"Palestinian" Arabs Demand Their Welfare Payments

Have you got any to your many claims ?

So you haven't... Surprise surprise....

FBI Terrorism 2002 2005

Did you read that link before you posted it?

There are more acts of "Domestic Terrorism" in that document than anything else!

No figures showing the "number of American deaths caused by US aid to Palestine"!

Looks like you failed again Phoney!

Your standard answer to everything that proves you wrong these days. The fact that most of the money for islamonazi terrorism comes via US, UK and UN aid is the reality of the situation and you don't like it being made public

My standard answer Phoney?

Then have a 2nd shot at providing a link to support your claims, your first was WAY off the mark!

Nope it shows the Islamic terrorism against the US funded in part by the aid given to Islamic nations.
have you read their charters lately, or listened to their words. They follow the koran that demands they "KILL THE UNBELIEVERS" which mean the Americans. This is why you are called the great shaitan

The Palestinians don't want to kill us. They aren't our enemies. They haven't attacked us. We haven't even caught any of their spies spying on us.

The Bible contains a bunch of stuff about killing unbelievers to, but who cares? Most Christians don't and most Muslims don't with the Koran. It's just another way to generate hate.

Maybe you've been on vacation and have missed the beheading videos. Muslims kill when ever the opportunity presents itself. Can you point to any Christian beheading videos?
The squatting Muslims and Iran are of one accord. First comes Saturday, then comes Sunday. Kill the Jews first, then comes the Christian's turn.
Get your head out of your ass. Hamas isn't a happy, fluffy sect of Muslims. They believe what Iran believes.

What did the Palestinians do to us - please be specific. As far as they know, they aren't our enemy.

U.S. court: Palestinians must pay for attacks - CNN.com
Palestinian terrorists hijack an Italian cruise ship - Oct 07, 1985 - HISTORY.com
Pan Am Flight 73 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
10 Most Terrifying Airplane Hijackings of All Time - Criminal Justice Degrees Guide
List of Palestinian suicide attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Israel charges Palestinian in U.S. embassy bomb plot
Palestinians bomb US convoy
1983 United States embassy bombing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Significant Terrorist Incidents 1961-2003: A Brief Chronology
1986 Berlin discotheque bombing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So if terrorists attack us that means the country they came out is our enemy? Is Israel our enemy then because of the USS Liberty or the actions of the JDL?

Has the Palestinian government declared war on us?

Not at all as the Liberty was an accident caused by both sides, it was not pre meditated and done to terrorise. But you don't see that do you.

But lets say you are right does this make America the enemy of the rest of the world for its actions under Obama ?
have you read their charters lately, or listened to their words. They follow the koran that demands they "KILL THE UNBELIEVERS" which mean the Americans. This is why you are called the great shaitan

The Palestinians don't want to kill us. They aren't our enemies. They haven't attacked us. We haven't even caught any of their spies spying on us.

The Bible contains a bunch of stuff about killing unbelievers to, but who cares? Most Christians don't and most Muslims don't with the Koran. It's just another way to generate hate.

Maybe you've been on vacation and have missed the beheading videos. Muslims kill when ever the opportunity presents itself. Can you point to any Christian beheading videos?
The squatting Muslims and Iran are of one accord. First comes Saturday, then comes Sunday. Kill the Jews first, then comes the Christian's turn.
Get your head out of your ass. Hamas isn't a happy, fluffy sect of Muslims. They believe what Iran believes.

What did the Palestinians do to us - please be specific. As far as they know, they aren't our enemy.

U.S. court: Palestinians must pay for attacks - CNN.com
Palestinian terrorists hijack an Italian cruise ship - Oct 07, 1985 - HISTORY.com
Pan Am Flight 73 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
10 Most Terrifying Airplane Hijackings of All Time - Criminal Justice Degrees Guide
List of Palestinian suicide attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Israel charges Palestinian in U.S. embassy bomb plot
Palestinians bomb US convoy
1983 United States embassy bombing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Significant Terrorist Incidents 1961-2003: A Brief Chronology
1986 Berlin discotheque bombing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So if terrorists attack us that means the country they came out is our enemy? Is Israel our enemy then because of the USS Liberty or the actions of the JDL?

Has the Palestinian government declared war on us?

The Palestinian government is hamas which is part of the Muslim Brotherhood so they have declared was on the US.


Hamas Leader Says God Has Declared War on U.S.

FrontPage Magazine - Hamas Declares War on America
Maybe you've been on vacation and have missed the beheading videos. Muslims kill when ever the opportunity presents itself. Can you point to any Christian beheading videos?
The squatting Muslims and Iran are of one accord. First comes Saturday, then comes Sunday. Kill the Jews first, then comes the Christian's turn.
Get your head out of your ass. Hamas isn't a happy, fluffy sect of Muslims. They believe what Iran believes.

What did the Palestinians do to us - please be specific. As far as they know, they aren't our enemy.

U.S. court: Palestinians must pay for attacks - CNN.com
Palestinian terrorists hijack an Italian cruise ship - Oct 07, 1985 - HISTORY.com
Pan Am Flight 73 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
10 Most Terrifying Airplane Hijackings of All Time - Criminal Justice Degrees Guide
List of Palestinian suicide attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Israel charges Palestinian in U.S. embassy bomb plot
Palestinians bomb US convoy
1983 United States embassy bombing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Significant Terrorist Incidents 1961-2003: A Brief Chronology
1986 Berlin discotheque bombing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So if terrorists attack us that means the country they came out is our enemy? Is Israel our enemy then because of the USS Liberty or the actions of the JDL?

Has the Palestinian government declared war on us?

all investigations showed it was a mistake and not an intentional attack.
Israel also paid restitution for the mistake.

Agree. The point is, you don't take the actions of extremists years ago, and then claim the entire people are the US' enemy do you? The Palestinians aren't are enemy any more than Israel is. There are those, however, who would love to ruin the any sort of relationship with one or the other.

You have just done so in the case of Israel haven't you bringing up the only incident of friendly fire deaths EVER.

Agree. The point is, you don't take the actions of extremists years ago, and then claim the entire people are the US' enemy do you? The Palestinians aren't are enemy any more than Israel is. There are those, however, who would love to ruin the any sort of relationship with one or the other.

You can blame groups and some known individuals, but not the 'palestinians' as a group are wholly responsible. The retoric by many is an incitement. In general conversations, especially when most don't understand all the differing groups and factions we do just say palestinians because palestinians are involved, but not every last palestinian.

Go to the streets and speak to those in camps, gaza and some in the WB, they will speak in threats towards the west and Israel. A much smaller number will actually take action. There is a general education in hate that feeds the rhetoric and violence.

Yes, palestinians attacked america(ns). That does not mean all palestinians, but they were palestinians and they were acting on behalf of all palestinians, or so they believe. They act with the knowledge and financial backing of their factions. Violence is encourage in word or action by far too many average palestinians. Yes there are wonderful palestinians that are seeking peace but they are not the most outspoken.

Just the other day the news reported hamas had agreed to an 8 yr truce and today a 2yr old was hurt by a rock attack. Hamas also claims to have captured a tagged dolphin they say is an Israeli spy. Israel dolphins are subs, not mammals. The other day they claimed to have downed a drone, but from the pictures it looks like a balloon, construction paper and balsa wood glider made by a kid, not a sophisticated military drone. An Israel was injured in an explosion near jerusalem. Not exactly a lasting truce on hamas' part. They might seem minor but it is major propaganda for incitment of more and larger attacks.

Attacking americans is big news for them, major PR globally. They work on the principle that there is no such thing a bad news.

They might have agreed to an 8 year truce, but broke it as the ink was drying by firing illegal rockets into Israel. Israel has responded by firing rockets at hamas leaders and have killed one, now they threaten a land offensive if hamas does not keep the cease fire. Expect another 2,000 dead Palestinians and even more destruction in gaza because of the Palestinians attacks.
Hold on to your wallets, infidels, the Islamo welfare train is approaching.

It's truly a shame that the West has allowed the money grubbing "Palestinians" view their welfare payments as an entitlement.

They've become so dependent and corrupt that we're subjected to the "we can't be held responsible for what may happen if our welfare payments are delayed".


UNRWA Workers in Gaza Threaten to Rebel

Head of Hamas-affiliated teachers union warns UNRWA bankruptcy and service suspension will likely be met by rebellion in Gaza.

Last month, Hamas claimed that UNRWA is "giving up its role" of providing services to "refugees," a status designated to the Arabs who left Israel in the 1948 War of Independence as well as their now roughly five million descendants. That hereditary "Palestinian refugee" status operates in contradiction to all other refugees in the world, who are all handled by the UNHRC.

The UNRWA is the world's hugest welfare program. It exists purely to perpetuate the invented "refugee" status of Palestinian Arabs who fled their homes when Arab armies told them to get out of the way so the Jew-genocide could commence. It's the only such agency for a terror quasi-state, and it gets $100 million annually from U.S. taxpayers. Does that money go to help impoverished Palestinian Arabs who need to eat and receive medical care or does it buy new Kalashnikovs and plastic explosives for Hamas? Who knows?

The terror group responded by then threatening the UN group with violence.

Well, what anyone expect from Islamic terrorists / dependent welfare fraud?

Wonderful stuff. Because you know, Palestinian Arabs just don't get enough poisonous, irrational hatred of Israel and the West from their deranged imams at the mosque, from their farcical joke of a print media, and straight out of the children's textbooks at school. They also need loathsome dreck like this from their government-run television to supplement their steady diet of anger, hatred, violence, fake victimhood, and self-imposed misery.

While the UN body was established for the roughly 800,000 "Palestinian refugees" in 1949, separately from the existing UNHRC which deals with all other refugees in the world, the UN took no action to aid the 850,000 Jewish refugees expelled from Arab lands after the establishment of the state of Israel.

As I watched the first faltering steps of democracy in the Middle East and note how in so many parts of Islam'istan, hateful, armed Islamic killers win sizeable portions of the popular vote, I have conflicting reactions. I feel vindicated in my continued insistence that Islamism and its fascistic, violent program are so deeply ingrained in the psyche of Moslems that they will actually freely vote to be ruled by its totalitarian agenda.

On the other hand, I am beyond caring for the misery that islamics inflict upon themselves for adhereing to such a retrograde politico-religious ideology.
Hold on to your wallets, infidels, the Islamo welfare train is approaching.

It's truly a shame that the West has allowed the money grubbing "Palestinians" view their welfare payments as an entitlement.

They've become so dependent and corrupt that we're subjected to the "we can't be held responsible for what may happen if our welfare payments are delayed".


UNRWA Workers in Gaza Threaten to Rebel

Head of Hamas-affiliated teachers union warns UNRWA bankruptcy and service suspension will likely be met by rebellion in Gaza.

Last month, Hamas claimed that UNRWA is "giving up its role" of providing services to "refugees," a status designated to the Arabs who left Israel in the 1948 War of Independence as well as their now roughly five million descendants. That hereditary "Palestinian refugee" status operates in contradiction to all other refugees in the world, who are all handled by the UNHRC.

The UNRWA is the world's hugest welfare program. It exists purely to perpetuate the invented "refugee" status of Palestinian Arabs who fled their homes when Arab armies told them to get out of the way so the Jew-genocide could commence. It's the only such agency for a terror quasi-state, and it gets $100 million annually from U.S. taxpayers. Does that money go to help impoverished Palestinian Arabs who need to eat and receive medical care or does it buy new Kalashnikovs and plastic explosives for Hamas? Who knows?

The terror group responded by then threatening the UN group with violence.

Well, what anyone expect from Islamic terrorists / dependent welfare fraud?

Wonderful stuff. Because you know, Palestinian Arabs just don't get enough poisonous, irrational hatred of Israel and the West from their deranged imams at the mosque, from their farcical joke of a print media, and straight out of the children's textbooks at school. They also need loathsome dreck like this from their government-run television to supplement their steady diet of anger, hatred, violence, fake victimhood, and self-imposed misery.

While the UN body was established for the roughly 800,000 "Palestinian refugees" in 1949, separately from the existing UNHRC which deals with all other refugees in the world, the UN took no action to aid the 850,000 Jewish refugees expelled from Arab lands after the establishment of the state of Israel.

As I watched the first faltering steps of democracy in the Middle East and note how in so many parts of Islam'istan, hateful, armed Islamic killers win sizeable portions of the popular vote, I have conflicting reactions. I feel vindicated in my continued insistence that Islamism and its fascistic, violent program are so deeply ingrained in the psyche of Moslems that they will actually freely vote to be ruled by its totalitarian agenda.

On the other hand, I am beyond caring for the misery that islamics inflict upon themselves for adhereing to such a retrograde politico-religious ideology.
Oh, you poor dear. Afflicted with The Stupid and as such, You're unable to assemble words into meaningful sentences.

You are among those who wear that coveted badge of the professional complainer, the eternal whiner and those who make excuses for their self-created incompetence and ineptitude.

I noticed that your frothing whine-fest lacked any effort at addressing the inability of the "Palestinians" to overcome their self-inflicted "victimhood" status.

Many, many nations have had challenges to overcome including the after effects of war, poverty and colonialism. Some of those nations have suffered through and risen above such circumstances just within the last couple of decades or centuries. Why did so much of the world advance, while large swaths of the planet (primarily Middle Eastern islamist nations did not?

Europe stumbled through the Dark Ages and eventually found the enlightenment and embraced the arts, sciences and philosophy. They didn't wring their hands in self-pity as you and the "Palestinians" do.

Similarly, Europeans didn't blame moslems for their problems, even after the wars of conquest inflicted upon them by Islamic hoardes. Europeans found that intellectualism and science would allow them to control their destinies. They left moslem nations to wallow in their endowments of self-hate, self pity and failure.

Have you considered the Eastern nations that have no need of your whining, feeble excuses? Have you considered why it is that nations such as Singapore, India, South Korea and Japan, as examples; counties with shared histories of colonial pasts, have managed to shed the relics of their earlier histories and joined the economies of the developed world? There are even portions of Indonesia not yet totally ravaged by Islamism which choose not to perpetuate the hand wringing failure complex like you and your Islamics do.

As long as you and the failure complex types like you refuse to take responsibility for the problems you create, you will remain the impotent, whining little victims you choose to be.
Coyote, Do we bomb the country of ISIS? Where is that exactly? Then what, invade Talibania?
And yes, Palestinians HAVE declared war on us.

Tell me which picture is Palestinians calling for our death, and which is Iran calling for our death?


The pictures have no context - what is the event, where did it take place, what was being said and when?

The Palestinians aren't are enemy much as some wish it were so.

The pictures don't need context. One was taken in "Palestine" and one in Iran.
The event was kill America Day. What they were saying was, Death to America.

All pictures need context.

Do you have a link to "kill America day"?

You have everything you need right in front of you to answer my question. Nothing more is required.
For information on Death to America day, google "Quds Day" .
Coyote, Do we bomb the country of ISIS? Where is that exactly? Then what, invade Talibania?
And yes, Palestinians HAVE declared war on us.

Tell me which picture is Palestinians calling for our death, and which is Iran calling for our death?


The pictures have no context - what is the event, where did it take place, what was being said and when?

The Palestinians aren't are enemy much as some wish it were so.

The pictures don't need context. One was taken in "Palestine" and one in Iran.
The event was kill America Day. What they were saying was, Death to America.

All pictures need context.

Do you have a link to "kill America day"?

You have everything you need right in front of you to answer my question. Nothing more is required.
For information on Death to America day, google "Quds Day" .

In otherwords you can't provide any source or context explaining what those photos are about.

Quds Day (Jerusalem Day, Quds is the Arabic name for Jerusalem), officially called International Quds Day (روز جهانی قدس), is an annual event held on the last Friday of Ramadan that was initiated by the Islamic Republic of Iran in 1979 to express solidarity with the Palestinian people and oppose Zionism and Israel's existence,[1] as well as Israel's control of Jerusalem. In Iran, the government sponsors and organizes the day's rallies. Quds Day is also held in several other countries, mainly in the Arab and Muslim world, with protests against Israel.[2][3][4]

Nothing about "death to America" day.
Last edited:

Did you read that link before you posted it?

There are more acts of "Domestic Terrorism" in that document than anything else!

No figures showing the "number of American deaths caused by US aid to Palestine"!

Looks like you failed again Phoney!

Your standard answer to everything that proves you wrong these days. The fact that most of the money for islamonazi terrorism comes via US, UK and UN aid is the reality of the situation and you don't like it being made public

My standard answer Phoney?

Then have a 2nd shot at providing a link to support your claims, your first was WAY off the mark!

Nope it shows the Islamic terrorism against the US funded in part by the aid given to Islamic nations.

You like repeating your BS until you actually start believing it Phoney?

Well, you are the only one!

You link proves nothing more than you didn't actually read it!
Coyote, Do we bomb the country of ISIS? Where is that exactly? Then what, invade Talibania?
And yes, Palestinians HAVE declared war on us.

Tell me which picture is Palestinians calling for our death, and which is Iran calling for our death?


The pictures have no context - what is the event, where did it take place, what was being said and when?

The Palestinians aren't are enemy much as some wish it were so.

The pictures don't need context. One was taken in "Palestine" and one in Iran.
The event was kill America Day. What they were saying was, Death to America.

All pictures need context.

Do you have a link to "kill America day"?

You have everything you need right in front of you to answer my question. Nothing more is required.
For information on Death to America day, google "Quds Day" .

In otherwords you can't provide any source or context explaining what those photos are about.

You're trying to skirt the issue. Let's common core:
Google, "Palestinians burning American flags".
Google, "Iran burning American flags".
Then tell me which of the two want us dead more..........
Coyote, Do we bomb the country of ISIS? Where is that exactly? Then what, invade Talibania?
And yes, Palestinians HAVE declared war on us.

Tell me which picture is Palestinians calling for our death, and which is Iran calling for our death?


The pictures have no context - what is the event, where did it take place, what was being said and when?

The Palestinians aren't are enemy much as some wish it were so.

The pictures don't need context. One was taken in "Palestine" and one in Iran.
The event was kill America Day. What they were saying was, Death to America.

All pictures need context.

Do you have a link to "kill America day"?

You have everything you need right in front of you to answer my question. Nothing more is required.
For information on Death to America day, google "Quds Day" .

In otherwords you can't provide any source or context explaining what those photos are about.

Quds Day (Jerusalem Day, Quds is the Arabic name for Jerusalem), officially called International Quds Day (روز جهانی قدس), is an annual event held on the last Friday of Ramadan that was initiated by the Islamic Republic of Iran in 1979 to express solidarity with the Palestinian people and oppose Zionism and Israel's existence,[1] as well as Israel's control of Jerusalem. In Iran, the government sponsors and organizes the day's rallies. Quds Day is also held in several other countries, mainly in the Arab and Muslim world, with protests against Israel.[2][3][4]

Nothing about "death to America" day.

Iran's Quds Day: Death to America, Death to Israel

Iran's Quds Day: Death to America, Death to Israel

The ritualistic rally-cries of "Death to America" and "Death to Israel" -- and the burning in effigy of the leaders of Israel, America, and Saudi Arabia -- underscore the basic lie that underpins Quds Day: the Iranian regime is focused on Iran's revolutionary extremist agenda, not on the welfare of Palestinian Arabs.

Quds Day has become a day in which Iran and protestors in other societies attack the legitimacy of the state of Israel ("The Little Satan") and continue to threaten the United States ("The Big Satan").

"Another advantage of Al Quds Day 2015 was that it coincided with the final hours of Iran's nuclear talks because these talks are in fact the confrontation between the Islamic Revolution of Iran and world arrogant powers." — Ayatollah Mohsen Araki, Secretary General of the World Forum of Islamic Schools of Thought.
The Irish Ram, Coyote, et al,

Our friend "Coyote," is quite right to asked for the context in which the photo is being framed and used (your intent). The top photo is, of course, from the BPR (BizPac Review) Article "Palestinians burn American flag, chant ‘Allahu Akbar’ to welcome Obama" (March 21, 2013 | Michael Dorstewitz); with the Photo Credit to Iranian Press TV (www.presstv.ir) from the archive. I have no reason to believe that the flag is genuine.

The bottom photo also originates from an Iranian Press File (Copy of Image URL:
"http://www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/f51.../08/18/WTSP/WTSP/635755023745251498-irans.jpg.") ... However, the flag used is what we sometime called (in the old days) as PROP2 (a Psychological Propaganda device or object used on stage by actors during a performance) material. You will notice that the half dozen (or so) State Stars on the flag are actually Stars of David. The image can currently be found at IMAGE FILE, and has been used several time just recently. This type of flag has been used several times in the last decade and denotes an anti-Israeli/American Diplomatic Relationship.

However, both are associated with the PsyOp element of the Iran [as in the Revolutionary Guards Force-al Quds Force (IRGF-AQ)], the bottom one more so than the top one.

In otherwords you can't provide any source or context explaining what those photos are about.

You're trying to skirt the issue. Let's common core:
Google, "Palestinians burning American flags".
Google, "Iran burning American flags".
Then tell me which of the two want us dead more..........

The US is not appreciated in any respect by the majority in any culture of independent Arab States from the north-eastern part of Africa through to southwest Asia (The Arab League). America can do no right as far as the people of Arab nations are concerned. I have to laugh, as there has been no more of a better example than that of the people of Yemen. Earlier this years:

Thousands protest against Houthi rule in Yemen after embassies close
SANAA | BY MOHAMMED GHOBARI World | Wed Feb 11, 2015
Yemenis in the capital Sanaa and the central city of Taiz held the largest protests yet against a takeover by a Shi'ite Muslim militia group on Wednesday after the United States, Britain and France shut their embassies over security fears.

Hundreds massed in the capital against the Houthi fighters, who manned checkpoints and guarded government buildings they control. The militants, bedecked in tribal robes and automatic rifles, shot in the air and thrust daggers at the crowds opposing their rule.

Tens of thousands of people also carried banners and chanted anti-Houthi slogans in Taiz, which the militants have not taken.

The Iranian-backed Houthi movement has called its seizure of power a revolution and says it wants to rid the country of corruption and economic peril -- though Yemen's rich Sunni Muslim Gulf Arab neighbors say it is a coup.
SOURCE: Reuters News Service

But again, look who is backing the Shi'ite Militia (Houthi) and furthering the Shia Insurgency in Yemen.

Iran is attempting to become (and probably will become) the major military influence in the region unless the US funnels some serious support to the Saudi Arabian that will offset the Iranian success on the ground. But then, for the US to intervene, there will likely to be anti-American Protests on that issues; even though that would likely give the US some Arab credibility on the Arab-Israeli issues (and the Palestinians). None of the major Arab states want either of the inept leadership rivals in Palestine to inadvertently open the door to Iran (IRGC-AQ) or DAESH (ISIS/ISIL).

As long as the US holds a plastic leadership role in the Middle East/Persian Gulf Region, there will always be some Arab/Persian element protesting America.

Most Respectfully,
Last edited:
The Irish Ram, Coyote, et al,

Our friend "Coyote," is quite right to asked for the context in which the photo is being framed and used (your intent). The top photo is, of course, from the BPR (BizPac Review) Article "Palestinians burn American flag, chant ‘Allahu Akbar’ to welcome Obama" (March 21, 2013 | Michael Dorstewitz); with the Photo Credit to Iranian Press TV (www.presstv.ir) from the archive. I have no reason to believe that the flag is genuine.

The bottom photo also originates from an Iranian Press File (Copy of Image URL:
"http://www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/f51.../08/18/WTSP/WTSP/635755023745251498-irans.jpg.") ... However, the flag used is what we sometime called (in the old days) as PROP2 (a Psychological Propaganda device or object used on stage by actors during a performance) material. You will notice that the half dozen (or so) State Stars on the flag are actually Stars of David. The image can currently be found at IMAGE FILE, and has been used several time just recently. This type of flag has been used several times in the last decade and denotes an anti-Israeli/American Diplomatic Relationship.

However, both are associated with the PsyOp element of the Iran [as in the Revolutionary Guards Force-al Quds Force (IRGF-AQ)], the bottom one more so than the top one.

In otherwords you can't provide any source or context explaining what those photos are about.

You're trying to skirt the issue. Let's common core:
Google, "Palestinians burning American flags".
Google, "Iran burning American flags".
Then tell me which of the two want us dead more..........

The US is not appreciated in any respect by the majority in any culture of independent Arab States from the north-eastern part of Africa through to southwest Asia (The Arab League). America can do no right as far as the people of Arab nations are concerned. I have to laugh, as there has been no more of a better example than that of the people of Yemen. Earlier this years:

Thousands protest against Houthi rule in Yemen after embassies close
SANAA | BY MOHAMMED GHOBARI World | Wed Feb 11, 2015
Yemenis in the capital Sanaa and the central city of Taiz held the largest protests yet against a takeover by a Shi'ite Muslim militia group on Wednesday after the United States, Britain and France shut their embassies over security fears.

Hundreds massed in the capital against the Houthi fighters, who manned checkpoints and guarded government buildings they control. The militants, bedecked in tribal robes and automatic rifles, shot in the air and thrust daggers at the crowds opposing their rule.

Tens of thousands of people also carried banners and chanted anti-Houthi slogans in Taiz, which the militants have not taken.

The Iranian-backed Houthi movement has called its seizure of power a revolution and says it wants to rid the country of corruption and economic peril -- though Yemen's rich Sunni Muslim Gulf Arab neighbors say it is a coup.
SOURCE: Reuters News Service

But again, look who is backing the Shi'ite Militia (Houthi) and furthering the Shia Insurgency in Yemen.

Iran is attempting to become (and probably will become) the major military influence in the region unless the US funnels some serious support to the Saudi Arabian that will offset the Iranian success on the ground. But then, for the US to intervene, there will likely to be anti-American Protests on that issues; even though that would likely give the US some Arab credibility on the Arab-Israeli issues (and the Palestinians). None of the major Arab states want either of the inept leadership rivals in Palestine to inadvertently open the door to Iran (IRGC-AQ) or DAESH (ISIS/ISIL).

As long as the US holds a plastic leadership role in the Middle East/Persian Gulf Region, there will always be some Arab/Persian element protesting America.

Most Respectfully,

Thanks for a really good indepth explanation - as always, I appreciate it :)

I think folks are always protesting the US but that doesn't make them our enemies.
The whole point of the pictures was no context. The point is, without context you can't tell which participants want to kill us more. There is no difference between what Iran wants and what Hamas wants. The only difference in those pictures is location.
The country of Palestine does not exist. That "country" will not be announcing a declaration of war. They chant it to us instead.
If "Death to America" isn't a declaration, then why don't we greet all of our family and friends with the same sentiment? " Hi Mom, die bitch."

If you are an American, and someone makes you their target, that is war.
Coyote, et al,

Yes, this is very true; and something important to remember.

I think folks are always protesting the US but that doesn't make them our enemies.

Even in the US (domestic protects) - there are demonstrations against US policies on everything from seal hunts, animal rights, abortion, taxation, climate change, off shore drilling, military deployments, use of drones in the US, gun control, and money based lobbyist (and more). The difference between a peace protest --- and flag burning rallies that denounce America, inciting Jihad, issuing threats against America and her allies, and making calls for its destruction of our in the name of their deity, IS THAT one is rational and peaceful; the other is dangerous --- especially when it takes the form of an actual attack.

In the case of the Arab Palestinians, we do not use the word "enemy." In fact, relatively speaking, it is not considered politically correct to label any nation as an "enemy" as a matter of policy. But, remember that organizations like the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) pose a threat that is not fundamentally different from the threat posed by DAESH (ISIS/ISIL) and its branches.

The term "enemy" is a political observation and assignment. Being killed by HAMAS may, considered by some, not be the same as being killed by the "enemy;" you are still just as dead.

Most Respectfully,
Coyote, et al,

Yes, this is very true; and something important to remember.

I think folks are always protesting the US but that doesn't make them our enemies.

Even in the US (domestic protects) - there are demonstrations against US policies on everything from seal hunts, animal rights, abortion, taxation, climate change, off shore drilling, military deployments, use of drones in the US, gun control, and money based lobbyist (and more). The difference between a peace protest --- and flag burning rallies that denounce America, inciting Jihad, issuing threats against America and her allies, and making calls for its destruction of our in the name of their deity, IS THAT one is rational and peaceful; the other is dangerous --- especially when it takes the form of an actual attack.

In the case of the Arab Palestinians, we do not use the word "enemy." In fact, relatively speaking, it is not considered politically correct to label any nation as an "enemy" as a matter of policy. But, remember that organizations like the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) pose a threat that is not fundamentally different from the threat posed by DAESH (ISIS/ISIL) and its branches.

The term "enemy" is a political observation and assignment. Being killed by HAMAS may, considered by some, not be the same as being killed by the "enemy;" you are still just as dead.

Most Respectfully,

I don't see HAMAS as a threat to us in the same way as ISIS. HAMAS is regional terrorist organization who's primary aim is to gain a Palestinian state. They are not radical extremists, they have no larger regional ambitions. To say they pose a threat to us or are similar to ISIS is disengenious. I've noticed, over the past year, there is a deliberate propoganda attempt to link the two in people's minds that is, at it's core, dishonest. The threat posed by HAMAS is fundamentaly different than that of ISIS in that it's directed at Israel. HAMAS poses no threat to us. ISIS, through it's global ambitions, recruiting efforts, and terrorism does.
Coyote, et al,

Yes, this is very true; and something important to remember.

I think folks are always protesting the US but that doesn't make them our enemies.

Even in the US (domestic protects) - there are demonstrations against US policies on everything from seal hunts, animal rights, abortion, taxation, climate change, off shore drilling, military deployments, use of drones in the US, gun control, and money based lobbyist (and more). The difference between a peace protest --- and flag burning rallies that denounce America, inciting Jihad, issuing threats against America and her allies, and making calls for its destruction of our in the name of their deity, IS THAT one is rational and peaceful; the other is dangerous --- especially when it takes the form of an actual attack.

In the case of the Arab Palestinians, we do not use the word "enemy." In fact, relatively speaking, it is not considered politically correct to label any nation as an "enemy" as a matter of policy. But, remember that organizations like the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) pose a threat that is not fundamentally different from the threat posed by DAESH (ISIS/ISIL) and its branches.

The term "enemy" is a political observation and assignment. Being killed by HAMAS may, considered by some, not be the same as being killed by the "enemy;" you are still just as dead.

Most Respectfully,

I don't see HAMAS as a threat to us in the same way as ISIS. HAMAS is regional terrorist organization who's primary aim is to gain a Palestinian state. They are not radical extremists, they have no larger regional ambitions. To say they pose a threat to us or are similar to ISIS is disengenious. I've noticed, over the past year, there is a deliberate propoganda attempt to link the two in people's minds that is, at it's core, dishonest. The threat posed by HAMAS is fundamentaly different than that of ISIS in that it's directed at Israel. HAMAS poses no threat to us. ISIS, through it's global ambitions, recruiting efforts, and terrorism does.

Wrong again if you bother to look at the evidence. The facts are hamas are international terrorists who will do anything to destroy Israel and mass murder all the worlds Jews. This is ambodied in their charter which they roll out every 3 months or so and say they will not stop their terrorist attack until Israel is destroyed and the land returned to the mythical Palestinian nation.
Coyote, et al,

Yes, this is very true; and something important to remember.

I think folks are always protesting the US but that doesn't make them our enemies.

Even in the US (domestic protects) - there are demonstrations against US policies on everything from seal hunts, animal rights, abortion, taxation, climate change, off shore drilling, military deployments, use of drones in the US, gun control, and money based lobbyist (and more). The difference between a peace protest --- and flag burning rallies that denounce America, inciting Jihad, issuing threats against America and her allies, and making calls for its destruction of our in the name of their deity, IS THAT one is rational and peaceful; the other is dangerous --- especially when it takes the form of an actual attack.

In the case of the Arab Palestinians, we do not use the word "enemy." In fact, relatively speaking, it is not considered politically correct to label any nation as an "enemy" as a matter of policy. But, remember that organizations like the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) pose a threat that is not fundamentally different from the threat posed by DAESH (ISIS/ISIL) and its branches.

The term "enemy" is a political observation and assignment. Being killed by HAMAS may, considered by some, not be the same as being killed by the "enemy;" you are still just as dead.

Most Respectfully,

I don't see HAMAS as a threat to us in the same way as ISIS. HAMAS is regional terrorist organization who's primary aim is to gain a Palestinian state. They are not radical extremists, they have no larger regional ambitions. To say they pose a threat to us or are similar to ISIS is disengenious. I've noticed, over the past year, there is a deliberate propoganda attempt to link the two in people's minds that is, at it's core, dishonest. The threat posed by HAMAS is fundamentaly different than that of ISIS in that it's directed at Israel. HAMAS poses no threat to us. ISIS, through it's global ambitions, recruiting efforts, and terrorism does.

Wrong again if you bother to look at the evidence. The facts are hamas are international terrorists who will do anything to destroy Israel and mass murder all the worlds Jews. This is ambodied in their charter which they roll out every 3 months or so and say they will not stop their terrorist attack until Israel is destroyed and the land returned to the mythical Palestinian nation.

Their focus is on Israel, not the world's Jews: Hamas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Coyote, et al,

Yes, this is very true; and something important to remember.

I think folks are always protesting the US but that doesn't make them our enemies.

Even in the US (domestic protects) - there are demonstrations against US policies on everything from seal hunts, animal rights, abortion, taxation, climate change, off shore drilling, military deployments, use of drones in the US, gun control, and money based lobbyist (and more). The difference between a peace protest --- and flag burning rallies that denounce America, inciting Jihad, issuing threats against America and her allies, and making calls for its destruction of our in the name of their deity, IS THAT one is rational and peaceful; the other is dangerous --- especially when it takes the form of an actual attack.

In the case of the Arab Palestinians, we do not use the word "enemy." In fact, relatively speaking, it is not considered politically correct to label any nation as an "enemy" as a matter of policy. But, remember that organizations like the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) pose a threat that is not fundamentally different from the threat posed by DAESH (ISIS/ISIL) and its branches.

The term "enemy" is a political observation and assignment. Being killed by HAMAS may, considered by some, not be the same as being killed by the "enemy;" you are still just as dead.

Most Respectfully,

I don't see HAMAS as a threat to us in the same way as ISIS. HAMAS is regional terrorist organization who's primary aim is to gain a Palestinian state. They are not radical extremists, they have no larger regional ambitions. To say they pose a threat to us or are similar to ISIS is disengenious. I've noticed, over the past year, there is a deliberate propoganda attempt to link the two in people's minds that is, at it's core, dishonest. The threat posed by HAMAS is fundamentaly different than that of ISIS in that it's directed at Israel. HAMAS poses no threat to us. ISIS, through it's global ambitions, recruiting efforts, and terrorism does.

Wrong again if you bother to look at the evidence. The facts are hamas are international terrorists who will do anything to destroy Israel and mass murder all the worlds Jews. This is ambodied in their charter which they roll out every 3 months or so and say they will not stop their terrorist attack until Israel is destroyed and the land returned to the mythical Palestinian nation.

And we have to take your word and your word alone Phoney...?

No supporting links and the ones you post end up proving YOU wrong!
Coyote, et al,

Yes, this is very true; and something important to remember.

I think folks are always protesting the US but that doesn't make them our enemies.

Even in the US (domestic protects) - there are demonstrations against US policies on everything from seal hunts, animal rights, abortion, taxation, climate change, off shore drilling, military deployments, use of drones in the US, gun control, and money based lobbyist (and more). The difference between a peace protest --- and flag burning rallies that denounce America, inciting Jihad, issuing threats against America and her allies, and making calls for its destruction of our in the name of their deity, IS THAT one is rational and peaceful; the other is dangerous --- especially when it takes the form of an actual attack.

In the case of the Arab Palestinians, we do not use the word "enemy." In fact, relatively speaking, it is not considered politically correct to label any nation as an "enemy" as a matter of policy. But, remember that organizations like the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) pose a threat that is not fundamentally different from the threat posed by DAESH (ISIS/ISIL) and its branches.

The term "enemy" is a political observation and assignment. Being killed by HAMAS may, considered by some, not be the same as being killed by the "enemy;" you are still just as dead.

Most Respectfully,

I don't see HAMAS as a threat to us in the same way as ISIS. HAMAS is regional terrorist organization who's primary aim is to gain a Palestinian state. They are not radical extremists, they have no larger regional ambitions. To say they pose a threat to us or are similar to ISIS is disengenious. I've noticed, over the past year, there is a deliberate propoganda attempt to link the two in people's minds that is, at it's core, dishonest. The threat posed by HAMAS is fundamentaly different than that of ISIS in that it's directed at Israel. HAMAS poses no threat to us. ISIS, through it's global ambitions, recruiting efforts, and terrorism does.

Wrong again if you bother to look at the evidence. The facts are hamas are international terrorists who will do anything to destroy Israel and mass murder all the worlds Jews. This is ambodied in their charter which they roll out every 3 months or so and say they will not stop their terrorist attack until Israel is destroyed and the land returned to the mythical Palestinian nation.

Their focus is on Israel, not the world's Jews: Hamas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Their focus is on the worlds Jews as their charter says, they will deploy all over the world to attack the Jew and his friends. So America is no longer safe from attack and you need to be looking over your shoulder. Feeding the Jews to the crocodile will not save you when all the Jews have been eaten.

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