Palestinians are the Colonizers

Nope. Several studies have been conducted by American universities since 1953.

Hydrology of the Jordan Basin... The Loudermilk study.. it's strictly Israeli mismanagement. It will take weeks to study everything that's been written. They have been dumping untreated sewage downhill in the West Bank and Gaza for decades... Ecoli, heavy metals.
I'm not even through the first paragraph of a comprehensive and RECENT study about this, and the first thing it notes is that obtaining accurate information about this is problematic due to the geopolitical relationships of all FIVE affected States and territories (Israel, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine). So, blaming it all on Israel is just more demonization of Israel.
I'm not even through the first paragraph of a comprehensive and RECENT study about this, and the first thing it notes is that obtaining accurate information about this is problematic due to the geopolitical relationships of all FIVE affected States and territories (Israel, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine). So, blaming it all on Israel is just more demonization of Israel.

That's why Israel tried over and over again to take Lebanon's rivers Hasbani and Litani since the 1960s.

They have seriously depleted the water table which is the reason the Dead Sea is shrinking so dramatically and most of the Jordan River is a cess pool.
That's why Israel tried over and over again to take Lebanon's rivers Hasbani and Litani since the 1960s.

They have seriously depleted the water table which is the reason the Dead Sea is shrinking so dramatically and most of the Jordan River is a cess pool.
Again, it is WAY more complicated than "Israel is to blame", which was my point on this thread.
That's why Israel tried over and over again to take Lebanon's rivers Hasbani and Litani since the 1960s.

They have seriously depleted the water table which is the reason the Dead Sea is shrinking so dramatically and most of the Jordan River is a cess pool.

This just demonstrates the Arab pompously trashing others
and willingness to swallow any lie repeated in a choir no
matter how ridiculous - is merely a desperate attempt
to absolve themselves of responsibility for their stink.

Half of the Dead Sea is under Jordanian control,
and Israel provides Jordan with drinking water.
In every Arab state water becomes scarcity.
Even in the Levant - every Arab state is
an ecological disaster.
They made the desert bloom with a very European attitude towards water use.

Was the Arab attitude towards water use - malaria and swamps?

Those don't appear when the land is treated,
only when neglected, and intentionally.
in dishonor, envy of its true potential.

Arabs brought the black goat,
which destroyed the entire ecosystem.
There's a reason sages forbade goats outside cities.
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This just demonstrates the Arab pompously trashing others
and willingness to swallow any lie repeated in a choir no
matter how ridiculous - is merely a desperate attempt
to absolve themselves of responsibility for their stink.

Half of the Dead Sea is under Jordanian control,
and Israel provides Jordan with drinking water.
In every Arab state water becomes scarcity.
Even in the Levant - every Arab state is
an ecological disaster.

Israel fought the six day war for more land and water assets.

You've never been to every Arab state. The Israelis have a few reverse osmosis desalination plants that don't remove Ecoli or heavy metals.
Was the Arab attitude towards water use - malaria and swamps?

Those don't appear when the land is treated,

only when neglected, and intentionally.

in dishonor, envy of its true potential.

That's why the Israelis have destroyed the water table, aquifers, Dead Sea and Jordan River.
That's why the Israelis have destroyed the water table, aquifers, Dead Sea and Jordan River.

That's the lies dupes like you will repeat, desperately looking for an infidel,
to blame for your lack of principles and shameful degradation.

In fact, Israel is the only reason there's
still useable water in the whole of Levant.

And apparently, despite the fact that most of it is under Arab control,
since Arabs have already trashed their own aquifer - worse than Pakistan.

The Arabian Aquifer System, an important water source for more than 60 million people - the most overstressed in the world.

Is it a surprise, a burning tire is the image of the "religion a peace",

and trashing of the indigenous ecology and lands of others?
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That's the lies dupes like you will repeat, desperately looking for an infidel,
to blame for your lack of principles and shameful degradation

In fact, Israel is the only reason there's
still useable water in the whole of Levant.

And apparently despite the fact - that Arabs run most of it,
since Arabs have already trashed their main aquifer - worse than Pakistan.

The Arabian Aquifer System, an important water source for more than 60 million people - the most overstressed in the world.

Is it a surprise, a burning tire is the image of the "religion a peace",

and trashing of the indigenous ecology and lands of others?

The Saudis have built over 60 desalination plants since the 1950s... Not crappy reverse osmosis desalination.

They have also built over 300 recharge dams to capture ground water.
The Saudis have built over 60 desalination plants since the 1950s... Not crappy reverse osmosis desalination.

They have also built over 300 recharge dams to capture ground water.

And now, the Arabian aquifer is in worse
condition - than the one run by Pakistan.
In fact, it's the worst in the world, and
you even brag about such depravity...

Islam, as a form of Arab imperialism,
is now a proven ecological disaster!

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"Arab migrants carry out pogroms in the civilized country of France."
No, it's the French with a rich history of teaching Algerian Arabs democracy by killing entire families of unarmed people.
Are you the one who will talk about morals and values with such a history of cannibals behind you?
And now, the Arabian aquifer is in worse
condition - than the one run by Pakistan.
In fact, it's the worst in the world, and
you even brag about such depravity...

Islam, as a form of Arab imperialism,
is now a proven ecological disaster!


Look at a map of fossil water in Arabia.

Arabia is much cleaner than the US... Especially when it comes to oil production. You fall for lies too easily.
Look at a map of fossil water in Arabia.

Arabia is much cleaner than the US... Especially when it comes to oil production. You fall for lies too easily.

It's only as "cleaner"as you want to bring down
everything to your level, to absolve the shame.

Arabia is a large desert full of illiteracy,
and stinking zoo-phils executing
women for "their promiscuity"...

Arab imperialism is dirt,
and moral deprivation.


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It's only as "cleaner"as you want to bring down
everything to your level, to absolve the shame.

Arabia is a large desert full of illiteracy,
and stinking zoo-phils executing
women for "their promiscuity"...

Arab imperialism is dirt,
and moral deprivation.


You mean the peacock people? You're not even in the right country.
It has everything to do with the Philistines.

I have shown you sources again and again but you like to make believe that the Akkadians were Arabs and that Herodotus may have named the Philistine coastal area Palestine because of the Akkadians, now?

Rome chose to rename Judea as Syria Palestinia for the two Empires which defeated the Jews/Israel. Assyrians and Philistines.

Surada continues to lie about history for the sake of her love for Arabs, Arabia, Islam and all Islam wants.

And Islam wants the whole world. Including Surada to be Muslims.

Adam and Eve were Muslims.
Noah was Muslim.
Abraham was Muslim.
Moses was Muslims.
Jacob was Muslim.

The Palestinian Arab in the video is more rational than Surada.

Many Muslims and Arabs are more rational than Surada and always will be.
Studies of Palestine's demographic changes over the millennia have shown that a Jewish majority in the first century CE had changed to a Christian majority by the 3rd century CE, and later to a Muslim majority, which is thought to have existed in Mandatory Palestine (1920-1948) since at least the 12th century CE, during which the total shift to Arabic language was completed.
Studies of Palestine's demographic changes over the millennia have shown that a Jewish majority in the first century CE had changed to a Christian majority by the 3rd century CE, and later to a Muslim majority, which is thought to have existed in Mandatory Palestine (1920-1948) since at least the 12th century CE, during which the total shift to Arabic language was completed.
What you are posting is not exactly true and you fail to take into account the persecution Jews faced in I will use the term PALESTINE IN THE THIRD AND FOURTH CENTURIES*


The Jewish Theological Seminary of America


MANy so-called important historical facts have taken such deep roots in the field of Jewish history that they have gradually become common knowledge and serve as background for further constructions. Persecutions of the Jewish religion by the Roman empire (in the third and fourth centuries) on the one hand and rebellions of the Palestinian Jews against it (during the fourth century) on the other are considered well established facts and are generally accepted. Since the time of Grätz Jewish scholars take the persecution of the Jewish religion by Constantius for granted. Some scholars maintain that the Jewish religion was persecuted in the third century as well. It is likewise generally accepted that the Jews revolted against Rome during the fourth century. "As a matter of fact," asserts a Jewish historian, "both cities (i. e. Lydda and Sepphoris), but especially Sepphoris (Diocaesarea, were centers of Jewish rebellion in the fourth century until they were destroyed by Gallus (351). In order to cure the focal

  • All the dates mentioned in this article are C. E.
  • Geschichte der Juden, IV3, p. 313 ff. and p. 456, n. 30.

≥ I. Halevy, D'noxin nim lIb, p. 315; A. Marmorstein, Les persécu-tions religieuses à l'époque d. R. Yohanan b. Nappacha, REJ vol.

LXXVI, 1923, p. 166 ff.; idem, Tarbiz III, 1932, p. 167 ff.

3 Graetz ibid. and his followers.

A JR, vol. XXXVI, 1945, p. 165.
What you are posting is not exactly true and you fail to take into account the persecution Jews faced in I will use the term PALESTINE IN THE THIRD AND FOURTH CENTURIES*


The Jewish Theological Seminary of America


MANy so-called important historical facts have taken such deep roots in the field of Jewish history that they have gradually become common knowledge and serve as background for further constructions. Persecutions of the Jewish religion by the Roman empire (in the third and fourth centuries) on the one hand and rebellions of the Palestinian Jews against it (during the fourth century) on the other are considered well established facts and are generally accepted. Since the time of Grätz Jewish scholars take the persecution of the Jewish religion by Constantius for granted. Some scholars maintain that the Jewish religion was persecuted in the third century as well. It is likewise generally accepted that the Jews revolted against Rome during the fourth century. "As a matter of fact," asserts a Jewish historian, "both cities (i. e. Lydda and Sepphoris), but especially Sepphoris (Diocaesarea, were centers of Jewish rebellion in the fourth century until they were destroyed by Gallus (351). In order to cure the focal

  • All the dates mentioned in this article are C. E.
  • Geschichte der Juden, IV3, p. 313 ff. and p. 456, n. 30.

≥ I. Halevy, D'noxin nim lIb, p. 315; A. Marmorstein, Les persécu-tions religieuses à l'époque d. R. Yohanan b. Nappacha, REJ vol.

LXXVI, 1923, p. 166 ff.; idem, Tarbiz III, 1932, p. 167 ff.

3 Graetz ibid. and his followers.

A JR, vol. XXXVI, 1945, p. 165.
What you are posting is not exactly true and you fail to take into account the persecution Jews faced in I will use the term PALESTINE IN THE THIRD AND FOURTH CENTURIES*


The Jewish Theological Seminary of America


MANy so-called important historical facts have taken such deep roots in the field of Jewish history that they have gradually become common knowledge and serve as background for further constructions. Persecutions of the Jewish religion by the Roman empire (in the third and fourth centuries) on the one hand and rebellions of the Palestinian Jews against it (during the fourth century) on the other are considered well established facts and are generally accepted. Since the time of Grätz Jewish scholars take the persecution of the Jewish religion by Constantius for granted. Some scholars maintain that the Jewish religion was persecuted in the third century as well. It is likewise generally accepted that the Jews revolted against Rome during the fourth century. "As a matter of fact," asserts a Jewish historian, "both cities (i. e. Lydda and Sepphoris), but especially Sepphoris (Diocaesarea, were centers of Jewish rebellion in the fourth century until they were destroyed by Gallus (351). In order to cure the focal

  • All the dates mentioned in this article are C. E.
  • Geschichte der Juden, IV3, p. 313 ff. and p. 456, n. 30.

≥ I. Halevy, D'noxin nim lIb, p. 315; A. Marmorstein, Les persécu-tions religieuses à l'époque d. R. Yohanan b. Nappacha, REJ vol.

LXXVI, 1923, p. 166 ff.; idem, Tarbiz III, 1932, p. 167 ff.

3 Graetz ibid. and his followers.

A JR, vol. XXXVI, 1945, p. 165.

That's probably why they converted to Christianity and Islam.
That's probably why they converted to Christianity and Islam.
Some did most didn’t but the point is Jews were always there and even after the persecution they faced century after century they still kept returning back to their ancestral land… Many formed communities just outside the reach of the Romans or whoever it was that decided to unjustly treat them but they never forgot their ties to the land of Israel that is why every Passover we end the Seder by proclaiming next year in Jerusalem and in our prayer books we recite if we forgot thee oh Jerusalem etc etc…

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