Papa John's CEO: Obamacare likely to raise costs, employee's hours being cut

I bet HE personally wont take a hit. He'll cut as many employees as he can before he takes a cut personally. Most would do the same. It's the human way.
I figured whining about it makes him seem like a cry baby.

Since when do corporations complain about costs going up to the public? Should I expect to read the Walmart CEO bitching about the price of gas to fuel their trucks? Costco going to demand I take interest in skyrocketing prices for uniform production?
Oh for fuck's sake, the guy is just being honest. Nobody is going to take that kind of hit. He'd have to be charging more than a fuckin' pizza is worth to cover all that health insurance. Meanwhile back at the ranch, since everybody else's healthcare policies are more, as well as their electricity, and their gasoline, and their food, and every other goddam thing they need... they have less discretionary funds in their budgets to buy 30-dollar pizzas.

You people just don't get it. Run, don't walk, to your nearest community college and take a beginning course in economics. Of course, THAT's gonna cost you more as well, so.... enjoy the Obama economy. :rolleyes:
Sending people to the emergency room is such a money saver. Let them die saves even more.
He'd have to be charging more than a fuckin' pizza is worth to cover all that health insurance.

According to him, that's an additional 10 cents per pizza.

But since it's Papa John's, that might actually be more than the pizza is worth. Touche.
Oh for fuck's sake, the guy is just being honest. Nobody is going to take that kind of hit. He'd have to be charging more than a fuckin' pizza is worth to cover all that health insurance. Meanwhile back at the ranch, since everybody else's healthcare policies are more, as well as their electricity, and their gasoline, and their food, and every other goddam thing they need... they have less discretionary funds in their budgets to buy 30-dollar pizzas.

You people just don't get it. Run, don't walk, to your nearest community college and take a beginning course in economics. Of course, THAT's gonna cost you more as well, so.... enjoy the Obama economy. :rolleyes:

Of course he's being honest.

His costs will go up, and his business will find a way to offset them, like most businesses they will start with employees.

All business do this when costs increase, they just don't normally make a big production about it.
Of COURSE he's going to cut hours.
The corporate higher ups need that money to buy more cars, houses for all four seasons, and another private jet.

In all seriousness though, at least he's not outright firing people because Obama won. He found a compromise and people are just going to have to swallow it and move on.
How about he just put an "employee charity" pot at the front, and ask customers to chip in out of charity to make ends meet?

The right wing seems to think volunteerism works so well, that people would be more than willing to chip in to the cause without having to.
Obamacare results in a 13 cents increase in each pizza.

This guy is a dick, and his pizza sucks. I would boycott him if I wasn't already doing so because of the quality.
Paying more sucks. There's a lot of people hurting as it is and to expect them to pay more isn't right.
The guy isn't whining about it. He's telling it like it is and it totally sucks for the employees. Obamacare is a job killing program, not health care reform. Most the crap in it is just random taxes on everything from selling your house to hiring more bureaucrats and IRS agents. It's a clusterfuck and will destroy the private sector. They claimed it was seriously flawed, but that they'd pass it and then fix it. It will never be fixed and shouldn't have been shoved through.
See, what gets me the most about what we now call Obamacare is that in its infancy, it was a great idea. Healthcare for people who can't afford GOOD healthcare.

But now it's this... this thing. Does ANYONE really know how Obamacare works?
He was screwed either way.

Obamacare is awful, I have full confidence RomneyCare would have been just as shitty.
The thing is we don't want to be like Britain. We want to be freer and allowed to live our lives in peace without the government controlling us.
I figured whining about it makes him seem like a cry baby.

Since when do corporations complain about costs going up to the public? Should I expect to read the Walmart CEO bitching about the price of gas to fuel their trucks? Costco going to demand I take interest in skyrocketing prices for uniform production?

Then he should keep his mouth shut and blind side his employees? Got it..:cuckoo:

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