
The truth about January 6th is already out.

Exactly....Darren Beatty has discovered significant credible evidence that it was an FBI false flag.
Darren Beatty. Is that like Warren Beatty's or Ned Beatty's long lost, but much less successful relative? :)

The charges of fraud are incumbent upon you to prove since you are making the accusations.

Already proven here ten times over, Jerky. More than half the country knows it. And a year ago, it was ADMITTED to by all those I've listed in Time as well. Dead issue now, done deal.

Biden is a false president. A puppet.

I guess that's why you've never put up a shred of proof here to support your accusation that all the evidence had been debunked (proven false), much less how you "knew" that just days after the election.

Nothing Trump presented has EVER been proven wrong. All the evidence points to a political coup by the Democrats.
Already proven here ten times over, Jerky. More than half the country knows it. And a year ago, it was ADMITTED to by all those I've listed in Time as well. Dead issue now, done deal.

Biden is a false president. A puppet.

I guess that's why you've never put up a shred of proof here to support your accusation that all the evidence had been debunked (proven false), much less how you "knew" that just days after the election.

Nothing Trump presented has EVER been proven wrong. All the evidence points to a political coup by the Democrats.
Nothing proven Freaky. Just your same old dealing reverses. Again, it's not up to me to disprove something I can see DIDN'T happen. You are the one making the accusations. So far, all your side has lose court case after case, and all you've done is post links from article after article hawking conspiracy theories...that have been debunked.No one admitted to any such thing.

Biden is your President. I LOVE the fact that this slips under your paper thin skin.
Now, get back to your alt-right dungeon.
Carlson is a journalist.

In a letter written to Fox Corporation Executive Chairman and CEO Lachlan Murdoch, Greenblatt called Patriot Purge “dangerous misinformation,” and desperately pleaded with Murdoch to “reconsider airing” the program because it has the potential to make people angry with our public officials and elected leaders.

A little late for that. What are they worried about? The truth.

Oh heaven forfend we be "angry" at our elected officials!! We can't ever be angry at our Enlightened Ones, the gods of politics

puke, and good. They have our anger coming!
it's not up to me to disprove something I can see DIDN'T happen.
You already made your many empty claims starting back on November 6 saying there was nothing to see here and that all claims are baseless and have been debunked. To date, you still have not been able to support that claim by ANYTHING which shows anything ever being debunked, by who, how, when or where! :auiqs.jpg: FIRST you claimed your conclusions were based on court decisions, until I pointed out that most of those decisions were summary and not based on the actual merits of the evidence, then pointed out that even if those court decisions HAD proven Trump wrong, THEY DIDN'T FUCKING HAPPEN BEFORE NOVEMBER 6 when you first started making them! :21: There goes pumpkinhead once again basking in your transparent court of lies! :lmao:

You are the one making the accusations.
I've not made one accusation, shithead. Maybe you need checked for brain infarction. Did someone drop a garage door on your head? YOU are the only one here who has ever claimed anything, something now once again proven IMPOSSIBLE. Whadda moron. And never mind the 50 activist leftwing organizations who have long ago already come forward to ADMIT they rigged the election! Jack, if you are going to perennially embarrass yourself with flimsy lies, you might want to at least change them to something which doesn't make you a laughing stock before 1500 people.

Leftist controlled HBO still putting out dangerous misinformation?

Sorry Jack, too late, all your tribe already made the mistake of admitting what happened last February when they all came forward in a Time piece to admit the 2020 election was a total fraud, hijacked by them.

From the looks of things, Trump isn’t losing influence. According to the following report out by The Hill, anti-Trump Republicans are leaving the playing field…. well, at least this guy:

“While the 10 lawmakers who voted to impeach Trump saw their national profiles rise, leading to a surge in fundraising for some of them, their criticisms have also thrust them into political peril.”

“Kinzinger is the second of the 10 to announce an early retirement, following Rep. Anthony Gonzalez(R-Ohio), who was also thought to be a rising party star. And most of the remaining eight lawmakers are facing serious primary challenges.”
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From the looks of things, Trump isn’t losing influence.

The Left threw everything possible at Trump for five years! Including the kitchen sink, the wall it was mounted to and the plumbing, and they didn't cost Trump a single vote. Instead, he actually GAINED something like 5-6 million votes in 2020 from 2016!

The more they attack him, the more they show how much they fear being exposed by him, especially as charge after charge goes by and they've yet to get Trump on a parking ticket. They even stole his 2008 tax return somehow to prove he was hiding stuff, and all they proved was that Trump had overpaid his taxes! :21:
The Left threw everything possible at Trump for five years! Including the kitchen sink, the wall it was mounted to and the plumbing, and they didn't cost Trump a single vote. Instead, he actually GAINED something like 5-6 million votes in 2020 from 2016!

The more they attack him, the more they show how much they fear being exposed by him, especially as charge after charge goes by and they've yet to get Trump on a parking ticket. They even stole his 2008 tax return somehow to prove he was hiding stuff, and all they proved was that Trump had overpaid his taxes! :21:
I can’t claim the following as my own observation because I read it somewhere, but take away all the stated reasons anti-Trumpers give overwhelmingly from the left. Eliminate every single thing and it boils down to one thing…. they don’t like it that he publicly called out the establishment. No previous president in my lifetime has done this! Kind of like Trump being the first president to audit the defense department! How ludicrous that its never had an audit before, and due to Trump’s administration the DOD now claims its audit should be ready by 2027- no joke!

Well-read Dems know it but will cry foul anyway. There are exceptions to every rule so there is a subset led by their conscience and not pocketbook alone.

There are many worthless fossils on the Hill who have become millionaires due to abusing their positions. It’s past time that the common people call them out as well to eliminate this factor. No representative should write books on taxpayer dimes!
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…. they don’t like it that he publicly called out the establishment. No previous president in my lifetime has done this!

If you listen to Trump's inaugural speech, a piece of which I attach below, he literally says that he is taking the power from the politicians of Washington and placing it back in the hands of the People. Trump was literally a private citizen who went in as president and tried to restore the power balance back from Big Government into the hands of the private sector. This and only this is why the Left and anti-Trumpers have opposed him vociferously for the past 5 years.

Trump may be a bit of an ass, but in a nice, well-intended way. He is the kind of ass you WANT running your country because he alone has the balls to get things really done. Anyone who opposed him or his presidency is either a total brainlocked idiot, or part of the deep state wanting total government control.
That which is most dangerous right now is reinfocing the extremists' view that Trump won the election.
We've already heard an extremist asking when they can start killing people!

The 'when' comes when the fascist extreme become completely convinced that Biden stole the presidency.

Americans are in some very big trouble!
You realize just disagreeing with the narrative makes you an extremist. That is how little it actually means.
The ADL is an organization of wealthy, hedonistic, intermarried, self-hating JOOS.

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