Palestinian Kindergarten presents hate as love

who are "others" in your post? Did you own land there?
Did you ever meet anyone who owned land there in 1948?
Do you know any Hamas people who would agree that jews who bought land there prior to 1948 have every right to continue owning it along with ----jews who owned land in Iran and Iraq and Syria and Lebanon etc-----having every RIGHT TO CONTINUE TO OWN IT? You continue to declare----
I AM A DISGUSTING HYPOCRITE. btw----arabs NEVER BOUGHT HEBRON------jews bought that city several times over------since Abraham did-------uhm....a long time ago---jews NEVER SOLD IT
The others are the rightful land owners, the U.N. did not even bother to consult with before giving away their land.

can you name one who was damaged by this imaginary event?
There was nothing "imaginary" about it. Palestinian right of return - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The entire region was called Palestine, ignoramous. It had zero to do with population.
I am well aware of that and there should be only one state now - Palestine. The U.N. established the modern state of Israel on the land belonging to others, without their permission.
Who controlled that region in WW2?
Learn your history before posting here.
who are "others" in your post? Did you own land there?
Did you ever meet anyone who owned land there in 1948?
Do you know any Hamas people who would agree that jews who bought land there prior to 1948 have every right to continue owning it along with ----jews who owned land in Iran and Iraq and Syria and Lebanon etc-----having every RIGHT TO CONTINUE TO OWN IT? You continue to declare----
I AM A DISGUSTING HYPOCRITE. btw----arabs NEVER BOUGHT HEBRON------jews bought that city several times over------since Abraham did-------uhm....a long time ago---jews NEVER SOLD IT
The others are the rightful land owners, the U.N. did not even bother to consult with before giving away their land.

can you name one who was damaged by this imaginary event?
There was nothing "imaginary" about it. Palestinian right of return - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I am curious-----who OWNS the green stuff in the 1947 map?
Did the arabs agree to the 1947 plan-----do arabs own any of the land in the 2005 map? for that matter do arabs own
any of the land in the 1949-67 map?

Are you being serious...

Who do you think was living on that land?

You are so far from the actual truth it is just not on your radar...

to what "truth" do you refer----Palestine was never the western
frontier. One did not gain ownership of land over there by.
simply LIVING on it ------for the past 3000 years. ---in fact---even in Saudi arabia----nomadic Bedouins do not own land simply because their sheep eat the grass.-------Thruout
Europe---gypsies did not own land simply because they pitched their tents in empty fields or on the banks of rivers.
I did not suggest that no one lived there-----it was populated--albeit a bit sparsely all that time. -----not much of it was privately owned During the time of the OTTOMAN EMPIRE_--
there were turks who actually did own land------but since it did
nothing for them they were HAPPY TO SELL ---that is how jews came to own land------jews bought it ----it was the buying of land that people like YETI-----call stealing
The others are the rightful land owners, the U.N. did not even bother to consult with before giving away their land.

can you name one who was damaged by this imaginary event?
There was nothing "imaginary" about it. Palestinian right of return - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The entire region was called Palestine, ignoramous. It had zero to do with population.
I am well aware of that and there should be only one state now - Palestine. The U.N. established the modern state of Israel on the land belonging to others, without their permission.
Who controlled that region in WW2?
Learn your history before posting here.
The British, who washed their hands of the mess and gave it to the U.N. after the war. I know the history of this region backwards and forwards. Don't pee in my sandbox.
Someone somewhere long time ago in a galaxy far far away took some land.

Therefore it's ok to train kids to murder people, who nobody has taken any land from.

The leftist logic is completely air tight.
The land was taken starting in 1948. If someone takes your land do you make peace with them, yes or no?

my hubby's family lived in Palestine since 1941----they bought and owned land there---not much---but enough to put a little
cabin upon it. There were some arabs living nearby---
they did not OWN land. The word for that in English is "SQUATTERS". I have encountered people descended from families who also OWNED LAND there since the 1800s----have you ever OWNED any land ----yeti?------you don't get it unless you pay for it---------it you sit on it for 100 years------you don't OWN it. If the war that started in 1948 had been LOST------hubby's family would never own their land again.------There are lots of arabs living in Israel who OWN land-----now and before 1948. Hubby's family does not own land in Aden now-------why don't you tell the people over there that they STOLE
can you name one who was damaged by this imaginary event?
There was nothing "imaginary" about it. Palestinian right of return - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The entire region was called Palestine, ignoramous. It had zero to do with population.
I am well aware of that and there should be only one state now - Palestine. The U.N. established the modern state of Israel on the land belonging to others, without their permission.
Who controlled that region in WW2?
Learn your history before posting here.
The British, who washed their hands of the mess and gave it to the U.N. after the war. I know the history of this region backwards and forwards. Don't pee in my sandbox.

oh ok ----if you want to claim that the BRITISH GAVE IT TO THE UN_-----fine with me--------then what would you expect the UN to do with it?
The entire region was called Palestine, ignoramous. It had zero to do with population.
I am well aware of that and there should be only one state now - Palestine. The U.N. established the modern state of Israel on the land belonging to others, without their permission.
Who controlled that region in WW2?
Learn your history before posting here.
The British, who washed their hands of the mess and gave it to the U.N. after the war. I know the history of this region backwards and forwards. Don't pee in my sandbox.

oh ok ----if you want to claim that the BRITISH GAVE IT TO THE UN_-----fine with me--------then what would you expect the UN to do with it?
Help to establish what it was, the nation of Palestine. And I don't "claim" it, it's history. No claim is required.
The entire region was called Palestine, ignoramous. It had zero to do with population.
I am well aware of that and there should be only one state now - Palestine. The U.N. established the modern state of Israel on the land belonging to others, without their permission.
Who controlled that region in WW2?
Learn your history before posting here.
The British, who washed their hands of the mess and gave it to the U.N. after the war. I know the history of this region backwards and forwards. Don't pee in my sandbox.

oh ok ----if you want to claim that the BRITISH GAVE IT TO THE UN_-----fine with me--------then what would you expect the UN to do with it?
Help to establish what it was, the nation of Palestine. And I don't "claim" it, it's history. No claim is required.

There's never been a nation of Palestine....ever.
I am well aware of that and there should be only one state now - Palestine. The U.N. established the modern state of Israel on the land belonging to others, without their permission.
Who controlled that region in WW2?
Learn your history before posting here.
The British, who washed their hands of the mess and gave it to the U.N. after the war. I know the history of this region backwards and forwards. Don't pee in my sandbox.

oh ok ----if you want to claim that the BRITISH GAVE IT TO THE UN_-----fine with me--------then what would you expect the UN to do with it?
Help to establish what it was, the nation of Palestine. And I don't "claim" it, it's history. No claim is required.

There's never been a nation of Palestine....ever.
That's correct, because it's always been much of nothing ruled by everyone except those living there. Palestine is an ancient region that Jesus came from. It was Roman then.

It should be one nation now, that includes all of the land-grab known as the modern state of Israel.
The entire region was called Palestine, ignoramous. It had zero to do with population.
I am well aware of that and there should be only one state now - Palestine. The U.N. established the modern state of Israel on the land belonging to others, without their permission.
Who controlled that region in WW2?
Learn your history before posting here.
The British, who washed their hands of the mess and gave it to the U.N. after the war. I know the history of this region backwards and forwards. Don't pee in my sandbox.

oh ok ----if you want to claim that the BRITISH GAVE IT TO THE UN_-----fine with me--------then what would you expect the UN to do with it?
Help to establish what it was, the nation of Palestine. And I don't "claim" it, it's history. No claim is required.

It----the land which was called PALESTINE-----was never
THE NATION OF PALESTINE------it was---after the romans stole it from jews circa 70 AD renamed from JUDEA----(which was a nation) to Palestina----which became only a territory owned by the "holy" roman empire. It remained a territory owned by this or that empire -------until world war I----when the brits took it from the OTTOMAN EMPIRE and it became the "BRITISH MANDATE PALESTINE" According to YOU the brits GAVE it to the UN. As to private land ownership-----jews owned about 7% of all that land and arabs owned----almost nothing
Who controlled that region in WW2?
Learn your history before posting here.
The British, who washed their hands of the mess and gave it to the U.N. after the war. I know the history of this region backwards and forwards. Don't pee in my sandbox.

oh ok ----if you want to claim that the BRITISH GAVE IT TO THE UN_-----fine with me--------then what would you expect the UN to do with it?
Help to establish what it was, the nation of Palestine. And I don't "claim" it, it's history. No claim is required.

There's never been a nation of Palestine....ever.
That's correct, because it's always been much of nothing ruled by everyone except those living there. Palestine is an ancient region that Jesus came from. It was Roman then.

It was occupied by Rome------at that time it was a nation---The Kingdom of Judea. At the time Jesus was born the romans called it JUDEA. Judea includes the past two kingdoms----
which were also nations The kingdom of Judea and the Kingdom of Israel. The two merged after the Babylonian exile According to the new testament---Jesus was born in Bethlehem which is in JUDEA----I believe
it says his parents were from NAZARETH----which I think was in Israel. In the first century AD-----the whole place PALESTINA became a territory of the 'holy' Roman empire----not a nation. The population did not identify as "Palestinian" except for the jews who lived there--------everyone else was something else.
The British, who washed their hands of the mess and gave it to the U.N. after the war. I know the history of this region backwards and forwards. Don't pee in my sandbox.

oh ok ----if you want to claim that the BRITISH GAVE IT TO THE UN_-----fine with me--------then what would you expect the UN to do with it?
Help to establish what it was, the nation of Palestine. And I don't "claim" it, it's history. No claim is required.

There's never been a nation of Palestine....ever.
That's correct, because it's always been much of nothing ruled by everyone except those living there. Palestine is an ancient region that Jesus came from. It was Roman then.

It was occupied by Rome------at that time it was a nation---The Kingdom of Judea. At the time Jesus was born the romans called it JUDEA. Judea includes the past two kingdoms----
which were also nations The kingdom of Judea and the Kingdom of Israel. The two merged after the Babylonian exile According to the new testament---Jesus was born in Bethlehem which is in JUDEA----I believe
it says his parents were from NAZARETH----which I think was in Israel. In the first century AD-----the whole place PALESTINA became a territory of the 'holy' Roman empire----not a nation. The population did not identify as "Palestinian" except for the jews who lived there--------everyone else was something else.
The Jews of old did not call themselves Palestinians.
According to YOU the brits GAVE it to the UN.
According to history.

ok if you wish------the brits GAVE the land called PALESTINA
to the UN. so---then the jews "stole" it from the UN???-----aw shucks-------is that why that DAMNED UN building is in New York City? The poor UN has no other place to go?
The U.N granted the land to the Political Zionists, the land of others. It's history. Nothing will change that.
oh ok ----if you want to claim that the BRITISH GAVE IT TO THE UN_-----fine with me--------then what would you expect the UN to do with it?
Help to establish what it was, the nation of Palestine. And I don't "claim" it, it's history. No claim is required.

There's never been a nation of Palestine....ever.
That's correct, because it's always been much of nothing ruled by everyone except those living there. Palestine is an ancient region that Jesus came from. It was Roman then.

It was occupied by Rome------at that time it was a nation---The Kingdom of Judea. At the time Jesus was born the romans called it JUDEA. Judea includes the past two kingdoms----
which were also nations The kingdom of Judea and the Kingdom of Israel. The two merged after the Babylonian exile According to the new testament---Jesus was born in Bethlehem which is in JUDEA----I believe
it says his parents were from NAZARETH----which I think was in Israel. In the first century AD-----the whole place PALESTINA became a territory of the 'holy' Roman empire----not a nation. The population did not identify as "Palestinian" except for the jews who lived there--------everyone else was something else.
The Jews of old did not call themselves Palestinians.

since the time of CONSTANTINE----the only people in the world who called themselves or were called PALESTINIANS------were jews. How would you know? you got a link?. In fact the parts of the Talmud written in that era in Jerusalem is called either "the Jerusalem Talmud" or "the Palestinian Talmud". There ain't no Palestinian koran. "Palestinian" is so much "jew" that as a child I thought it was a Hebrew word------it's greek. Hebrew speakers can pronounce the word-------Arabic speakers CANNOT They say BALESTINIAN
oh ok ----if you want to claim that the BRITISH GAVE IT TO THE UN_-----fine with me--------then what would you expect the UN to do with it?
Help to establish what it was, the nation of Palestine. And I don't "claim" it, it's history. No claim is required.

There's never been a nation of Palestine....ever.
That's correct, because it's always been much of nothing ruled by everyone except those living there. Palestine is an ancient region that Jesus came from. It was Roman then.

It was occupied by Rome------at that time it was a nation---The Kingdom of Judea. At the time Jesus was born the romans called it JUDEA. Judea includes the past two kingdoms----
which were also nations The kingdom of Judea and the Kingdom of Israel. The two merged after the Babylonian exile According to the new testament---Jesus was born in Bethlehem which is in JUDEA----I believe
it says his parents were from NAZARETH----which I think was in Israel. In the first century AD-----the whole place PALESTINA became a territory of the 'holy' Roman empire----not a nation. The population did not identify as "Palestinian" except for the jews who lived there--------everyone else was something else.
The Jews of old did not call themselves Palestinians.

Ummm yes they did. The Romans came up with the name Palestine to spite the jews. Name derived from the philistines, which were the defeated arch enemies of da jooooz.
According to YOU the brits GAVE it to the UN.
According to history.

ok if you wish------the brits GAVE the land called PALESTINA
to the UN. so---then the jews "stole" it from the UN???-----aw shucks-------is that why that DAMNED UN building is in New York City? The poor UN has no other place to go?
The U.N granted the land to the Political Zionists, the land of others. It's history. Nothing will change that.

-----I never heard as a name of the country "POLITICAL ZIONISTS, THE LAND OF OTHERS" -------what is the flag
oh ok ----if you want to claim that the BRITISH GAVE IT TO THE UN_-----fine with me--------then what would you expect the UN to do with it?
Help to establish what it was, the nation of Palestine. And I don't "claim" it, it's history. No claim is required.

There's never been a nation of Palestine....ever.
That's correct, because it's always been much of nothing ruled by everyone except those living there. Palestine is an ancient region that Jesus came from. It was Roman then.

It was occupied by Rome------at that time it was a nation---The Kingdom of Judea. At the time Jesus was born the romans called it JUDEA. Judea includes the past two kingdoms----
which were also nations The kingdom of Judea and the Kingdom of Israel. The two merged after the Babylonian exile According to the new testament---Jesus was born in Bethlehem which is in JUDEA----I believe
it says his parents were from NAZARETH----which I think was in Israel. In the first century AD-----the whole place PALESTINA became a territory of the 'holy' Roman empire----not a nation. The population did not identify as "Palestinian" except for the jews who lived there--------everyone else was something else.
The Jews of old did not call themselves Palestinians.

what are you calling "jews of old" how old? I correctly stated that when the jews living in the place that the romans called PALESTINA lived there----they called themselves
PALESTINIANS----------of course 3000 years ago there was no PALESTINE---so jews did not call themselves Palestinians---- UP until 1960 there were no muslim PALESTINIANS----no chrisitan Palestinians ----between 1948 and about 1960 there were no Palestinians at all-------all the Palestinians became ISRAELIS. I know its confusing ----but that is precisely what the PLO wanted----to CONFUSE YOU
According to YOU the brits GAVE it to the UN.
According to history.
Not even close. After WWI, the League of Nations took control of the area known as Palestine, which included what became Jordan at that time, and established the Mandate for Palestine, naming Britain the Mandatory Authority but operating under the auspices of the League, with the explicit instructions:

"Whereas the Principal Allied Powers have agreed, for the purpose of giving effect to the provisions of Article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations, to entrust to a Mandatory selected by the said Powers the administration of the territory of Palestine, which formerly belonged to the Turkish Empire, within such boundaries as may be fixed by them; and

"Whereas the Principal Allied Powers have also agreed that the Mandatory should be responsible for putting into effect the declaration originally made on November 2nd, 1917, by the Government of His Britannic Majesty, and adopted by the said Powers, in favor of the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, it being clearly understood that nothing should be done which might prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country; and

Whereas recognition has thereby been given to the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine and to the grounds for reconstituting their national home in that country; and

Whereas the Principal Allied Powers have selected His Britannic Majesty as the Mandatory for Palestine; and

Whereas the mandate in respect of Palestine has been formulated in the following terms and submitted to the Council of the League for approval; and

Whereas His Britannic Majesty has accepted the mandate in respect of Palestine and undertaken to exercise it on behalf of the League of Nations in conformity with the following provisions; and

Whereas by the afore-mentioned Article 22 (paragraph 8), it is provided that the degree of authority, control or administration to be exercised by the Mandatory, not having been previously agreed upon by the Members of the League, shall be explicitly defined by the Council of the League Of Nations;

confirming the said Mandate, defines its terms as follows:"

The Avalon Project : The Palestine Mandate

In other words when Britain accepted the role of Mandatory from the League of Nations, it agreed to establish a homeland for the Jews in the area then known as Palestine.

After WWII the unfinished business of the now defunct League of Nations was transferred to the newly formed United Nations under the same provisions as before, and a few years later Britain withdrew from its role as Mandatory and the UNGA decided to dissolve the Mandate with resolution 181 which recommended the formation of two states but did nothing to implement it. With the withdrawal of the British, Israel declared its statehood, which was recognized by the US and USSR and some other countries but not by Britain or the UN, the Arabs attacked and were beaten back and in 1949 the UN offered to recognize Israel and admit it as a member nation if it stopped pursuing the fleeing Arab armies, and accepted a truce and Israel accepted.

So while the League of Nations, Britain and the UN had all promised to establish a national homeland for the Jewish people in the area then known as Palestine, it was the Jews living there at the time who did, in fact, create and establish the state of Israel, the national homeland of the Jewish people, without any help from the UN or from Britain.

That is the history.
Help to establish what it was, the nation of Palestine. And I don't "claim" it, it's history. No claim is required.

There's never been a nation of Palestine....ever.
That's correct, because it's always been much of nothing ruled by everyone except those living there. Palestine is an ancient region that Jesus came from. It was Roman then.

It was occupied by Rome------at that time it was a nation---The Kingdom of Judea. At the time Jesus was born the romans called it JUDEA. Judea includes the past two kingdoms----
which were also nations The kingdom of Judea and the Kingdom of Israel. The two merged after the Babylonian exile According to the new testament---Jesus was born in Bethlehem which is in JUDEA----I believe
it says his parents were from NAZARETH----which I think was in Israel. In the first century AD-----the whole place PALESTINA became a territory of the 'holy' Roman empire----not a nation. The population did not identify as "Palestinian" except for the jews who lived there--------everyone else was something else.
The Jews of old did not call themselves Palestinians.

what are you calling "jews of old" how old? I correctly stated that when the jews living in the place that the romans called PALESTINA lived there----they called themselves
PALESTINIANS----------of course 3000 years ago there was no PALESTINE---so jews did not call themselves Palestinians---- UP until 1960 there were no muslim PALESTINIANS----no chrisitan Palestinians ----between 1948 and about 1960 there were no Palestinians at all-------all the Palestinians became ISRAELIS. I know its confusing ----but that is precisely what the PLO wanted----to CONFUSE YOU
Jesus would, for example, never have called himself a "Palestinian" even though he lived and preached in Palestine. No Jews of old would have.

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