Palestinians Massing At The Israeli Border

[ Again, it is about a peaceful protest ]

As 6 Gazans killed in violence at fence, Yahya Sinwar tells protesters Strip is ready to explode in Israel's face, claims the 'conspiracy of besieging Gaza has failed'

He said the world should “wait for our great move, when we breach the borders and pray at Al-Aqsa,” referring to the major Muslim shrine in Jerusalem.

Arriving at one of the demonstration sites, Sinwar received a hero’s welcome. He was surrounded by hundreds of supporters who chanted, “We are going to Jerusalem, millions of martyrs.”

(full article online)

Gaza Hamas leader vows to ‘breach the borders and pray at Al-Aqsa’

Let them pray with the Israeli Military present. They initiate violence it will stop immediately and they will finally meet with 72 Virgins
20:24 Seventh Palestinian killed identified as 17-year-old

The seventh Palestinian killed during Friday's protests has been identified as 17-year-old Alaa al-Din al-Zamili, according to Ashraf al-Qidra.

He was killed near the Rafah border crossing.
20:06 Death toll rises to 7 in Gaza protests

Gaza Health Ministry spokesman Ashraf al-Qidra announced Friday evening that 6 Palestinians had been killed in the day's protests.

The Izzadin Kassem Brigades confirmed that Majdi Shabat, who was killed earlier in the day, was one of their members.

IDF infographic shows locations of protests relative to Israeli communities


(full article online)

LIVE: At least 6 dead, over 900 wounded in Gaza protests
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As night falls after second 'March of Return,' with death toll at 7, Israel claims Gaza's rulers cynically sent kids out ahead; PA condemns killing of 'peaceful' protesters

The IDF released video footage of Gazans attempting to breach or target the fence under cover of huge plumes of black smoke caused by the burning of tires close to the border, and Israeli television showed footage of what appeared to be teenage Gazans rolling tires close to the border fence.

“What we’re saying is violent disturbances under cover of which Hamas is trying to carry out acts of terrorism,” said Maj-Gen. Eyal Zamir, the head of the IDF’s Southern Command, terming the tactic “manipulation by Hamas.”

“Hamas sent children out ahead [toward the fence], cynically using them,” the IDF’s spokesman, Ronen Manelis, said on Friday night. Manelis specified that eight explosive devices and numerous petrol bombs were thrown, and that the IDF faced several attempts “to cut through the fence.”

(full article online)

IDF says it thwarted Hamas, prevented ‘victory picture’ of breached border fence
We’re told so often “but, but, but, but, but, it’s about land, not religion”

The EU especially once again found itself on the wrong side of history. EU’s Foreign Policy chief Federica Mogherini summarized the endemic international hypocrisy against Israel with the Orwellian words, “Freedom of expression and freedom of assembly are fundamental rights that must be respected.”

Threatening Israel’s internationally recognized border and attacking Israeli soldiers with machine guns and Molotov cocktails hardly qualifies as “freedom of expression.” The only “freedom of assembly” that Gaza’s terrorist-regime permits is violent incitement against Israel and Jews. By contrast, the EU and most of the world ignore the Kurdish people’s freedom of expression and national freedom as well as countless other oppressed nations worldwide.

(full article online)

Lock, Stock and Blame Israel
The Hamas-run Gaza health ministry has said 9 Palestinians were killed and 491 injured — including some 30 seriously — in the second “March of Return” held in the Strip on Friday.

The number of casualties is lower than those in the first march last Friday, and is indicative of the lower number of participants who took part, with some 20,000 Gazans attending, compared to over 30,000 a week ago. There were far fewer families, and a far greater focus on young tire-burning enthusiasts.

So one could argue that general motivation in Gaza for the planned weekly marches is waning, and that in a few weeks it will likely dwindle down significantly.

However, from the perspective of Hamas, it must be acknowledged that the terror group has recorded a significant achievement in the field of internal Palestinian politics.

Firstly, it should be noted that Hamas’s motivation at the moment appears not to be to provoke an all-out war with Israel. Had it sought an excuse for such action, the death tolls in the two protests could have provided more than enough justification from Hamas’s perspective to start firing rockets into Israel.

However, Hamas has so far refrained from doing so, and has stuck to encouraging the Friday protests — which the group did not initiate, but has enthusiastically adopted.

For the terror group, the protests are an ideal way to allow Gazans to let off steam and express their frustration and anger at their dire situation, while focusing the people’s fury at the border, Israel, the “occupation” — anything but Gaza’s Hamas rulers themselves.

At the same time, the protests have Hamas dominating the Palestinian political and media agenda, taking the lead in national discourse with no real competition from the Palestinian Authority’s Fatah. It is abundantly clear to all which is the dominant movement in Palestinian politics today.

(full article online)

For Hamas, Gaza marches have scored some undeniable wins
Both Saudi Arabia and Egypt have called on militant organization Hamas to end the annual weekly protests it is holding for the "Great March of Return," according to an Egyptian source.

An Egyptian Foreign Ministry official was anonymously quoted as saying that, in exchange for halting the protests, Egypt would ensure that the Rafah border crossing, which Egypt controls, would be regularly opened. The source said that the agreement had come under the direction of the Saudis.

(full article online)

Report: Egypt, Saudi Arabia urge Hamas to end 'Great March of Return' protests
The comments from the Hamas leader who was considered a “hardliner” with a long history of terrorist involvement is a bit of a climb down from the days when Hamas carried out massive terror attacks and had many supporters in the West Bank. Where are the protests in the West Bank in solidarity with Gaza?

The lack of protest among Arabs in Israel, among Palestinians in Jerusalem or the West Bank, or among Palestinians and their supporters in the diaspora, shows that the protest has not really achieved its aims so far. Is this just apathy? Is it because Israel has succeeded in dividing the Palestinians, or because the long time of separate Hamas rule in Gaza has had that affect?

Different Palestinians I spoke to over the last week had different answers, but the general one seems to not just be apathy but a feeling that this protest will not succeed, and a general lack of connection between what happens in Gaza and elsewhere.

The last major popular campaigns among Palestinians to challenge Israel have mostly run the same course. The “metal detector” protests, which some predicted would be a “third intifada” didn’t create a mass movement, although Israel did remove the metal detectors outside the Temple Mount in July 2017 shortly after installing them. The protests opposing US President Donald Trump’s decision to move the US embassy to Jerusalem were also supposed to ignite a new intifada. It didn’t. Over the years the same has been said again and again, “this could be the spark of the third intifada.”

There is a feeling that the world no longer notices Palestinians deaths in Gaza. When six Arabs were killed in protests in Israel in 1976 the event became “land day”, commemorated annually since. Twelve Arab citizens of Israel were killed in 2000 during the outbreak of the Second Intifada and the killings led to the Or Commission of Inquiry. These protests in Gaza have resulted in around thirty deaths so far and it’s unclear if they will be as significant. So far they have not been sustained during the weekdays, only appearing on Friday, and already seeing less numbers of participants.

Israel appears to have checked Hamas at every move it makes. It made rockets, so Israel created the Iron Dome. It built tunnels, so Israel found a way to stop them. It trained “naval commandos” and Israel stopped them. It sent tens of thousands of people to the border, and they didn’t get through.

(full article online)

Waiting for Godot next to Gaza: 'Tire Protest' misses the mark
Both Saudi Arabia and Egypt have called on militant organization Hamas to end the annual weekly protests it is holding for the "Great March of Return," according to an Egyptian source.

An Egyptian Foreign Ministry official was anonymously quoted as saying that, in exchange for halting the protests, Egypt would ensure that the Rafah border crossing, which Egypt controls, would be regularly opened. The source said that the agreement had come under the direction of the Saudis.

(full article online)

Report: Egypt, Saudi Arabia urge Hamas to end 'Great March of Return' protests

Good for them.
Former Israel Defense Forces spokesman Peter Lerner published on his Twitter account documentation of Palestinian Arab demonstrations near the Gaza Strip fence yesterday, including the flying of a Palestinian flag with a swastika on it

"Hamas is a terrorist organization that supports genocide," Lerner wrote.

Above the video, Lerner wrote: "The answer, my friends, is waving in the wind."

(full article and video online)

Watch: Palestinian flag flies with swastika
[ Israel did exactly as I fought it needed to do with the smoke. Used big fans]

Palestinian holds tyres at the Israel-Gaza border during a protest demanding the right to return to their homeland, east of Gaza City April 6, 2018 / MOHAMMED SALEM/ REUTERS


Palestinian media reported that IDF forces are using giant fans to dispense the smoke while the IDF Spokesperson declared the border fence a closed military zone and warned the IDF would not allow it to be breached.

(full article online)

Into the black smoke: Inside the 'Great March of Return'

[ And in the coming days and weeks, the Gaza People will find out what their leaders brilliant idea of burning tires has brought to their environment ]

^^^^^^incompetent Palestinian morons^^^^^^
So funny.
I'm not saying that any journalists deserve to be shot; we don't know the circumstances behind any shooting. We do know with a pretty high degree of certainty that Gazans have been shot by other Gazans purely to score anti-Israel propaganda points. So anyone who is reporting on any death at the Gaza border and blaming it purely on Israel without the proper caveats is not engaging in journalism but in pushing more anti-Israel propaganda.

(full article online)

Hamas is the party that weaponizes journalists (cartoon) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
As Hamas’s ability to kill Israelis diminished over the past decade, it used the tragic deaths of Palestinians during confrontations with the IDF as a tool in its propaganda war against Israel, but even this strategy has lost its power to incite the Arab street and force the hands of leaders in the Middle East to attack Israel. As the Gaza riots have unfolded, Egypt has told Hamas to bring them to an end and a Saudi Arabian has acknowledged what Hamas keeps denying – the Israelis have a right to their own land.

A number of factors were necessary to degrade Hamas’ status as a player in the Middle East — which was rooted almost entirely in its ability and willingness to kill and terrorize Jews.

First, the construction of the security barrier between Israel and population centers in the West Bank made it harder for terrorists to murder Israelis in suicide bombings. Second, Israel’s missile defense system assured Israelis that for the most part they will be safe from Hamas rocket attacks, as frightening as they are. Third, Israel was aggressive in confronting Hamas tunnel-digging into Israel. As a result of these strategies — and intense intelligence gathering — Hamas simply can’t get close enough to Israeli civilians to kill them.

All this has forced Hamas to go for broke with something akin to a people’s march on Israel. Salting crowds of civilians with armed Hamas operatives who use these civilians as cover as they attempt to pierce Israel’s defensive barrier is a war crime that has gone unnoticed by the international media, which has fixated on the Palestinian deaths.

But even with the poor coverage, the average person can see the riots for what they are — an attempted invasion. The riots will continue and the death toll will rise, but eventually, Hamas will run out of young men to put in harm’s way and the inhabitants of Gaza will get sick of being used as human shields for failed attacks on Israel and stop showing up at the fence.

(full article online)

Don’t be fooled: Hamas is losing

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