Palestinians set fire to Jewish shrine

The Muslim Wakf has control of the Temple Mount. Muslims have much more access to the Temple Mount than the Jews do, so what are you babbling about?
More hasbara bullshit.

If they did have more access, they wouldn't be rioting.

Your fucking settlers are in need of a serious beat down.

Once again, the Muslim Wakf is in control of the Temple Mount. It's been that way since 1967, when Moshe Dayan handed the Muslims the keys to the Temple Mount after the miraculous Six-Day War. Palestinian kids also play soccer on their supposedly holy mountain.
Once again, the Muslim Wakf is in control of the Temple Mount. It's been that way since 1967, when Moshe Dayan handed the Muslims the keys to the Temple Mount after the miraculous Six-Day War.
Unless you're Buster Douglas, there's nothing miraculous about kicking someone's ass.

Palestinian kids also play soccer on their supposedly holy mountain.
Those kids need to watch that soccer play, everyone knows soccer is a threat to Israeli national security.

"Kids playing soccer? Alright, light'em up!"
Joseph the best guy in the OT. Grew up Egyptian according to their bible. Hey payback for the zealots setting fire to the Fishes and Loaves churches.

It was on their land and I think the big thing was at night Hebrews under armed guards could come and visit the tomb, whereas, the Palestinians do not have access to the temple mount unless specified by the Zionist.


The Palestinians only allow access at night and on certain days, the rest of the time it is off limits.

The arab muslims are allowed access to the temple mount at all times providing they are not males aged between 17 and 35

"Hundreds of Palestinian rioters attempted to set fire to the Joseph's Tomb compound in Nablus on Friday morning, according to reports by Israel radio.

The crowds were dispersed and the fire was brought under control by Palestinian police before IDF forces could arrive on the scene.

The religious site suffered severe damage in the fire. There were no reports of injuries.

The IDF said that it will repair the site in order to allow worshipers to enter. Furthermore, the military's statement said that this incident is being viewed with the utmost severity, adding that it will work to identify and stop the arsonists."

Joseph's Tomb set ablaze by Palestinian rioters

"Joseph's tomb has been venerated for centuries by Jews, Samaritans, Christians and Muslims."

Nothing is sacred to these animals.

But but but, "it's the occupation".
Joseph the best guy in the OT. Grew up Egyptian according to their bible. Hey payback for the zealots setting fire to the Fishes and Loaves churches.

It was on their land and I think the big thing was at night Hebrews under armed guards could come and visit the tomb, whereas, the Palestinians do not have access to the temple mount unless specified by the Zionist.
Amazing, the gibberish that comes out of that deranged mind of yours. Are you mixing alcohol with the drugs for your mental illness?

Hey I guess that is what you get for bulldozing more homes down. I though you hebews do not worship idols and that is what his shrine is. Hey its their land right? Oh wait no, they are just squatting due to the mercy of the Hebrews.

Have you seen copies of the land registry showing that it is arab muslim land. You might find that the last real entry names Jews as the lands legal owners

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