Pan's Bucs/Deed


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
A modernized/world-adapted 'telling' of Peter Pan (JM Barrie), inspired loosely by Blood Diamond (Leo DiCaprio).



Amlan Satan was the real-life Peter Pan and lived in Tampa-Bay and invested huge on the Brady-Bunch Bucs football team for the Super Bowl matchup with the Chiefs and when he scored big too, he decided to study blood-diamond smugglers-traffic linked gem-insurance integrity for Florida journals, using Selfie-culture to cast himself as a Peter-Pan 'citizen-journalist' of diamond-integrity commentary and shared his chess-like examination with other like-minded 'pirate' diamond-market fans overground (ha).


AMLAN SATAN: I've encountered this blood-diamond naysayer in Tampa named Hook who claims he's a 'dark-expert' in capitalism-terrors.
HOOK: I doubt anyone on modern Tampa-Bay social-media's got the 'Guinness' to create serious treasure-chess Selfie-commentary (now).


INTERVIEW: What's so special about the Bucs, Peter Pan?
AMLAN SATAN: Florida's Zion!
INTERVIEW: The Brady-bunch, eh?
AMLAN SATAN: It's all orange, detective (ha).
INTERVIEW: Fan of Richie-Rich (comics), Peter Pan?
AMLAN SATAN: Who isn't...who's mired in modern gem-banking vigilance (with Interpol-relation)...haha.
INTERVIEW: You're a 'cool' pirate, Peter Pan.
AMLAN SATAN: My girlfriend works for, of course (thanks).


Protecting the Romanticism of diamond-sales in Florida in the post-9/11 era does require a sort of 'Peter-Pan' like hero, which is what Amlan Satan was with his cyber-reinvention of himself as a modern 'underground' Thomas Nast of the diamond-merchandising 'matrix' in Tampa Bay, all fueled by his 'human-love' of the Brady-bunch (hmm).


GIRLFRIEND: Come over my mom's place to watch the Gators-Seminoles national title game, Peter Pan!
AMLAN SATAN: Alright; I've got this one thing to do before I can dart-over, but tell your mom the Gators shall win this round (haha).
GIRLFRIEND: You're the best, Peter Pan.


HOOK: Did you think you'd escape my clutches or blade, Peter Pan?
AMLAN SATAN: I'm here to meet you in your Tampa hotel 'abode' for one last wrestle, Hook, you rascal.
HOOK: One sword-fight on the roof or a chess-match online?
AMLAN SATAN: Let's declare a pre-match 'stalemate' --- you report on diamond-insurance stories, and I leave Florida with my girl (peace).
HOOK: Alright!
AMLAN SATAN: See, I knew you'd already had the fortune road to humbled Western-American social-media commentary for life, Hook.
HOOK: Thanks (I think).


GIRLFRIEND: Where we off to, after this Super Bowl maximum, Peter Pan?
AMLAN SATAN: Providence, my darling...and I'll read the bedtime-story (haha).


INTERPOL: "Blood-diamond corruption today threatens the world-gem exchange and makes 'rogue' terrorism-finance woe!"


So what became of this Tampa 'Peter Pan' of the real-world/modern-time? Well, he left with his darling (Ms. Brown) for Tampa and made Selfie-commentaries about the lore of capitalism-defense in the post-9/11 era, making Richie-Rich his 'new' patriotism-definition (wow).


"Doing well is the result of doing good. That's what capitalism is all about" (Ralph Waldo Emerson).


"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)

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