Palin: 'I'm engaged in the internal deliberations' for 2012 run

This woman is a severe threat to our freedom and way of life. It is a mistake to laugh at her, IMO.
I love it when they can't decide if she's a feckless dunce or someone calculating enough to rob America blind of its freedoms under its very noses.

Besides, we already have dilemma that in Barack Obama.
You know......I kinda DO hope she runs.

BTW.......her facade is starting to wear through........even FAUX Nooze is starting to dis Princess Bendy Straws............

No one doubts that she will run. But will she run as a Republican or a Tea Bagger? If she doesn't win the GOP nomination, will she then run as a Tea Bagger?

At least if she runs there will be something as big as the National Defiicit out there...her ego.
I know many Republicans that hate Sarah Palin. She and Todd kept the McCain campaign in a termoil. She is probably the greatest danger facing this country, at this point in History. The woman is a ditz and..which will eventually sink her...a quitter.

I see her running for the GOP nomination, losing it and, because he ego is the size of outer space, she runs as a Tea Bagger. She will again doom the GOP with her unabated ambition and delusional self worth. Maybe she will run with Todd. That would be quaint.
I know many Republicans that hate Sarah Palin. She and Todd kept the McCain campaign in a termoil. She is probably the greatest danger facing this country, at this point in History. The woman is a ditz and..which will eventually sink her...a quitter.

I see her running for the GOP nomination, losing it and, because he ego is the size of outer space, she runs as a Tea Bagger. She will again doom the GOP with her unabated ambition and delusional self worth. Maybe she will run with Todd. That would be quaint.
Explain in detail how this woman is the greatest danger facing this country. Feel free to talk policy.
I know many Republicans that hate Sarah Palin. She and Todd kept the McCain campaign in a termoil. She is probably the greatest danger facing this country, at this point in History. The woman is a ditz and..which will eventually sink her...a quitter.

I see her running for the GOP nomination, losing it and, because he ego is the size of outer space, she runs as a Tea Bagger. She will again doom the GOP with her unabated ambition and delusional self worth. Maybe she will run with Todd. That would be quaint.
Explain in detail how this woman is the greatest danger facing this country.

She was born.
I know many Republicans that hate Sarah Palin. She and Todd kept the McCain campaign in a termoil. She is probably the greatest danger facing this country, at this point in History. The woman is a ditz and..which will eventually sink her...a quitter.

I see her running for the GOP nomination, losing it and, because he ego is the size of outer space, she runs as a Tea Bagger. She will again doom the GOP with her unabated ambition and delusional self worth. Maybe she will run with Todd. That would be quaint.
Explain in detail how this woman is the greatest danger facing this country.

She was born.
Come on. Lets talk policy. What about her policies that deems her a threat to the country.
No one doubts that she will run. But will she run as a Republican or a Tea Bagger? If she doesn't win the GOP nomination, will she then run as a Tea Bagger?

At least if she runs there will be something as big as the National Defiicit out there...her ego.

I doubt she will run. Way to speak for everyone.
I agree Dr. T...they were quite similar on the major issues.

But from an ideological standpoint, they were worlds apart.

And anyone paying attention would have seen that.

I think it's a lot harder to divine a politician's real "ideology" in the current information-overload world we live in. I, and most people I know always knew Obama to be the middle-of-the-roader that he turned out to be - where most Conservatives seem to think that Obama was and is the farthest left politician in history.

Yes, we see him as far left as we are far right.
And, yes, his decisions have been closer to the middle on the most part.
But his ideology is one of far left and that ideology allows him to push his policies that wind up being just left of center which, as the polls show,is not where most Americans are. Most Americns are just right of center.
That being said, John McCain, for good or bad, would have policies that were more right of center than left of center.
My opinion of Mr. Obama has nothing to do with the rhetoric. It has to do strictly with how I percieve him to be based on what he says and how he says it.
What he does as it pertains to policy? That has to do whith support from Congress.
ion and delusional self worth. Maybe she will run with Todd. That would be quaint.
Explain in detail how this woman is the greatest danger facing this country. Feel free to talk policy.[/QUOTE]

Because she's an idiot when it comes to foreign policy. Couric proved that. This woman will make policies based on hackneyed cliches...not the tough, sophisticated knowledge a president should have to face critical issues.

She's a prom queen with glasses. You love her and want to have her babies so you can't be objective. She'd get us into some nuclear stand off.

She can't see Russia from her front porch. She hasn't done any substantive international policy negotiating. And her simplistic, hegemonic approach is ridiculously dangerous.

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