Palestinian teenager slain

You see, this is where you are kind of dumb. As much as the Zionists scream and whine about Iran, it's actually too far away for them...

WRONG CHIMP. The expected deflection, as I mentioned this weak poster would. You claimed that Israel orders the US into foreign wars on its behalf; Israel has spent over ten years pleading with the US to attack iran - and it has refused.

Therefore, your claim is invalid, and an obvious lie.

And Bill Krystol and his cronies who all told us what a cakewalk Iraq was going to be can rattle the sabers all day, but Americans aren't falling for it.

Israel warned us against Iraq invasion, US official says - Israel News, Ynetnews
Don't Blame the Iraq Debacle on the Israel Lobby

Endless deflective garbage. Bill Krystol is neither israeli, nor has anything to do with the israeli government policy making. Facts much?
China Scolds U.S. for Blocking Israeli Arms Sale
The United States and the LAVI

Or more likely, the Zionists were doing what htey always do, invading a country, stirring up the hornets, and whining about getting stung.

More deflective nonsense from a totally non-credible poster.

Again, YOU claimed that Israel controlled the US, forcing it into wars on its behalf - NOT A SINGLE US SOLDIER ever fought on behalf of israel in any of its wars.

The US has pressured israel over and over again to take actions against their own interest.

Care to admit you lied?
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You see, this is where you are kind of dumb. As much as the Zionists scream and whine about Iran, it's actually too far away for them...

WRONG CHIMP. The expected deflection, as I mentioned this weak poster would. You claimed that Israel orders the US into foreign wars on its behalf; Israel has spent over ten years pleading with the US to attack iran - and it has refused.

Therefore, your claim is invalid, and an obvious lie.

Guy, this was not the point I was arguing. The point I was arguing was your statement.

1-Israel has asked the US for permission to attack iran itself, and the US has refused to allow it for over 10 years

The Zionists have wargamed it out, and they know they can't destroy Iran's program. Or even launch an attack without engendering a lot of sympathy for Iran across the world. So they've been sending out AIPAC and Bill Krystol and Charlie "Dr. Strangelove" Krauthammer.

They do want to get US to attack Iran for them. Just like we attacked Iraq for them.

Americans aren't going to be fooled twice.
Or more likely, the Zionists were doing what htey always do, invading a country, stirring up the hornets, and whining about getting stung.

More deflective nonsense from a totally non-credible poster.

Again, YOU claimed that Israel controlled the US, forcing it into wars on its behalf - NOT A SINGLE US SOLDIER ever fought on behalf of israel in any of its wars.

The US has pressured israel over and over again to take actions against their own interest.

Care to admit you lied?

Actually, that isn't true. 243 Marine died in Beruit after Israel invaded it and we had to send in "peacekeepers" to cover their withdrawal.

Not to mention the Gulf War and the Iraq War, both of which Israel instigated because Saddam terrorized them.
Guy, this was not the point I was arguing. The point I was arguing was your statement.

Now that you've been obliterated, its down to outright lying...YOUR posts:

"When the Zionists stop dragging us into wars, I'll be happy to stop being concerned about them."


"Given the fact our Congress is Zionist Occupied Territory, it's probably going to take another couple of foolish wars before people start getting wise."


In BOTH of YOUR posts above, you claimed that it was israel forcing the US into wars, or to do things for it. I PROVED that that is abjectly false, and provided multiple examples, some of which you were not even aware of.

Admit you lied, or just sit there and be utterly humiliated further.

They do want to get US to attack Iran for them. Just like we attacked Iraq for them. Americans aren't going to be fooled twice.

WRONG chimp, again:

Israel asked US for green light to bomb nuclear sites in Iran | World news |
NYT: *Gates deflected Israeli attack on Iran
Olmert Sought U.S. Green Light for Iran Attack Tikun-Olam Tikun Olam-????? ????

You are getting fucking destroyed at this point; a sane person recognizes that when they are in a hole - stop digging. :cuckoo:

You are getting fucking destroyed at this point; a sane person recognizes that when they are in a hole - stop digging. :cuckoo:

You think screaming like a maniac is "winning the argument"?


Of course the Zionists are pulling the strings in Washington.

Look how fast they got Helen Thomas fired for merely suggesting they should go back to Europe.

So the Zionists are trying to manipulate us into a war with Iran now. oH, Olmert can make noises, and so can Bibi, by the reality is, They can't touch Iran and they know it.
You think screaming like a maniac is "winning the argument"?

She lies, gets her head blown off, and attempts to make a personal slight - anything, but anything, to deflect off her lies... :eusa_boohoo:

Of course the Zionists are pulling the strings in Washington.

I presented multiple examples proving that is absolutely false, and the best she can do is keep repeating the same nonsense. Want a cracker, polly?

Look how fast they got Helen Thomas fired for merely suggesting they should go back to Europe.

So now its gone from "controlling congress" to getting a reporter fired? Weak posters like to change the goal posts, but this clown can't even stay in the same ballpark.:cuckoo:

So the Zionists are trying to manipulate us into a war with Iran now. oH, Olmert can make noises, and so can Bibi, by the reality is, They can't touch Iran and they know it.

LOL, olmert has not even BEEN IN OFFICE FOR YEARS.

Clearly, this idiot cannot even stretch beyond the childish slogans like '"jews control america!". Child, grow up, stop posting, and start reading some history.

You are embarrassing yourself to the point of hilarity at this point, just give it up already - you are so outgunned here its like watching muhammed ali pulverize a 2 year old. :badgrin:
You think screaming like a maniac is "winning the argument"?

She lies, gets her head blown off, and attempts to make a personal slight - anything, but anything, to deflect off her lies... :eusa_boohoo:

First, I'm a dude.
Second, your arguments only really impress yourself.

Of course the Zionists are pulling the strings in Washington.

I presented multiple examples proving that is absolutely false, and the best she can do is keep repeating the same nonsense. Want a cracker, polly?

No, the only thing you proved is the Zionists can't openly pull the strings. Of course, they aren't going to "officially" come into a war on our side. Every Arab Country would join the other side if they did. (This is why Saddam dropped a shitload of SCUDs on them, hoping to trigger a response.) But they are pulling the strings.

Look how fast they got Helen Thomas fired for merely suggesting they should go back to Europe.

So now its gone from "controlling congress" to getting a reporter fired? Weak posters like to change the goal posts, but this clown can't even stay in the same ballpark.:cuckoo:

I think when you have to fire an old lady for merely suggesting an opinion they don't like, it shows they have everyone's balls in a lockbox.

So the Zionists are trying to manipulate us into a war with Iran now. oH, Olmert can make noises, and so can Bibi, by the reality is, They can't touch Iran and they know it.

LOL, olmert has not even BEEN IN OFFICE FOR YEARS.

Clearly, this idiot cannot even stretch beyond the childish slogans like '"jews control america!". Child, grow up, stop posting, and start reading some history.

You are embarrassing yourself to the point of hilarity at this point, just give it up already - you are so outgunned here its like watching muhammed ali pulverize a 2 year old. :badgrin:

You miss the point, it really doesn't matter which Zionist is pretending to do Democracy over there. Honestly, it's like trying to argue the sky is blue with a retard.
First, I'm a dude. Second, your arguments only really impress yourself.

What you are is utterly clueless, and completely unable to defend your statements.

No, the only thing you proved is the Zionists can't openly pull the strings.

So your "argument" has gone from "jews run the US and congress" to it's: "well, they don't control the US and congress all the time, but they do some of the time, behind closed doors, on some days...maybe Tuesdays...I think. Wow, you're a real strong debater :eusa_whistle:

Of course, they aren't going to "officially" come into a war on our side. Every Arab Country would join the other side if they did.

Like they did in 1991? Do you get tired of making stupid comments never backed up by facts?

(This is why Saddam dropped a shitload of SCUDs on them, hoping to trigger a response.) But they are pulling the strings

How many did saddam fire in 2003? Uh, google/wikipedia is there for clueless idiots like you...

I think when you have to fire an old lady for merely suggesting an opinion they don't like, it shows they have everyone's balls in a lockbox.

You think? Really? When did that happen?

She was fired because a person operating as a reporter cannot show a lunatic bias that like your comments, have no basis in reality.

You miss the point, it really doesn't matter which Zionist is pretending to do Democracy over there.

First it was: "israel controls the US and is trying to force the US into a war with iran" and i showed multiple articles/proof that that was patently false, the chimp starts deflecting with complete nonsense about everything else. Good debating skills there, skippy - you're bringing the integrity level of the pro-arab side to incredibly low levels not seen in years. :eusa_clap:
Israel has arrested suspects.

A Christian Zionist

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