Palestinians set fire to Jewish shrine

Proved it already by the words of the disclaimer - no obligation to the truth = fictional.
This is their official disclaimer...

The views expressed in Global Research articles are the sole responsibility of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). The Centre for Research on Globalization will not be held responsible or liable for any inaccurate or incorrect statements contained in Global Research articles. Global Research reserves the right to remove articles from the website.
...where does it say "no obligation to the truth"?

You know, its really disgusting seeing you fuckers blame others for the shit you do. I'm not the problem and GR is not the problem. YOU are the fucking problem. YOU.
Your reading comprehension has nothing to do with it, right?
"The views expressed in Global Research articles are the sole responsibility of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). The Centre for Research on Globalization will not be held responsible or liable for any inaccurate or incorrect statements contained in Global Research articles."
I Bet fourth grade was the hardest...So let me help you out, this disclaimer is a license to publish bullshit and lies, get it?
GRC.Ca can say whatever they want without facing lawsuits for defaming, there is no barrier stopping them from telling lies, therefore they are not credible and considered fictional.
Europe, apparently FORGOT what they once knew!

Your reading comprehension has nothing to do with it, right?
"The views expressed in Global Research articles are the sole responsibility of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). The Centre for Research on Globalization will not be held responsible or liable for any inaccurate or incorrect statements contained in Global Research articles."

First, lets get this out of the way. You said their disclaimer said...

"no obligation to the truth"

...which it doesn't say, so you fuckin' lied!

I Bet fourth grade was the hardest...
Yes it was.

So let me help you out, this disclaimer is a license to publish bullshit and lies, get it?
How the fuck would you know? You never get around to addressing the claims therein, so you never prove its bullshit. You only "say" it is. You're too hung up on the fact that a Canadian based, non-partisan, non-profit alternative media outlet, happened to publish something you didn't like to see. Fucking grow up!

GRC.Ca can say whatever they want without facing lawsuits for defaming, there is no barrier stopping them from telling lies, therefore they are not credible and considered fictional.
You think they should be held liable for something someone else said or did?

What if your brothers friend happened to yell some racial epitaph at someone walking by and they called the cops. You think the cops should take you to jail, because he was standing on your property when he said it?
Joseph the best guy in the OT. Grew up Egyptian according to their bible. Hey payback for the zealots setting fire to the Fishes and Loaves churches.

It was on their land and I think the big thing was at night Hebrews under armed guards could come and visit the tomb, whereas, the Palestinians do not have access to the temple mount unless specified by the Zionist.

That right the Palestinians allow the Jews a few short hours every year to enter the tomb, the rest of the time the Palestinians use it as a toilet and desecrate the objects inside. The muslims were allowed unhindered access to the temple mount until they started the violence just recently, then the IDF stopped all access for males between the ages of 14 and 30 while still allowing all other people access. Maybe it is time for the carbuncles to burn in an act of god ?

"Hundreds of Palestinian rioters attempted to set fire to the Joseph's Tomb compound in Nablus on Friday morning, according to reports by Israel radio.

The crowds were dispersed and the fire was brought under control by Palestinian police before IDF forces could arrive on the scene.

The religious site suffered severe damage in the fire. There were no reports of injuries.

The IDF said that it will repair the site in order to allow worshipers to enter. Furthermore, the military's statement said that this incident is being viewed with the utmost severity, adding that it will work to identify and stop the arsonists."

Joseph's Tomb set ablaze by Palestinian rioters

"Joseph's tomb has been venerated for centuries by Jews, Samaritans, Christians and Muslims."

Nothing is sacred to these animals.

But but but, "it's the occupation".
Joseph the best guy in the OT. Grew up Egyptian according to their bible. Hey payback for the zealots setting fire to the Fishes and Loaves churches.

It was on their land and I think the big thing was at night Hebrews under armed guards could come and visit the tomb, whereas, the Palestinians do not have access to the temple mount unless specified by the Zionist.
Amazing, the gibberish that comes out of that deranged mind of yours. Are you mixing alcohol with the drugs for your mental illness?

Hey I guess that is what you get for bulldozing more homes down. I though you hebews do not worship idols and that is what his shrine is. Hey its their land right? Oh wait no, they are just squatting due to the mercy of the Hebrews.

Think about long and hard, if it was arab muslim land then a Jewish shrine would not be built there would it. So it must mean that the land was Jewish before the illegal arab muslim terrorists set up shop.
Joseph the best guy in the OT. Grew up Egyptian according to their bible. Hey payback for the zealots setting fire to the Fishes and Loaves churches.

It was on their land and I think the big thing was at night Hebrews under armed guards could come and visit the tomb, whereas, the Palestinians do not have access to the temple mount unless specified by the Zionist.

Joseph's Tomb is the third most sacred place in Judaism. Just like Al-Aqsa to the Muslims.

I guess it gives us permission to burn down that damn mosque? since we push to equality and all that crap?

Imagine if we dared even thinking going down that road.....

Palestinians= ISIS.

They prove each time there's hardly any difference. Beheading, burning sacred places... I wonder what's next.

Find the section in the koran that says the mosque on the temple mount is the third most holy site for muslims. It was not even built until 35 years after the death of mo'mad, and the real al aqsa is on the outskirts of medina. Burn the carbuncles to the ground and tell abbass it was his fault for inciting the intifada. Then turn the temple mount into a garrison and fire at any Palestinians that approach it
Your reading comprehension has nothing to do with it, right?
"The views expressed in Global Research articles are the sole responsibility of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). The Centre for Research on Globalization will not be held responsible or liable for any inaccurate or incorrect statements contained in Global Research articles."

First, lets get this out of the way. You said their disclaimer said...

"no obligation to the truth"

...which it doesn't say, so you fuckin' lied!

I Bet fourth grade was the hardest...
Yes it was.

So let me help you out, this disclaimer is a license to publish bullshit and lies, get it?
How the fuck would you know? You never get around to addressing the claims therein, so you never prove its bullshit. You only "say" it is. You're too hung up on the fact that a Canadian based, non-partisan, non-profit alternative media outlet, happened to publish something you didn't like to see. Fucking grow up!

GRC.Ca can say whatever they want without facing lawsuits for defaming, there is no barrier stopping them from telling lies, therefore they are not credible and considered fictional.
You think they should be held liable for something someone else said or did?

What if your brothers friend happened to yell some racial epitaph at someone walking by and they called the cops. You think the cops should take you to jail, because he was standing on your property when he said it?

Then what does this mean "The views expressed in Global Research articles are the sole responsibility of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).The Centre for Research on Globalization will not be held responsible or liable for any inaccurate or incorrect statements contained in Global Research articles."

How many times did you fail it

It is very biased and partisan if you look, but then you don't see the Jew hatred endemic in their writtings

No they should be held accountable for proving the veracity and truthfulness of their reports, and if they use quotes then they should stipulate that they don't have any substantive evidence to support the persons POV. That is how a real media source would work

They could as an accessory to the crime, and because you did not stop them for incitement
Your reading comprehension has nothing to do with it, right?
"The views expressed in Global Research articles are the sole responsibility of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). The Centre for Research on Globalization will not be held responsible or liable for any inaccurate or incorrect statements contained in Global Research articles."

First, lets get this out of the way. You said their disclaimer said...

"no obligation to the truth"

...which it doesn't say, so you fuckin' lied!

I Bet fourth grade was the hardest...
Yes it was.

So let me help you out, this disclaimer is a license to publish bullshit and lies, get it?
How the fuck would you know? You never get around to addressing the claims therein, so you never prove its bullshit. You only "say" it is. You're too hung up on the fact that a Canadian based, non-partisan, non-profit alternative media outlet, happened to publish something you didn't like to see. Fucking grow up!

GRC.Ca can say whatever they want without facing lawsuits for defaming, there is no barrier stopping them from telling lies, therefore they are not credible and considered fictional.
You think they should be held liable for something someone else said or did?

What if your brothers friend happened to yell some racial epitaph at someone walking by and they called the cops. You think the cops should take you to jail, because he was standing on your property when he said it?

Then what does this mean "The views expressed in Global Research articles are the sole responsibility of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).The Centre for Research on Globalization will not be held responsible or liable for any inaccurate or incorrect statements contained in Global Research articles."

How many times did you fail it

It is very biased and partisan if you look, but then you don't see the Jew hatred endemic in their writtings

No they should be held accountable for proving the veracity and truthfulness of their reports, and if they use quotes then they should stipulate that they don't have any substantive evidence to support the persons POV. That is how a real media source would work

They could as an accessory to the crime, and because you did not stop them for incitement
No obligation to the truth means they can publish.quoting "inaccurate and incorrect statements" yet not to be held responsible, so there is no barrier stopping them from publishing falsehood, and they have no obligation to be publish truth, so it's all fictional, next.
No obligation to the truth means they can publish.quoting "inaccurate and incorrect statements" yet not to be held responsible, so there is no barrier stopping them from publishing falsehood, and they have no obligation to be publish truth, so it's all fictional, next.
Cut the crap! We both know you're just making up this bullshit, because you don't have a valid argument with which to prove it fictional.
No obligation to the truth means they can publish.quoting "inaccurate and incorrect statements" yet not to be held responsible, so there is no barrier stopping them from publishing falsehood, and they have no obligation to be publish truth, so it's all fictional, next.
Cut the crap! We both know you're just making up this bullshit, because you don't have a valid argument with which to prove it fictional.

They say this same thing themselves on their website so why cant you read it and take it in. Or are you angry because you have been found wanting again

"Hundreds of Palestinian rioters attempted to set fire to the Joseph's Tomb compound in Nablus on Friday morning, according to reports by Israel radio.

The crowds were dispersed and the fire was brought under control by Palestinian police before IDF forces could arrive on the scene.

The religious site suffered severe damage in the fire. There were no reports of injuries.

The IDF said that it will repair the site in order to allow worshipers to enter. Furthermore, the military's statement said that this incident is being viewed with the utmost severity, adding that it will work to identify and stop the arsonists."

Joseph's Tomb set ablaze by Palestinian rioters

"Joseph's tomb has been venerated for centuries by Jews, Samaritans, Christians and Muslims."

Nothing is sacred to these animals.

But but but, "it's the occupation".
Joseph the best guy in the OT. Grew up Egyptian according to their bible. Hey payback for the zealots setting fire to the Fishes and Loaves churches.

It was on their land and I think the big thing was at night Hebrews under armed guards could come and visit the tomb, whereas, the Palestinians do not have access to the temple mount unless specified by the Zionist.
Amazing, the gibberish that comes out of that deranged mind of yours. Are you mixing alcohol with the drugs for your mental illness?

Hey I guess that is what you get for bulldozing more homes down. I though you hebews do not worship idols and that is what his shrine is. Hey its their land right? Oh wait no, they are just squatting due to the mercy of the Hebrews.

"Hundreds of Palestinian rioters attempted to set fire to the Joseph's Tomb compound in Nablus on Friday morning, according to reports by Israel radio.

The crowds were dispersed and the fire was brought under control by Palestinian police before IDF forces could arrive on the scene.

The religious site suffered severe damage in the fire. There were no reports of injuries.

The IDF said that it will repair the site in order to allow worshipers to enter. Furthermore, the military's statement said that this incident is being viewed with the utmost severity, adding that it will work to identify and stop the arsonists."

Joseph's Tomb set ablaze by Palestinian rioters

"Joseph's tomb has been venerated for centuries by Jews, Samaritans, Christians and Muslims."

Nothing is sacred to these animals.

But but but, "it's the occupation".
Joseph the best guy in the OT. Grew up Egyptian according to their bible. Hey payback for the zealots setting fire to the Fishes and Loaves churches.

It was on their land and I think the big thing was at night Hebrews under armed guards could come and visit the tomb, whereas, the Palestinians do not have access to the temple mount unless specified by the Zionist.
Amazing, the gibberish that comes out of that deranged mind of yours. Are you mixing alcohol with the drugs for your mental illness?

Hey I guess that is what you get for bulldozing more homes down. I though you hebews do not worship idols and that is what his shrine is. Hey its their land right? Oh wait no, they are just squatting due to the mercy of the Hebrews.

It's not their land, and even if it was, does that give the Muslim animals a right to set fire to another faith's holy shrine? (Muslims believe that Joseph is buried in the Tomb of the Patriarchs in Hebron.) Perhaps the fact that Joseph's Tomb is there irks them, because it's a reminder that it's not their land. And his shrine isn't an idol. Jews do not pray to Joseph, they're just praying to Hashem from a holy place. Or they ask Joseph to intercede for them before Hashem. Setting fire to a tomb is a disgrace, plain and simple.
Joseph the best guy in the OT. Grew up Egyptian according to their bible. Hey payback for the zealots setting fire to the Fishes and Loaves churches.

It was on their land and I think the big thing was at night Hebrews under armed guards could come and visit the tomb, whereas, the Palestinians do not have access to the temple mount unless specified by the Zionist.

The Muslim Wakf has control of the Temple Mount. Muslims have much more access to the Temple Mount than the Jews do, so what are you babbling about?
The Muslim Wakf has control of the Temple Mount. Muslims have much more access to the Temple Mount than the Jews do, so what are you babbling about?
More hasbara bullshit.

If they did have more access, they wouldn't be rioting.

Your fucking settlers are in need of a serious beat down.

They riot all the time dumbo, and if you look at the pictures and videos they collect in gangs on the Temple mount to stop others from using it when it is their time to do so. It is only the terrorist age class that is restricted not all the muslims as a means of policing the area, just as your police will ban certain groups from entering certain areas. Time to clean up your own act before you tell others to clean up thiers
They riot all the time dumbo, and if you look at the pictures and videos they collect in gangs on the Temple mount to stop others from using it when it is their time to do so. It is only the terrorist age class that is restricted not all the muslims as a means of policing the area, just as your police will ban certain groups from entering certain areas. Time to clean up your own act before you tell others to clean up thiers
As usual, you're full of shit.

Israel can get away with anything they want, and they know it and do whatever they want. EZE was right about them.
They riot all the time dumbo, and if you look at the pictures and videos they collect in gangs on the Temple mount to stop others from using it when it is their time to do so. It is only the terrorist age class that is restricted not all the muslims as a means of policing the area, just as your police will ban certain groups from entering certain areas. Time to clean up your own act before you tell others to clean up thiers
As usual, you're full of shit.

Look at your video again and all you see is a couple of Jews that went to look at the Temple mount as they are allowed under the agreements. Then the Palestinians rioted in their thousands so the police closed the mount to everyone. That is what happens when the Palestinians try and take the law into their own hands.

Did you read the description for the video

Published on Sep 13, 2015
Israeli forces have conducted a raid outside the Al-Aksa mosque, in Jerusalem. Eyewitnesses said stun grenades and tear gas were employed. Police claim they were acting to restore order after rioters attacked them with rocks and fireworks.

ACTING TO RESTORE ORDER after being attacked. And how holy was it when the Palestinians were destroying it to provide themselves with deadly weapons
Israel can get away with anything they want, and they know it and do whatever they want. EZE was right about them.

So you didn't see that the attackers were the Palestinians and the Police were there to keep order

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