Palestinians: Erasing Christian History

Interesting piece by an Arab Muslim journalist.

Palestinians: Erasing Christian History

by Khaled Abu Toameh
April 12, 2016 at 5:00 am

  • For Palestinian Christians, the destruction of the ancient Byzantine church ruins is yet a further attempt by Palestinian Muslim leaders to efface both Christian history and signs of any Christian presence in the West Bank and Gaza, under the Palestinian Authority (PA) and Hamas. A growing number of Christians feel they are being systematically targeted by both the PA and Hamas for being Christians.

  • Bulldozers were used to destroy some of the church artifacts; some Palestinian Christians accused both Hamas and the PA of copying ISIS tactics to demolish historic sites.

  • "Where are the heads of the churches in Jerusalem and the world?... Where are the Vatican and UNESCO? Where are the leaders and politicians who talk, talk, talk about national unity and the preservation of holy sites? Or is this a collective conspiracy to end our existence and history in the East?" — Sami Khalil, a Christian from the West Bank city of Nablus.

  • The plight of Palestinian Christians does not interest the international community. That is because Israel cannot be blamed for demolishing the antiquities. If the current policy against Christians persists, the day will come when no Christians will be left in Bethlehem.
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Palestinians: Erasing Christian History
I thought the Israelis had already done that.............because the Israelis have Razed much of Christian Palestine or Claimed it as their Own.......Sally you talk a lot of Pro-Zionist must think we are Mugs,Fool

nope-----Israel does not erase history----muslims do-----and even BAATHISTs of other creeds do-----it is a fascist habit. It was not jews who bombed the ancient Buddhist art in Afghanistan------or jews who erased the fact that Saudi arabia and, ESPECIALLY, mecca was ----not so long ago---an ethnically diverse city. Your comment has no basis at all
I note that the HEAD HOCHOS of the Gatestone Institute,think tank ARE...NINA ROSENWALD and ELIE WIESEL......Methinks they are Jewish NOT Christians.....I'm right as usual......Cleverliq......IF YOU HAD BOTHERED TO DO DUE DILIGENCE ON THE ABOVE TWO PEOPLE.......YOU WOULD HAVE FOUND OUT LIKE I DID>>>>>>>>THAT THEY ARE BOTH "ARDENT ZIONISTS" and have been all their lives.

Your thread is as Corrupt AS YOU ARE..........I know,I am the Magnificent

I am the Real Lion of Judea

Here comes Stevie taking a break from walking up and down the halls of the nut house thinking he is the "Magnificent" Napoleon. This article happens to have been written by an Arab Muslim journalist; and if Stevie has a problem with what this man has written, he should take it up with the journalist himself instead of wasting his time digging up the Jews started a site. There are other honest Muslims like this man who tells it like it is, but Stevie wouldn't recognize the truth if it hit him in the face. By the way, has anyone seen Stevie contribute anything to the fact that the Christians are being persecuted in Muslim countries? Why is he so silent on this? By the way, Stevie, did you at least take the time to sign the petition for Asia Bibi, who is a young Christian mother and who is rotting away in a Pakistani prison because she accursed of blasphemy by a neighbor?

By the way, Stevie, you have seen an extremist Muslim poster who has brought his prejudices against the Jews to the Western World and is using the Christians as his pawns against his "hated enemy.." Yet you have had nothing to say about what he is doing. Evidently you must silently be cheering him on in your little corner.

Say, if Stevie says he is the real Lion of Judah, I think he should have dreadlocks. Those wearing dreadlocks are followers of Haile Selassie whose real name is Ras Tarfarian. However, he was referred to as the Lion of Judah. Maybe Stevie can gather up his followers and have them follow him.

poor OLD SALLY,gets caught with her lying knickers down,then complains about having her Shit exposed(excuse the pun)LOL

Sally as much as you try ..YOU FAIL because you are a compulsive Liar......Your Gatestone Institute is a Terrorist Zionist Front,run by Zionists to CON the World of Respectability.........You are as Shallow as a "Turbot in a Fish Kettle"

There is little point replying to your individual Garbage questions in your post because "I have been there..Done that ad-nausium before"

Folks, Sally cannot refute anything of what I say because it is the Truth........Jah Rastafari I

Yes, Little Stevie, it is fun when another poster tells you to click your heels like a Nazi. I think most intelligent people can see right through you.

Now how about when you crawl over to this forum, you forget about your obsession with the Jews and start giving us some news happening in other countries in the Middle Eas

And zip up and sew that hole in your pocket. And next time you see your psychiatrist, tell him you see the word Zionist over and over in your dreams, and it is disturbing you greatly. Maybe he will suggest some kind of therapy for this.
I thought the Israelis had already done that.............because the Israelis have Razed much of Christian Palestine or Claimed it as their Own.......Sally you talk a lot of Pro-Zionist must think we are Mugs,Fool

nope-----Israel does not erase history----muslims do-----and even BAATHISTs of other creeds do-----it is a fascist habit. It was not jews who bombed the ancient Buddhist art in Afghanistan------or jews who erased the fact that Saudi arabia and, ESPECIALLY, mecca was ----not so long ago---an ethnically diverse city. Your comment has no basis at all
I note that the HEAD HOCHOS of the Gatestone Institute,think tank ARE...NINA ROSENWALD and ELIE WIESEL......Methinks they are Jewish NOT Christians.....I'm right as usual......Cleverliq......IF YOU HAD BOTHERED TO DO DUE DILIGENCE ON THE ABOVE TWO PEOPLE.......YOU WOULD HAVE FOUND OUT LIKE I DID>>>>>>>>THAT THEY ARE BOTH "ARDENT ZIONISTS" and have been all their lives.

Your thread is as Corrupt AS YOU ARE..........I know,I am the Magnificent

I am the Real Lion of Judea

Here comes Stevie taking a break from walking up and down the halls of the nut house thinking he is the "Magnificent" Napoleon. This article happens to have been written by an Arab Muslim journalist; and if Stevie has a problem with what this man has written, he should take it up with the journalist himself instead of wasting his time digging up the Jews started a site. There are other honest Muslims like this man who tells it like it is, but Stevie wouldn't recognize the truth if it hit him in the face. By the way, has anyone seen Stevie contribute anything to the fact that the Christians are being persecuted in Muslim countries? Why is he so silent on this? By the way, Stevie, did you at least take the time to sign the petition for Asia Bibi, who is a young Christian mother and who is rotting away in a Pakistani prison because she accursed of blasphemy by a neighbor?

By the way, Stevie, you have seen an extremist Muslim poster who has brought his prejudices against the Jews to the Western World and is using the Christians as his pawns against his "hated enemy.." Yet you have had nothing to say about what he is doing. Evidently you must silently be cheering him on in your little corner.

Say, if Stevie says he is the real Lion of Judah, I think he should have dreadlocks. Those wearing dreadlocks are followers of Haile Selassie whose real name is Ras Tarfarian. However, he was referred to as the Lion of Judah. Maybe Stevie can gather up his followers and have them follow him.

poor OLD SALLY,gets caught with her lying knickers down,then complains about having her Shit exposed(excuse the pun)LOL

Sally as much as you try ..YOU FAIL because you are a compulsive Liar......Your Gatestone Institute is a Terrorist Zionist Front,run by Zionists to CON the World of Respectability.........You are as Shallow as a "Turbot in a Fish Kettle"

There is little point replying to your individual Garbage questions in your post because "I have been there..Done that ad-nausium before"

Folks, Sally cannot refute anything of what I say because it is the Truth........Jah Rastafari I

Yes, Little Stevie, it is fun when another poster tells you to click your heels like a Nazi. I think most intelligent people can see right through you.

Now how about when you crawl over to this forum, you forget about your obsession with the Jews and start giving us some news happening in other countries in the Middle Eas

And zip up and sew that hole in your pocket. And next time you see your psychiatrist, tell him you see the word Zionist over and over in your dreams, and it is disturbing you greatly. Maybe he will suggest some kind of therapy for this.

Wrong again,...When I see the word Zionist/s......I see Murdered INNOCENT Palestinian Children,Mothers,Fathers and do most NON-ZIONISTS.......Only Zionists Collaborated with the Nazis.......................................To eliminate Millions of Jews.............Sally ...take you stinking Lies out of my Face and Shove them in that Mouth of yours............Loser
He seeks any way and any excuse to gather propaganda even misusing information to attempt to throw mud at Israel.
Even what is happening in Syria get turned around in some way against Israel. As long as Assad can manipulate the country and election to stay in power, he won't be touched by ICC, and Russia has all ready offered sanctuary if and when he does step down.

Some people honestly believe the failure of every plant, even act of nature, every action everywhere by anyone is somehow caused by jews. God does not have such power to manipulate the earth from the smallest to the largest. It does not listen to prayers and acts as often as jews can touch every life on this planet. It is ridiculous but that is how some think, absent of common sense and consumed with fear mongering out of ignorance

The more you see this radical Muslim Freeman post, Aris, the more you realize how he brought his old hatreds with him when he weaseled his way into the West. With his mind set, he actually belongs back in his old country where bigotry against others is highly praised. I wonder if Fried Brain Freeman can tell us what his brethren have been up to lately. He is obviously a hater of Jews and is using the Christians as a pawn. Tell us, Freeman, any car bombings or suicide bombings in your old country lately targeting Shia? Have your brethren blown up any people praying in the Houses of Worship, like your brethren blew up two Ahmadiyya mosques at one time, killing dozens who were inside praying in addition to dozens wounded? Why not tell us about how Christians are tolerated in your old country? Are they allowed to buy land for a church or religious school?

Come to think of it. Freeman, the radical Muslim sure has been busy lately posting about his most hated perceived enemy -- the Jews. I am beginning to think with a difference in the lingo of Freeman lately, one can think that there is more than one radical Muslim posting. How about it, Freeman? Is there a group of you who belong to some radical Sunni group who are now residing in the Western World who brought old prejudices with you when you left that "oh so fine Muslim Paradise" that you couldn't stand living in? Come to think of it, since Freeman and his gang have plenty of time to look up stuff derogatory about the Jews from propaganda sites and then post this stuff, is Freeman and his gang enjoying the free benefits given to immigrants even if they bring their old hatred with them? Such a shame that they don't give him and his friends jobs picking up the trash along roadways to earn their keep.

I don't think that anyone here is "goofy" enough to believe that Freeman (or is it several Freemans) actually cares about the Christians. Has anyone actually seen Freeman(s) on some African or Asia forum reporting on what his fellow Muslims are doing to the Christians there? He is quiet about his ISIS Sunni brethren in the Middle East killing Christians, and is trying to blame ISIS' existence on others.

Easter attack in Pakistan shows how poor civilians remain the easiest targets

Easter attack in Pakistan shows how poor civilians remain the easiest targets

Why the armed settlers are allowed and the christians persecuted?!
Actually that looks like a bad Pallywood photo. The people in that picture look like Palestinian Arabs.

Sorry, Achmed.

Sorry, Menachem they were Christians.

Santa doesn't throw a rock, Abdul.

A palestinian christian killed in Gaza in 2007 by unknown youths, so what?
Both Fatah and Hamas condemned this crime.

Does american government responsible for the murder of muslim students in North Carolina?
nope-----Israel does not erase history----muslims do-----and even BAATHISTs of other creeds do-----it is a fascist habit. It was not jews who bombed the ancient Buddhist art in Afghanistan------or jews who erased the fact that Saudi arabia and, ESPECIALLY, mecca was ----not so long ago---an ethnically diverse city. Your comment has no basis at all
I note that the HEAD HOCHOS of the Gatestone Institute,think tank ARE...NINA ROSENWALD and ELIE WIESEL......Methinks they are Jewish NOT Christians.....I'm right as usual......Cleverliq......IF YOU HAD BOTHERED TO DO DUE DILIGENCE ON THE ABOVE TWO PEOPLE.......YOU WOULD HAVE FOUND OUT LIKE I DID>>>>>>>>THAT THEY ARE BOTH "ARDENT ZIONISTS" and have been all their lives.

Your thread is as Corrupt AS YOU ARE..........I know,I am the Magnificent

I am the Real Lion of Judea

Here comes Stevie taking a break from walking up and down the halls of the nut house thinking he is the "Magnificent" Napoleon. This article happens to have been written by an Arab Muslim journalist; and if Stevie has a problem with what this man has written, he should take it up with the journalist himself instead of wasting his time digging up the Jews started a site. There are other honest Muslims like this man who tells it like it is, but Stevie wouldn't recognize the truth if it hit him in the face. By the way, has anyone seen Stevie contribute anything to the fact that the Christians are being persecuted in Muslim countries? Why is he so silent on this? By the way, Stevie, did you at least take the time to sign the petition for Asia Bibi, who is a young Christian mother and who is rotting away in a Pakistani prison because she accursed of blasphemy by a neighbor?

By the way, Stevie, you have seen an extremist Muslim poster who has brought his prejudices against the Jews to the Western World and is using the Christians as his pawns against his "hated enemy.." Yet you have had nothing to say about what he is doing. Evidently you must silently be cheering him on in your little corner.

Say, if Stevie says he is the real Lion of Judah, I think he should have dreadlocks. Those wearing dreadlocks are followers of Haile Selassie whose real name is Ras Tarfarian. However, he was referred to as the Lion of Judah. Maybe Stevie can gather up his followers and have them follow him.

poor OLD SALLY,gets caught with her lying knickers down,then complains about having her Shit exposed(excuse the pun)LOL

Sally as much as you try ..YOU FAIL because you are a compulsive Liar......Your Gatestone Institute is a Terrorist Zionist Front,run by Zionists to CON the World of Respectability.........You are as Shallow as a "Turbot in a Fish Kettle"

There is little point replying to your individual Garbage questions in your post because "I have been there..Done that ad-nausium before"

Folks, Sally cannot refute anything of what I say because it is the Truth........Jah Rastafari I

Yes, Little Stevie, it is fun when another poster tells you to click your heels like a Nazi. I think most intelligent people can see right through you.

Now how about when you crawl over to this forum, you forget about your obsession with the Jews and start giving us some news happening in other countries in the Middle Eas

And zip up and sew that hole in your pocket. And next time you see your psychiatrist, tell him you see the word Zionist over and over in your dreams, and it is disturbing you greatly. Maybe he will suggest some kind of therapy for this.

Wrong again,...When I see the word Zionist/s......I see Murdered INNOCENT Palestinian Children,Mothers,Fathers and do most NON-ZIONISTS.......Only Zionists Collaborated with the Nazis.......................................To eliminate Millions of Jews.............Sally ...take you stinking Lies out of my Face and Shove them in that Mouth of yours............Loser

your delusions and hallucinations are not your FAULT liq------the fault lies in the
filth poured into your head since early childhood by the whores and pimps who
were your primary care-givers

Yes of course they are held prisoner by a bunch of Islamic savages. Of course they'll say and do anything to ensure their survival.

There is no Hamas rule in Jerusalem, goofy!

Hey Goofy, are there any christian minister in USrael like other arab countries?

But fatah is and they are the same bird under a different name. And they can soon get a few Christian rounded up to force them to say what they want. Care to explain why the Christian population in Palestine has decreased by 90% while the arab muslim population has increased ?

Yes of course they are held prisoner by a bunch of Islamic savages. Of course they'll say and do anything to ensure their survival.

There is no Hamas rule in Jerusalem, goofy!

Hey Goofy, are there any christian minister in USrael like other arab countries?

religion is not a criteria for election, there are several in US congress of differing faith.

MK Hanna Swaid is christian

There are christian ministers in Palestine in Jordan, Syria and Egypt but no one in the Apartheid state!

religion is not a criteria for election, there are several in US congress of differing faith.

MK Hanna Swaid is christian

There are christian ministers in Palestine in Jordan, Syria and Egypt but no one in the Apartheid state!

Hana Sweid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He was a knesset member, more recently Hannen Zoabi was expelled from the Knesset.
MK Zoabi suspended from Knesset plenum for excusing West Bank kidnap - National


Zoabi is muslim

She is christian like professor Azmi Bechara expelled from his country.

She is islamonazi
religion is not a criteria for election, there are several in US congress of differing faith.

MK Hanna Swaid is christian

There are christian ministers in Palestine in Jordan, Syria and Egypt but no one in the Apartheid state!

Hana Sweid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He was a knesset member, more recently Hannen Zoabi was expelled from the Knesset.
MK Zoabi suspended from Knesset plenum for excusing West Bank kidnap - National


Zoabi is muslim

She is christian like professor Azmi Bechara expelled from his country.

For money laundering and treason, crimes that you think should carry the death penalty but only for the Jews.

And he is an islamonazi

Yes of course they are held prisoner by a bunch of Islamic savages. Of course they'll say and do anything to ensure their survival.

There is no Hamas rule in Jerusalem, goofy!

Hey Goofy, are there any christian minister in USrael like other arab countries?

religion is not a criteria for election, there are several in US congress of differing faith.

MK Hanna Swaid is christian

There are christian ministers in Palestine in Jordan, Syria and Egypt but no one in the Apartheid state!
Yeah not one Christian or Muslim representative in that apartheid state! Allahuakbar! Um except for.......

Current members (17)Edit
Knesset member Party(s) Knesset(s) Comments
Hamad Amar Yisrael Beiteinu 18, 19, 20 Druze
Taleb Abu Arar United Arab List
Joint List 19, 20 Bedouin
Zouheir Bahloul Zionist Union 20 Sunni Muslim[1]
Issawi Frej Meretz 19, 20 Sunni Muslim[2]
Basel Ghattas Balad
Joint List 19, 20 Christian
Masud Ghnaim United Arab List
Joint List 18, 19, 20 Sunni Muslim
Akram Hasson Kadima
Kulanu 18, 20 Druze
Yousef Jabareen Joint List 20
Ayoob Kara Likud 15, 16, 18, 20 Druze, Former Deputy Knesset speaker
Abdullah Abu Ma'aruf Joint List 20 Druze
Ayman Odeh Joint List 20 Non-religious
Osama Saadi Joint List 20
Ahmad Tibi Balad
United Arab List
Joint List 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 Sunni Muslim
Aida Touma-Suleiman Joint List 20
Abd al-Hakim Hajj Yahya Joint List 20
Jamal Zahalka Balad
Joint List 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
Haneen Zoabi Balad
Joint List 18, 19, 20 Sunni Muslim.[3] First Arab woman elected to the Knesset on an Arab party's list.

Past members (59)Edit

Knesset member Party(s) Knesset(s) Comments
Ahmed A-Dahar Progress and Development 4, 5
Afu Agbaria Hadash 18, 19
Mahmud A-Nashaf Agriculture and Development 4
Hamad Abu Rabia Arab List for Bedouins and Villagers
United Arab List 8, 9
Labib Hussein Abu Rokan Cooperation and Brotherhood 4
Assad Assad Likud 13
Shafik Assad Dash
Democratic Movement
Telem 9
Zeidan Atashi Shinui 9, 11
Mohammad Barakeh Hadash 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 Former Deputy Knesset speaker
Rostam Bastuni Mapam 2
Azmi Bishara Balad 14, 15, 16, 17
Ahmed Dabbah Kadima 18
Abdulwahab Darawshe Alignment
Arab Democratic Party 11, 12, 13, 14
Abdulmalik Dehamshe United Arab List 14, 15, 16 Deputy Knesset speaker
Yussef Diab Cooperation and Brotherhood 4
Seif el-Din el-Zoubi Democratic List of Nazareth
Democratic List for Israeli Arabs
Progress and Development
Cooperation and Development
United Arab List 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9,
Hussein Faris Mapam 12
Emile Habibi Maki
Rakah 2, 3, 5, 6, 7
Haneh Hadad Labor Party 13
Rafik Haj Yahia One Nation
Labor Party 14
Walid Haj Yahia Left Camp of Israel
Meretz 9, 13, 14
Faras Hamdan Agriculture and Development 2, 3
Yussuf Hamis Mapam 3, 4, 5
Salah-Hassan Hanifes Progress and Work 2, 3
Nadia Hilou Labor Party 17
Halil-Salim Jabara Ahdut HaAvoda 5
Hussniya Jabara Meretz 15 First female Arab MK
Amin-Salim Jarjora Democratic List of Nazareth 1
Muhamad Kanan United Arab List
Arab National Party 15
Masaad Kassis Democratic List for Israeli Arabs 2, 3
Hamad Khalaily Alignment 10
Tawfik Khatib United Arab List
Arab National Party 14, 15,
Raleb Majadele Labour 16, 17, 18, 19 First Muslim Arab Minister. Minister without Portfolio(2007), Minister of Science, Culture and Sport (2007-2009)
Hashem Mahameed Hadash
United Arab List
National Unity – National Progressive Alliance 12, 13, 14, 15
Issam Makhoul Hadash 15, 16
Nawaf Massalha Alignment
Labor Party
One Israel 12, 13, 14, 15 Deputy Minister, Deputy Knesset speaker
Mohammed Miari Progressive List for Peace 11, 12
Jabr Moade Democratic List for Israeli Arabs
Cooperation and Brotherhood
Cooperation and Development
Druze Party
Progress and Development
United Arab List 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Deputy Minister
Hanna Mwais Hadash 9
Mohamed Naffa Hadash 12
Said Nafa Balad 17, 18 Druze
Elias Nakhleh Progress and Development
Cooperation and Development
Jewish-Arab Brotherhood
Cooperation and Brotherhood 4, 5, 6, 7
Amal Nasser el-Din Likud 8, 9, 10, 11
Diyab Obeid Cooperation and Brotherhood 5, 6, 7
Ahmad Sa'd Hadash 14
Taleb el-Sana Arab Democratic Party
United Arab List 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 Bedouin
Saleh Saleem Hadash 13, 14
Ibrahim Sarsur United Arab List 17, 18, 19
Shachiv Shnaan Labour
Independence 17, 18 Druze
Saleh Suleiman Progress and Work 3
Hana Sweid Hadash 17, 18, 19 Christian
Wasil Taha Balad 16, 17
Salah Tarif Alignment
Labor Party
One Israel 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 First Arab Minister (Minister without Portfolio), also Deputy Knesset speaker
Tawfik Toubi Maki
Hadash 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Second longest serving Knesset member (41 years, 5 months and 9 days) after Shimon Peres
Majalli Wahabi Likud
Hatnuah 16, 17, 18 Druze, Former Deputy Knesset speaker, briefly acting President
Muhammed Wattad Alignment
Hadash 10, 11
Abbas Zakour United Arab List 17
Tawfiq Ziad Rakah
Hadash 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
Abd el-Aziz el-Zoubi Mapam
Alignment 6, 7, 8

Goofy, do you distinguish between a minister and a knesset member?

Those few members have no political weight to represent the 25% of palestinians.

In arab countries there are parliament members and ministers although there less than 10% of christians in the population. :arrow:

They are the same thing, and to be a cabinet member you need to be a member of the ruling party/ies. That is what gets you all confused with democracy.

Yes of course they are held prisoner by a bunch of Islamic savages. Of course they'll say and do anything to ensure their survival.

There is no Hamas rule in Jerusalem, goofy!

Hey Goofy, are there any christian minister in USrael like other arab countries?

religion is not a criteria for election, there are several in US congress of differing faith.

MK Hanna Swaid is christian

There are christian ministers in Palestine in Jordan, Syria and Egypt but no one in the Apartheid state!
Yeah not one Christian or Muslim representative in that apartheid state! Allahuakbar! Um except for.......

Current members (17)Edit
Knesset member Party(s) Knesset(s) Comments
Hamad Amar Yisrael Beiteinu 18, 19, 20 Druze
Taleb Abu Arar United Arab List
Joint List 19, 20 Bedouin
Zouheir Bahloul Zionist Union 20 Sunni Muslim[1]
Issawi Frej Meretz 19, 20 Sunni Muslim[2]
Basel Ghattas Balad
Joint List 19, 20 Christian
Masud Ghnaim United Arab List
Joint List 18, 19, 20 Sunni Muslim
Akram Hasson Kadima
Kulanu 18, 20 Druze
Yousef Jabareen Joint List 20
Ayoob Kara Likud 15, 16, 18, 20 Druze, Former Deputy Knesset speaker
Abdullah Abu Ma'aruf Joint List 20 Druze
Ayman Odeh Joint List 20 Non-religious
Osama Saadi Joint List 20
Ahmad Tibi Balad
United Arab List
Joint List 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 Sunni Muslim
Aida Touma-Suleiman Joint List 20
Abd al-Hakim Hajj Yahya Joint List 20
Jamal Zahalka Balad
Joint List 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
Haneen Zoabi Balad
Joint List 18, 19, 20 Sunni Muslim.[3] First Arab woman elected to the Knesset on an Arab party's list.

Past members (59)Edit

Knesset member Party(s) Knesset(s) Comments
Ahmed A-Dahar Progress and Development 4, 5
Afu Agbaria Hadash 18, 19
Mahmud A-Nashaf Agriculture and Development 4
Hamad Abu Rabia Arab List for Bedouins and Villagers
United Arab List 8, 9
Labib Hussein Abu Rokan Cooperation and Brotherhood 4
Assad Assad Likud 13
Shafik Assad Dash
Democratic Movement
Telem 9
Zeidan Atashi Shinui 9, 11
Mohammad Barakeh Hadash 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 Former Deputy Knesset speaker
Rostam Bastuni Mapam 2
Azmi Bishara Balad 14, 15, 16, 17
Ahmed Dabbah Kadima 18
Abdulwahab Darawshe Alignment
Arab Democratic Party 11, 12, 13, 14
Abdulmalik Dehamshe United Arab List 14, 15, 16 Deputy Knesset speaker
Yussef Diab Cooperation and Brotherhood 4
Seif el-Din el-Zoubi Democratic List of Nazareth
Democratic List for Israeli Arabs
Progress and Development
Cooperation and Development
United Arab List 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9,
Hussein Faris Mapam 12
Emile Habibi Maki
Rakah 2, 3, 5, 6, 7
Haneh Hadad Labor Party 13
Rafik Haj Yahia One Nation
Labor Party 14
Walid Haj Yahia Left Camp of Israel
Meretz 9, 13, 14
Faras Hamdan Agriculture and Development 2, 3
Yussuf Hamis Mapam 3, 4, 5
Salah-Hassan Hanifes Progress and Work 2, 3
Nadia Hilou Labor Party 17
Halil-Salim Jabara Ahdut HaAvoda 5
Hussniya Jabara Meretz 15 First female Arab MK
Amin-Salim Jarjora Democratic List of Nazareth 1
Muhamad Kanan United Arab List
Arab National Party 15
Masaad Kassis Democratic List for Israeli Arabs 2, 3
Hamad Khalaily Alignment 10
Tawfik Khatib United Arab List
Arab National Party 14, 15,
Raleb Majadele Labour 16, 17, 18, 19 First Muslim Arab Minister. Minister without Portfolio(2007), Minister of Science, Culture and Sport (2007-2009)
Hashem Mahameed Hadash
United Arab List
National Unity – National Progressive Alliance 12, 13, 14, 15
Issam Makhoul Hadash 15, 16
Nawaf Massalha Alignment
Labor Party
One Israel 12, 13, 14, 15 Deputy Minister, Deputy Knesset speaker
Mohammed Miari Progressive List for Peace 11, 12
Jabr Moade Democratic List for Israeli Arabs
Cooperation and Brotherhood
Cooperation and Development
Druze Party
Progress and Development
United Arab List 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Deputy Minister
Hanna Mwais Hadash 9
Mohamed Naffa Hadash 12
Said Nafa Balad 17, 18 Druze
Elias Nakhleh Progress and Development
Cooperation and Development
Jewish-Arab Brotherhood
Cooperation and Brotherhood 4, 5, 6, 7
Amal Nasser el-Din Likud 8, 9, 10, 11
Diyab Obeid Cooperation and Brotherhood 5, 6, 7
Ahmad Sa'd Hadash 14
Taleb el-Sana Arab Democratic Party
United Arab List 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 Bedouin
Saleh Saleem Hadash 13, 14
Ibrahim Sarsur United Arab List 17, 18, 19
Shachiv Shnaan Labour
Independence 17, 18 Druze
Saleh Suleiman Progress and Work 3
Hana Sweid Hadash 17, 18, 19 Christian
Wasil Taha Balad 16, 17
Salah Tarif Alignment
Labor Party
One Israel 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 First Arab Minister (Minister without Portfolio), also Deputy Knesset speaker
Tawfik Toubi Maki
Hadash 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Second longest serving Knesset member (41 years, 5 months and 9 days) after Shimon Peres
Majalli Wahabi Likud
Hatnuah 16, 17, 18 Druze, Former Deputy Knesset speaker, briefly acting President
Muhammed Wattad Alignment
Hadash 10, 11
Abbas Zakour United Arab List 17
Tawfiq Ziad Rakah
Hadash 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
Abd el-Aziz el-Zoubi Mapam
Alignment 6, 7, 8

Goofy, do you distinguish between a minister and a knesset member?

Those few members have no political weight to represent the 25% of palestinians.

In arab countries there are parliament members and ministers although there less than 10% of christians in the population. :arrow:

That is how representative democracy works, if you don't like get into power and change it. But beware it could mean you are out of power within days
There is no Hamas rule in Jerusalem, goofy!

Hey Goofy, are there any christian minister in USrael like other arab countries?

religion is not a criteria for election, there are several in US congress of differing faith.

MK Hanna Swaid is christian

There are christian ministers in Palestine in Jordan, Syria and Egypt but no one in the Apartheid state!
Yeah not one Christian or Muslim representative in that apartheid state! Allahuakbar! Um except for.......

Current members (17)Edit
Knesset member Party(s) Knesset(s) Comments
Hamad Amar Yisrael Beiteinu 18, 19, 20 Druze
Taleb Abu Arar United Arab List
Joint List 19, 20 Bedouin
Zouheir Bahloul Zionist Union 20 Sunni Muslim[1]
Issawi Frej Meretz 19, 20 Sunni Muslim[2]
Basel Ghattas Balad
Joint List 19, 20 Christian
Masud Ghnaim United Arab List
Joint List 18, 19, 20 Sunni Muslim
Akram Hasson Kadima
Kulanu 18, 20 Druze
Yousef Jabareen Joint List 20
Ayoob Kara Likud 15, 16, 18, 20 Druze, Former Deputy Knesset speaker
Abdullah Abu Ma'aruf Joint List 20 Druze
Ayman Odeh Joint List 20 Non-religious
Osama Saadi Joint List 20
Ahmad Tibi Balad
United Arab List
Joint List 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 Sunni Muslim
Aida Touma-Suleiman Joint List 20
Abd al-Hakim Hajj Yahya Joint List 20
Jamal Zahalka Balad
Joint List 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
Haneen Zoabi Balad
Joint List 18, 19, 20 Sunni Muslim.[3] First Arab woman elected to the Knesset on an Arab party's list.

Past members (59)Edit

Knesset member Party(s) Knesset(s) Comments
Ahmed A-Dahar Progress and Development 4, 5
Afu Agbaria Hadash 18, 19
Mahmud A-Nashaf Agriculture and Development 4
Hamad Abu Rabia Arab List for Bedouins and Villagers
United Arab List 8, 9
Labib Hussein Abu Rokan Cooperation and Brotherhood 4
Assad Assad Likud 13
Shafik Assad Dash
Democratic Movement
Telem 9
Zeidan Atashi Shinui 9, 11
Mohammad Barakeh Hadash 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 Former Deputy Knesset speaker
Rostam Bastuni Mapam 2
Azmi Bishara Balad 14, 15, 16, 17
Ahmed Dabbah Kadima 18
Abdulwahab Darawshe Alignment
Arab Democratic Party 11, 12, 13, 14
Abdulmalik Dehamshe United Arab List 14, 15, 16 Deputy Knesset speaker
Yussef Diab Cooperation and Brotherhood 4
Seif el-Din el-Zoubi Democratic List of Nazareth
Democratic List for Israeli Arabs
Progress and Development
Cooperation and Development
United Arab List 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9,
Hussein Faris Mapam 12
Emile Habibi Maki
Rakah 2, 3, 5, 6, 7
Haneh Hadad Labor Party 13
Rafik Haj Yahia One Nation
Labor Party 14
Walid Haj Yahia Left Camp of Israel
Meretz 9, 13, 14
Faras Hamdan Agriculture and Development 2, 3
Yussuf Hamis Mapam 3, 4, 5
Salah-Hassan Hanifes Progress and Work 2, 3
Nadia Hilou Labor Party 17
Halil-Salim Jabara Ahdut HaAvoda 5
Hussniya Jabara Meretz 15 First female Arab MK
Amin-Salim Jarjora Democratic List of Nazareth 1
Muhamad Kanan United Arab List
Arab National Party 15
Masaad Kassis Democratic List for Israeli Arabs 2, 3
Hamad Khalaily Alignment 10
Tawfik Khatib United Arab List
Arab National Party 14, 15,
Raleb Majadele Labour 16, 17, 18, 19 First Muslim Arab Minister. Minister without Portfolio(2007), Minister of Science, Culture and Sport (2007-2009)
Hashem Mahameed Hadash
United Arab List
National Unity – National Progressive Alliance 12, 13, 14, 15
Issam Makhoul Hadash 15, 16
Nawaf Massalha Alignment
Labor Party
One Israel 12, 13, 14, 15 Deputy Minister, Deputy Knesset speaker
Mohammed Miari Progressive List for Peace 11, 12
Jabr Moade Democratic List for Israeli Arabs
Cooperation and Brotherhood
Cooperation and Development
Druze Party
Progress and Development
United Arab List 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Deputy Minister
Hanna Mwais Hadash 9
Mohamed Naffa Hadash 12
Said Nafa Balad 17, 18 Druze
Elias Nakhleh Progress and Development
Cooperation and Development
Jewish-Arab Brotherhood
Cooperation and Brotherhood 4, 5, 6, 7
Amal Nasser el-Din Likud 8, 9, 10, 11
Diyab Obeid Cooperation and Brotherhood 5, 6, 7
Ahmad Sa'd Hadash 14
Taleb el-Sana Arab Democratic Party
United Arab List 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 Bedouin
Saleh Saleem Hadash 13, 14
Ibrahim Sarsur United Arab List 17, 18, 19
Shachiv Shnaan Labour
Independence 17, 18 Druze
Saleh Suleiman Progress and Work 3
Hana Sweid Hadash 17, 18, 19 Christian
Wasil Taha Balad 16, 17
Salah Tarif Alignment
Labor Party
One Israel 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 First Arab Minister (Minister without Portfolio), also Deputy Knesset speaker
Tawfik Toubi Maki
Hadash 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Second longest serving Knesset member (41 years, 5 months and 9 days) after Shimon Peres
Majalli Wahabi Likud
Hatnuah 16, 17, 18 Druze, Former Deputy Knesset speaker, briefly acting President
Muhammed Wattad Alignment
Hadash 10, 11
Abbas Zakour United Arab List 17
Tawfiq Ziad Rakah
Hadash 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
Abd el-Aziz el-Zoubi Mapam
Alignment 6, 7, 8

Goofy, do you distinguish between a minister and a knesset member?

Those few members have no political weight to represent the 25% of palestinians.

In arab countries there are parliament members and ministers although there less than 10% of christians in the population. :arrow:

That is how representative democracy works, if you don't like get into power and change it. But beware it could mean you are out of power within days
This is how apartheid state works, Palestine has christian ministers.
Christian palestinian minister Rola Maiyia: the number of the visitors to Bethleem declined because of the israeli occupation.


Because of the terrorist threats
There is no Hamas in Bethleem, let your ridiculous propaganda away!
The only terrorists are the settlers in West Bank.

Would those be the islamonazi settlers then ?

Christians and muslims live in their lands, the zionazis are russian settlers.
religion is not a criteria for election, there are several in US congress of differing faith.

MK Hanna Swaid is christian

There are christian ministers in Palestine in Jordan, Syria and Egypt but no one in the Apartheid state!
Yeah not one Christian or Muslim representative in that apartheid state! Allahuakbar! Um except for.......

Current members (17)Edit
Knesset member Party(s) Knesset(s) Comments
Hamad Amar Yisrael Beiteinu 18, 19, 20 Druze
Taleb Abu Arar United Arab List
Joint List 19, 20 Bedouin
Zouheir Bahloul Zionist Union 20 Sunni Muslim[1]
Issawi Frej Meretz 19, 20 Sunni Muslim[2]
Basel Ghattas Balad
Joint List 19, 20 Christian
Masud Ghnaim United Arab List
Joint List 18, 19, 20 Sunni Muslim
Akram Hasson Kadima
Kulanu 18, 20 Druze
Yousef Jabareen Joint List 20
Ayoob Kara Likud 15, 16, 18, 20 Druze, Former Deputy Knesset speaker
Abdullah Abu Ma'aruf Joint List 20 Druze
Ayman Odeh Joint List 20 Non-religious
Osama Saadi Joint List 20
Ahmad Tibi Balad
United Arab List
Joint List 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 Sunni Muslim
Aida Touma-Suleiman Joint List 20
Abd al-Hakim Hajj Yahya Joint List 20
Jamal Zahalka Balad
Joint List 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
Haneen Zoabi Balad
Joint List 18, 19, 20 Sunni Muslim.[3] First Arab woman elected to the Knesset on an Arab party's list.

Past members (59)Edit

Knesset member Party(s) Knesset(s) Comments
Ahmed A-Dahar Progress and Development 4, 5
Afu Agbaria Hadash 18, 19
Mahmud A-Nashaf Agriculture and Development 4
Hamad Abu Rabia Arab List for Bedouins and Villagers
United Arab List 8, 9
Labib Hussein Abu Rokan Cooperation and Brotherhood 4
Assad Assad Likud 13
Shafik Assad Dash
Democratic Movement
Telem 9
Zeidan Atashi Shinui 9, 11
Mohammad Barakeh Hadash 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 Former Deputy Knesset speaker
Rostam Bastuni Mapam 2
Azmi Bishara Balad 14, 15, 16, 17
Ahmed Dabbah Kadima 18
Abdulwahab Darawshe Alignment
Arab Democratic Party 11, 12, 13, 14
Abdulmalik Dehamshe United Arab List 14, 15, 16 Deputy Knesset speaker
Yussef Diab Cooperation and Brotherhood 4
Seif el-Din el-Zoubi Democratic List of Nazareth
Democratic List for Israeli Arabs
Progress and Development
Cooperation and Development
United Arab List 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9,
Hussein Faris Mapam 12
Emile Habibi Maki
Rakah 2, 3, 5, 6, 7
Haneh Hadad Labor Party 13
Rafik Haj Yahia One Nation
Labor Party 14
Walid Haj Yahia Left Camp of Israel
Meretz 9, 13, 14
Faras Hamdan Agriculture and Development 2, 3
Yussuf Hamis Mapam 3, 4, 5
Salah-Hassan Hanifes Progress and Work 2, 3
Nadia Hilou Labor Party 17
Halil-Salim Jabara Ahdut HaAvoda 5
Hussniya Jabara Meretz 15 First female Arab MK
Amin-Salim Jarjora Democratic List of Nazareth 1
Muhamad Kanan United Arab List
Arab National Party 15
Masaad Kassis Democratic List for Israeli Arabs 2, 3
Hamad Khalaily Alignment 10
Tawfik Khatib United Arab List
Arab National Party 14, 15,
Raleb Majadele Labour 16, 17, 18, 19 First Muslim Arab Minister. Minister without Portfolio(2007), Minister of Science, Culture and Sport (2007-2009)
Hashem Mahameed Hadash
United Arab List
National Unity – National Progressive Alliance 12, 13, 14, 15
Issam Makhoul Hadash 15, 16
Nawaf Massalha Alignment
Labor Party
One Israel 12, 13, 14, 15 Deputy Minister, Deputy Knesset speaker
Mohammed Miari Progressive List for Peace 11, 12
Jabr Moade Democratic List for Israeli Arabs
Cooperation and Brotherhood
Cooperation and Development
Druze Party
Progress and Development
United Arab List 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Deputy Minister
Hanna Mwais Hadash 9
Mohamed Naffa Hadash 12
Said Nafa Balad 17, 18 Druze
Elias Nakhleh Progress and Development
Cooperation and Development
Jewish-Arab Brotherhood
Cooperation and Brotherhood 4, 5, 6, 7
Amal Nasser el-Din Likud 8, 9, 10, 11
Diyab Obeid Cooperation and Brotherhood 5, 6, 7
Ahmad Sa'd Hadash 14
Taleb el-Sana Arab Democratic Party
United Arab List 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 Bedouin
Saleh Saleem Hadash 13, 14
Ibrahim Sarsur United Arab List 17, 18, 19
Shachiv Shnaan Labour
Independence 17, 18 Druze
Saleh Suleiman Progress and Work 3
Hana Sweid Hadash 17, 18, 19 Christian
Wasil Taha Balad 16, 17
Salah Tarif Alignment
Labor Party
One Israel 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 First Arab Minister (Minister without Portfolio), also Deputy Knesset speaker
Tawfik Toubi Maki
Hadash 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Second longest serving Knesset member (41 years, 5 months and 9 days) after Shimon Peres
Majalli Wahabi Likud
Hatnuah 16, 17, 18 Druze, Former Deputy Knesset speaker, briefly acting President
Muhammed Wattad Alignment
Hadash 10, 11
Abbas Zakour United Arab List 17
Tawfiq Ziad Rakah
Hadash 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
Abd el-Aziz el-Zoubi Mapam
Alignment 6, 7, 8

Goofy, do you distinguish between a minister and a knesset member?

Those few members have no political weight to represent the 25% of palestinians.

In arab countries there are parliament members and ministers although there less than 10% of christians in the population. :arrow:

That is how representative democracy works, if you don't like get into power and change it. But beware it could mean you are out of power within days
This is how apartheid state works, Palestine has christian ministers.

And they have no power to pass any laws for the remaining 10% of the Christians left in Palestine. When was the last time the Palestinian government met and made any changes, 2007 wasn't it ?

If it was apartheid it would not allow arab muslim and Christians to stand for election. Nor would it allow any arab muslim to be left living in Israel.
Christian palestinian minister Rola Maiyia: the number of the visitors to Bethleem declined because of the israeli occupation.


Because of the terrorist threats
There is no Hamas in Bethleem, let your ridiculous propaganda away!
The only terrorists are the settlers in West Bank.

Would those be the islamonazi settlers then ?

Christians and muslims live in their lands, the zionazis are russian settlers.

Her we go again the islamomoron is using his favourite oxymoron. Now explain again how you can support the Jewish state in Palestine and its right to defend itself while wanting to wipe out the worlds Jews.

By the way under the laws accepted by Palestine the Jews are Israelis after being there for 2 years. And that is why there were no Jewish refugees after 1948, the thieving islamonazis made sure of that didn't they. And they are still milking the world for all they can get. TIME TO PULL THE PLUG ON THE WHOLE LOT OF THEM
Christian palestinian minister Rola Maiyia: the number of the visitors to Bethleem declined because of the israeli occupation.


Because of the terrorist threats
There is no Hamas in Bethleem, let your ridiculous propaganda away!
The only terrorists are the settlers in West Bank.

Would those be the islamonazi settlers then ?

Christians and muslims live in their lands, the zionazis are russian settlers.

Why is that troll allowed? Because all he's doing is flame baiting and 4
In recent history the area called Palestine includes the territories of present day Israel and Jordan (see map above. From 1517 to 1917 most of this area remained under the rule of the Ottoman Empire.

Ottoman Empire was dissolved at the end of World War I. Its successor, modern republic of Turkey, transferred Palestine to British Empire control under the Lausanne agreement that followed WW I.

In 1917 Great Britain issued the Balfour Declaration for "the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people". In 1922 Britain allocated nearly 80% of Palestine to Transjordan. Thus, Jordan covers the majority of the land of Palestine under British Mandate. Jordan also includes the majority of the Arabs who lived there. In other words, Jordan is the Arab portion of Palestine.

The residents of Palestine are called "Palestinians". Since Palestine includes both modern day Israel and Jordan both Arab and Jewish residents of this area were referred to as "Palestinians".

It was only after the Jews re-inhabited their historic homeland of Judea and Samaria, that the myth of an Arab Palestinian nation was created and marketed worldwide. Jews come from Judea, not Palestinians. There is no language known as Palestinian, or any Palestinian culture distinct from that of all the Arabs in the area. There has never been a land known as Palestine governed by Palestinians. "Palestinians" are Arabs indistinguishable from Arabs throughout the Middle East. The great majority of Arabs in greater Palestine and Israel share the same culture, language and religion.

Much of the Arab population in this area actually migrated into Israel and Judea and Samaria from the surrounding Arab countries in the past 100 years. The rebirth of Israel was accompanied by economic prosperity for the region. Arabs migrated to this area to find employment and enjoy the higher standard of living. In documents not more than hundred years, the area is described as a scarcely populated region. Jews by far were the majority in Jerusalem over the small Arab minority. Until the Oslo agreement the major source of income for Arab residents was employment in the Israeli sector. To this day, many Arabs try to migrate into Israel with various deceptions to become a citizen of Israel.

Even the Chairman of the Palestinian Authority, Arafat himself, is not a "Palestinian". He was born in Egypt. The famous "Palestinian covenant" states that Palestinians are "an integral part of the Arab nation" -- a nation which is blessed with a sparsely populated land mass 660 times the size of tiny Israel (Judea, Samaria and Gaza included).

Brief History of Israel and the Jewish People we go again the islamomoron is using his favourite oxymoron. Now explain again how you can support the Jewish state in Palestine and its right to defend itself while wanting to wipe out the worlds Jews.

By the way under the laws accepted by Palestine the Jews are Israelis after being there for 2 years. And that is why there were no Jewish refugees after 1948, the thieving islamonazis made sure of that didn't they. And they are still milking the world for all they can get. TIME TO PULL THE PLUG ON THE WHOLE LOT OF THEM

Why is that troll allowed?

Because all he is doing is flamebaiting and trolling.
Why this hate against christians? :neutral:

All the Jew haters have pulled up ad naiseam, this same video, Fried Brain, of two drunken boys. This one video must be a big, big hit on the hate sites that Fried Brain uses. Now you tell us why the Muslims hate not only the Jews, but Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, etc., as well as Muslims of different sects. No intelligent reader here is falling for your fake interest in the Christians no matter what you manage to pull up.

Islamic Teaching: Non-Muslims Equal to Dogs

Why not tell us how your sect hates the Ahmadiyya Muslims whom your Sunni brethren have no problem killing? I believe a lot of us remember your brethren blowing up two of their mosques in Pakistan, killing so many inside who were praying. Not only that, but the other Muslims are even trying to murder t5he Ahmadiyaa in England. The Ahmadiyya say that the only place they feel safe is in America. The Ahmadiyya are peaceful Muslims, and look what happened to one of them.

Muslim Shopkeeper Murdered After Wishing Christians Happy Easter
Because of the terrorist threats
There is no Hamas in Bethleem, let your ridiculous propaganda away!
The only terrorists are the settlers in West Bank.

Would those be the islamonazi settlers then ?

Christians and muslims live in their lands, the zionazis are russian settlers.

Why is that troll allowed? Because all he's doing is flame baiting and 4
In recent history the area called Palestine includes the territories of present day Israel and Jordan (see map above. From 1517 to 1917 most of this area remained under the rule of the Ottoman Empire.

Ottoman Empire was dissolved at the end of World War I. Its successor, modern republic of Turkey, transferred Palestine to British Empire control under the Lausanne agreement that followed WW I.

In 1917 Great Britain issued the Balfour Declaration for "the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people". In 1922 Britain allocated nearly 80% of Palestine to Transjordan. Thus, Jordan covers the majority of the land of Palestine under British Mandate. Jordan also includes the majority of the Arabs who lived there. In other words, Jordan is the Arab portion of Palestine.

The residents of Palestine are called "Palestinians". Since Palestine includes both modern day Israel and Jordan both Arab and Jewish residents of this area were referred to as "Palestinians".

It was only after the Jews re-inhabited their historic homeland of Judea and Samaria, that the myth of an Arab Palestinian nation was created and marketed worldwide. Jews come from Judea, not Palestinians. There is no language known as Palestinian, or any Palestinian culture distinct from that of all the Arabs in the area. There has never been a land known as Palestine governed by Palestinians. "Palestinians" are Arabs indistinguishable from Arabs throughout the Middle East. The great majority of Arabs in greater Palestine and Israel share the same culture, language and religion.

Much of the Arab population in this area actually migrated into Israel and Judea and Samaria from the surrounding Arab countries in the past 100 years. The rebirth of Israel was accompanied by economic prosperity for the region. Arabs migrated to this area to find employment and enjoy the higher standard of living. In documents not more than hundred years, the area is described as a scarcely populated region. Jews by far were the majority in Jerusalem over the small Arab minority. Until the Oslo agreement the major source of income for Arab residents was employment in the Israeli sector. To this day, many Arabs try to migrate into Israel with various deceptions to become a citizen of Israel.

Even the Chairman of the Palestinian Authority, Arafat himself, is not a "Palestinian". He was born in Egypt. The famous "Palestinian covenant" states that Palestinians are "an integral part of the Arab nation" -- a nation which is blessed with a sparsely populated land mass 660 times the size of tiny Israel (Judea, Samaria and Gaza included).

Brief History of Israel and the Jewish People we go again the islamomoron is using his favourite oxymoron. Now explain again how you can support the Jewish state in Palestine and its right to defend itself while wanting to wipe out the worlds Jews.

By the way under the laws accepted by Palestine the Jews are Israelis after being there for 2 years. And that is why there were no Jewish refugees after 1948, the thieving islamonazis made sure of that didn't they. And they are still milking the world for all they can get. TIME TO PULL THE PLUG ON THE WHOLE LOT OF THEM

Why is that troll allowed?

Because all he is doing is flamebaiting and trolling.

The only good purpose he serves here is to show us how some of these Muslim immigrants to the West bring their hateful prejudices with them. He is too dumb to realize that people in the West now realize how his brethren are persecuting Christians in Muslim countries. Muslims like Freeman actually don't belong in the Western world. They belong back in the Muslim country which spawned them. Muslims who are able to pack away their prejudice against others should be allowed to take the place of those with Freeman's mind set.

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