ambulances as weapons of war - and tries to divert attention away from the core failure of arab muslims. It is this sickness that causes the arab muslims to continue to screech about tiny Israel while Bashar massacres thousands, and the arab muslim world languishes in paranoia, economic failure, backwardness, and conspiracy theories.

The close-minded psychosis today which is the foundation for what passes for the muslim "thought" process today is tragic, it has led to the complete collapse and failing of muslim society - with sadly only one possible outcome - either it or its enemies will be destroyed.

Hopefully, the West and rest of the non-muslim world will recognize this pending conflict and take action to forcibly terminate its cause - Islam - and detoxify the victims / profferers of this cancer.
Good analysis rhode. Case in point, you can lead a horse (well in this case Islamist donkey called Jos) to water, but you can't make him drink.
[ame=]Gazans choose Israeli hospitals despite troubles - YouTube[/ame]
How many times have Israeli hospitals save injured Palestinian lives only to make them well so they can kill more Israeli's? Gawd I hate this Zionist agenda treatment of Palestinians with peace offerings, a security fence, land concessions & hospitaliztion so they can remain in Israel.

Medics attacked by Palestinians near Jerusalem - Israel News, Ynetnews

Medics attacked by Palestinians near Jerusalem

Emergency crew responding on scene of accident find themselves the target of violent mob

Akiva Novick

An emergency medical crew narrowly escaped being lynched this week while responding on the scene of an injurious car accident near Jerusalem, Yedioth Ahronoth reported Friday.

The fateful call came on Tuesday; a car carrying a group of Palestinian youths from east Jerusalem swerved off the road and hit a safety barrier near the village of Hizma.

Upon reaching on the scene the crew began treating two young women who were hurt in the crash. But their efforts were interrupted with the arrival of the victims' family members, whose misguided attempts to defend the women quickly turned violent. "Suddenly, a Volkswagen came to a screeching halt and three Arab youths emerged," said S., a paramedic. "They started to curse and tried to discern who hurt the women."

The crew's account of the accident failed to pacify the enraged men, who upped the verbal attack. "They started cursing the IDF, Magen David Adom and everything affiliated with the state," S. said. "They called us 'maniacs and f***ing Jews.' We were shocked by how angry they were."
As MJB always observes: Palisimian mentality. Such a pity.[/QUOTE]

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