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Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews.

RE: Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews
SUBTOPIC: Peaceful Means
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

General Principles and Policies said:
The position toward Occupation and Political Solutions: 18. The following are considered null and void: the Balfour Declaration, the British Mandate Document, the UN Palestine Partition Resolution, and whatever resolutions and measures that derive from them or are similar to them. The establishment of “Israel” is entirely illegal and contravenes the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people and goes against their will and the will of the Ummah; it is also in violation of human rights that are guaranteed by international conventions, foremost among them is the right to self-determination.
[SOURCE: Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) 2017 Copyright © 2021 HAMAS
General Principles and Policies said:
Resistance and Liberation:
25. Resisting the occupation with all means and methods is a legitimate right
guaranteed by divine laws and by international norms and laws. At the heart of thes
lies armed resistance, which is regarded as the strategic choice for protecting the
principles and the rights of the Palestinian people.
Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) 2017 Copyright © 2021 HAMAS

Horsecrap, there are no peaceful means.

If there are no "peaceful means" it is only because the Islamic Resistance and the associated Jihadists, Fedayeen Activists, Hostile Insurgents, Radicalized Islamic Followers, and Asymmetric Resistance Fighters have chosen not to enter into good faith negotiation.
All the various components of the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) entities have worked against the Principle Allied Powers during and in the aftermath of both world wars. And have further resolved that "
Oslo Accords and their addenda contravene the governing rules of international law."

Additionally, there is no justification for terrorism. While the Islamic Resistance claims (in its Principles and Policies) that "resistance and jihad for the liberation of Palestine will remain a legitimate right, a duty and an honour for all the sons and daughters of our people and our Ummah;" this is in no way valid. In the modern 21st Century, there is no more room for this kind of thinking and politics.


Most Respectfully,
Last edited:
RE: Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews
SUBTOPIC: AArab-Palestinian Exaggerations are Food for Anti-Israeli and Anti-Semitic Propaganda
※→ gipper, et al,

Now you are just being ridiculous.


Between the time the 1st Intifada was kick-off (≈1987) and the 4th Gaza War (≈2021), a span of more than 30 years, less than ≈15,000 Arab Palestinians have lost their lives. At the current rate of casualties to get to 100K, HAMAS would have to maintain the current tempo of hostilities for more than another century. The number 15K does not even come close to a death rate that might be considered "genocide."
So far, in the attempt to neutralize the threat from the Arab-Palestinian Aggressors and Designated terrorists, ≈ 40000 Arab Palestinians have been killed (UN inflated report numbers) over 200+ days (or an average of 200/day). However, the actual peak rate of accumulated casualties has significantly declined in recent months.

UN casualty report numbers are not reliable. But at 200/day, the bodies should be stacked like cordwood. The 40K body count figure includes an estimated 9.5K women and 14.5K children. What are realistic numbers?

It is outrageous commentary like yours that keeps the unwitting international community from understanding the dynamics and intensity of the conflict. The Islamic Resistance failed to overwhelm the security in-depth and break through the border barriers in the "Great March of Return" (GMR) (2018-2019 ≈ 5 years ago). And 5 years before that was the 2014 engagement when a large-scale rocket offensive was the catalyst for that conflict. The strategy behind the GMR was a two-pronged approach. First, to create a border incident of a magnitude that the Hostile Arab Palestinians could slander Israel with a "massacre" claim. The second objective was to create a hole in the barrier that would allow unarmed civilian protesters (Arab-Palestinian Aggressors and Designated terrorists) to scramble through.

The UN Counter-Terrorism Strategy does not consider allowing a designated terrorist group, and its affiliated associates, to operate unchecked. In the case of the Islamic Resistance and its associates, which have demonstrated threat and a total disregard for regional peace and security, turning a blind eye in favor of the Hostile Arab Palestinians is just not working. It has allowed the Islamic Resistance to acquire and store a considerable arsenal.

(∑ Ω)

Any day is a good day to neutralize Jihadists, Fedayeen Activists, Hostile Insurgents, Radicalized Islamic Followers, and Asymmetric Resistance Fighters.


Most Respectfully,
The UN Counter-Terrorism Strategy does not consider allowing a designated terrorist group, and its affiliated associates, to operate unchecked. In the case of the Islamic Resistance and its associates, which have demonstrated threat and a total disregard for regional peace and security, turning a blind eye in favor of the Hostile Arab Palestinians is just not working. It has allowed the Islamic Resistance to acquire and store a considerable arsenal.
Huh???? Where do you get this shit?

Understanding Hamas & Why That Matters: Session 5 featuring Dr. Azzam Tamimi​

RE: Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews
SUBTOPIC: It is immediately obvious to the casual observer.
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Huh???? Where do you get this shit?

You need a seeing-eye-dog.

No one in there right mind would disregard the the EU (27 Countries) Designated Terrorist List. It is what it is.
A terrorist is a terrorist. And the US Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy
is what it is.

P F Tinmore:
Where do you get this shit?

Not only is it pretty common knowledge, but readily available for you to review.


Most Respectfully,
RE: Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews
SUBTOPIC: It is immediately obvious to the casual observer.
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,


You need a seeing-eye-dog.

No one in there right mind would disregard the the EU (27 Countries) Designated Terrorist List. It is what it is.
A terrorist is a terrorist. And the US Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy
is what it is.

Not only is it pretty common knowledge, but readily available for you to review.


Most Respectfully,
Has Hamas ever attacked the EU?
RE: Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews
SUBTOPIC: Peaceful Means
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,



If there are no "peaceful means" it is only because the Islamic Resistance and the associated Jihadists, Fedayeen Activists, Hostile Insurgents, Radicalized Islamic Followers, and Asymmetric Resistance Fighters have chosen not to enter into good faith negotiation.
All the various components of the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) entities have worked against the Principle Allied Powers during and in the aftermath of both world wars. And have further resolved that "
Oslo Accords and their addenda contravene the governing rules of international law."

Additionally, there is no justification for terrorism. While the Islamic Resistance claims (in its Principles and Policies) that "resistance and jihad for the liberation of Palestine will remain a legitimate right, a duty and an honour for all the sons and daughters of our people and our Ummah;" this is in no way valid. In the modern 21st Century, there is no more room for this kind of thinking and politics.


Most Respectfully,
If there are no "peaceful means" it is only because the Islamic Resistance and the associated Jihadists, Fedayeen Activists, Hostile Insurgents, Radicalized Islamic Followers, and Asymmetric Resistance Fighters have chosen not to enter into good faith negotiation.

WOW, trope city!

How do Movements Achieve Transformation? | People's Conference for Palestine​


Gaza Fights For Freedom (2019) | Full Documentary | Directed by Abby Martin​


Generational shift? Gaza war campus protests spread across United States • FRANCE 24 English​


Understanding Hamas & Why That Matters: Session 2 featuring Dr. Khaled Hroub​

Has Hamas ever attacked the EU?
RoccoR, you are ignoring my question as usual.

The answer is no, they have not. They designate a terrorist organization that is no threat to them. That doesn't make any sense.

Hamas does not operate outside of its own territory.

The stuff you posts talks about international terrorism. I don't see how that applies to Hamas.
RE: Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews
SUBTOPIC: Terrorist (Arab Palestinians)
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

You are playing ignorant at the moment.

Article I Para 2 Treaty No 17813 said:
Israel will withdraw all its armed forces and civilians from the Sinai behind the international boundary between Egypt and mandated Palestine, as provided in the annexed protocol (Annex I), and Egypt will resume the exercise of its full sovereignty over the Sinai.
SOURCE: As link:
United Nations — Treaty Series • No. 17813 EGYPT and ISRAEL
Treaty of Peace (with annexes, maps and agreed minutes). Signed at Washington on 26 March 1979
Article II Treaty No 17813 said:
The permanent boundary between Egypt and Israel is the recognized international boundary between Egypt and the former mandated territory of Palestine, as shown on the map at Annex II, without prejudice to the issue of the status of the Gaza Strip. The Parties recognize this boundary as inviolable. Each will respect the territorial integrity of the other, including their territorial waters and airspace.
SOURCE: As link:
United Nations — Treaty Series • No. 17813 EGYPT and ISRAEL
Treaty of Peace (with annexes, maps and agreed minutes). Signed at Washington on 26 March 1979
RoccoR, you are ignoring my question as usual.

The answer is no, they have not. They designate a terrorist organization that is no threat to them. That doesn't make any sense

In the last quarter century that we have been discussing the situation of the Israel • Arab Palestinian Conflict, I have evolved. I now do not (as a general rule) discuss facts (matters of record and historical value). So. . . You are correct, I did not answer your question because you are unable to follow the logic.

Article 2 - Definitions" EU Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council 15 MAR 17 said:
‘terrorist group’ means a structured group of more than two persons, established for a period of time and
acting in concert to commit terrorist offences; ‘structured group’ means a group that is not randomly formed for the immediate commission of an offence and that does not need to have formally defined roles for its members, continuity of its membership or a developed structure.
SOURCE: Title 1 Subject Matter and Definitions - Framework Decision 2005/671/JHA,

It should be noted that it is the policy stated in the GCC Convention on Combating Terrorism that (in Article 6) --- "Contracting States shall make every effort to prevent terrorist elements from entering or infiltrating their territory and to prevent their citizens from being induced to join illegal groups or to participate in terrorist activities, whatever their circumstances or motives."

To consider that the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) have some sort of special dispensation from the international community is simply wrong.
RoccoR, you are ignoring my question as usual.

Hamas does not operate outside of its own territory.

Contrary to the popular belief, the Gaza Strip is not its own independent sovereign nation. It is a geographic subdivision under the rule of a rogue entity known as the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS).

The stuff you posts talks about international terrorism. I don't see how that applies to Hamas.

The EU Council and Parliament do not make a distinction between "International Terrorism" and "Domestic Terrorism."

It is not about what "you see." It is about what the Additional Protocol to the Council of Europe Convention on the Prevention of Terrorism - established by the European Parliament- has observed and why they needed to implement this directive. I see you do this quite frequently. You get an idea in your head and you dogidly stick to it.


Most Respectfully,
It should be noted that it is the policy stated in the GCC Convention on Combating Terrorism that (in Article 6) --- "Contracting States shall make every effort to prevent terrorist elements from entering or infiltrating their territory...
So, what territory does Hamas enter or infiltrate?
RE: Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews
SUBTOPIC: Terrorist (Arab Palestinians)
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

You are playing ignorant at the moment.



In the last quarter century that we have been discussing the situation of the Israel • Arab Palestinian Conflict, I have evolved. I now do not (as a general rule) discuss facts (matters of record and historical value). So. . . You are correct, I did not answer your question because you are unable to follow the logic.

It should be noted that it is the policy stated in the GCC Convention on Combating Terrorism that (in Article 6) --- "Contracting States shall make every effort to prevent terrorist elements from entering or infiltrating their territory and to prevent their citizens from being induced to join illegal groups or to participate in terrorist activities, whatever their circumstances or motives."

To consider that the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) have some sort of special dispensation from the international community is simply wrong.


Contrary to the popular belief, the Gaza Strip is not its own independent sovereign nation. It is a geographic subdivision under the rule of a rogue entity known as the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS).


The EU Council and Parliament do not make a distinction between "International Terrorism" and "Domestic Terrorism."

It is not about what "you see." It is about what the Additional Protocol to the Council of Europe Convention on the Prevention of Terrorism - established by the European Parliament- has observed and why they needed to implement this directive. I see you do this quite frequently. You get an idea in your head and you dogidly stick to it.


Most Respectfully,
The permanent boundary between Egypt and Israel is the recognized international boundary between Egypt and the former mandated territory of Palestine,

Of course, "mandated" is irrelevant. The mandate had no territory. It was merely a foreign assigned administration. Palestine remained after the mandate left.

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