Pals Protest Against Hamas, Hamas Responds with Violence


Hamas Violently Puts Down Riots Against Its Misrule in Gaza

Hamas Violently Puts Down Riots Against Its Misrule in Gaza

Did The Arabs-Moslems posing as "Pal'istanians" really expect islamic terrorist dictators to function as anything other than islamic terrorist dictators?
And once again all those who proclaim they care about the Palestinian people are exposed for what they really are - Jew hating hypocrites.
RE: Pals Protest Against Hamas, Hamas Responds with Violence
⁜→ Weatherman2020, et al,

OH no! Tell me it ain't so!


HAMAS would never violate the Human Rights of their own people (so I'm lead to believe). And the media (Press Corps and Independent Journalist) would never be pressured or coerced into publishing stories that don't fit the HAMAS and Hostile Arab Palestinian agenda.

Most Respectfully,

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