Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews.

RE: Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews
SUBTOPIC: Palestine People's Support for Terrorism
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

I skipped over nothing. The meat of the claims you make come from A/RES/42/95, a non-binding feel good resolution out of the General Assembly. It does no change the reality that the Islamic Resistance illegally uses violence to prey on the sympathy of donor nations to maintain financial contribution so the criminals can further to further ideological goals. It does not change the reality that the State of Israel has established, defined, and defended borders. The Islamic Resistance committed criminal acts against the sovereign State of Israel. No matter what you preach, that does not change.


A bunch of babble about the terrorist supporting content in non-binding resolution is simply unanswerable.

Let us make this very clear: You either support terrorism and the actors that use violence in an effort to raise visibility for a cause that is not their own, or you support a peaceful resolution and negotiated settlement over grievances. There is no middle ground.

IF you support the Islamic Resistance and endorse further violence to push political and religious objectives - THEN you support terrorism. It is one of those decisions that is either black or white.

You should just start every posting you send with the preface: I support the cause and objective of the designated terrorists.
Do not try to put your "by any means necessary" cosmetics on your pig. You will not find it "any means" clause in any binding Resolution, Convention, Protocols, or Resolution to established laws. For the last quarter century, the Islamic Resistance and the other associated Jihadists, Fedayeen Activists, Hostile Insurgents, Radicalized Islamic Followers, and Asymmetric Resistance Fighters originating from the Arab world and who rekindle the Israel-Palestinian conflict, for whatever reason, is a flawed criminal conspiracy.


Most Respectfully,
Obfuscation city.

Changing Palestine's International borders can only be done by a treaty with the Palestinians.

Please post.
RE: Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews
SUBTOPIC: Palestine People's Support for Terrorism
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,


You assume that border changes - "can only be done by a treaty." I'm afraid that's not right. The Principal Allied Powers exercised great authority to achieve their objectives in the Post War era of the Great War. An example, is the separate Administration of Jordan.

Second, the Government of Palestine was NOT a State. It was an administrative creation by the British. "The Mandate for Palestine extended also over the area known as Transjordan, but Art 25 of the Mandate authorized the Mandatory, with the consent of the Council, not to apply certain of its
provisions, specifically those relating to the Jewish homeland. This was achieved by a Memorandum of the British Delegate approved by the Council on September 16, 1922."

At the conclusion of the Mandate, and the dissolution of the League of Nations, The territory, former under the Administration of the Mandate, transferred to the Trusteeship System of the UN under Article 77 of the UN Charter. It was considered a "Legal Entity" and NOT a state, nation, or independent country, and has NOT yet achieved the level of "in status nascendi" (in the state of being born).

In the case of Palestine, the status of the territory was terminated at the level as stated by Sir Alexander Cadogan of the United Kingdom Delegation, in the Memorandum (25 Feb 1948) → "Palestine is today a legal entity but it is not a sovereign state."
Obfuscation city.

Changing Palestine's International borders can only be done by a treaty with the Palestinians.

Please post.

The true status of the territory formerly under the Mandate was sorted out well before the termination.



Most Respectfully,

"Israel Has Reached the UGLIEST It Can Be!" | Gaza Genocide Day 244 with Nour Odeh​


Israel’s AI Killing Machine & Big Tech’s Complicity in Genocide, w/ Lowkey​


Why it's important to understand Hamas’s political wing, with Helena Cobban​

RE: Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews
SUBTOPIC: Palestine People's Support for Terrorism
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,


You assume that border changes - "can only be done by a treaty." I'm afraid that's not right. The Principal Allied Powers exercised great authority to achieve their objectives in the Post War era of the Great War. An example, is the separate Administration of Jordan.

Second, the Government of Palestine was NOT a State. It was an administrative creation by the British. "The Mandate for Palestine extended also over the area known as Transjordan, but Art 25 of the Mandate authorized the Mandatory, with the consent of the Council, not to apply certain of its
provisions, specifically those relating to the Jewish homeland. This was achieved by a Memorandum of the British Delegate approved by the Council on September 16, 1922."

At the conclusion of the Mandate, and the dissolution of the League of Nations, The territory, former under the Administration of the Mandate, transferred to the Trusteeship System of the UN under Article 77 of the UN Charter. It was considered a "Legal Entity" and NOT a state, nation, or independent country, and has NOT yet achieved the level of "in status nascendi" (in the state of being born).

In the case of Palestine, the status of the territory was terminated at the level as stated by Sir Alexander Cadogan of the United Kingdom Delegation, in the Memorandum (25 Feb 1948) → "Palestine is today a legal entity but it is not a sovereign state."


The true status of the territory formerly under the Mandate was sorted out well before the termination.

View attachment 958797

Most Respectfully,
  • A lawful or legally standing association, corporation, partnership, proprietorship, trust, or individual. Has legal capacity to (1) enter into agreements or contracts, (2) assume obligations, (3) incur and pay debts, (4) sue and be sued in its own right, and (5) to be accountable for illegal activities. TLD Example: As a legal entity under ...
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Israel’s AI Killing Machine & Big Tech’s Complicity in Genocide, w/ Lowkey​

RE: Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews
SUBTOPIC: Legal Entity
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,


What you have said here is the facet behind a "Legal Entity." But it does not change the fact that the territory → that was once under the Mandate, → was shifted, as a "Legal Entity," to the UN Trusteeship. It shifted NOT as a "sovereign state." SEE the Memorandum "A"
  • A lawful or legally standing association, corporation, partnership, proprietorship, trust, or individual. Has legal capacity to (1) enter into agreements or contracts, (2) assume obligations, (3) incur and pay debts, (4) sue and be sued in its own right, and (5) to be accountable for illegal activities. TLD Example: As a legal entity under ...
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However, this is a moot point. The component members of the fledgling "Arab League" entered the territory under arms. They entered under the guise of coming to the rescue. But as it turned out, it was about territorial expansion. In the two primary areas that we are addressing:

Jordan wanted to fight and occupy the territory all the way to the Mediterranean Sea. It is unclear how far the initial Egyptian objectives extended. But what is a fact is that these "Arab" countries of Jordan and Egypt never remanded the territory they occupied to the Arab Palestinian People. Jordan annexed the West Bank; Egypt established a custodial military governorship.

And again, the involvement of the Arab League Occupation (1948-1967) did not change the fact that an independent and sovereign Arab Palestinian State did not emerge.


Most Respectfully,
RE: Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews
SUBTOPIC: Legal Entity
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,


What you have said here is the facet behind a "Legal Entity." But it does not change the fact that the territory → that was once under the Mandate, → was shifted, as a "Legal Entity," to the UN Trusteeship. It shifted NOT as a "sovereign state." SEE the Memorandum "A"


However, this is a moot point. The component members of the fledgling "Arab League" entered the territory under arms. They entered under the guise of coming to the rescue. But as it turned out, it was about territorial expansion. In the two primary areas that we are addressing:

Jordan wanted to fight and occupy the territory all the way to the Mediterranean Sea. It is unclear how far the initial Egyptian objectives extended. But what is a fact is that these "Arab" countries of Jordan and Egypt never remanded the territory they occupied to the Arab Palestinian People. Jordan annexed the West Bank; Egypt established a custodial military governorship.

And again, the involvement of the Arab League Occupation (1948-1967) did not change the fact that an independent and sovereign Arab Palestinian State did not emerge.


Most Respectfully,
What does all that have to do with Palestine's right to territorial integrity?

'Israelis Look Like Us': Bill Maher Wields IDENTITY POLITICS To Defend Israel: Briahna Joy Gray​

RE: Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews
SUBTOPIC: Territorial Integrity
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,


From 1922 until 15 May 1948, the British High Commissioner governed Palestine with a type of Territorial Council consisting exclusively of British officials. The Arab Palestinians rejected participation in an Advisory Council and Legislative Council that was to lead to a self-government in Palestine.
SOURCE: A/AC.14/8 of 2 October 1947 History of the British Administration in Palestine

In essence, the Arab Palestinians refused to participate in a process that would eventually fulfill the concept in Article 22 of the League of Nations Covenant. The League of Nations (LoN) dissolved in April 1946. With the disillusionment of the LoN so went the LoN Covenant. Both were superseded by the United Nations (UN) and the UN Charter, published in 1945.
What does all that have to do with Palestine's right to territorial integrity?

Before the Arab Palestinians can exercise their Rights to Self-Determination and Territorial Integrity (respectively), they must first have a territory.

The Jewish Agency accepted the UN Special Committee on Palestine (UNSCOP) recommendations (non-binding) of Palestine plan of partition with economic union – General Assembly resolution 181 (II) Future government of Palestine. In keeping with the past uncooperative behaviors, the Arab Palestinians rejected the Partition Plan. Thus, while the UN did not withdraw its recommendation, the territory was still cut out for the Arab Palestinians, the Arab Palestinians did not assemble a provisional government. On midnight 14/15 May 1948 (with the termination of the British Mandate) the de facto establishment of the State of Israel and the Provisional Government was announced.

Within hours, the Israeli Armed Forces were engaged on all fronts and besieged by the armed forces of five Arab States. The Arab Palestinians never were able to establish a self-governing territory. What territory was cut out for the Arab Palestinians in the UNSCOP recommendation was taken over by the foreign Arab Military. In the following 26 years, Egypt and Jordan (Arab Nations) never made any effort to grant the Arab Palestinians self-determination and territorial integrity. They did the exact opposite. One established a foreign Military Governorship and the other Annexed the territory they controlled.

As it turns out, the Israelis gave more territory back to the sole representative of the Palestinian People (Areas "A" and "B") - than the combined efforts of all five principal Arab countries that opened hostilities (the aggressor nations) in May 1948.


Most Respectfully,
RE: Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews
SUBTOPIC: Territorial Integrity
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,


From 1922 until 15 May 1948, the British High Commissioner governed Palestine with a type of Territorial Council consisting exclusively of British officials. The Arab Palestinians rejected participation in an Advisory Council and Legislative Council that was to lead to a self-government in Palestine.
SOURCE: A/AC.14/8 of 2 October 1947 History of the British Administration in Palestine

In essence, the Arab Palestinians refused to participate in a process that would eventually fulfill the concept in Article 22 of the League of Nations Covenant. The League of Nations (LoN) dissolved in April 1946. With the disillusionment of the LoN so went the LoN Covenant. Both were superseded by the United Nations (UN) and the UN Charter, published in 1945.


Before the Arab Palestinians can exercise their Rights to Self-Determination and Territorial Integrity (respectively), they must first have a territory.

The Jewish Agency accepted the UN Special Committee on Palestine (UNSCOP) recommendations (non-binding) of Palestine plan of partition with economic union – General Assembly resolution 181 (II) Future government of Palestine. In keeping with the past uncooperative behaviors, the Arab Palestinians rejected the Partition Plan. Thus, while the UN did not withdraw its recommendation, the territory was still cut out for the Arab Palestinians, the Arab Palestinians did not assemble a provisional government. On midnight 14/15 May 1948 (with the termination of the British Mandate) the de facto establishment of the State of Israel and the Provisional Government was announced.

Within hours, the Israeli Armed Forces were engaged on all fronts and besieged by the armed forces of five Arab States. The Arab Palestinians never were able to establish a self-governing territory. What territory was cut out for the Arab Palestinians in the UNSCOP recommendation was taken over by the foreign Arab Military. In the following 26 years, Egypt and Jordan (Arab Nations) never made any effort to grant the Arab Palestinians self-determination and territorial integrity. They did the exact opposite. One established a foreign Military Governorship and the other Annexed the territory they controlled.

As it turns out, the Israelis gave more territory back to the sole representative of the Palestinian People (Areas "A" and "B") - than the combined efforts of all five principal Arab countries that opened hostilities (the aggressor nations) in May 1948.


Most Respectfully,
There you go again with that page of foreign interference.

Tory minister grilled by MPs over UK's support of Israel's bombardment of Gaza​


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