Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews.

RE: Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews
SUBTOPIC: Exposed for Crimes
※→ gipper, et al,


The Hostile Arab Palestinians [(HoAP)(Designated Terrorist)] broke across the International Border into the State of Israel in the suprize attack 7 October 2023. This was an Act of Aggression. (Plain and Simple) Such an attack is covered in Article 51 of the UN Charter, as is the response. During the course of the attack, the HoAP was involved in (just to name a few):

⟴ Face to Face Killing of unarmed civilians This was not a case of unavoidable deaths or casualties do to the proximity of an armed response against against legitimate military targets. This was the intentional murder of:​
• Men​
• Women​
• Children​
⟴ Taking Hostages​
⟴ Human Shields​

There is no question as to what force sparked the outbreak of hostilities.

There was relative calm along the sovereign border of Israel before the armed intrusion by the designated terrorist.

Aggression [General Assembly resolution 3314 (XXIX)] is the use of armed force by a State against the sovereignty, territorial integrity or political independence of another State, or in any other manner inconsistent with thc Charter of the United Nations, as set out in this Definition.

No matter what I have been trained to hate (and in the service of America, we are not trained to hate), the case is obvious.

Genocide is a Prohibition adjudicated under Article 6 Rome Statues of the International Criminal Court.

The Elements of the Offense are:

Article 6 Genocide​
6 (a) Genocide by killing​
6 (b) Genocide by causing serious bodily or mental harm​
6 (c) Genocide by deliberately inflicting conditions of life calculated to bring​
about physical destruction​
6 (d) Genocide by imposing measures intended to prevent births​
6 (e) Genocide by forcibly transferring children​


There is no spiritual support for the actions by the HoAP that opened hostilities. Now, it become a case of measure to root out the remaining aggressors currently hiding under cover of the internally displaced. This tactic in itself is a violation of the Customary Rules under the International Humanitarian Law (IHL).
And once again, there is nothing spiritual about the facts. The significant number of HoAP are still operating in densely populated areas.

Most Respectfully,
How many murdered babies and children before you pull your support for the genocidal regime? 100,000? 500,000? All of them?
RE: Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews
SUBTOPIC: Exposed for Crimes
※→ gipper, et al,


The Hostile Arab Palestinians [(HoAP)(Designated Terrorist)] broke across the International Border into the State of Israel in the suprize attack 7 October 2023. This was an Act of Aggression. (Plain and Simple) Such an attack is covered in Article 51 of the UN Charter, as is the response. During the course of the attack, the HoAP was involved in (just to name a few):

⟴ Face to Face Killing of unarmed civilians This was not a case of unavoidable deaths or casualties do to the proximity of an armed response against against legitimate military targets. This was the intentional murder of:​
• Men​
• Women​
• Children​
⟴ Taking Hostages​
⟴ Human Shields​

There is no question as to what force sparked the outbreak of hostilities.

There was relative calm along the sovereign border of Israel before the armed intrusion by the designated terrorist.

Aggression [General Assembly resolution 3314 (XXIX)] is the use of armed force by a State against the sovereignty, territorial integrity or political independence of another State, or in any other manner inconsistent with thc Charter of the United Nations, as set out in this Definition.

No matter what I have been trained to hate (and in the service of America, we are not trained to hate), the case is obvious.

Genocide is a Prohibition adjudicated under Article 6 Rome Statues of the International Criminal Court.

The Elements of the Offense are:

Article 6 Genocide​
6 (a) Genocide by killing​
6 (b) Genocide by causing serious bodily or mental harm​
6 (c) Genocide by deliberately inflicting conditions of life calculated to bring​
about physical destruction​
6 (d) Genocide by imposing measures intended to prevent births​
6 (e) Genocide by forcibly transferring children​


There is no spiritual support for the actions by the HoAP that opened hostilities. Now, it become a case of measure to root out the remaining aggressors currently hiding under cover of the internally displaced. This tactic in itself is a violation of the Customary Rules under the International Humanitarian Law (IHL).
And once again, there is nothing spiritual about the facts. The significant number of HoAP are still operating in densely populated areas.

Most Respectfully,
Right off of Israel's script.

History did not start on Oct.7.
RE: Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews
SUBTOPIC: AArab-Palestinian Exaggerations are Food for Anti-Israeli and Anti-Semitic Propaganda
※→ gipper, et al,

Now you are just being ridiculous.

How many murdered babies and children before you pull your support for the genocidal regime? 100,000? 500,000? All of them?

Between the time the 1st Intifada was kick-off (≈1987) and the 4th Gaza War (≈2021), a span of more than 30 years, less than ≈15,000 Arab Palestinians have lost their lives. At the current rate of casualties to get to 100K, HAMAS would have to maintain the current tempo of hostilities for more than another century. The number 15K does not even come close to a death rate that might be considered "genocide."

Screenshot 2024-05-30 at 12.19.31 PM.png
So far, in the attempt to neutralize the threat from the Arab-Palestinian Aggressors and Designated terrorists, ≈ 40000 Arab Palestinians have been killed (UN inflated report numbers) over 200+ days (or an average of 200/day). However, the actual peak rate of accumulated casualties has significantly declined in recent months.

UN casualty report numbers are not reliable. But at 200/day, the bodies should be stacked like cordwood. The 40K body count figure includes an estimated 9.5K women and 14.5K children. What are realistic numbers?

It is outrageous commentary like yours that keeps the unwitting international community from understanding the dynamics and intensity of the conflict. The Islamic Resistance failed to overwhelm the security in-depth and break through the border barriers in the "Great March of Return" (GMR) (2018-2019 ≈ 5 years ago). And 5 years before that was the 2014 engagement when a large-scale rocket offensive was the catalyst for that conflict. The strategy behind the GMR was a two-pronged approach. First, to create a border incident of a magnitude that the Hostile Arab Palestinians could slander Israel with a "massacre" claim. The second objective was to create a hole in the barrier that would allow unarmed civilian protesters (Arab-Palestinian Aggressors and Designated terrorists) to scramble through.

The UN Counter-Terrorism Strategy does not consider allowing a designated terrorist group, and its affiliated associates, to operate unchecked. In the case of the Islamic Resistance and its associates, which have demonstrated threat and a total disregard for regional peace and security, turning a blind eye in favor of the Hostile Arab Palestinians is just not working. It has allowed the Islamic Resistance to acquire and store a considerable arsenal.

(∑ Ω)

Any day is a good day to neutralize Jihadists, Fedayeen Activists, Hostile Insurgents, Radicalized Islamic Followers, and Asymmetric Resistance Fighters.


Most Respectfully,
HAMAS would have to maintain the current tempo of hostilities for more than another century. The number 15K does not even come close to a death rate that might be considered "genocide."
That is not the criteria.
RE: Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews
SUBTOPIC: Discrediting Anti-Israeli and Anti-Semitic Propaganda
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

(OPENING • Layman's Perspective)

It should be noted at the outset that the International Court of Justice (ICJ) indicated that the only some of the claims of genocide are "plausible" (
not necessarily credible) when addressing prohibited acts. The ICJ also indicated that claims made against Israel are not simple and obvious and might not lead to a definitive finding against Israel.


HAMAS would have to maintain the current tempo of hostilities for more than another century. The number 15K does not even come close to a death rate that might be considered "genocide."

One of the more obvious interpretation of the ICJ's actions is that the court did not order and immediate halt to the conflict - leading to the idea that Israel has thus far operated inside the self-defense concepts. The Islamic Resistance is the aggressor.

That is not the criteria.

Criteria or not:

I am lead to believe that the ICJ did not consider that the magnitude of death and destruction in Gaza and against the Islamic Resistance are sufficient to establish a violation of the Genocide Convention. Otherwise, the court would have ordered a halt to operations by the Israeli Defense Force (IDF). The Israeli Leadership has made it clear that military operations in Gaza are intended to defeat the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) and NOT with the intent to eradicate the general population Arab Palestinians.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews
SUBTOPIC: AArab-Palestinian Exaggerations are Food for Anti-Israeli and Anti-Semitic Propaganda
※→ gipper, et al,

Now you are just being ridiculous.


Between the time the 1st Intifada was kick-off (≈1987) and the 4th Gaza War (≈2021), a span of more than 30 years, less than ≈15,000 Arab Palestinians have lost their lives. At the current rate of casualties to get to 100K, HAMAS would have to maintain the current tempo of hostilities for more than another century. The number 15K does not even come close to a death rate that might be considered "genocide."
So far, in the attempt to neutralize the threat from the Arab-Palestinian Aggressors and Designated terrorists, ≈ 40000 Arab Palestinians have been killed (UN inflated report numbers) over 200+ days (or an average of 200/day). However, the actual peak rate of accumulated casualties has significantly declined in recent months.

UN casualty report numbers are not reliable. But at 200/day, the bodies should be stacked like cordwood. The 40K body count figure includes an estimated 9.5K women and 14.5K children. What are realistic numbers?

It is outrageous commentary like yours that keeps the unwitting international community from understanding the dynamics and intensity of the conflict. The Islamic Resistance failed to overwhelm the security in-depth and break through the border barriers in the "Great March of Return" (GMR) (2018-2019 ≈ 5 years ago). And 5 years before that was the 2014 engagement when a large-scale rocket offensive was the catalyst for that conflict. The strategy behind the GMR was a two-pronged approach. First, to create a border incident of a magnitude that the Hostile Arab Palestinians could slander Israel with a "massacre" claim. The second objective was to create a hole in the barrier that would allow unarmed civilian protesters (Arab-Palestinian Aggressors and Designated terrorists) to scramble through.

The UN Counter-Terrorism Strategy does not consider allowing a designated terrorist group, and its affiliated associates, to operate unchecked. In the case of the Islamic Resistance and its associates, which have demonstrated threat and a total disregard for regional peace and security, turning a blind eye in favor of the Hostile Arab Palestinians is just not working. It has allowed the Islamic Resistance to acquire and store a considerable arsenal.

(∑ Ω)

Any day is a good day to neutralize Jihadists, Fedayeen Activists, Hostile Insurgents, Radicalized Islamic Followers, and Asymmetric Resistance Fighters.


Most Respectfully,
Why do you support mass murder of defenseless women and children? Are you crazy?

Are you aware Israel has dropped 20 times more bombs on tiny Gaza than the US dropped on Iraq in six years?

Can you say GENOCIDE!


‘Not seen since Vietnam’: Israel dropped hundreds of 2,000-pound bombs on Gaza, analysis shows​

Israel dropped 65,000 tonnes of bombs on Gaza in 89 days​

Israel dropped 65,000 tonnes of bombs on Gaza in 89 days

Gaza: one of the most intense bombardments in history?
Gaza: one of the most intense bombardments in history?

Watch this video and tell me if you support this?
RE: Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews
SUBTOPIC: Discrediting Anti-Israeli and Anti-Semitic Propaganda
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

(OPENING • Layman's Perspective)

It should be noted at the outset that the International Court of Justice (ICJ) indicated that the only some of the claims of genocide are "plausible" (not necessarily credible) when addressing prohibited acts. The ICJ also indicated that claims made against Israel are not simple and obvious and might not lead to a definitive finding against Israel.


One of the more obvious interpretation of the ICJ's actions is that the court did not order and immediate halt to the conflict - leading to the idea that Israel has thus far operated inside the self-defense concepts. The Islamic Resistance is the aggressor.


Criteria or not:

I am lead to believe that the ICJ did not consider that the magnitude of death and destruction in Gaza and against the Islamic Resistance are sufficient to establish a violation of the Genocide Convention. Otherwise, the court would have ordered a halt to operations by the Israeli Defense Force (IDF). The Israeli Leadership has made it clear that military operations in Gaza are intended to defeat the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) and NOT with the intent to eradicate the general population Arab Palestinians.

Most Respectfully,
Acts of genocide are acts of genocide. The number of people actually killed is not relevant.
The Elements of the Offense are:

Article 6 Genocide 6(a) Genocide by killing 6(b) Genocide by causing serious bodily or mental harm 6(c) Genocide by deliberately inflicting conditions of life calculated to bringabout physical destruction
Israel has been trying to eliminate the Palestinians for over 7 decades. Their goal has always been all of Palestine without the Palestinians.

6(C) Depriving people of food, water, and shelter are acts of genocide.
Acts of genocide are acts of genocide. The number of people actually killed is not relevant.

Israel has been trying to eliminate the Palestinians for over 7 decades. Their goal has always been all of Palestine without the Palestinians.

6(C) Depriving people of food, water, and shelter are acts of genocide.
How anyone can dispute this is a genocide is truly mind boggling. I suspect these deniers only recognize the atrocities committed by the Palestinians, while ignoring or are unaware of the much more heinous atrocities committed by Israel over the decades.
RE: Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews
SUBTOPIC: In Defense and Support of Israel
※→ gipper, et al,

To stand against challengers those that would project a danger or injury - yet claim to be an example of peaceful people --- is one side of the coin. And to provide the assistance necessary to the most humanly developed nation in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). Of the more than twenty nations of the Arab League, some them the richest in the world, none have been able to flourish and contribute more to humanity than has Israel. Yet, the Arab world cannot seem to align its attention and set the conditions such that its people can advance more as a people and contribute more to the advancement of the species.
Why do you support mass murder of defenseless women and children? Are you crazy?

(ANSWER #1) I do not support mass murder of any category of humanity. I do not believe that Israel has committed "mass murder."

(ANSWER #2) Crazy is a subjective term. I would like to think I am not Mentally deranged.


One has to ask, why has Israel contributed more than 150 Nobel Laureates across

Since the award of the first Nobel Prize in 1901 Israel (created in 1948) has produced more Laureates than the entirety of all the MENA countries (which comprises the bulk of the Muslim world).

Can you say GENOCIDE!


The last true case of genocide was 20 years ago when three quarters of Rwanda’s Tutsi population was decimated.

IMO, while the eradication of the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) in Gaza might seem to be a large number, it is by no means endangering the general population of Palestines in the immediate boundaries of the bulk of ethnic Palestinians. And if you take the inflated numbers of deaths (≈35,000) from the HAMAS influenced United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), that would only represent 2% of the Gazan general population (which heavily supported HAMAS and the designated terrorist associates) and less than 1% of the overall Arab Palestinians.

While the loss of life is quite unfortunate in any war, it is a reality of war (combat engagements). Having said that, I do not believe the Israeli Defense Force has any other objective than to neutralize the threat that the Islamic Resistance presents to Israel.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews
SUBTOPIC: In Defense and Support of Israel
※→ gipper, et al,

To stand against challengers those that would project a danger or injury - yet claim to be an example of peaceful people --- is one side of the coin. And to provide the assistance necessary to the most humanly developed nation in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). Of the more than twenty nations of the Arab League, some them the richest in the world, none have been able to flourish and contribute more to humanity than has Israel. Yet, the Arab world cannot seem to align its attention and set the conditions such that its people can advance more as a people and contribute more to the advancement of the species.


(ANSWER #1) I do not support mass murder of any category of humanity. I do not believe that Israel has committed "mass murder."

(ANSWER #2) Crazy is a subjective term. I would like to think I am not Mentally deranged.


One has to ask, why has Israel contributed more than 150 Nobel Laureates across

Since the award of the first Nobel Prize in 1901 Israel (created in 1948) has produced more Laureates than the entirety of all the MENA countries (which comprises the bulk of the Muslim world).


The last true case of genocide was 20 years ago when three quarters of Rwanda’s Tutsi population was decimated.

IMO, while the eradication of the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) in Gaza might seem to be a large number, it is by no means endangering the general population of Palestines in the immediate boundaries of the bulk of ethnic Palestinians. And if you take the inflated numbers of deaths (≈35,000) from the HAMAS influenced United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), that would only represent 2% of the Gazan general population (which heavily supported HAMAS and the designated terrorist associates) and less than 1% of the overall Arab Palestinians.

While the loss of life is quite unfortunate in any war, it is a reality of war (combat engagements). Having said that, I do not believe the Israeli Defense Force has any other objective than to neutralize the threat that the Islamic Resistance presents to Israel.

Most Respectfully,
Listen here

"It's Gonna Pan Out Badly For Them": Support For Israel In Total Collapse | Owen Jones | TMR​


Revolutionary Optimism and Student Protests: from Vietnam to Palestine!​

RE: Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews
SUBTOPIC: Exposed for Crimes
※→ gipper, et al,


I am always amased when I hear (somewhat) educated people apply the propaganda planted ideas of crimes (the interpretation and application of Articles 6, 7, 8 and 8 bis; Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court) in favor of entities like the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) and their associates. HAMAS (et al)has been identified and designated by the COUNCIL DECISION (CFSP) 2022/152 • 3 February 2022 [27 Member states just in Europe (Official Journal of the European Union)]. This decision was a common position on the application of specific measures to combat terrorism. HAMAS [including the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade ( + e.V + Izz al-Din al-Qassem) • ‘Palestinian Islamic Jihad’ – ‘PIJ’ • ‘Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine’ – ‘PFLP’ • 'Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – General Command’ (a.k.a. ‘PFLP – General Command’)]. The decision was made that these entities on the list are based on the evidence that they have been involved in terrorist acts.


By supporting the Islamic Resistance, makes the prima facie case (describes a presumption that is sufficient to be regarded as true unless otherwise disproved or rebutted) that giving support to the Islamic Resistance is the same as giving support to terrorism as defined by the archival copy (Library of Congress) of the Convention for the Prevention and Punishment of Terrorism; as well as, by the international community - elaborated in the 19 international legal instruments to prevent terrorist acts.


The Islamic Resistance has a set of Principles and Policies that :

No one (in their right mind) wants to support such a set of Principles. No one (in their right mind) wants to support Jihadists, Fedayeen Activist, Hostile Insurgents, Radicalized Islamic Followers, and Asymmetric Resistance Fighters that oppose the maintenance of international peace and security as outlined in Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States (A/RES/25/2625). But, those that support an entity that refuses to settle their international disputes by peaceful means (see HAMAS Policies supra) in such a manner that international peace and security are maintained also support terrorism.


Most Respectfully,
But, those that support an entity that refuses to settle their international disputes by peaceful means
Horsecrap, there are no peaceful means.



Glenn Greenwald On Rising: Biden Risks LOSING Reelection Over Pro-Israel Policies​


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