Palestinian terrorist kills Israeli child in her sleep.

Palestinians are encouraged to commit violence because of Abbas' silence.

An escalation in violence in the West Bank, a stabbing attack in Netanya and a shooting attack on route 60 is a nightmare scenario for the security establishment.

Mahmoud Abbas. (photo credit:REUTERS)

After weeks of relative quiet, signs foreshadowing the escalation of violence in Israel were raised following the fortification of the al-Aska Mosque by a number of Palestinian youth earlier this week.

Alarmed by the event, the defense establishment immediately recommended the temporary closure of the Temple Mount to both Muslims and Jews.

At first, political leaders expressed surprise as to why Jews should pay a price... after all, it was Palestinians who were disrupting the fragile "status quo" presiding over the contentious holy site.

Analysis: Palestinians see consent in Abbas' silence
What can we expect from the decedents of the Nazi Mufti?
Even the Palestinians want him to go away.

Without US/Israeli support he would have been gone long ago.
Is that why the Hamas terrorists have refused to hold elections?
Elections are to be called by the President. Abbas left the government in June of 2007.

Their constitution says that when a president resigns the speaker of parliament temporarily assumes the office of the president and calls elections within 60 days. Following the constitution, that Hamas favors, the whole election problem would be solved.

However, with money, weapons, and political cover from the US, Abbas will not allow constitutional procedures to move forward.
Nah that's a load of baloney since Hamas doesn't recognize any entity. So why doesn't Hamas hold elections, you gave us a load of gibberish trying to make barbaric terrorists look like they respect law and order.
Can you prove any of that or are you just talking out your ass?
As terrible every childs Death is......Zionists have MURDERED over 10,000 Palestinian Children since 1948 and continue this EVIL today,so your point is???????????? 10,000 into 1 doesn't go Shusha so try thinking about that instead of your normal myopic spew

Oh come on. Now you are just making things up out of thin air. You have absolutely no source for that number. I know, because I've checked the statistics and there is no way you could have plucked that number out of them accurately. You are making things up -- telling lies -- in order to appeal to emotions and some sort of twisted sense of "fairness".

Not to mention calling Palestinian deaths during the conflict "murder" while completely ignoring all the deaths of Jews and Israelis in that same time frame. Its a ridiculous argument.

But if you want to go there and talk numbers as a measure of evil why don't we talk about the 12 MILLION MUSLIMS killed by other MUSLIMS since 1948.
Sorry but I'm just cannot face the scrutiny of your BELOVED Zionist Terrorists......I have never heard you mention the dastardly deeds of these residivists ......... can you bring yourself to tell us......You need to get real,because you are one of them.....take your head out of the sand
As terrible every childs Death is......Zionists have MURDERED over 10,000 Palestinian Children since 1948 and continue this EVIL today,so your point is???????????? 10,000 into 1 doesn't go Shusha so try thinking about that instead of your normal myopic spew

Oh come on. Now you are just making things up out of thin air. You have absolutely no source for that number. I know, because I've checked the statistics and there is no way you could have plucked that number out of them accurately. You are making things up -- telling lies -- in order to appeal to emotions and some sort of twisted sense of "fairness".

Not to mention calling Palestinian deaths during the conflict "murder" while completely ignoring all the deaths of Jews and Israelis in that same time frame. Its a ridiculous argument.

But if you want to go there and talk numbers as a measure of evil why don't we talk about the 12 MILLION MUSLIMS killed by other MUSLIMS since 1948.
I thought this is a Palestinian/Israeli Thread,.........The "Red Herring"Train is on another Track,get with the programme.
I've been trying all day to think of a response to those here on this thread who are explaining away or justifying the brutal murder of a child. And I've got nothing. The utter lack of humanity from some of our posters here is appalling.

There can be no justification for such a heinous act. Full stop.

The psychopathic ideology which drives such heinous acts is not 'caused' by poverty or oppression or lack of self-determination or anything but that psychopathic ideology. That is what we should be discussing. Confronting that ideology is the only way we are going to fix anything.
As terrible every childs Death is......Zionists have MURDERED over 10,000 Palestinian Children since 1948 and continue this EVIL today,so your point is???????????? 10,000 into 1 doesn't go Shusha so try thinking about that instead of your normal myopic spew

:link: :link: :link:
No need to give you YET ANOTHER LINK Rouds,because I have given them to you prior.....and you are not stupid,you request them because you are Bored,Keep well steve........

you've never posted a link on this board, probably because you still haven't figured out how. Try not to post gibberish about Jews while you're drunk. The barbaric child killers with no regards for human life are not the Israelis, admit it.
Many Thanks Rouds..........I will keep that in Mind,glad you got that off your chest..steve
Years after the Fogel family massacre, Palestinians still seek the same method of cruelty and cowardice: Palestinian terrorist stabbed a 13-year-old to death in her bedroom on Thursday morning after he infiltrated the West Bank settlement of Kiryat Arba, which is located next to Hebron.

“My daughter was sleeping calmly when he [the terrorist] came into her bedroom,” Hallal’s mother Rina told Army Radio. “She was happy,’ she added.


A Magen David Adom paramedic said that when he arrived at the scene the teenage girl, Hallel Yaffa Ariel, was unconscious and was not breathing. They were able to resuscitate her at the scene, but it was touch-and-go during the whole journey to Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Jerusalem, as they continuously fought to keep her alive.

After the attack, the IDF and one of the Prime Minister Office’s spokesman tweeted a photograph of her blood-stained bedroom

She was pronounced dead shortly after her arrival, without ever regaining consciousness.

Kiryat Arba attack: Palestinian terrorist stabs teen girl to death in bedroom
It's all terrible Lips and SAD indeed,but you must consider the 10's of thousands of Palestinian Children killed by Jews/Israelis since 1948,all these murders are dreadful on both sides.

Unlike me NO ONE seems to want peace,that's why you get Morons on here like the flaccid "MIKETX" who states "Kill Them All" ..stupid Idiot

He may be a "moron", but he's writing his opinion here and nothing more.The Palestinians are taught not only to write opinions, but to go and murder people- actively. The terrorists' sister told that her brother is in heaven for doing this. Only shows you what kind of people we're dealing with. There is something sick and coward in stabbing an innocent child, DOZENS of times, in her sleep. These are the kind of people you ask Israel to sympathize with? those who do such things?
Lips,I know you are hurting and understand,steven

I first went to Israel in 1972 and mixed with Pals and Jews and they mixed well with each other,both great people.......but I will tell you quite honestly that I met some evil people there......the worse were two Belgian Mercenaries fighting for Israel...who boasted that they would go out at night and shoot and murder Palestinians indiscriminately ........I had this verified by a good friend (Jewish).

Years Later in Australia (amongst other things I have a Real Estate Business) and Team members wanted to introduce new Finance people,Settlement Agents and Advertizers etc..................To my utter shock one of the Finance Guys was one of the Belgian Mercenaries I'd met all those years ago.He did not recognise me..................he put his hand out to shake my hand and I said STOP........I never deal with people who have Blood on Their Hands.

You see Lips,some people will murder just for CASH........The Palestinians just like the Jews,want "Their own homeland".....It took Terrorists and Zionist/Terrorism for Jews to get Israel...with all that intailed and continues can hardly blame the Palestinians trying to get their homeland.People have a poor grasp of history and facts Lips,.......and if I say Miketx is a Moron he is.......his was just a thoughtless cheap ignorant oneliner.steve

The Palestinians have their own homeland, it is called Jordan. But then you don't want international laws to support and defend the Jews do you being a Nazi anti semite.

You have as much blood on your hands, and yours was achieved for free
How Phoney you are Pheo,and how silly..........Jordon was NEVER the Palestinian Homeland as you full well know,Israel is.

Never been or want to be a Nazi BUT you Zionists are and collaborated with the NaZis to murder millions of innocent Jews.

Anti Jew/Semite NEVER

Anti ZIONIST....Absolutely

You are the Anti-Semite as Palestinians being a Semitic People,your disgusting treatment of them is Obnoxious

You continually Plagarize my posts by using "You have Blood on your Hands"..that is MY QUOTE not yours,you are merely a copyist

See you around Bore
These radical zionists build a settlement right next to the Palestinian city of Hebron on stolen land.

And then seem puzzled as to why the local people hate them? ....... :cuckoo:

Yes stolen by the arab muslims who had lost all ownership in 1917 after being defeated. Look at your history and see that Jews lived in and named Hebron before your death cult was ever invented. Which is why so many Jewish religious sites are in and around Hebron, and not one muslim one to be seen.
The "local people" hate them because mo'mad the false prophet told them to " KILL THE JEWS " back in 635 C.E., then showed them how in Medina when he wiped out a Jewish tribe that owned the land he craved and coveted.

All detailed in the koran and hadiths if you care to look, or are you like all the rest kept semi literate so you cant question the truth
But YOU FORGET PHEO >>>>>>>>>>IT WAS THE CANAANITES and MOABITES that occupied this LAND,BEFORE THE ISRAEITES ever came to this LAND........BUT YOU DID SLAUGHTER,MURDER & ELIMINATE these peoples and made the Canaanite Capital of SALEM......JEW U SALEM

You see Pheo.............,I can explain these truths to you honestly because,unlike YOU.......I AM THE GREATEST

Don't ya love it Pheo....steve
These radical zionists build a settlement right next to the Palestinian city of Hebron on stolen land.

And then seem puzzled as to why the local people hate them? ....... :cuckoo:

Yes stolen by the arab muslims who had lost all ownership in 1917 after being defeated. Look at your history and see that Jews lived in and named Hebron before your death cult was ever invented. Which is why so many Jewish religious sites are in and around Hebron, and not one muslim one to be seen.
The "local people" hate them because mo'mad the false prophet told them to " KILL THE JEWS " back in 635 C.E., then showed them how in Medina when he wiped out a Jewish tribe that owned the land he craved and coveted.

All detailed in the koran and hadiths if you care to look, or are you like all the rest kept semi literate so you cant question the truth
But YOU FORGET PHEO >>>>>>>>>>IT WAS THE CANAANITES and MOABITES that occupied this LAND,BEFORE THE ISRAEITES ever came to this LAND........BUT YOU DID SLAUGHTER,MURDER & ELIMINATE these peoples and made the Canaanite Capital of SALEM......JEW U SALEM

You see Pheo.............,I can explain these truths to you honestly because,unlike YOU.......I AM THE GREATEST

Don't ya love it Pheo....steve
Jew U salem? Ha ha ha. Are you now mixing alcohol with drugs?

So when you make that insane ludicrous accusation towards today's Jews that "...YOU DID SLAUGHTER,MURDER & ELIMINATE these peoples the Canaanites..." Then you are admitting (or should I say putting your hoof in your mouth) that today's Jews are indeed the descendants of the ancient Jews. Cause from the other side of your mouth you will tell us that they're all just Europeans.

My suggestion is to stop braying while you're ahead.
Years after the Fogel family massacre, Palestinians still seek the same method of cruelty and cowardice: Palestinian terrorist stabbed a 13-year-old to death in her bedroom on Thursday morning after he infiltrated the West Bank settlement of Kiryat Arba, which is located next to Hebron.

“My daughter was sleeping calmly when he [the terrorist] came into her bedroom,” Hallal’s mother Rina told Army Radio. “She was happy,’ she added.


A Magen David Adom paramedic said that when he arrived at the scene the teenage girl, Hallel Yaffa Ariel, was unconscious and was not breathing. They were able to resuscitate her at the scene, but it was touch-and-go during the whole journey to Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Jerusalem, as they continuously fought to keep her alive.

After the attack, the IDF and one of the Prime Minister Office’s spokesman tweeted a photograph of her blood-stained bedroom

She was pronounced dead shortly after her arrival, without ever regaining consciousness.

Kiryat Arba attack: Palestinian terrorist stabs teen girl to death in bedroom
It's all terrible Lips and SAD indeed,but you must consider the 10's of thousands of Palestinian Children killed by Jews/Israelis since 1948,all these murders are dreadful on both sides.

Unlike me NO ONE seems to want peace,that's why you get Morons on here like the flaccid "MIKETX" who states "Kill Them All" ..stupid Idiot

He may be a "moron", but he's writing his opinion here and nothing more.The Palestinians are taught not only to write opinions, but to go and murder people- actively. The terrorists' sister told that her brother is in heaven for doing this. Only shows you what kind of people we're dealing with. There is something sick and coward in stabbing an innocent child, DOZENS of times, in her sleep. These are the kind of people you ask Israel to sympathize with? those who do such things?
Lips,I know you are hurting and understand,steven

I first went to Israel in 1972 and mixed with Pals and Jews and they mixed well with each other,both great people.......but I will tell you quite honestly that I met some evil people there......the worse were two Belgian Mercenaries fighting for Israel...who boasted that they would go out at night and shoot and murder Palestinians indiscriminately ........I had this verified by a good friend (Jewish).

Years Later in Australia (amongst other things I have a Real Estate Business) and Team members wanted to introduce new Finance people,Settlement Agents and Advertizers etc..................To my utter shock one of the Finance Guys was one of the Belgian Mercenaries I'd met all those years ago.He did not recognise me..................he put his hand out to shake my hand and I said STOP........I never deal with people who have Blood on Their Hands.

You see Lips,some people will murder just for CASH........The Palestinians just like the Jews,want "Their own homeland".....It took Terrorists and Zionist/Terrorism for Jews to get Israel...with all that intailed and continues can hardly blame the Palestinians trying to get their homeland.People have a poor grasp of history and facts Lips,.......and if I say Miketx is a Moron he is.......his was just a thoughtless cheap ignorant oneliner.steve

The Palestinians have their own homeland, it is called Jordan. But then you don't want international laws to support and defend the Jews do you being a Nazi anti semite.

You have as much blood on your hands, and yours was achieved for free
How Phoney you are Pheo,and how silly..........Jordon was NEVER the Palestinian Homeland as you full well know,Israel is.

Never been or want to be a Nazi BUT you Zionists are and collaborated with the NaZis to murder millions of innocent Jews.

Anti Jew/Semite NEVER

Anti ZIONIST....Absolutely

You are the Anti-Semite as Palestinians being a Semitic People,your disgusting treatment of them is Obnoxious

You continually Plagarize my posts by using "You have Blood on your Hands"..that is MY QUOTE not yours,you are merely a copyist

See you around Bore
Copyist?! Ha ha ha. OMG another gem. Looks like he's on a roll.

For the thousandth time, the word antisemite means Jew hater. Look it up, and stop mutilating the English language.
It's all terrible Lips and SAD indeed,but you must consider the 10's of thousands of Palestinian Children killed by Jews/Israelis since 1948,all these murders are dreadful on both sides.

Unlike me NO ONE seems to want peace,that's why you get Morons on here like the flaccid "MIKETX" who states "Kill Them All" ..stupid Idiot

He may be a "moron", but he's writing his opinion here and nothing more.The Palestinians are taught not only to write opinions, but to go and murder people- actively. The terrorists' sister told that her brother is in heaven for doing this. Only shows you what kind of people we're dealing with. There is something sick and coward in stabbing an innocent child, DOZENS of times, in her sleep. These are the kind of people you ask Israel to sympathize with? those who do such things?
Lips,I know you are hurting and understand,steven

I first went to Israel in 1972 and mixed with Pals and Jews and they mixed well with each other,both great people.......but I will tell you quite honestly that I met some evil people there......the worse were two Belgian Mercenaries fighting for Israel...who boasted that they would go out at night and shoot and murder Palestinians indiscriminately ........I had this verified by a good friend (Jewish).

Years Later in Australia (amongst other things I have a Real Estate Business) and Team members wanted to introduce new Finance people,Settlement Agents and Advertizers etc..................To my utter shock one of the Finance Guys was one of the Belgian Mercenaries I'd met all those years ago.He did not recognise me..................he put his hand out to shake my hand and I said STOP........I never deal with people who have Blood on Their Hands.

You see Lips,some people will murder just for CASH........The Palestinians just like the Jews,want "Their own homeland".....It took Terrorists and Zionist/Terrorism for Jews to get Israel...with all that intailed and continues can hardly blame the Palestinians trying to get their homeland.People have a poor grasp of history and facts Lips,.......and if I say Miketx is a Moron he is.......his was just a thoughtless cheap ignorant oneliner.steve

The Palestinians have their own homeland, it is called Jordan. But then you don't want international laws to support and defend the Jews do you being a Nazi anti semite.

You have as much blood on your hands, and yours was achieved for free
How Phoney you are Pheo,and how silly..........Jordon was NEVER the Palestinian Homeland as you full well know,Israel is.

Never been or want to be a Nazi BUT you Zionists are and collaborated with the NaZis to murder millions of innocent Jews.

Anti Jew/Semite NEVER

Anti ZIONIST....Absolutely

You are the Anti-Semite as Palestinians being a Semitic People,your disgusting treatment of them is Obnoxious

You continually Plagarize my posts by using "You have Blood on your Hands"..that is MY QUOTE not yours,you are merely a copyist

See you around Bore
Copyist?! Ha ha ha. OMG another gem. Looks like he's on a roll.

For the thousandth time, the word antisemite means Jew hater. Look it up, and stop mutilating the English language.

The ignorance and butchering of facts in his posts leads me to believe he's likely influenced by some form of medication. Sometimes as people get old they end up on so many different pills they just can't help but crap themselves every once in a while. Clearly, he's had an accident of some kind except this ones more of a brain fart.

I really don't see anything worthy of response in so many of these posts in support of the colonists. Where's the reality of native rights in any of this. Do the native people of a land NOT deserve at least some percentage of the land.

Israel received what, 25% maybe of the Mandated area. The colonists got the rest. And now they want more. It makes no sense at all.

The colonists supporters here are trying to justify the slaughter of an innocent child in her sleep.

Its reprehensible and Israel should respond by applying the Geneva Conventions to the letter.

Throw the itinerant Arab Muslim bums out of Israel
Palestinians are encouraged to commit violence because of Abbas' silence.

An escalation in violence in the West Bank, a stabbing attack in Netanya and a shooting attack on route 60 is a nightmare scenario for the security establishment.

Mahmoud Abbas. (photo credit:REUTERS)

After weeks of relative quiet, signs foreshadowing the escalation of violence in Israel were raised following the fortification of the al-Aska Mosque by a number of Palestinian youth earlier this week.

Alarmed by the event, the defense establishment immediately recommended the temporary closure of the Temple Mount to both Muslims and Jews.

At first, political leaders expressed surprise as to why Jews should pay a price... after all, it was Palestinians who were disrupting the fragile "status quo" presiding over the contentious holy site.

Analysis: Palestinians see consent in Abbas' silence
What can we expect from the decedents of the Nazi Mufti?
Even the Palestinians want him to go away.

Without US/Israeli support he would have been gone long ago.
Is that why the Hamas terrorists have refused to hold elections?
Elections are to be called by the President. Abbas left the government in June of 2007.

Their constitution says that when a president resigns the speaker of parliament temporarily assumes the office of the president and calls elections within 60 days. Following the constitution, that Hamas favors, the whole election problem would be solved.

However, with money, weapons, and political cover from the US, Abbas will not allow constitutional procedures to move forward.

LINK to prove your claim, and not the propaganda you usually parade No sites from unbiased dourse say that the money, weapons, and political cover from the US stop Abbas from holding elections. That is up to the government to decide not Abbas
What can we expect from the decedents of the Nazi Mufti?
Even the Palestinians want him to go away.

Without US/Israeli support he would have been gone long ago.
Is that why the Hamas terrorists have refused to hold elections?
Elections are to be called by the President. Abbas left the government in June of 2007.

Their constitution says that when a president resigns the speaker of parliament temporarily assumes the office of the president and calls elections within 60 days. Following the constitution, that Hamas favors, the whole election problem would be solved.

However, with money, weapons, and political cover from the US, Abbas will not allow constitutional procedures to move forward.
Nah that's a load of baloney since Hamas doesn't recognize any entity. So why doesn't Hamas hold elections, you gave us a load of gibberish trying to make barbaric terrorists look like they respect law and order.
Can you prove any of that or are you just talking out your ass?

The hamas charter and the Khartoum resolutions, with a littlie bit of the palestinian declaration from 1988 when the claimed independence. They all say that the palestinians will never recognise Israel, and that the charter demands 80% turnout before it can decide any changes as simple as calling an election. All in the link you keep pushing in regards to palestinian laws
As terrible every childs Death is......Zionists have MURDERED over 10,000 Palestinian Children since 1948 and continue this EVIL today,so your point is???????????? 10,000 into 1 doesn't go Shusha so try thinking about that instead of your normal myopic spew

Oh come on. Now you are just making things up out of thin air. You have absolutely no source for that number. I know, because I've checked the statistics and there is no way you could have plucked that number out of them accurately. You are making things up -- telling lies -- in order to appeal to emotions and some sort of twisted sense of "fairness".

Not to mention calling Palestinian deaths during the conflict "murder" while completely ignoring all the deaths of Jews and Israelis in that same time frame. Its a ridiculous argument.

But if you want to go there and talk numbers as a measure of evil why don't we talk about the 12 MILLION MUSLIMS killed by other MUSLIMS since 1948.
Sorry but I'm just cannot face the scrutiny of your BELOVED Zionist Terrorists......I have never heard you mention the dastardly deeds of these residivists ......... can you bring yourself to tell us......You need to get real,because you are one of them.....take your head out of the sand

What authority has stated the Jews are terrorists then, seeing as zionists come from all races, creeds, nations and religions.

Once again you peddle your islamonazi Jew hatred because that is all you have to fall back on. Exactly what "dastardly deeds" have I committed then that are terrorism, or what have the Israelis done that is not responding to war crimes, acts of war and terrorist attacks ?
As terrible every childs Death is......Zionists have MURDERED over 10,000 Palestinian Children since 1948 and continue this EVIL today,so your point is???????????? 10,000 into 1 doesn't go Shusha so try thinking about that instead of your normal myopic spew

Oh come on. Now you are just making things up out of thin air. You have absolutely no source for that number. I know, because I've checked the statistics and there is no way you could have plucked that number out of them accurately. You are making things up -- telling lies -- in order to appeal to emotions and some sort of twisted sense of "fairness".

Not to mention calling Palestinian deaths during the conflict "murder" while completely ignoring all the deaths of Jews and Israelis in that same time frame. Its a ridiculous argument.

But if you want to go there and talk numbers as a measure of evil why don't we talk about the 12 MILLION MUSLIMS killed by other MUSLIMS since 1948.
I thought this is a Palestinian/Israeli Thread,.........The "Red Herring"Train is on another Track,get with the programme.

That is rich coming from you who constantly deflects and derails by making racist claims about the numbers killed by Israel without once producing a link to support your BLOOD LIBELS and LIES

The 12 million muslims have been predominantly killed in and around the area of palestine, and have been blamed on the Israeli/palestinian conflict
Years after the Fogel family massacre, Palestinians still seek the same method of cruelty and cowardice: Palestinian terrorist stabbed a 13-year-old to death in her bedroom on Thursday morning after he infiltrated the West Bank settlement of Kiryat Arba, which is located next to Hebron.

“My daughter was sleeping calmly when he [the terrorist] came into her bedroom,” Hallal’s mother Rina told Army Radio. “She was happy,’ she added.


A Magen David Adom paramedic said that when he arrived at the scene the teenage girl, Hallel Yaffa Ariel, was unconscious and was not breathing. They were able to resuscitate her at the scene, but it was touch-and-go during the whole journey to Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Jerusalem, as they continuously fought to keep her alive.

After the attack, the IDF and one of the Prime Minister Office’s spokesman tweeted a photograph of her blood-stained bedroom

She was pronounced dead shortly after her arrival, without ever regaining consciousness.

Kiryat Arba attack: Palestinian terrorist stabs teen girl to death in bedroom
It's all terrible Lips and SAD indeed,but you must consider the 10's of thousands of Palestinian Children killed by Jews/Israelis since 1948,all these murders are dreadful on both sides.

Unlike me NO ONE seems to want peace,that's why you get Morons on here like the flaccid "MIKETX" who states "Kill Them All" ..stupid Idiot

He may be a "moron", but he's writing his opinion here and nothing more.The Palestinians are taught not only to write opinions, but to go and murder people- actively. The terrorists' sister told that her brother is in heaven for doing this. Only shows you what kind of people we're dealing with. There is something sick and coward in stabbing an innocent child, DOZENS of times, in her sleep. These are the kind of people you ask Israel to sympathize with? those who do such things?
Lips,I know you are hurting and understand,steven

I first went to Israel in 1972 and mixed with Pals and Jews and they mixed well with each other,both great people.......but I will tell you quite honestly that I met some evil people there......the worse were two Belgian Mercenaries fighting for Israel...who boasted that they would go out at night and shoot and murder Palestinians indiscriminately ........I had this verified by a good friend (Jewish).

Years Later in Australia (amongst other things I have a Real Estate Business) and Team members wanted to introduce new Finance people,Settlement Agents and Advertizers etc..................To my utter shock one of the Finance Guys was one of the Belgian Mercenaries I'd met all those years ago.He did not recognise me..................he put his hand out to shake my hand and I said STOP........I never deal with people who have Blood on Their Hands.

You see Lips,some people will murder just for CASH........The Palestinians just like the Jews,want "Their own homeland".....It took Terrorists and Zionist/Terrorism for Jews to get Israel...with all that intailed and continues can hardly blame the Palestinians trying to get their homeland.People have a poor grasp of history and facts Lips,.......and if I say Miketx is a Moron he is.......his was just a thoughtless cheap ignorant oneliner.steve

The Palestinians have their own homeland, it is called Jordan. But then you don't want international laws to support and defend the Jews do you being a Nazi anti semite.

You have as much blood on your hands, and yours was achieved for free
How Phoney you are Pheo,and how silly..........Jordon was NEVER the Palestinian Homeland as you full well know,Israel is.

Never been or want to be a Nazi BUT you Zionists are and collaborated with the NaZis to murder millions of innocent Jews.

Anti Jew/Semite NEVER

Anti ZIONIST....Absolutely

You are the Anti-Semite as Palestinians being a Semitic People,your disgusting treatment of them is Obnoxious

You continually Plagarize my posts by using "You have Blood on your Hands"..that is MY QUOTE not yours,you are merely a copyist

See you around Bore

Read the LoN minutes from 1917 to 1923 and see that the original plan was for the Jews to get what is now Jordan as well as Israel west bank and gaza. This was scrapped when it was shown that palestine would then become either wholly Jewish or wholly arab muslim, so it was partitioned into Jewish palestine and arab palestine. The full details have been posted in the fixed threads and only a complete moron would deny the international treaties of 1923 granting the land to the Jews while granting most of it to the arabs. They also placed bans on Jews and muslims from ever setting up home in the others territory.

Where were your beloved palestinians prior to 635C.E then when the Jews had it as their homeland for 2,500 years. They were not even invented and were still a fantasy in the false prophets twisted mind.

You are the true nazi when you deny the Jews their legal and moral rights just because you are consumed with hatred . And you have been told and been shown that your claim is a BLOOD LIBEL and a LIE based on nazi propaganda. The zionists tried to save the Jews from the clutches of the Germans and the mufti and ran out of money as the price went up 100% fro the neaxt Jew to be saved. You nazis are still mass murdering Jews in their hundreds today and try to cover it over by claiming you are only anti zionist. WONT WASH AS THIS IS NO DIFFERENT TO THE RACIST ANTI SEMITISM OF YOUR HERO'S THE GERMAN LEFT WING SOCIALIST PARTY

You dont have sole rights to the phrase so I will use it against you every chance I get against you who fantasises over the cold blooded deaths of 12 million Jews so your hands will be dripping in their blood

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