Papadopolous said Sessions encouraged him to pursue Hillary's emails

That's gotta be a record for you right H ???. What's it been, 3 hours since your last anti Trump rant?
Give Papadopolous two different polygraph exams on the same day, overseen by a trusted third party.

If he passes both polygraphs, he can continue to speak, if he fails, he should be banished forever or face slander charges. All of this "drunken stupor" leaking is far too convenient, let's hear from the horses mouth while wired up.
Give Papadopolous two different polygraph exams on the same day, overseen by a trusted third party.

If he passes both polygraphs, he can continue to speak, if he fails, he should be banished forever or face slander charges. All of this "drunken stupor" leaking is far too convenient, let's hear from the horses mouth while wired up.

You really think Mueller hasn't given him a lie detector test? Of course he has....if thus is true....then trump knew about it also....

It is beginning to sound like your orange clown is cooked....
You really think Mueller hasn't given him a lie detector test?

No, I don't think Mueller has given him, or anyone, a lie detector test. They are unreliable and Mueller is well aware of that. Mueller seems dedicated to hammering out facts, and going where the evidence leads. I don't believe he is interested in pursuing something as pointless as lie detector tests that accomplish nothing of investigative merit, and would only serve the purpose of giving you partisan happy-feel-good thoughts.
What are the chances that Mueller will gift this country with an October" surprise" (just before the midterms)???
Sessions leaves a door open

Early on in a very long day of testimony, Sessions rejected claims that he had lied about the Trump campaign and Russia. But the caveat, in boldface below, was notable for the space it left to accommodate future revelations:

"I would like to address the false charges made about my previous testimony. My answers have not changed. I've always told the truth and I have answered every question as I understood them to the best of my recollection as I will continue to do today."


By Jeff Sessions’ Standard for Lying Under Oath, Jeff Sessions Lied Under Oath

By his own standards, attorney general Jeff Sessions should resign

Another qualified denial on the Trump team and Russia

Did Sessions relay his conversation with the Russian ambassador to Trump campaign ally and since-fired national security adviser Michael Flynn?

"I did meet once in my office with (now former Russian ambassador to the US Sergey) Kislyak and I do not recall and don't believe I communicated any of that information to Mr. Flynn."

AG Jeff Sessions says he does not believe he discussed meeting Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak with Michael Flynn

— CNN Politics (@CNNPolitics) November 14, 2017

Does Sessions love WikiLeaks?

During the campaign, candidate Trump said he "loved" the organization. Sessions was asked if he shared that sentiment:
"Um, I'm not a fan of WikiLeaks."

Attorney General Jeff Sessions: "Um, I'm not a fan of WikiLeaks"

— CNN Politics (@CNNPolitics) November 14, 2017

In Attorney General Jeff Sessions' testimony, moments to remember - CNNPolitics

The Secret Correspondence Between Donald Trump Jr. and WikiLeaks

Donald Trump Jr. Had Direct Contact With WikiLeaks During Campaign
What would be wrong with getting copies of Hillary's emails?

Learn something.....

The FEC prohibits foreign nationals from providing “anything of value … in connection with” an election. The hacking of the Podesta emails, which were then transmitted to Wikileaks for posting, clearly had value, and its connection to the election is not disputed. None other than the Republican nominee said so publicly, egging on the Russians to locate and publish Clinton emails to aid his campaign. He famously declared: “I will tell you this, Russia: If you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing.”

Campaign Finance Law: When “Collusion” with a Foreign Government Becomes a Crime
What would be wrong with getting copies of Hillary's emails?

OMG.....I knew it would come. Collaborating with a foreign adversary receiving "anything if value" to influence a national election us not only is Treason....

Yup....once the criminal collusion is proven...the argument will be "what was wrong with that?"
What are the chances that Mueller will gift this country with an October" surprise" (just before the midterms)???

...and then Hillary gets the White House!



YES!!!! Finally!!

Nope...the GOP loses in historical numbers and trump is Impeached....and shown to be the traitor that he is....
What would be wrong with getting copies of Hillary's emails?

Learn something.....

The FEC prohibits foreign nationals from providing “anything of value … in connection with” an election. The hacking of the Podesta emails, which were then transmitted to Wikileaks for posting, clearly had value, and its connection to the election is not disputed. None other than the Republican nominee said so publicly, egging on the Russians to locate and publish Clinton emails to aid his campaign. He famously declared: “I will tell you this, Russia: If you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing.”

Campaign Finance Law: When “Collusion” with a Foreign Government Becomes a Crime

Is there an email price chart somewhere online?

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