Palin tried to ban books

The "Palin tried to Ban Books" is yet another of the lies spread by the Left which now sits in the 'debunked' pile... Turns out the list of books she supposedly tried to ban included books which were yet to be published...

But isn't it wild how the thread was hijacked with tired complaints spewing the same tired lies that the US liberation of Iraq was illegal?

It's very much akin to the denials by Hussein's campaign that he was 'NEVER a Muslim...' have disappeared since the proof that this is a lie, proven by the numerous documents wherein his Mother lists him as a Muslim and interviews by those that knew him, teachers and faily friends that stated emphatically that he was a Muslim.

Actually the Iraq thing started out with me making a sarcastic comment to Dive about neg repping people who "believe lies."

And then it has come to this. Personally, I'm ready to go back to the original topic anytime Dive is ready.
actually, that secoind one was not a lie
look into the O4F thing a little closer
seems he was using that to put funds into al qaeda front companies
we have no data proving any connection to 9/11, but there were connections

Perhaps you are referring to this?

Hot Air Blog Archive Saddam supported at least two al-Qaeda groups: Pentagon Update: What it means

Saddam and Osama basically ran in the same groups. That doesn't mean that Saddam was directly supporting Osama. If anything, Osama hated Saddam.

Though I found this, quite interesting.

Brother Socrates and Kids: The War in Iraq
Actually the Iraq thing started out with me making a sarcastic comment to Dive about neg repping people who "believe lies."

And then it has come to this. Personally, I'm ready to go back to the original topic anytime Dive is ready.
so, are you ready to admit Palin never tried to ban a single book?
and that the OP of this thread is nothing but politically motivated lies?
um, you used the blog of a 14 year old as proof?


Not proof, just a interesting find.

Hence the words though I found this, quite interesting.

Don't jump all over it foaming from the mouth just quite yet. :lol:
They don't want to discuss their discredited lies... The left lacks intellectual honesty. That's why they spent 70 years trying to turn "fascism" into a 'rightwing' ideology and why they're presently trying to convince the world that Mao and Stalin were a couple of Right wingers that snuck in and screwed up yet another Left wing experiment...
Not proof, just a interesting find.

Hence the words though I found this, quite interesting.

Don't jump all over it foaming from the mouth just quite yet. :lol:
i dont foam at the mouth
but i did find it interesting
totally wrong, but interesting
so, are you ready to admit Palin never tried to ban a single book?
and that the OP of this thread is nothing but politically motivated lies?

Am I willing to admit that Palin never tried to ban a single book? No.

Unless you are a mind reader and know every single detail of Sarah Palin's life then we don't know if she has ever tried to ban a single book or wanted to.

I don't believe the OP of this thread is nothing but politically motivated lies.

If the OP of this thread is wrong, then the OP is wrong. However, I don't believe that you can just toss aside certain things so easily without examining it closely.

I've seen the evidence/proof that this is nothing but a lie. If that is the fact, then this is a lie. Plain and simple.
i dont foam at the mouth
but i did find it interesting
totally wrong, but interesting

My entire point in posting that link was me sharing something I found interesting. Soo yeah, my point has been made there. :lol:
They don't want to discuss their discredited lies... The left lacks intellectual honesty. That's why they spent 70 years trying to turn "fascism" into a 'rightwing' ideology and why they're presently trying to convince the world that Mao and Stalin were a couple of Right wingers that snuck in and screwed up yet another Left wing experiment...

I know I posted this before but all this talk about left and right. :lol:

[ame=]YouTube - Johnny Cash : the one on the right was the one on the left[/ame]
Yes... I'm familiar with it; been a Cash fan for 40 years. He was speaking of politicians; not ideologies. I'm not aware of the US Constitutional Conservatives, AKA: Classic Liberals as having any such problems, but I'll entertain the discussion if someone feels otherwise.

Cash fan for 40 years? Long time, good for you.

I know which he was speaking of, but I figured it'd just be a good video to post no less. :lol:
By one of you guys?

That's scary, if true. What a freaking wingnut she is.
no, by one of YOUR guys

since he books hadnt even been published, it is impossible to attempt to ban something that isnt published
By one of you guys?

That's scary, if true. What a freaking wingnut she is.

They are trying to distract attention from the fact that Palin asked about the procedure for banning books by claiming that some rumor went around about the actual books she wanted banned and that these books were as yet unpublished Harry Potter books. They think that making a big fuss about this supposed rumor will detract credibility about the other incidences, where she asked the librarian about banning procedures.
They are trying to distract attention from the fact that Palin asked about the procedure for banning books by claiming that some rumor went around about the actual books she wanted banned and that these books were as yet unpublished Harry Potter books. They think that making a big fuss about this supposed rumor will detract credibility about the other incidences, where she asked the librarian about banning procedures.
oh please

the list of lies that have been thrown at Palin is enormous, this is just another of that massively failed attempts at smear

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