Palestinian teenager slain


Jews come from the Holy Land, Jordan occupies the vast majority of the Palestinian homeland:

NO, the Zionists came from Europe. After 2000 years of interbreeding with Europeans, they are Europeans.

Judaism, Christianity and Islam are all equally the descendents of the Abrahamic Faith, the cutting edge barbarism of the Bronze Age.

And frankly, until Hitler came along, most of the European Jews had no desire to live in the "Holy Land". The British couldn't get them to resettle for love or money.
The fact they were in Palestinian territory when their bodies were found should prove it for you.

The whole of Israel is Palestinian territory.

So once again, the Zionists have stuck their hands in a hornet's nest and act surprised when they got stung.

And this is our problem, why, again?

why do you talk about zionists when the problem is palestinian terrorism.

you don't have to agree with everything israel does, but that acknowledgement is necessary for an actual real world assessment of the region.

i read recently that if the palestinians stopped put down their arms there would be no more war there. but if israel put down its arms, there would be no more israel.

"Zionists" is used to make Israel seem evil,

The whole of Israel is Palestinian territory.

So once again, the Zionists have stuck their hands in a hornet's nest and act surprised when they got stung.

And this is our problem, why, again?

why do you talk about zionists when the problem is palestinian terrorism.

you don't have to agree with everything israel does, but that acknowledgement is necessary for an actual real world assessment of the region.

i read recently that if the palestinians stopped put down their arms there would be no more war there. but if israel put down its arms, there would be no more israel.

"Zionists" is used to make Israel seem evil,


Zionism is religious apartheid. That's why it seems evil to most sensible people.
why do you talk about zionists when the problem is palestinian terrorism.
Israel commits 10 times the terrorist acts the Palestinian's do.

Resistance to the occupation is not terrorism.

you don't have to agree with everything israel does, but that acknowledgement is necessary for an actual real world assessment of the region.
Is it necessary to shoot at people fishing? Is it necessary to imprison people without charges? Is it necessary to treat Palestinian's like they're sub-human?

i read recently that if the palestinians stopped put down their arms there would be no more war there. but if israel put down its arms, there would be no more israel.
That's bullshit.

The Palestinian's did stop in 2008 and Israel still murdered their leaders.

You're so full of shit!
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People don't seem to realize how ridiculous Israeli claims of terrorism can get.

Here's the Israeli's Top 6 psychotic claims of terrorism!

6. Diplomatic terrorism. When PLO Chairman Mahmoud Abbas went to the UN to seek statehood for the Palestinians in 2012, Israel’s foreign minister was livid. In addition to calling Abbas a “a liar, a coward and a weakling,” Liberman described the PLO chairman’s UN bid as “diplomatic terrorism.” It only got stranger. “Between diplomatic terror and conventional terror,” Liberman told the entire Israeli diplomatic corps, “diplomatic terror is more serious.”

5. Economic terrorism. The BDS movement has been gaining momentum in recent years. So when the EU announced new settlement guidelines to ensure that it’s own money doesn’t end up in settlements, which it considers illegal, Israel got a little worked up. Before becoming Israel’s economy minister, Naftali Bennett served in two of Israel’s most elite reconnaissance and counter-terrorism units, so one might be tempted to give him the benefit of the doubt that he knows what terrorism is. At least until he called the EU settlement guidelines “economic terrorism.”

4. Legal terrorism. Israel is a small country and it can feel a little suffocating after a while, especially in August. So it’s no surprise that Israelis love to travel. Threatening the ability to travel of Israel’s closest thing to royalty, its army generals, would indeed be terrifying. So when seeking war crimes charges against top military officials came back en vogue following the deadly Mavi Marmara raid in 2009, it was only natural that the IDF described efforts to enforce international law as “legal terrorism.”

3. Gastrointestinal terrorism. Israel arrests a lot of Palestinians. Let’s face it, is it entirely Israel’s fault that in order to maintain an undemocratic military occupation over a foreign people for 47 years it has been forced to put 40 percent of the male Palestinian population in prison? So it’s no wonder that Israel has also been forced to deal with a hunger strike or two. MK Miri Regev (Likud), during discussions of how best to force-feed Palestinian prisoners, described hunger strikes as “terrorism in prison.” Yup, all you have to do to become a terrorist these days is stop eating.

2. Self-inflicted terrorism. The Shin Bet puts out a yearly report about “data and trends in Palestinian terrorism.” In its report on 2009, the year of Operation Cast Lead, there was one line of very confusing data. According to the Shin Bet, 15 people died in terrorist attacks in 2009, nine of them during Cast Lead. What types of attacks, you ask? According to page four of the Shin Bet report: “Five civilians and soldiers were killed by high-trajectory launchings and four soldiers were killed by friendly fire.” Let’s give them the benefit of the doubt. At least according to official Israeli logic, the soldiers were killed in the fight against terror, and Israel has always described attacks against soldiers as terrorism — a separate yet hugely problematic implication in and of itself. But that doesn’t explain an even stranger classification that came a year later when the Defense Ministry classified as a “victim of terror” a Jewish settler rabbi who was mistakenly shot to death by an Israeli soldier who thought he was shooting at Palestinians.

1. Journalistic terrorism. When CBS’s “60 Minutes” did a feature on the plight of Palestinian Christians in the Holy Land a few years ago, Israel went on a diplomatic and public relations offensive (or defensive, I suppose). Then Israeli Ambassador to the U.S. Michael Oren led the defensive, trying to place the blame for the Christian exodus from the Holy Land on the Palestinians instead of on Israel. The campaign went too far on-record. But it was an off-record comment by an Israeli official that takes the cake. Speaking to The Forward, the official likened CBS’s documentary news program to “a strategic terror attack.” I’m not quite sure what that means, but its absurdity landed it the number-one spot on this list.
I don't know what is more nuts?

The psycho's making these claims, or the brain-dead morons defending them?

Jews come from the Holy Land, Jordan occupies the vast majority of the Palestinian homeland:

NO, the Zionists came from Europe. After 2000 years of interbreeding with Europeans, they are Europeans.

Judaism, Christianity and Islam are all equally the descendents of the Abrahamic Faith, the cutting edge barbarism of the Bronze Age.

And frankly, until Hitler came along, most of the European Jews had no desire to live in the "Holy Land". The British couldn't get them to resettle for love or money.

Genocide changes hearts & minds? Not surprising.

Jews come from the Holy Land, Jordan occupies the vast majority of the Palestinian homeland:

NO, the Zionists came from Europe. After 2000 years of interbreeding with Europeans, they are Europeans.

Judaism, Christianity and Islam are all equally the descendents of the Abrahamic Faith, the cutting edge barbarism of the Bronze Age.

And frankly, until Hitler came along, most of the European Jews had no desire to live in the "Holy Land". The British couldn't get them to resettle for love or money.

Genocide changes hearts & minds? Not surprising.

You are right. The Zionists are like the children of a sociopath who grow up to be sociopaths themselves.
NO, the Zionists came from Europe. After 2000 years of interbreeding with Europeans, they are Europeans.

Judaism, Christianity and Islam are all equally the descendents of the Abrahamic Faith, the cutting edge barbarism of the Bronze Age.

And frankly, until Hitler came along, most of the European Jews had no desire to live in the "Holy Land". The British couldn't get them to resettle for love or money.

Genocide changes hearts & minds? Not surprising.

You are right. The Zionists are like the children of a sociopath who grow up to be sociopaths themselves.
Buddy, stop living in the past. You have ZDD, Zionist Derangement Disorder. Get yourself treated.
You are right. The Zionists are like the children of a sociopath who grow up to be sociopaths themselves.
Buddy, stop living in the past. You have ZDD, Zionist Derangement Disorder. Get yourself treated.

When the Zionists stop dragging us into wars, I'll be happy to stop being concerned about them.

Then get your country to stop backing them and get out of the way. Example: Norway's not involved in their business and therefore don't get attacked by muzzyz.
Buddy, stop living in the past. You have ZDD, Zionist Derangement Disorder. Get yourself treated.

When the Zionists stop dragging us into wars, I'll be happy to stop being concerned about them.

Then get your country to stop backing them and get out of the way. Example: Norway's not involved in their business and therefore don't get attacked by muzzyz.

Exactly my point, Sock-boy.
When the Zionists stop dragging us into wars, I'll be happy to stop being concerned about them.

Then get your country to stop backing them and get out of the way. Example: Norway's not involved in their business and therefore don't get attacked by muzzyz.

Exactly my point, Sock-boy.

So instead of attacking Zionists, you should be working to get your country out of there. So what's the problem? It's easier to sit behind your computer and insult people you don't know?
Then get your country to stop backing them and get out of the way. Example: Norway's not involved in their business and therefore don't get attacked by muzzyz.

Exactly my point, Sock-boy.

So instead of attacking Zionists, you should be working to get your country out of there. So what's the problem? It's easier to sit behind your computer and insult people you don't know?

Given the fact our Congress is Zionist Occupied Territory, it's probably going to take another couple of foolish wars before people start getting wise.
The fact they were in Palestinian territory when their bodies were found should prove it for you.
The fact remains, no evidence has been made public.

I think the Mossad did it.

Hypocrite. You need more evidence that it was the palestinians, but you are fine with blaming Mossad without any evidence? You arent just being hypocritical; when you blame Mossad, youre being fucking retarded. Youre really stupid.

The value of the ignore feature cannot be overstated; I keep weak trash posters like that on it, and it serves me well.

BTW, muslim terrorist groups have already claimed responsibility.

Comments from various pieces of jew-hating trash here on this topic remind me of the other various lies they proffer, like the nonsense they spew about iran's threats to destroy israel. It is a sign of their low intelligence that by continuing to deny the obvious, it will enhance their credibility.
The slaughter of this child should be wholly condemned by everyone. It's as egregious as the needless slaughter of the three Jewish teens.
Given the fact our Congress is Zionist Occupied Territory, it's probably going to take another couple of foolish wars before people start getting wise.

Here's a good instance of how to show human feces like this has no credibility:

You claim that Israel runs the US government, and that it forces the US into mideast wars, so please explain the following:

1-Israel has asked the US for permission to attack iran itself, and the US has refused to allow it for over 10 years

2-Israel vociferously opposed the 2003 iraq war, and pleaded with the US not to invade

3-the US has repeatedly forced Israel to terminate sales of weapons and technology to foreign countries such as china, and has even compelled israel to terminate its own jet fighter and tank programs

4-the US has forced israel to end various military campaigns prior to completion such as the 2006 war with hezbollah, or the 2009 cast lead operation against hamas

Since all of the above are factual, how does your lunatic claim that israel controls the US hold up?

(Let's see how this tool tries to either obfuscate, excuse away, deflect - or outright personally attack me - for showing how they've lied on an internet forum, and been exposed for it).
Given the fact our Congress is Zionist Occupied Territory, it's probably going to take another couple of foolish wars before people start getting wise.

Here's a good instance of how to show human feces like this has no credibility:

You claim that Israel runs the US government, and that it forces the US into mideast wars, so please explain the following:

1-Israel has asked the US for permission to attack iran itself, and the US has refused to allow it for over 10 years

You see, this is where you are kind of dumb. As much as the Zionists scream and whine about Iran, it's actually too far away for them to hit with their aircraft (which would have to fly over hostile territory). No, what the Zionists want if for US to invade Iran and take out the Ayatollahs for them.

And Bill Krystol and his cronies who all told us what a cakewalk Iraq was going to be can rattle the sabers all day, but Americans aren't falling for it.

2-Israel vociferously opposed the 2003 iraq war, and pleaded with the US not to invade

Did they?

The Iraq war-- What did AIPAC do and when did it do it?

Back in 2000, AIPAC specifically worked to ramp up sanctions on Iraq because of its “weapons of mass destruction.” Remember them? In March 2000, AIPAC circulated an Action Alert to Congress, urging its members to put pressure on Congress to pressure the Clinton administration.

AIPAC usually supports what Israel wants, and Israel certainly wanted the United States to invade Iraq. Nathan Guttman made this very connection in his reporting [in Haaretz, April 2003] on AIPAC’s annual conference in the spring of 2003, shortly after the war started: “AIPAC is wont to support whatever is good for Israel, and so long as Israel supports the war, so too do the thousands of the AIPAC lobbyists who convened in the American capital.” AIPAC executive director Howard Kohr’s statement to the New York Sun in January 2003 is even more revealing, as he acknowledged “‘quietly’ lobbying Congress to approve the use of force in Iraq” was one of “AIPAC’s successes over the past year.” And in a lengthy New Yorker profile of Steven J. Rosen, who was AIPAC’s policy director during the run-up to the Iraq war, Jeffrey Goldberg reported that “AIPAC lobbied Congress in favor of the Iraq war.”

3-the US has repeatedly forced Israel to terminate sales of weapons and technology to foreign countries such as china, and has even compelled israel to terminate its own jet fighter and tank programs


4-the US has forced israel to end various military campaigns prior to completion such as the 2006 war with hezbollah, or the 2009 cast lead operation against hamas

Or more likely, the Zionists were doing what htey always do, invading a country, stirring up the hornets, and whining about getting stung.

Take the 2006 war. They didn't route Hezbollah in a couple of days, in fact, they took as many casualties as Hezbollah did. Then like any bully that gets its ass whupped, it ran to the UN to come in and resolve the problem they started.

Since all of the above are factual, how does your lunatic claim that israel controls the US hold up?

(Let's see how this tool tries to either obfuscate, excuse away, deflect - or outright personally attack me - for showing how they've lied on an internet forum, and been exposed for it).

Well, apparently, it didn't hold up very well.

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