Palestinian Kindergarten presents hate as love

This is just more evidence that Palestinian society breeds hate. And if they continue to do so, they'll continue to see the results they have been seeing.

You'd be just as hateful if a foreign country was occupying your homeland by force.

So the Palestinians don't want to make peace the Israelis then, right?

Capitulate to the Israelis? Why would they? Would you?

what does "capitulate to the Israelis" mean?
It means letting Political Zionism win, and take over all of Palestine so they can call it Israel.
This is just more evidence that Palestinian society breeds hate. And if they continue to do so, they'll continue to see the results they have been seeing.

You'd be just as hateful if a foreign country was occupying your homeland by force.

So the Palestinians don't want to make peace the Israelis then, right?

Capitulate to the Israelis? Why would they? Would you?

what does "capitulate to the Israelis" mean?
It means letting Political Zionism win, and take over all of Palestine so they can call it Israel.

Thank you.
Can you blame them?
For teaching kids in kindergarten to fucking hate? Absolutely. You're a special kind of retard.
Maybe they're just beginning to teach them how to defend themselves against this sort of thing:


Or maybe it's just ingrained in their "culture."


Wrong forum. Believe you will find plenty of israeltards here. Usually same ppl that are good with baby murder here are good with idf terrorists murdering kids throwing rocks
This is just more evidence that Palestinian society breeds hate. And if they continue to do so, they'll continue to see the results they have been seeing.

You'd be just as hateful if a foreign country was occupying your homeland by force.

So the Palestinians don't want to make peace the Israelis then, right?

Capitulate to the Israelis? Why would they? Would you?

what does "capitulate to the Israelis" mean?
It means letting Political Zionism win, and take over all of Palestine so they can call it Israel.

Can you define "all of Palestine"? or ----"POLITICAL ZIONISM" ----and compare it to "ARAB NATIONALISM?

Why? The Israelis train almost every citizen to kill. What's the difference?

Serious question: Do you look as stupid as you sound? You just called wanting peace for the Palestinians is capitulating to the Israelis.
?? What part of Political Zionism needing to take over all of Palestine, without nearly as many Arabs as there are now, do you not understand? What part of a two-state solution is impossible under Political Zionism do you not understand?

Why? The Israelis train almost every citizen to kill. What's the difference?

Serious question: Do you look as stupid as you sound? You just called wanting peace for the Palestinians is capitulating to the Israelis.
?? What part of Political Zionism needing to take over all of Palestine, without nearly as many Arabs as there are now, do you not understand? What part of a two-state solution is impossible under Political Zionism do you not understand?

The Israelis already offered a two state solution. The Palestinians rejected it, remember?

:lmao: You mean this Ken O'Keefe:

On Iran's Press TV program, The Agenda, while speaking on the topic of "America: Is it a Civilized Nation?", O'Keefe denied the plausibility that the September 11 attacks were committed by Osama bin Laden and the 19 hijackers. He claimed it was an inside job and that the US government and intelligence agencies, includingMossad, were responsible. He has repeated this view in an article on his own website, in which he states "Israeli Mossad worked with high treason traitors in the US government to set explosives in the twin towers and building 7 on 9/11 so as to instigate the fraudulent ‘War on Terror’".

He alleged that the United States government, including the President, had prior knowledge of the Japanese attacks on Pearl Harbor during World War II, but allowed the attacks to go ahead in order to have an excuse to enter the war.

O'Keefe appeared, alongside Jenny Tonge at an Israeli Apartheid Week talk at Middlesex University on February 23, 2012, during which he stated, "Israel and Mossad were directly involved in 9/11" and that it "continues to foster false flag terrorism". He further stated that "[Israel] has no place in this world. And it must in its current form, if you want me to use some inflammatory language, in its current form should be destroyed." A heated debate with supporters of Israel, who includedZionist Federation co-vice-chairman Jonathan Hoffman, followed O'Keefe's speech.

The police later reviewed remarks made by O'Keefe at the meeting after allegations were made by two pro-Israel activists who had been in the audience that they had incited racial hatred by comparing Jewish audience members to Nazis (O'Keefe had said: "The Jewish state is acting on behalf of the Jewish people. You [the Jewish people], like the Nazis, now have a special obligation. The decent Germans of World War Two, what did they do when the Nazis came to power and instituted their policies? Did they do enough to stop the Nazis? No, they didn't. What are the Jewish people doing right now? Are you doing enough to stop your racist, apartheid, genocidal state?"). After looking at submitted video and media material, the police came to the opinion that no criminal offences had been committed and no further action was taken.[38]

Six student societies in the Palestine solidarity movement released a statement condemning O'Keefe's remarks as anti-Semitic, stating that such opinions had no place in their struggle "against all forms of racism". However, Middlesex University's Student Union awarded the Free Palestine Society for O'Keefe's speaking event with the 'best society event of the year'.

In April 2015 O'Keefe gave a speech at a secret rally held by "Nazi sympathizers, Holocaust deniers and their supporters from across the world", The London Forum, at the Grosvenor Hotel.

Kenneth O'Keefe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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