Panicked ANTIFA Website Deletes Article About Sabotaging Train Tracks in Olympia After Derailment


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
n late November, ANTIFA sabotaged a train in Olympia.

Police raided an ANTIFA encampment in Olympia following a train being sabotaged by anti-fracking activists — but the anarchists claiming credit for the act have vowed to continue until “every officer is down.”

Earlier this year, a prominent #Antifa website published an article tacking credit for the sabotage of train tracks in Olympia, WA. In this article they claimed to have poured concrete on the tracks. It has since been deleted,” tweeted Far-Left Watch.

Far Left Watch on Twitter

That is right folks. It is something that the MSM is avoiding. I wonder why that is.
n late November, ANTIFA sabotaged a train in Olympia.

Police raided an ANTIFA encampment in Olympia following a train being sabotaged by anti-fracking activists — but the anarchists claiming credit for the act have vowed to continue until “every officer is down.”

Earlier this year, a prominent #Antifa website published an article tacking credit for the sabotage of train tracks in Olympia, WA. In this article they claimed to have poured concrete on the tracks. It has since been deleted,” tweeted Far-Left Watch.

Far Left Watch on Twitter

That is right folks. It is something that the MSM is avoiding. I wonder why that is.

There are crazies on both sides of the rails, it's unfortunate, but it's true. The problem is with partisan politics is there are those who claim only the other side is crazy, and you find this on both sides too.
n late November, ANTIFA sabotaged a train in Olympia.

Police raided an ANTIFA encampment in Olympia following a train being sabotaged by anti-fracking activists — but the anarchists claiming credit for the act have vowed to continue until “every officer is down.”

Earlier this year, a prominent #Antifa website published an article tacking credit for the sabotage of train tracks in Olympia, WA. In this article they claimed to have poured concrete on the tracks. It has since been deleted,” tweeted Far-Left Watch.

Far Left Watch on Twitter

That is right folks. It is something that the MSM is avoiding. I wonder why that is.

There are crazies on both sides of the rails, it's unfortunate, but it's true. The problem is with partisan politics is there are those who claim only the other side is crazy, and you find this on both sides too.
Didnt talk about fucking both sides of the fucking isle you pathetic ass.

Talking about left wing anarchists that are for some reason loud and proud about ALL of their illegal actions.

That group that you emulate so proudly you loser.
n late November, ANTIFA sabotaged a train in Olympia.

Police raided an ANTIFA encampment in Olympia following a train being sabotaged by anti-fracking activists — but the anarchists claiming credit for the act have vowed to continue until “every officer is down.”

Earlier this year, a prominent #Antifa website published an article tacking credit for the sabotage of train tracks in Olympia, WA. In this article they claimed to have poured concrete on the tracks. It has since been deleted,” tweeted Far-Left Watch.

Far Left Watch on Twitter

That is right folks. It is something that the MSM is avoiding. I wonder why that is.

There are crazies on both sides of the rails, it's unfortunate, but it's true. The problem is with partisan politics is there are those who claim only the other side is crazy, and you find this on both sides too.

Bullshit, you liar, 100% of the death threats, political violence, riots, vandalism, etc. has come from the LEFT due to their baby tantrum Trump Derangement Syndrome, egged on by politicians/celebrities whose motives are even lower than the I.Q.s of their followers. Antifa, BLM, BAMN and all the others are LEFTIST terrorist groups, who destroy towns to prevent a conservative from speaking. It was a LEFTIST president who spent 8 years inciting riots with his race-baiting.

The lies just ooze out of your soul. You're just trying to spread the blame around because like all liberals, you lack the integrity to take any responsibility for anything.
n late November, ANTIFA sabotaged a train in Olympia.

Police raided an ANTIFA encampment in Olympia following a train being sabotaged by anti-fracking activists — but the anarchists claiming credit for the act have vowed to continue until “every officer is down.”

Earlier this year, a prominent #Antifa website published an article tacking credit for the sabotage of train tracks in Olympia, WA. In this article they claimed to have poured concrete on the tracks. It has since been deleted,” tweeted Far-Left Watch.

Far Left Watch on Twitter

That is right folks. It is something that the MSM is avoiding. I wonder why that is.

There are crazies on both sides of the rails, it's unfortunate, but it's true. The problem is with partisan politics is there are those who claim only the other side is crazy, and you find this on both sides too.
Right! Every time an unarmed white guy is killed we loot and burn don't we? Listen chump, it's wacked out regressive goons like you doing this shit. Shooting conservatives, etc etc.
these days one can almost bank on leftard violence somewhere across the country

it is who they are
Only one reason why they act so brave, loud and proud.

The pussies know there will be no backlash of any significance.

Appeasement of any tyrannical movement, only allows the tyrannical movement grow stronger.

Until we see these fuckers bleeding in the street, and crushed by the media, they will only grow more and more emboldened.

As it is, this shit they posted is not being reported by the msm.

But but but Trump fed fiiiiiiish!!!
n late November, ANTIFA sabotaged a train in Olympia.

Police raided an ANTIFA encampment in Olympia following a train being sabotaged by anti-fracking activists — but the anarchists claiming credit for the act have vowed to continue until “every officer is down.”

Earlier this year, a prominent #Antifa website published an article tacking credit for the sabotage of train tracks in Olympia, WA. In this article they claimed to have poured concrete on the tracks. It has since been deleted,” tweeted Far-Left Watch.

Far Left Watch on Twitter

That is right folks. It is something that the MSM is avoiding. I wonder why that is.

There are crazies on both sides of the rails, it's unfortunate, but it's true. The problem is with partisan politics is there are those who claim only the other side is crazy, and you find this on both sides too.
Haven't heard you say anything negative about this group. It's a left wing group supported by liberals.
The left have always been the most extreme, but have always been given a pass. As soon as someone talks about violence, they will either avoid coverage or will deem them a different name.

So, if some crazy christian goes on a spree, they will say "he's a right wing fanatic" "alt-right", extreme right etc. Once a left wing nutjob does something, such as the Bernie supporter or ANTIFA they will refer to them as "anarchists", "anti-establishment" etc. They media refuses to assign the same political leaning to the title, why not "left wing anarchist", "alt-left anti establishment".

Even this group name is meant to be full of shyte. "Anti fascist". Well thanks pal, every civilized person in theory is, but we don't believe we confront legal government with destruction, violence and harm. They do. Who make up their group? Those who dislike that Trump won the election, the left and alt-left.
n late November, ANTIFA sabotaged a train in Olympia.

Police raided an ANTIFA encampment in Olympia following a train being sabotaged by anti-fracking activists — but the anarchists claiming credit for the act have vowed to continue until “every officer is down.”

Earlier this year, a prominent #Antifa website published an article tacking credit for the sabotage of train tracks in Olympia, WA. In this article they claimed to have poured concrete on the tracks. It has since been deleted,” tweeted Far-Left Watch.

Far Left Watch on Twitter

That is right folks. It is something that the MSM is avoiding. I wonder why that is.

There are crazies on both sides of the rails, it's unfortunate, but it's true. The problem is with partisan politics is there are those who claim only the other side is crazy, and you find this on both sides too.
Ya blame the gop For the actions of the militant wing of the dem party...that’s the ticket
George Soros funded Antifa assholes are in for a VERY BIG SURPRISE! They are going to find themselves surrounded by thousands of, shall we say 'highly motivated' men.
I'll leave you all to imagine the outcome.
Once the attack dogs have been turned loose it's safest to just stand back and watch.
n late November, ANTIFA sabotaged a train in Olympia.

Police raided an ANTIFA encampment in Olympia following a train being sabotaged by anti-fracking activists — but the anarchists claiming credit for the act have vowed to continue until “every officer is down.”

Earlier this year, a prominent #Antifa website published an article tacking credit for the sabotage of train tracks in Olympia, WA. In this article they claimed to have poured concrete on the tracks. It has since been deleted,” tweeted Far-Left Watch.

Far Left Watch on Twitter

That is right folks. It is something that the MSM is avoiding. I wonder why that is.

There are crazies on both sides of the rails, it's unfortunate, but it's true. The problem is with partisan politics is there are those who claim only the other side is crazy, and you find this on both sides too.

Bullshit, you liar, 100% of the death threats, political violence, riots, vandalism, etc. has come from the LEFT due to their baby tantrum Trump Derangement Syndrome, egged on by politicians/celebrities whose motives are even lower than the I.Q.s of their followers. Antifa, BLM, BAMN and all the others are LEFTIST terrorist groups, who destroy towns to prevent a conservative from speaking. It was a LEFTIST president who spent 8 years inciting riots with his race-baiting.

The lies just ooze out of your soul. You're just trying to spread the blame around because like all liberals, you lack the integrity to take any responsibility for anything.

Oh please, can you not get through a post without hurling abuse at someone?
n late November, ANTIFA sabotaged a train in Olympia.

Police raided an ANTIFA encampment in Olympia following a train being sabotaged by anti-fracking activists — but the anarchists claiming credit for the act have vowed to continue until “every officer is down.”

Earlier this year, a prominent #Antifa website published an article tacking credit for the sabotage of train tracks in Olympia, WA. In this article they claimed to have poured concrete on the tracks. It has since been deleted,” tweeted Far-Left Watch.

Far Left Watch on Twitter

That is right folks. It is something that the MSM is avoiding. I wonder why that is.

There are crazies on both sides of the rails, it's unfortunate, but it's true. The problem is with partisan politics is there are those who claim only the other side is crazy, and you find this on both sides too.
Ya blame the gop For the actions of the militant wing of the dem party...that’s the ticket

I don't really see where I blamed anyone for doing anything.... so I'm not sure what the fuck you're reading.

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