Palestinians: Eight Million Refugees Must Return to Israel

Indeependent, Victory67, et al,

We don't have enough information to determine the true productivity coming out of the talks.

Not anybody's fault if you have a trouble with reading comprehension. I have posted many threads . Obviously this is the reason " negotiations " are DOA You're such a loser

If they are DOA, Israel is pretty stupid to be participating.

It's the Israelis being humanistic.

There are several reasons why Israel would clearly put both feet forward.

It is essential that the State of Israel actually participate --- but more importantly --- seen by the international community as adhering to the Declaration of Principles (DoP) of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States (A/RES/25/2625) Considering it equally essential that all States shall settle their international disputes by peaceful means in accordance with the Charter; in good faith.

Israel is demonstrating that the allegations made by the Palestinians are inaccurate, and that Israel, unlike the Palestinian, will refrain from:

  • The threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State; in accordance with the DoP.
  • The threat or use of force to violate the existing international boundaries of another State or as a means of solving international disputes, including territorial disputes and problems concerning frontiers of States; in accordance with the DoP.
  • Organizing or encouraging the organization of irregular forces or armed bands including mercenaries, for incursion into the territory of another State; in accordance with the DoP.

Most Respectfully,
he Palestinian Authority demands that any land swap with Israel as part of a peace deal not exceed 1.9 percent of the West Bank, less than half of the land necessary to incorporate the lion’s share of settlers, according to details leaked to Channel 2 by a disgruntled Palestinian official on Sunday.

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According to the report, the Palestinians are also insisting that they gain control over water, and control at their sides of the Dead Sea and border crossings; that a Palestinian state be able to sign agreements with other states without Israeli intervention; that Israel release all Palestinian prisoners it holds; and that all Palestinian refugees and their descendants be granted the right to choose to live in Israel or the Palestinian territories as part of a final agreement.

The majority of posters do not have a problem with reading comphrension but those that do we should feel sorry for :lol:

a rumor from an unnamed Palestinian "official" given to a tv station, given to an internet newspaper that is barely two years old?

sorry, but you're going to have to try harder than 4th hand rumors.
So when will you fight for the Jews right of return to their land they were forcibly expelled from.
The diaspora was a myth that never happened and the only thing this issue has to do about jews, is you fuckers jumping through hoops to make it one.

How about a compromise solution and the Jews give up their right of return in exchange for a two to one deal on land in the west bank.
WTF are you talking about? They already returned. They're there. Israel exists. Move on.

As for the West Bank, it is not Israel's and it never will be Israel's.

The only thing they need to do with the West Bank, is leave.

This means for every two acres of stolen Jewish land the Palestinians give one acre of land from the west bank and Jerusalem.
The only one stealing land, is Israel.

When all the west bank has been taken over then the Palestinians move to the stolen Jewish land for ever
More emotional made-up non-sense.
So when will you fight for the Jews right of return to their land they were forcibly expelled from.
The diaspora was a myth that never happened and the only thing this issue has to do about jews, is you fuckers jumping through hoops to make it one.

How about a compromise solution and the Jews give up their right of return in exchange for a two to one deal on land in the west bank.
WTF are you talking about? They already returned. They're there. Israel exists. Move on.

As for the West Bank, it is not Israel's and it never will be Israel's.

The only thing they need to do with the West Bank, is leave.

This means for every two acres of stolen Jewish land the Palestinians give one acre of land from the west bank and Jerusalem.
The only one stealing land, is Israel.

When all the west bank has been taken over then the Palestinians move to the stolen Jewish land for ever
More emotional made-up non-sense.

The expulsion of Jews from the ME states is a myth???

Also. Israel will never fully withdraw from the West Bank, so stop whining about it
he Palestinian Authority demands that any land swap with Israel as part of a peace deal not exceed 1.9 percent of the West Bank, less than half of the land necessary to incorporate the lion’s share of settlers, according to details leaked to Channel 2 by a disgruntled Palestinian official on Sunday.

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According to the report, the Palestinians are also insisting that they gain control over water, and control at their sides of the Dead Sea and border crossings; that a Palestinian state be able to sign agreements with other states without Israeli intervention; that Israel release all Palestinian prisoners it holds; and that all Palestinian refugees and their descendants be granted the right to choose to live in Israel or the Palestinian territories as part of a final agreement.

The majority of posters do not have a problem with reading comphrension but those that do we should feel sorry for :lol:

a rumor from an unnamed Palestinian "official" given to a tv station, given to an internet newspaper that is barely two years old?

sorry, but you're going to have to try harder than 4th hand rumors.

The " Times of Israel" is a Internet paper that is barely two years old. ? A Pro Palestinian lie but What if it was? Deny it all you want but there will NEVER. Be a " Palestinian state" and their insisting on " Right of Return" is one of the main reasons. Take a course in reading comphrension better . BYE. :cuckoo:
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So when will you fight for the Jews right of return to their land they were forcibly expelled from.
The diaspora was a myth that never happened and the only thing this issue has to do about jews, is you fuckers jumping through hoops to make it one.

How about a compromise solution and the Jews give up their right of return in exchange for a two to one deal on land in the west bank.
WTF are you talking about? They already returned. They're there. Israel exists. Move on.

As for the West Bank, it is not Israel's and it never will be Israel's.

The only thing they need to do with the West Bank, is leave.

This means for every two acres of stolen Jewish land the Palestinians give one acre of land from the west bank and Jerusalem.
The only one stealing land, is Israel.

When all the west bank has been taken over then the Palestinians move to the stolen Jewish land for ever
More emotional made-up non-sense.

Why Jews Fled the Arab Countries :: Middle East Quarterly
Knesset to Demand Rights for Expelled Jews - Inside Israel - News - Israel National News
The Displacement of Jews From Arab Countries
Jewish exodus from Arab lands
[ame=]The Truth About the Refugees: Israel Palestinian Conflict - YouTube[/ame]
The expulsion of Jews from the ME states is a myth???
There is no physical record of it ever happening.

Also. Israel will never fully withdraw from the West Bank, so stop whining about it
Not voluntarily.

Around 800,000 Jews were expelled from Arab countries. I have a friend whose parents were expelled from Egypt. You keep saying things that have no basis in fact. Example from another thread: "From the Jews in WW2 to the Palestinians now, no other people have been persecuted." You would make more educated comments if you studied some history, visited the Middle East, get to know some of the actual people involved in these situations, etc.
Palestinians: Eight Million Refugees Must Return to Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Oman or Kuwait.

So much to choose from!
The expulsion of Jews from the ME states is a myth???
There is no physical record of it ever happening.

Also. Israel will never fully withdraw from the West Bank, so stop whining about it
Not voluntarily.

Around 800,000 Jews were expelled from Arab countries. I have a friend whose parents were expelled from Egypt. You keep saying things that have no basis in fact. Example from another thread: "From the Jews in WW2 to the Palestinians now, no other people have been persecuted." You would make more educated comments if you studied some history, visited the Middle East, get to know some of the actual people involved in these situations, etc.

Around 800,000 Jews were expelled from Arab countries.

And the Palestinians had absolutely nothing to do with it.

They are two completely separate and unrelated issues.
There is no physical record of it ever happening.

Not voluntarily.

Around 800,000 Jews were expelled from Arab countries. I have a friend whose parents were expelled from Egypt. You keep saying things that have no basis in fact. Example from another thread: "From the Jews in WW2 to the Palestinians now, no other people have been persecuted." You would make more educated comments if you studied some history, visited the Middle East, get to know some of the actual people involved in these situations, etc.

Around 800,000 Jews were expelled from Arab countries.

And the Palestinians had absolutely nothing to do with it.

They are two completely separate and unrelated issues.

It is not a myth, that's all.
Palestinians: Eight Million Refugees Must Return to Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Oman or Kuwait.

So much to choose from!

WAIT! I forgot their sponsors IRAN!!!!!!!! They love the Pals so much they send them science-kit rockets to play with!
There is no physical record of it ever happening.

Not voluntarily.

Around 800,000 Jews were expelled from Arab countries. I have a friend whose parents were expelled from Egypt. You keep saying things that have no basis in fact. Example from another thread: "From the Jews in WW2 to the Palestinians now, no other people have been persecuted." You would make more educated comments if you studied some history, visited the Middle East, get to know some of the actual people involved in these situations, etc.

Around 800,000 Jews were expelled from Arab countries.

And the Palestinians had absolutely nothing to do with it.

They are two completely separate and unrelated issues.

Try again only this time tell the truth
Palestinians: Eight Million Refugees Must Return to Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Oman or Kuwait.

So much to choose from!
Right of return. I've posted this a couple times.

The Politics of the Palestinian Right of Return
by Alexander Joffe and Asaf Romirowsky
February 24, 2014

The Politics of the Palestinian Right of Return :: Middle East Forum

US-backed negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority are entering a critical period. With reports suggesting Israeli acceptance of the 1967 lines and land swaps, what about Palestinian concessions? Two issues are paramount: the 'right of return' and recognition of Israel as a Jewish state.

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas recently stated, "Let me put it simply: the right of return is a personal decision. What does this mean? That neither the PA, nor the state, nor the PLO, nor Abu-Mazen [Abbas], nor any Palestinian or Arab leader has the right to deprive someone from his right to return."

This arch in the Aida Refugee Camp in Bethlehem features a giant key, symbolizing keys kept as mementos by many of the Palestinians who left their homes in 1948. (Image source: Reham Alhelsi/Flickr)

Jamil Mizer, a member of the political bureau of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) underscored the issue saying, "there is talk about the liquidation of the Palestinian refugee cause, the return of hundreds of thousands to the lands occupied in 1948, and the dismantling of the right of return of over six million Palestinian refugees in the camps, in exile and in the diaspora, who are waiting for their moment to return to the homes and lands from which they were expelled".

The Politics of the Palestinian Right of Return :: Middle East Forum
"...And the Palestinians had absolutely nothing to do with it..."
Guilt by Association - given that much of that was done in retaliation for Palestinians not being granted a right-of-return.

"...They are two completely separate and unrelated issues."
Of course. To the same extent that the Expulsions of Jews from Islamic countries in the 1948-1975 time-frame was not connected to Israel in any way.

Karma's a bitch, and the Arabs don't much like it, that they're on the Receiving End for once. Boo hoo.
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"...And the Palestinians had absolutely nothing to do with it..."
Guilt by Association - given that much of that was done in retaliation for Palestinians not being granted a right-of-return.

"...They are two completely separate and unrelated issues."
Of course. To the same extent that the Expulsions of Jews from Islamic countries in the 1948-1975 time-frame was not connect to Israel in any way.

Karma's a bitch, and the Arabs don't much like it, that they're on the Receiving End for once. Boo hoo.

The Arabs have been on the receiving end since they were conquered by the Ottomans and then colonized by the Europeans. They have been on the receiving end for 700 years. But, what goes around comes around and Israel is doing most of the oppression of the Arabs these days.
"...And the Palestinians had absolutely nothing to do with it..."
Guilt by Association - given that much of that was done in retaliation for Palestinians not being granted a right-of-return.

"...They are two completely separate and unrelated issues."
Of course. To the same extent that the Expulsions of Jews from Islamic countries in the 1948-1975 time-frame was not connect to Israel in any way.

Karma's a bitch, and the Arabs don't much like it, that they're on the Receiving End for once. Boo hoo.

The Arabs have been on the receiving end since they were conquered by the Ottomans and then colonized by the Europeans. They have been on the receiving end for 700 years. But, what goes around comes around and Israel is doing most of the oppression of the Arabs these days.
Stinking Ayrabs killing hundreds of millions of others and you imply the Jews are treating them roughly? We'll you ain't seen nuffin yet, Ace.
There is no physical record of it ever happening.

Not voluntarily.

Around 800,000 Jews were expelled from Arab countries. I have a friend whose parents were expelled from Egypt. You keep saying things that have no basis in fact. Example from another thread: "From the Jews in WW2 to the Palestinians now, no other people have been persecuted." You would make more educated comments if you studied some history, visited the Middle East, get to know some of the actual people involved in these situations, etc.

Around 800,000 Jews were expelled from Arab countries.

And the Palestinians had absolutely nothing to do with it.

They are two completely separate and unrelated issues.

The arab countries that kicked out the jews refused to accept their fellow arabs and kept them in camps dependent of charity. The same arabs that told the palestinians to leave.
"...The Arabs have been on the receiving end since they were conquered by the Ottomans..."
Maybe they shouldn't have tried to conquer the entire Mediterranean Basin and all of Asia, and shove their Warrior Religion at folks (Turks) who were even better at War than they were?

"...and then colonized by the Europeans..."
Well, conquered and subjected, anyway, if not colonized. It's what happens when you (Islam) spends a thousand years (600-1600 -ish) conquering others and then run out of steam, and the Other Guy finally gets his turn.

"...They have been on the receiving end for 700 years. But, what goes around comes around..."
Perhaps, next time, they won't start something (world conquest) they can't finish - not to mention making enemies out of Christendom and Judaism in the process - an enmity that continues to this day - centuries after they first presumed to steal so much land.

"...and Israel is doing most of the oppression of the Arabs these days."
Only a miniscule fraction of that bunch, and only because the crazy phukkers keep trying to kill Jews, and then only what is necessary to keep Jewish folk from harm, and to ensure the long-term survival of their resurrected State of Israel.

Hey... what can I say... it's the Arabs turn in the barrel.

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