Palestinians are the Colonizers

Is it meant to be Jerusalem or some unknown place.

If Jerusalem has always been the 3rd most holy place for Islam why was it left to rot for centuries? Why during the Arab early presence? Why during the Ottomans?

Why does Islam ONLY care about Jerusalem when the Jews regain sovereignty over it in 1948 and 1967?
I don't know where Muhammad traveled when he was running caravans for Kadijah
Do you?
What's your point? It's called Al Quds in the Koran.
Do you know how holy Jerusalem is to Islam? Arabs in Jerusalem pray towards Mecca, not Jerusalem.
Oh then what were things like before Hamas governed Gaza? :rolleyes:

"Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas… This is part of our strategy" - Benjamin Netanyahu
Things were calmer, not as many rockets fired into Israel before 2005. You do not know history that is clear.

Gaza does not want freedom, it got all the freedom in 2005 when 90,000 Jews were forcibly removed from Gaza and the WHOLE of Gaza given to the Arabs.

Gaza/Hamas, wants all of Israel, as do all the other Arab leaders, The PA, PLO, Fatah who are still dreaming of a world without Israel, where Jews are stateless and defenseless again.

Most Arab countries have had it with the Palestinians not wanting to live in peace with Israel and have now accords with Israel, instead of wanting to see it destroyed.

Israel, Judea and Samaria are the ancient homelands of the Jews, as are parts of Jordan which were given to the Hashemite Arab Clan in 1922 instead of rightfully given to the Jews in the Mandate for Palestine.

None of the above you know or care about, right?

Gaza is a prison, West Bank is a prison, just read what you want to read and believe in.

Israel will continue to take care of itself and its population especially after the barbarism perpetrated on 10/7.
Gaza does not want freedom, it got all the freedom in 2005 when 90,000 Jews were forcibly removed from Gaza and the WHOLE of Gaza given to the Arabs.
Yes sure preventing them from controlling water and electricity on their territory, preventing them from importing or exporting goods, preventing them from leaving their Gaza prison AT ALL. So much freedom. I think every single action Israel has taken for decades has been to force so much desperation and hopelessness on those people that they have no choice but to support a group like Hamas. Netanyahu and his cronies have gone so far as to blatantly admit it in meetings and interviews. If you are going to butcher a people who's necks you keep a boot on for decades, don't pretend it's a moral action.
Yes sure preventing them from controlling water and electricity on their territory, preventing them from importing or exporting goods, preventing them from leaving their Gaza prison AT ALL. So much freedom. I think every single action Israel has taken for decades has been to force so much desperation and hopelessness on those people that they have no choice but to support a group like Hamas. Netanyahu and his cronies have gone so far as to blatantly admit it in meetings and interviews. If you are going to butcher a people who's necks you keep a boot on for decades, don't pretend it's a moral action.
Gaza has a very productive import and export industry.
Thanks to Hamas attack on 10/7 it is now in shambles.
The only things Gaza cannot import is, guess what since Hamas declared war on Israel in 2007? Anything they can weapons out of to fire on Israel.

How would you like any country to attack the US from its borders and have the US allow import of anything into that country. And Gaza is not even a country because Hamas chose for it not to be a free, productive, touristic attraction since 2007 when it made it clear that all Jews gone from Gaza, all Hamas wanted now was all of Israel.

So, again, believe what you will. The fate of Gaza will be decided AFTER all Hamas leaders and fighters are gone or arrested. Save yourself about what this one said or the other one said, this war is not going to be finished any time soon. Thank Hamas for that.

Surely you did complain when Egypt conquered Gaza in 1948 and kept all of those Arabs as prisoners there not allowing them to go into Egypt, just as they do now.

Egypt did not build infrastructure for the Arab population in Gaza from 1948 to 1967, Israel did after 1967. And Israel provides very little electricity and water to Gaza, the rest Gaza is capable all on its own.

But you would not know that because you do not care to know.

Much less care to know that Israel helped the people of Gaza, including the leaders, with health care, surgeries, education and jobs in Israel.

And what Hamas did was use that help to plan on what they did on 10/7. Which is why there will be no Hamas, and no jobs, etc in the future for Gaza people to come to Israel.

The normal people of Gaza, who are a very minority, are against Hamas, and they do not get food, homes, etc people who are pro Hamas get.

Hamas is right now stealing as many trucks going into Gaza for themselves as they always did.

400 miles of tunnels for Hamas to hide and live in during a war did not get built from nothing. It got built from stolen money Hamas used to attempt to destroy Israel.

You would not know what an open prison is if it hit you over the head. People come and ago from Gaza via Egypt all the time. So much for a prison.
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Do you know how holy Jerusalem is to Islam? Arabs in Jerusalem pray towards Mecca, not Jerusalem.

Things were calmer, not as many rockets fired into Israel before 2005. You do not know history that is clear.

Gaza does not want freedom, it got all the freedom in 2005 when 90,000 Jews were forcibly removed from Gaza and the WHOLE of Gaza given to the Arabs.

Gaza/Hamas, wants all of Israel, as do all the other Arab leaders, The PA, PLO, Fatah who are still dreaming of a world without Israel, where Jews are stateless and defenseless again.

Most Arab countries have had it with the Palestinians not wanting to live in peace with Israel and have now accords with Israel, instead of wanting to see it destroyed.

Israel, Judea and Samaria are the ancient homelands of the Jews, as are parts of Jordan which were given to the Hashemite Arab Clan in 1922 instead of rightfully given to the Jews in the Mandate for Palestine.

None of the above you know or care about, right?

Gaza is a prison, West Bank is a prison, just read what you want to read and believe in.

Israel will continue to take care of itself and its population especially after the barbarism perpetrated on 10/7.

In the beginning of Islam they prayed towards Jerusalem or Al Quds. Muhammad traveled with his uncle's caravans from age 12 and then with Khadijah's caravans to Syria and back. He had some exposure to Jews and Christians.
In the beginning of Islam they prayed towards Jerusalem or Al Quds. Muhammad traveled with his uncle's caravans from age 12 and then with Khadijah's caravans to Syria and back. He had some exposure to Jews and Christians.
Bravo. Another response to something with something else which has nothing to do with AFTER Mohammad invented Islam, mainly because he did not want Christianity to convert all Arabs to Christianity as it had been doing for decades or centuries of Christians coming to Arabia to "spread the word".

It got spread and then it got torched.
Sure the video put out by a blatant Israeli propaganda source calmly explaining why it's right for Israel to savagely brutalize the civilian population that it keeps as prisoners is very rational and knowledgeable :rolleyes:
The civilian population who is keeping kidnapped women, girls and children?
Based on what statistics?

Rawabi stands empty, for decades,
Arabs couldn't men up a single new city.

I don't know what your last sentence means.

There are 2,600,000 Muslims in the West Bank plus Orthodox Christians and about 300,000 Jewish settlers.
I don't know what your last sentence means.

There are 2,600,000 Muslims in the West Bank plus Orthodox Christians and about 300,000 Jewish settlers.

Why can't you Paliscams ever answer a followup question,

Yes sure preventing them from controlling water and electricity on their territory, preventing them from importing or exporting goods, preventing them from leaving their Gaza prison AT ALL. So much freedom.
This (very common) narrative is used to demonize Israel, but doesn't reflect reality, nor the complexity of producing water in a desert area with no natural surface water sources and a failing aquifer. Gaza is in full control of about 94% of her water production (wells and desalination plants) and about 60% of her electricity (mostly solar panels). Israel does nothing to interfere with any of this. And Israel provides both water and electricity to Gaza.

Gaza's exports amount to about $3 billion annually, primarily fish, fruits and vegetables, and textiles. Most of this is exported into Israel and the West Bank.

Restrictions on imports of dual-use items is complicated. But let's not lose sight of the reason for those restrictions - which is solely the responsibility of the government of Gaza for allowing those dual-use items to be used for that other purpose - to kill Israelis. Let's also not lose sight of the fact that Gaza is not contained by Israel, but has access to the world through Egypt.

Israel, like every other country in the world, has a right to control who enters their country. Israel acts no differently than any other country in that respect. Israel in no way controls who LEAVES Gaza, only who ENTERS Israel. Tens of thousands of Gaza citizens enter Israel every day on work permits, as well as to travel through Israel to other countries, especially for medical needs. And again, Gaza citizens can and do also travel to and through Egypt. Israel does not have any control over that.

Let's also consider the responsibility the government of Gaza has towards her own citizens and towards relations with other countries. Gaza can't have both an intifada and peace. As long as Gaza keeps choosing intifada over peace, her economic success is going to be delayed.
This (very common) narrative is used to demonize Israel, but doesn't reflect reality, nor the complexity of producing water in a desert area with no natural surface water sources and a failing aquifer. Gaza is in full control of about 94% of her water production (wells and desalination plants) and about 60% of her electricity (mostly solar panels). Israel does nothing to interfere with any of this. And Israel provides both water and electricity to Gaza.

Gaza's exports amount to about $3 billion annually, primarily fish, fruits and vegetables, and textiles. Most of this is exported into Israel and the West Bank.

Restrictions on imports of dual-use items is complicated. But let's not lose sight of the reason for those restrictions - which is solely the responsibility of the government of Gaza for allowing those dual-use items to be used for that other purpose - to kill Israelis. Let's also not lose sight of the fact that Gaza is not contained by Israel, but has access to the world through Egypt.

Israel, like every other country in the world, has a right to control who enters their country. Israel acts no differently than any other country in that respect. Israel in no way controls who LEAVES Gaza, only who ENTERS Israel. Tens of thousands of Gaza citizens enter Israel every day on work permits, as well as to travel through Israel to other countries, especially for medical needs. And again, Gaza citizens can and do also travel to and through Egypt. Israel does not have any control over that.

Let's also consider the responsibility the government of Gaza has towards her own citizens and towards relations with other countries. Gaza can't have both an intifada and peace. As long as Gaza keeps choosing intifada over peace, her economic success is going to be delayed.

According to the UN however, more than 96 percent of the water supply in Gaza is “unfit for human consumption.” Wastewater and desalination facilities were shut down in mid-October due to fuel and electricity shortages and have been largely inoperable since, according to the Palestinian Water Authority.Nov 16, 2023
Human Rights Watch | Defending Human Rights Worldwide › 2023/11/16
Israeli Authorities' Cutting of Water Leading to Public Health Crisis in Gaza

Gaza's coastal aquifer is backfilling with salt water and contaminated with ecoli and heavy metal.
According to the UN however, more than 96 percent of the water supply in Gaza is “unfit for human consumption.” Wastewater and desalination facilities were shut down in mid-October due to fuel and electricity shortages and have been largely inoperable since, according to the Palestinian Water Authority.Nov 16, 2023
Human Rights Watch | Defending Human Rights Worldwide › 2023/11/16
Israeli Authorities' Cutting of Water Leading to Public Health Crisis in Gaza

Gaza's coastal aquifer is backfilling with salt water and contaminated with ecoli and heavy metal.

Yep. And all of this is directly attributable to mismanagement of resources by the government of Gaza and the acts of war committed by that government on Israel.
Yep. And all of this is directly attributable to mismanagement of resources by the government of Gaza and the acts of war committed by that government on Israel.

Nope. Several studies have been conducted by American universities since 1953.

Hydrology of the Jordan Basin... The Loudermilk study.. it's strictly Israeli mismanagement. It will take weeks to study everything that's been written. They have been dumping untreated sewage downhill in the West Bank and Gaza for decades... Ecoli, heavy metals.

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