Paling boo'd at hockey game

Can you blame them? They wanted his magic bag full of presents. :rofl:

could you be any more moronic?

I went there on the 4th of July last year to see the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall.

Across the street was a plack stating that the first Homo Pride Parade happen there in Philly.

It was so Sad to see something that Sick and Disgusting was celebrated on the streets of the sacred ground of the birth of Democracy.

i guess thats a YES, you can be
Some were clapping. I heard a call though for killing that little kid and the retard too!

Such hate.
At least three people on this thread disagreed with what you heard.

It wasn't there.

It'd be more credible of you to just admit you were lying.
At least three people on this thread disagreed with what you heard.

It wasn't there.

It'd be more credible of you to just admit you were lying.

It's just more of the non-coverage of misbehaving radical liberals. They hate, just like they have for the past 8 years.
LOL! that's how we do it in Philly!

I don't know what she thought. I guess she thought that in Bethlehem they were received well by those rednecks (and yes there are a lot of racist white people there, i use to live around them) she thought she would be received well in Philly.
It's just more of the non-coverage of misbehaving radical liberals. They hate, just like they have for the past 8 years.
No, Kathianne, you stated that those comments were made on the video. They were not. You are lying. You are hating.
What a coward!

The "Pitbull with Lipstick" tried to use her seven year old daughter as a human shield to prevent getting booed.

FOX NEWS: Palin had hoped her daughter would shield her from the boos. Fox reports, "The GOP Vice-Presidential nominee said at an earlier fundraiser that she would stop some of the booing from the rowdy Philadelphia fans by putting her seven year old daughter, Piper in a Flyers jersey. She said, 'How dare they boo Piper!'"

What kind of coward, and what kind of PARENT uses their young child as a human shield?

If she knew she was going to get booed, she should have:

1) Not been a hate-promoting asshole in the first place; or

2) Taken her booing like an adult, and not exposed her child to it.

Palin Drops Puck at Flyer’s Game Receives Mixed Reaction FOX Embeds
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No, Kathianne, you stated that those comments were made on the video. They were not. You are lying. You are hating.

We all heard them Ravi, you just lie to prove your twist on what's going on this cycle. The left lies, the MSM repeats them.
Well it would be racism, especially if they were using racial slurs and telling him to go back to Africa.

No, it wouldn't be racism, unless perhaps they were using racial slurs and telling him to go back to Africa. Even then, the racial slurs may not be racism since many of these so-called 'racist words' are colloquialisms in the South.

Philly is known for booing people. Did you not fuckin read when I said they booed even Santa Claus?


Why the anger?
depends on how he feels about handguns and universal health care, but so far he's giving kirk a pretty good run for his money.
I don't know who this Kirk person is.

But as for me, I believe in the 2nd Amendment "Right to bear Arms" and would like to see the U.S. adopt some kind of universial health care.
I don't know who this Kirk person is.

But as for me, I believe in the 2nd Amendment "Right to bear Arms" and would like to see the U.S. adopt some kind of universial health care.

that's good; i like seeing someone strive toward a goal on their own merits.
i think you'll beat him handily if this thread is any example.

carry on.

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