

Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2011
Carlson is a journalist.

In a letter written to Fox Corporation Executive Chairman and CEO Lachlan Murdoch, Greenblatt called Patriot Purge “dangerous misinformation,” and desperately pleaded with Murdoch to “reconsider airing” the program because it has the potential to make people angry with our public officials and elected leaders.

A little late for that. What are they worried about? The truth.
Carlson is a journalist.

Carlson is a hack who is attempting to raise Fox's profile from alt-right lite to king of the alt-right mountain. He is a sack of human effluence. He isn't a journalist. He's a right wing talk show host.
This is just proof positive that the Republican party and the ideology of conservatism is dead and buried. I mean we have a sitting US Senator implying the Nazi salute is OK and conservative groups
everywhere looking to ban books. Wonder how long it will be before we see them starting to be burned. :)
I'm sure good old Tuck will find some justification for it.
Carlson is a hack who is attempting to raise Fox's profile from alt-right lite to king of the alt-right mountain. He is a sack of human effluence. He isn't a journalist. He's a right wing talk show host.
This is just proof positive that the Republican party and the ideology of conservatism is dead and buried. I mean we have a sitting US Senator implying the Nazi salute is OK and conservative groups
everywhere looking to ban books. Wonder how long it will be before we see them starting to be burned. :)
I'm sure good old Tuck will find some justification for it.
The truth about Jan.6th is coming out. Deal with it. You assholes get caught every time. And you want to run a country?
That which is most dangerous right now is reinfocing the extremists' view that Trump won the election.
We've already heard an extremist asking when they can start killing people!

The 'when' comes when the fascist extreme become completely convinced that Biden stole the presidency.

Americans are in some very big trouble!
Carlson is a journalist.

In a letter written to Fox Corporation Executive Chairman and CEO Lachlan Murdoch, Greenblatt called Patriot Purge “dangerous misinformation,” and desperately pleaded with Murdoch to “reconsider airing” the program because it has the potential to make people angry with our public officials and elected leaders.

A little late for that. What are they worried about? The truth.
The truth is something that Tucker, FOX and Murdoch know nothing about and have been sued numerous times to stop the lies they spread.
That which is most dangerous right now is reinfocing the extremists' view that Trump won the election.
We've already heard an extremist asking when they can start killing people!

The 'when' comes when the fascist extreme become completely convinced that Biden stole the presidency.

Americans are in some very big trouble!
The most dangerous thing is a weaponized FBI and DOJ.
The truth about Jan.6th is coming out. Deal with it. You assholes get caught every time. And you want to run a country?
The truth about January 6th is already out. They even have an HBO special on know, if you're interested in the truth and not the alt-right spin.
It was insurrection. Because Trump lost. Then he threw a temper tantrum..but still lost.

Deal with it. Long past time for you snowflakes to move along. :)
Greenblatt called Patriot Purge “dangerous misinformation,”

Anything now which conflicts with the Leftist socialist agenda now is being called dangerous misinformation.

Leftists sit around in think tanks talking over Zoom dreaming this crap up taken from the pages of their favorite communists like Allinsky, Cloward and Piven.
Anything now which conflicts with the Leftist socialist agenda now is being called dangerous misinformation.

Leftists sit around in think tanks talking over Zoom dreaming this crap up taken from the pages of their favorite communists like Allinsky, Cloward and Piven.
Yeah, Trump is just doing a Hitler type of activity to enamor his Fuhrer.
The truth about January 6th is already out. They even have an HBO special on know, if you're interested in the truth and not the alt-right spin.
It was insurrection. Because Trump lost. Then he threw a temper tantrum..but still lost.

Deal with it. Long past time for you snowflakes to move along. :)
I love the smell of leftist desperation in the morning!
The truth about January 6th is already out. They even have an HBO special on it..
Leftist controlled HBO still putting out dangerous misinformation?

Sorry Jack, too late, all your tribe already made the mistake of admitting what happened last February when they all came forward in a Time piece to admit the 2020 election was a total fraud, hijacked by them.

I appreciate what the gentleman is doing, but at this point Fox News + Tucker have made their bed with insurrectionists and traitors. Let them do whatever...if they want to defend the loser of the 2020 election then so be it.

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