Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews.

Bassem Youssef UNFILTERED on Israel, Gaza, & the Future of American Media | The Don Lemon Show​

RE: Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews
✦ ASPECT #1: International Peace and Security​
✦ ASPECT #2: What does it mean to Support (quasi-Government Sponsored) Terrorism?​
✦ ASPECT #3: Does the Islamic Resistance Attack of 7 October violate the existing international boundaries?​
※→ et al,

The simplest of the facts is missing in most of these sound bites and propaganda videos posted by our fellow member (P F Tinmore).

◈ Was the attack on 7 October 2023 justified and considered legal?​
✪ No terrorist action is justified. This is the position held be the UN, the UE and the International Law Community.​
◈ Has the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) Action, associated with the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS), capitulated/surrendered after the Air • Sea • Ground Surprise Attack?​
✪ No. The Islamic Resistance has engage in an intensive propaganda effort to influence world opinions, external emotions from outside observers, and political attitudes, to benefit the survivability, and consequences of their actions.​
◈ What constitutes an act of aggression?​
✪ The Islamic Resistance (and the associated terrorist organization) were (and continue to be) engaged in an aggressive quasi-military action of a criminal nature. [A/RES/29/3314 • "The First use of armed force by a State in contravention of the Charter shall constitute prima facie evidence of an act of aggression although the Security Council may, in conformity with the Charter, conclude that a determination that an act of aggression has been committed would not be justified in the light of other relevant circumstances, including the fact that the acts concerned or their consequences are not of sufficient gravity.")]​


Most Respectfully,
✦ ASPECT #3: Does the Islamic Resistance Attack of 7 October violate the existing international boundaries?
Key aspect, this is a good place to start.

The Islamic Resistance did not cross any international border.

Also, settlers are not considered protected persons by the IVGC.

So, no borders were crossed and no "civilians" were attacked. I don't see a crime here.

Tunnels, Weapons and Guerrilla Tactics: How Palestine’s Armed Forces Survived​

RE: Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews
SUBTOPIC: ✦ ASPECT #3: Does the Islamic Resistance Attack of 7 October violate the existing international boundaries?
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

• A defacto border with Gaza was established in 2005 after the unilateral withdrawal.
• Israel is a single independent sovereign nation and exercises self-determination.
• Gaza is a territory under the control of a designated set of terrorists.

Key aspect, this is a good place to start.

The Islamic Resistance did not cross any international border.

Also, settlers are not considered protected persons by the IVGC.

So, no borders were crossed and no "civilians" were attacked. I don't see a crime here.

There can be no question - that the demarcation between the Gaza Strip and the Sovereignty of Israel meets the criteria in FIG Pub #59 International Boundary Making. [International Federation of Surveyors (FIG)].

There are seven principal boundary instruments for the State of Israel; one of which is the

Article II • Egyptian - Israeli Peace Treaty said:
The permanent boundary between Egypt and Israel is the recognized international boundary between Egypt and the former mandated territory of Palestine, as shown on the map at Annex II, 1 without prejudice to the issue of the status of the Gaza Strip. The Parties recognize this boundary as inviolable. Each will respect the territorial integrity of the other, including their territorial waters and airspace.​


The original boundary between Egypt and Israel can be found on the Annex II • International Boundary. You will notice that the Gaza Strip is on the Israeli side of the border.

For undefined reasons - Israel decided to abandon the Gaza Strip. But make no mistake:

Key aspect, this is a good place to start.

The Islamic Resistance did not cross any international border.

Also, settlers are not considered protected persons by the IVGC.

So, no borders were crossed and no "civilians" were attacked. I don't see a crime here.

So you assume it's legal,

to prescribe murder of anyone associated

with states, and ethnicities denied by Islamists as "foreign"?

• A defacto border with Gaza was established in 2005 after the unilateral withdrawal.
RE: Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews
SUBTOPIC: ✦ ASPECT #3: Does the Islamic Resistance Attack of 7 October violate the existing international boundaries?
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

• A defacto border with Gaza was established in 2005 after the unilateral withdrawal.
• Israel is a single independent sovereign nation and exercises self-determination.
• Gaza is a territory under the control of a designated set of terrorists.


There can be no question - that the demarcation between the Gaza Strip and the Sovereignty of Israel meets the criteria in FIG Pub #59 International Boundary Making. [International Federation of Surveyors (FIG)].

There are seven principal boundary instruments for the State of Israel; one of which is the

View attachment 950022

The original boundary between Egypt and Israel can be found on the Annex II • International Boundary. You will notice that the Gaza Strip is on the Israeli side of the border.

For undefined reasons - Israel decided to abandon the Gaza Strip. But make no mistake:

• A defacto border with Gaza was established in 2005 after the unilateral withdrawal.
Indeed, defacto, it is still an armistice line. There has never been a treaty to legitimize that border.

Mehdi Hasan & Sammy Obeid on college protests: “Intifada is basically a Taylor Swift song.”​

RE: Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews
SUBTOPIC: Armistice Lines
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

All of the Armistice Lines have been superseded by another authority. Yes, some of the active/current lines of demarcation have indeed been traced over the former Armistice Lines. However, all of the agreements pertaining to the 1949 Armistice Line are no longer in force.

Indeed, defacto, it is still an armistice line. There has never been a treaty to legitimize that border.

The seven current authority documents are:

Jordan-Israeli Peace Treaty (1994) •​


Most Respectfully,
RE: Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews
SUBTOPIC: Armistice Lines
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

All of the Armistice Lines have been superseded by another authority. Yes, some of the active/current lines of demarcation have indeed been traced over the former Armistice Lines. However, all of the agreements pertaining to the 1949 Armistice Line are no longer in force.


The seven current authority documents are:

Jordan-Israeli Peace Treaty (1994) •​


Most Respectfully,
None of these are border treaties with Palestine.
RE: Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews
SUBTOPIC: Armistice Lines
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Yes, you are correct. No Treaty with Palestine.

None of these are border treaties with Palestine.

"Excerpts from Treaty Law" said:
◈ The present Convention applies to treaties between States.
◈“party” means a State which has consented to be bound by the treaty and for which the treaty is in force;
◈“treaty” means an international agreement concluded between States in written form and governed by international law, whether embodied in a single instrument or in two or more related instruments and whatever its particular designation;

SOURCE: Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (VCLT) Done at Vienna on 23 May 1969. Entered into force on 27 January 1980. United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 1155, p. 331 • Prior to the VCTL (1969, the Treaty of Versailles (1919) postwar creation of the Great War (by the same leaders that created the Mandates and associated documentation).

All seven of the key treaties listed (Post #5810) are subject to the 1969 VCTL.

Once again, The Territory of Palestine was not a State unto itself.

Montevideo Convention (1933) said:
The state as a person of international law should possess the following qualifications: a ) a permanent population; b ) a defined territory; c ) government; and d) capacity to enter into relations with the other states.
SOURCE: Convention on Rights and Duties of States, 49 Stat 3097 Treaty Series 881

As was stated by the UN hierarchy:

UN Legal Affairs said:

So your comment is irrelevant. The Treaties/Agreements were not made with Palestine precisely because it failed to meet the criteria.


Most Respectfully,
RE: Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews
SUBTOPIC: Armistice Lines
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Yes, you are correct. No Treaty with Palestine.


All seven of the key treaties listed (Post #5810) are subject to the 1969 VCTL.

Once again, The Territory of Palestine was not a State unto itself.

As was stated by the UN hierarchy:

So your comment is irrelevant. The Treaties/Agreements were not made with Palestine precisely because it failed to meet the criteria.


Most Respectfully,
◈ The present Convention applies to treaties between States.


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