Palestinian teenager slain

I think you're insane. You're suggesting that Netanyahu ordered the deaths of those three boys, why would he order the Mossad to do such a thing? The would ignite a firestorm between them and us, since one of those boys was an American! Wise up.
First off, that's what the Mossad does.

And second, Netanfuckyou wants to break up the unity government and was looking for a false flag to do it with.

All Palestinian rumors have a certain flair for the ridiculous.
The fact they were in Palestinian territory when their bodies were found should prove it for you.
The fact remains, no evidence has been made public.

I think the Mossad did it.

Hypocrite. You need more evidence that it was the palestinians, but you are fine with blaming Mossad without any evidence? You arent just being hypocritical; when you blame Mossad, youre being fucking retarded. Youre really stupid.
Mohammad Abu Khedair, 17, was heading from his home to a mosque in the middle-class neighborhood of Shuafat for prayers around 4 a.m. when three men forced him into a car and drove off, his father, Hussain Abu Khedair, told CNN. His body was found about an hour later at a forest in Jerusalem.

The killing quickly triggered condemnations from Palestinian and Israeli leaders, as well as from the United States.

Abducted Palestinian teen was kind, beloved

I am sorry to hear of the boys death and will be keeping his family in my prayers. It is an awful thing to lose a young son like this and I am terribly sorry for his family. No parents should have to outlive their own children. It just isn't the way things are supposed to be.
The violence comes a day after slain Israeli teens Naftali Frankel, Eyal Yifrach, and Gilad Shaar were laid to rest together on Tuesday, at a emotional funeral attended by thousands of Israelis.

The Frankel family expressed shock and horror over the death of the Arab youth, in a statement released to the press.

“We don’t know what happened last night in east Jerusalem, and the police are investigating. However, if, in fact, an Arab youth was killed for nationalistic reasons, then we’re talking about an awful and shocking deed,” the statement read.

“There is no difference between blood and blood,” according to the statement, which was published in Israel’s Ma’ariv daily. “Murder is murder, whatever the nationality and age. There is no justification, nor forgiving, and no atonement for any murder.”

Frankel Family on Murdered Arab Youth: We all Bleed the Same (VIDEO) | Jewish & Israel News
That's not a denial.
It's a question no one has been able to answer.

If you're going to call someone something, you should, at the very least, be able to explain the reason for calling them that. Yet, no ones done it.

If you can't explain why you think something, then you just think things for no reason whatsoever.
Hypocrite. You need more evidence that it was the palestinians, but you are fine with blaming Mossad without any evidence? You arent just being hypocritical; when you blame Mossad, youre being fucking retarded. Youre really stupid.
It's just an opinion. I'm not claiming it's a fact.

And why is it retarded? That's what the Mossad does. They're government sanctioned terrorists.
How far behind Muslims are Jews on the Right Wing Christian Hare Meter? Muslims serve as a buffer for Jews in this regard.

Strange post

Not really. The support for Jews that we see from RW Christians is only as deep as their hatred for Muslims.

Very true that's why we Jews are very wary of the rightwing Christians

Jews Cast Wary Eye on Evangelicals ?

Right-wing Christians are very risky allies for American Jews.
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Strange post

Not really. The support for Jews that we see from RW Christians is only as deep as their hatred for Muslims.

Very true that's why we Jews are very wary of the rightwing Christians

Jews Cast Wary Eye on Evangelicals ?

Right-wing Christians are very risky allies for American Jews.

A poll conducted by the Public Religion Research Institute, published April 3rd, finds American Jews to be very wary of the Christian sects that claim to support Israel and its expansionist policies most vocally. The Forward has published a thoughtful article on the poll results and on related recent polls:

The survey [PDF],conducted by the Public Religion Research Institute and published April 3, asked Jewish respondents to rate the favorability of several religious groups. Mormons received a 47% favorability rating, Muslims 41.4%; the group described as “Christian Right” was viewed in favorable terms by only 20.9% of Jewish Americans. [emphasis added] In contrast, the general American population, as shown by other polling data, views evangelicals more favorably than Muslims and Mormons.

“Most liberal Jews view the Christian right as wanting to impose a Christian America on them,” said Marshall Breger, professor at the Catholic University of America’s Columbus School of Law and leading voice on inter-religious relations. “To the extent to which the bulk of Jews are liberal, both politically and culturally, they’ll have negative views of the Christian right.”

Social views of Christian conservatives have been drawing attention in recent months as an increasingly significant part of the Republican presidential primary discourse. Attempts by GOP candidates to prove their conservative credentials in order to win over the Christian right have had, experts believe, an adverse effect on the Jewish community, turning it away from the Republican Party.

American Jews Like Muslims Twice as Much as They Like Christian Evangelicals | MyFDL

it is not surprising that American Jews are far more wary of Christian evangelicals and fundamentalists than the media seems to portray as the case.
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Not really. The support for Jews that we see from RW Christians is only as deep as their hatred for Muslims.

Very true that's why we Jews are very wary of the rightwing Christians

Jews Cast Wary Eye on Evangelicals ?

Right-wing Christians are very risky allies for American Jews.

A poll conducted by the Public Religion Research Institute, published April 3rd, finds American Jews to be very wary of the Christian sects that claim to support Israel and its expansionist policies most vocally. The Forward has published a thoughtful article on the poll results and on related recent polls:

The survey [PDF],conducted by the Public Religion Research Institute and published April 3, asked Jewish respondents to rate the favorability of several religious groups. Mormons received a 47% favorability rating, Muslims 41.4%; the group described as “Christian Right” was viewed in favorable terms by only 20.9% of Jewish Americans. [emphasis added] In contrast, the general American population, as shown by other polling data, views evangelicals more favorably than Muslims and Mormons.

“Most liberal Jews view the Christian right as wanting to impose a Christian America on them,” said Marshall Breger, professor at the Catholic University of America’s Columbus School of Law and leading voice on inter-religious relations. “To the extent to which the bulk of Jews are liberal, both politically and culturally, they’ll have negative views of the Christian right.”

Social views of Christian conservatives have been drawing attention in recent months as an increasingly significant part of the Republican presidential primary discourse. Attempts by GOP candidates to prove their conservative credentials in order to win over the Christian right have had, experts believe, an adverse effect on the Jewish community, turning it away from the Republican Party.

American Jews Like Muslims Twice as Much as They Like Christian Evangelicals | MyFDL

it is not surprising that American Jews are far more wary of Christian evangelicals and fundamentalists than the media seems to portray as the case.

Christian fundamentalism’s only interest in the state of Israel is in assisting it to become the instrument for bringing about, as foretold by the Christian Bible, the end of the world in a final battle at Armageddon between the forces of good and evil. In this scenario the Jews will have a choice - either to junk their Judaism and become Christians, in which case they will be beamed up to heaven, or to be annihilated… Real Low IQ delusional crapola :cuckoo:
Not really. The support for Jews that we see from RW Christians is only as deep as their hatred for Muslims.

Very true that's why we Jews are very wary of the rightwing Christians

Jews Cast Wary Eye on Evangelicals ?

Right-wing Christians are very risky allies for American Jews.
A poll conducted by the Public Religion Research Institute, published April 3rd, finds American Jews to be very wary of the Christian sects that claim to support Israel and its expansionist policies most vocally. The Forward has published a thoughtful article on the poll results and on related recent polls:

The survey [PDF],conducted by the Public Religion Research Institute and published April 3, asked Jewish respondents to rate the favorability of several religious groups. Mormons received a 47% favorability rating, Muslims 41.4%; the group described as “Christian Right” was viewed in favorable terms by only 20.9% of Jewish Americans. [emphasis added] In contrast, the general American population, as shown by other polling data, views evangelicals more favorably than Muslims and Mormons.

“Most liberal Jews view the Christian right as wanting to impose a Christian America on them,” said Marshall Breger, professor at the Catholic University of America’s Columbus School of Law and leading voice on inter-religious relations. “To the extent to which the bulk of Jews are liberal, both politically and culturally, they’ll have negative views of the Christian right.”

Social views of Christian conservatives have been drawing attention in recent months as an increasingly significant part of the Republican presidential primary discourse. Attempts by GOP candidates to prove their conservative credentials in order to win over the Christian right have had, experts believe, an adverse effect on the Jewish community, turning it away from the Republican Party..

it is not surprising that American Jews are far more wary of Christian evangelicals and fundamentalists than the media seems to portray as the case.

That poll would have had much different results if they had left politics out of it. Had they just compared christians and muslims, as opposed to "christian right", they would have had overwhelming support for the christians. You cant ask jews to rate right wing politics without injection their own bias.

If you were to ask right wing christians to rate left wing christians,the results wouldnt be favorable either, despite the fact that they share the same religion. You cant inject politics into poll about religion and not expect unusual results
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Did the Palestinians think they could go around killing teens and no one would notice?
I sure would like to notice some evidence saying they did it.

The fact they were in Palestinian territory when their bodies were found should prove it for you.

The whole of Israel is Palestinian territory.

So once again, the Zionists have stuck their hands in a hornet's nest and act surprised when they got stung.

And this is our problem, why, again?
I sure would like to notice some evidence saying they did it.

The fact they were in Palestinian territory when their bodies were found should prove it for you.

The whole of Israel is Palestinian territory.

So once again, the Zionists have stuck their hands in a hornet's nest and act surprised when they got stung.

And this is our problem, why, again?

The focus should be on the 80% of Palestinian land in Jordan, yet only Israel is supposed to give. Many Americans, if not most, stand with Israel,

I sure would like to notice some evidence saying they did it.

The fact they were in Palestinian territory when their bodies were found should prove it for you.

The whole of Israel is Palestinian territory.

So once again, the Zionists have stuck their hands in a hornet's nest and act surprised when they got stung.

And this is our problem, why, again?

why do you talk about zionists when the problem is palestinian terrorism.

you don't have to agree with everything israel does, but that acknowledgement is necessary for an actual real world assessment of the region.

i read recently that if the palestinians stopped put down their arms there would be no more war there. but if israel put down its arms, there would be no more israel.
The fact they were in Palestinian territory when their bodies were found should prove it for you.

The whole of Israel is Palestinian territory.

So once again, the Zionists have stuck their hands in a hornet's nest and act surprised when they got stung.

And this is our problem, why, again?

why do you talk about zionists when the problem is palestinian terrorism.

you don't have to agree with everything israel does, but that acknowledgement is necessary for an actual real world assessment of the region.

i read recently that if the palestinians stopped put down their arms there would be no more war there. but if israel put down its arms, there would be no more israel.

The Palestinians are doing exactly what Americans would do if Space Aliens took over half the country and restricted Americans to the crappier parts of the country. They are fighting for land they rightfully believe is theirs.

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

Zionism is the last vestige of European Colonialism of that region. Much like South Africa and Rhodesia were the last vestiges of Colonialism in Africa.

But you don't even have to go as so far as to "pick sides". The thing is, none of this is really any of our business nor is it our problem. Two groups of people are fighting over who a Magic Fairy in the Sky gave a strip of land to. It would be laughably absurd if so much death wasn't involved.

Helen Thomas had it right. Go back to Europe where they came from.
The whole of Israel is Palestinian territory.

So once again, the Zionists have stuck their hands in a hornet's nest and act surprised when they got stung.

And this is our problem, why, again?

why do you talk about zionists when the problem is palestinian terrorism.

you don't have to agree with everything israel does, but that acknowledgement is necessary for an actual real world assessment of the region.

i read recently that if the palestinians stopped put down their arms there would be no more war there. but if israel put down its arms, there would be no more israel.

The Palestinians are doing exactly what Americans would do if Space Aliens took over half the country and restricted Americans to the crappier parts of the country. They are fighting for land they rightfully believe is theirs.

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

Zionism is the last vestige of European Colonialism of that region. Much like South Africa and Rhodesia were the last vestiges of Colonialism in Africa.

But you don't even have to go as so far as to "pick sides". The thing is, none of this is really any of our business nor is it our problem. Two groups of people are fighting over who a Magic Fairy in the Sky gave a strip of land to. It would be laughably absurd if so much death wasn't involved.

Helen Thomas had it right. Go back to Europe where they came from.

Jews come from the Holy Land, Jordan occupies the vast majority of the Palestinian homeland:

Palestine Facts
1 When the LORD thy God shall bring thee into the land whither thou goest to possess it, and hath cast out many nations before thee, the Hittites, and the Girgashites, and the Amorites, and the Canaanites, and the Perizzites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites, seven nations greater and mightier than thou;

2 And when the LORD thy God shall deliver them before thee; thou shalt smite them, and utterly destroy them; thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor shew mercy unto them:

- Deuteronomy 7

Seems consistent to me killing Palestinians.

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