Palin on Ukraine: I told you so

I don't want Palin to be President, but I sure do love the way she drives Lefties to slobbering fits!!

And she's definitely not a, "dumb broad".

These are "stupid broads:
Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Sheila Jackson Lee
Maxine Waters
Nancy Pelosi
Fredrica Wilson

Palin is as dumb as a post. Anybody who thinks any different...well, says a lot about them.

She doesn't drive them into fits at all. The only fits I've seen lefties have over Palin are those of laughter...

Who do you think is smarter, her or Biden?
Why is it that every time I think of Palin, I am reminded of Goldie Hawn?

Dean Martin and Goldie Hawn - Dumb Is Beautiful - But Kaleidoscope Means... I Love You - YouTube

You're insulting Ms. Hawn.

True. But you have to give Sarah credit. She became far richer than Goldie, by being dumb.

I don't know about that.

Palin has certainly done well for herself and her family. Good for them!

But Goldie has been making millions for decades.

I don't know her net worth but she is an actor and producer and has been in show biz since before Rowan & Martin's "Laugh-In" in the late 60's.

She starred in several big hit films.
looking for the Ukraine - or maybe America

OMG! The world IS flat!

Thanks for the entertaining thread, y'all.

Henry Beetle, you are smoof.

Sarah has her moments, unlike some in politics. On this topic, she was right on.
How the fuck would Caribou Barbie know what's going in the situation room of the White House?

How the fuck would she even have a clue about meetings and briefings the President has had?

She doesn't have any security clearance at all.

Show her a blank map of Russia she couldn't tell you where Ukraine is?

Shame on CNN. This is not news. This is bullshit.

If you can find the Ukraine on a map of Russia you are quite the magician! The Ukraine isn't in Russia. :eusa_angel:
How the fuck would Caribou Barbie know what's going in the situation room of the White House?

How the fuck would she even have a clue about meetings and briefings the President has had?

She doesn't have any security clearance at all.

Show her a blank map of Russia she couldn't tell you where Ukraine is?

Shame on CNN. This is not news. This is bullshit.

If you can find the Ukraine on a map of Russia you are quite the magician! The Ukraine isn't in Russia. :eusa_angel:

Liberals aren't into facts unless they support the Liberal's argument.
I've never been a Palin fan, but I have to give her credit on this one

and now russia is getting a foothold in central america


I believe the Russians & Chinese have formed an alliance with Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela and these nations will assist them in the invasion of the United States. Mexico is their gateway.

I don't believe the Ukraine is going to effect us but China invading Taiwan will. That is when it is expected that Putin will respond to our defense of Taiwan with an invasion. The Russians have had these plans for decades. America has never been weaker and there has never been a better opportunity for the Russians to fulfill their dream of an attack on the United States of America. I'm glad to see peole are finally paying attention to what the Russians are up to. It gives me hope for our people. Not for our nation but for the american people - yes - most definitely.
Okay, now THIS is truly funny.

Teh same ditz who didn't know Africa is a continent, didn't know Queen Elizabeth is not the head of govt in GB, did not know the difference between North and South Korea, did not know ...

You get the idea.

She didn't know the same things the rw's who love her don't know.

President Obama has done exactly the right thing. Be grateful $arah can't get her hands on a red phone or a red button.

Obama thought there were 57 states and draws meaningless red lines.
05:36 PM ET
1 hour ago
Palin on Ukraine: I told you so

(CNN) - Sarah Palin may be having a bragging rights moment.

In 2008, when she was the GOP vice presidential nominee, Palin questioned in a speech whether then-Sen. Barack Obama would have the foreign policy credentials to handle a scenario in which Russian President Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine.

"After the Russian army invaded the nation of Georgia, Senator Obama's reaction was one of indecision and moral equivalence – the kind of response that would only encourage Russia's Putin to invade Ukraine next," she said in Reno, Nevada on October 21, 2008.

The former Alaska governor was happy to highlight her prediction on Friday and scold those who criticized her 2008 comments.

"Yes, I could see this one from Alaska," she said on Facebook. That remark was a reference to a 2008 interview in which Palin argued that Alaska's proximity to Russia helped boost her foreign policy experience.

Saturday Night Live parodied her remarks in a now-famous sketch with Tina Fey, who played Palin on the show, saying "I can see Russia from my house."

On Facebook, Palin continued to explain how she anticipated a growing crisis between Russia and Ukraine, where there has now been an uncontested arrival of Russian military forces by air at a Russian base in Ukraine's Crimea region. They are believed to be Russian land forces, according to a U.S. assessment.

Political tension grows in Ukraine's Crimea region

"I'm usually not one to Told-Ya-So, but I did, despite my accurate prediction being derided as 'an extremely far-fetched scenario' by the 'high-brow' Foreign Policy magazine."

In October 2008, Foreign Policy labeled Palin's prediction as "strange."

From Russia, no love for Yanukovych

Palin on Ukraine: I told you so ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

So which one is better?

A leftist who weakens America but is well read?

Or a genuine American whose instincts are spot on and whose heart bleeds Red White & Blue?

I'll take the latter every day of the week and twice on Sundays!

Sarah Palin can smile all the way to the bank.

Good for her.

Fuck her critics.


“After the Russian army invaded the nation of Georgia, Senator Obama’s reaction was one of indecision and moral equivalence – the kind of response that would only encourage Russia’s Putin to invade Ukraine next.”--Sarah Palin 2008
Okay, now THIS is truly funny.

Teh same ditz who didn't know Africa is a continent, didn't know Queen Elizabeth is not the head of govt in GB, did not know the difference between North and South Korea, did not know ...

You get the idea.

She didn't know the same things the rw's who love her don't know.

President Obama has done exactly the right thing. Be grateful $arah can't get her hands on a red phone or a red button.


For the unenlightened!

As to the question of whether one can actually see Russia from Alaska, Governor Palin was correct: such a view is possible from more than one site in that state. A Slate article on the topic noted that:
In the middle of the Bering Strait are two small, sparsely populated islands: Big Diomede, which sits in Russian territory, and Little Diomede, which is part of the United States. At their closest, these two islands are a little less than two and a half miles apart, which means that, on a clear day, you can definitely see one from the other.

Read more at I Can See Russia from My House
Okay, now THIS is truly funny.

Teh same ditz who didn't know Africa is a continent, didn't know Queen Elizabeth is not the head of govt in GB, did not know the difference between North and South Korea, did not know ...

You get the idea.

She knew THIS:

"After the Russian army invaded the nation of Georgia, Senator Obama's reaction was one of indecision and moral equivalence – the kind of response that would only encourage Russia's Putin to invade Ukraine next," she said in Reno, Nevada on October 21, 2008.

And none of you Obamabutts did.

in fact they thought it was impossible
Sha asked a question that she knew Obama could not honestly answer.

Why could he not answer that?

Because he knew, as a potential POTUS, that IF he'd answered that THEORETICAL question, he would be alienating people he'd have to deal with while in office.

He could not INSULT Russia as a potential POTUS,

Sara, OTOH, was never a potential POTUS so her posing the question was no big deal.

Complex politics, yes, but clearly smart politics on both their parts.

Why do you people listen to Palin on this broad? I really don't understand how one could be so dense to admire Palin. It blows my mind. She is an idiot. Like the worst kind of political idiot. Probably even worse than Glenn Beck. So what if she made a semi correct prediction about two countries who have always had problems? What else exactly gives her any credibility? Absolutely nothing.

Only a dumbass thinks they are smarter than someone that got elected Governor of a state. And there are several posting on this thread.
I don't want Palin to be President, but I sure do love the way she drives Lefties to slobbering fits!!

And she's definitely not a, "dumb broad".

These are "stupid broads:
Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Sheila Jackson Lee
Maxine Waters
Nancy Pelosi
Fredrica Wilson

Palin is as dumb as a post. Anybody who thinks any different...well, says a lot about them.

She doesn't drive them into fits at all. The only fits I've seen lefties have over Palin are those of laughter...

Just as soon as you get elected as Governor of a state, tell me about being dumb. Untill then, you are the one I am laughing at.
Obama warned Putin not to invade Ukraine, he said there would be a cost to pay. So I guess that settles that.
Okay, now THIS is truly funny.

Teh same ditz who didn't know Africa is a continent, didn't know Queen Elizabeth is not the head of govt in GB, did not know the difference between North and South Korea, did not know ...

You get the idea.

She knew THIS:

"After the Russian army invaded the nation of Georgia, Senator Obama's reaction was one of indecision and moral equivalence – the kind of response that would only encourage Russia's Putin to invade Ukraine next," she said in Reno, Nevada on October 21, 2008.

And none of you Obamabutts did.

Wait, what?

You guys are blaming Obama for Georgia?

Bush was President.
Okay, now THIS is truly funny.

Teh same ditz who didn't know Africa is a continent, didn't know Queen Elizabeth is not the head of govt in GB, did not know the difference between North and South Korea, did not know ...

You get the idea.

She didn't know the same things the rw's who love her don't know.

President Obama has done exactly the right thing. Be grateful $arah can't get her hands on a red phone or a red button.


For the unenlightened!

As to the question of whether one can actually see Russia from Alaska, Governor Palin was correct: such a view is possible from more than one site in that state. A Slate article on the topic noted that:
In the middle of the Bering Strait are two small, sparsely populated islands: Big Diomede, which sits in Russian territory, and Little Diomede, which is part of the United States. At their closest, these two islands are a little less than two and a half miles apart, which means that, on a clear day, you can definitely see one from the other.

Read more at I Can See Russia from My House

She said it gave her foreign policy expertise.

[ame=]Sarah Palin Discusses Russia With Katie Couric - YouTube[/ame]

Or something like that.

I dunno. It's hard to tell from her "madlib" gibberish.
How the fuck would Caribou Barbie know what's going in the situation room of the White House?

How the fuck would she even have a clue about meetings and briefings the President has had?

She doesn't have any security clearance at all.

Show her a blank map of Russia she couldn't tell you where Ukraine is?

Shame on CNN. This is not news. This is bullshit.

Indeed. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

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