Palin tried to ban books

To Glockenspiel and Divertercon - this was my one post on this subject.

No "lies", no "agreeing with lies", no "cheerleading" -- just a thanks for posting the Time Magazine article that I had heard about, but not seen.

I happen to find the idea of censorship highly offensive. Someone else pointed me to this thread when I brought up the subject this morning and I still have not had time to read everything.

Nice to meet you too, though, really. :eusa_whistle:
Don't mind them, they try to run anyone with a smidgen of sense off the boards. :eek:
I want certain points though, not to read this piece of garbage. I could barely stand watching it.

So you mean the whole Saddam/Osama connection that doesn't exist either? That connection?


No matter who uses this line, I find it funny. God loves us more then everyone else, hurrah! Oh wait, I thought God loved all his children equally? :eusa_whistle:
yeah, WMD was PART of it
but not ALL over it, you are being disingenuous to only post that part while ignoring the rest

as to that last bit, please show me where he said anything of the sort that YOU said, i can read what he said, and it wasnt even close to claiming we are loved any more than anyone else
unless you totally dont understand the concept
To Glockenspiel and Divertercon - this was my one post on this subject.

No "lies", no "agreeing with lies", no "cheerleading" -- just a thanks for posting the Time Magazine article that I had heard about, but not seen.

I happen to find the idea of censorship highly offensive. Someone else pointed me to this thread when I brought up the subject this morning and I still have not had time to read everything.

Nice to meet you too, though, really. :eusa_whistle:

Don't mind them, they try to run anyone with a smidgen of sense off the boards. :eek:
more lies
i havent tried to "run" anyone off these boards
if you cant handle it, then maybe you need to rethink your stands
and i dont find countering lies as censorship, you both need to learn the meaning of the word
To Glockenspiel and Divertercon - this was my one post on this subject.

No "lies", no "agreeing with lies", no "cheerleading" -- just a thanks for posting the Time Magazine article that I had heard about, but not seen.

I happen to find the idea of censorship highly offensive. Someone else pointed me to this thread when I brought up the subject this morning and I still have not had time to read everything.

Nice to meet you too, though, really. :eusa_whistle:
btw, fuck you with your "religious right wingers" bullshit
yeah, WMD was PART of it
but not ALL over it, you are being disingenuous to only post that part while ignoring the rest

as to that last bit, please show me where he said anything of the sort that YOU said, i can read what he said, and it wasnt even close to claiming we are loved any more than anyone else
unless you totally dont understand the concept

Dive, what were the other reasons?

Your not listing any, your giving me a giant Republican spin speech by Dubya himself saying go look for yourself.

"God Bless America"

Not God Bless Mankind, not God bless everyone, no, God bless America only. Which implies to me that Bush wants God to love and bless us more then all other children not in the USA.

[ame=]YouTube - George Carlin -God bless America[/ame]
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more lies
i havent tried to "run" anyone off these boards
if you cant handle it, then maybe you need to rethink your stands
and i dont find countering lies as censorship, you both need to learn the meaning of the word
I'm still waiting for you to admit that Palin did ask the question about banning books.
btw, fuck you with your "religious right wingers" bullshit

Okay! Who were all those people who were firming up that Republican base last week? Was that an athiest convention in Saint Paul? Sure, religious people aren't right wingers at all. I see you have a real grasp of the truth there divertercon, fuck YOU very much. :D
I'm still waiting for you to admit that Palin did ask the question about banning books.
uh, already done many posts ago, moron
she asked about the procedures, never asked for a book to be banned
UN Res 1441 ... Robert was looking for other justifications for invading Iraq ...
ah, oh, there was a slew of them, 667 and 668 was as well, wasnt it?

also firing on US planes in the no fly zones
violations of the cease-fire agreement
the human rights issues for the Iraqi's

and after we liberated them, we found the violations on the Oil for Food program
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ah, oh, there was a slew of them, 667 and 668 was as well, wasnt it?

also firing on US planes in the no fly zones
violations of the cease-fire agreement
the human rights issues for the Iraqi's

and after we liberated them, we found the violations on the Oil for Food program

Ayup ...

But WMD was the bait that got the American public hooked ...

Personally, I don't think that the administration could have sold the war without it ...
ah, oh, there was a slew of them, 667 and 668 was as well, wasnt it?

also firing on US planes in the no fly zones
violations of the cease-fire agreement
the human rights issues for the Iraqi's

and after we liberated them, we found the violations on the Oil for Food program

Firing on US planes in the no fly zones, link to that? I'm not saying it's false but I'd like to see a link.

Violation of the cease-fire agreement and the human rights issues for the Iraqi eh? I'm sorry, but remind me where the United States are the world police?

How come we're not invading China instead of giving them the olympics if you want to see Human rights issues for the reason being to invade Iraq.

And violations for the Oil for Food program. Don't tell me you were honestly surprised.

Say you take 100% of all aid given to countries,etc. How much of that aid you actually thinks get to the citizens in countries like Iraq, certain middle eastern countries, or African countries?
Firing on US planes in the no fly zones, link to that? I'm not saying it's false but I'd like to see a link.

Violation of the cease-fire agreement and the human rights issues for the Iraqi eh? I'm sorry, but remind me where the United States are the world police?

How come we're not invading China instead of giving them the olympics if you want to see Human rights issues for the reason being to invade Iraq.

And violations for the Oil for Food program. Don't tell me you were honestly surprised.

Say you take 100% of all aid given to countries,etc. How much of that aid you actually thinks get to the citizens in countries like Iraq, certain middle eastern countries, or African countries?
well, i'm not going to hunt for links to the firing on US and UK planes, that one should be a common knowledge thing

never said we were the world police, and that is why we're not invading China, but with Iraq, we had the cease-fire agreements

as to O4F, no, im not surprised, the fact that Saddam was running the WMD "inspectors" like the keystone cops means i would not put anything past Saddams attempts

on the note of "inspectors" their missions was not to FIND WMD, theirs was to confirm what was already KNOWN to have existed, was destroyed and documented
Saddam didnt allow them to do that
well, i'm not going to hunt for links to the firing on US and UK planes, that one should be a common knowledge thing

never said we were the world police, and that is why we're not invading China, but with Iraq, we had the cease-fire agreements

as to O4F, no, im not surprised, the fact that Saddam was running the WMD "inspectors" like the keystone cops means i would not put anything past Saddams attempts

on the note of "inspectors" their missions was not to FIND WMD, theirs was to confirm what was already KNOWN to have existed, was destroyed and documented
Saddam didnt allow them to do that

Well I haven't read about the US/UK planes being fired in a no fly zone in awhile. Here's one thing I found on the subject:

Middle East Report Online: No-Fly Zones: Rhetoric and Real Intentions , by Sarah Graham-Brown.

You can't use the point of Human rights as a reason we invaded Iraq. That's all I'm saying on that issue because we aren't invading even 1/4 of the countries that currently have their human rights abused.

Two of the biggest reasons we went into Iraq were:

1.) Saddam had massive amount of WMDs and was going to use them on the US.

2.) Saddam was connected to Osama Bin Laden with the attack on 9/11. (Which also turned out to be a falsehood.)

The top two reasons why we were going into Iraq were those two, the American people were lied to and now 4,000+ lives have been lost due to those lies.
Well I haven't read about the US/UK planes being fired in a no fly zone in awhile. Here's one thing I found on the subject:

Middle East Report Online: No-Fly Zones: Rhetoric and Real Intentions , by Sarah Graham-Brown.

You can't use the point of Human rights as a reason we invaded Iraq. That's all I'm saying on that issue because we aren't invading even 1/4 of the countries that currently have their human rights abused.

Two of the biggest reasons we went into Iraq were:

1.) Saddam had massive amount of WMDs and was going to use them on the US.

2.) Saddam was connected to Osama Bin Laden with the attack on 9/11. (Which also turned out to be a falsehood.)

The top two reasons why we were going into Iraq were those two, the American people were lied to and now 4,000+ lives have been lost due to those lies.
actually, that secoind one was not a lie
look into the O4F thing a little closer
seems he was using that to put funds into al qaeda front companies
we have no data proving any connection to 9/11, but there were connections
The "Palin tried to Ban Books" is yet another of the lies spread by the Left which now sits in the 'debunked' pile... Turns out the list of books she supposedly tried to ban included books which were yet to be published...

But isn't it wild how the thread was hijacked with tired complaints spewing the same tired lies that the US liberation of Iraq was illegal?

It's very much akin to the denials by Hussein's campaign that he was 'NEVER a Muslim...' have disappeared since the proof that this is a lie, proven by the numerous documents wherein his Mother lists him as a Muslim and interviews by those that knew him, teachers and faily friends that stated emphatically that he was a Muslim.

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