Paranoid Nancy Pelosi Rages On to Spite President Trump with More Probes

Should Pelosi leave her rabid hatred of President Trump at Home?

  • Yes, she should stop the war on Trump sand her current subterfuge to destroy the WH

    Votes: 6 66.7%
  • No, she should nail him even after Special Investigator says nothing bad has surfaced of any kind

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Just yes

    Votes: 3 33.3%
  • Just no

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Always Faithful
Sep 28, 2018
Walker County, TX
President Trump only wants to get on with the business of providing for the common defense of the American people as he outlined in his State of the Union Speech last night. He called for the halt of investigations that are hurting the Executive Branch workers at the behest of the Nancy Pelosi Freak Show of revenge and hatred.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi took his request to end the 2-year investigation that has shown him to be innocent of the false charges leveled against him over Russia, and after Special Investigator Mueller said nothing has been found on the President.

The Democrats pledged before he took office that they would immediately impeach him when he won, although they had no proof of wrongdoing. So for two years, the Democrats have ninnyhammered every one of Trump's team with hair-splitting legal battles in order to ensure Trump cannot function.

Instead, Trump took measures that lowered gas prices at the pump, put more Americans to work than ever, and has the lowest unemployment rate in half a century (50 years).

How long are we going to tolerate this madness and demands for power by the Speaker of the House of Representatives to completely disable the President from completing his mission of Making America Great Again. He's given us back our steel industry, when we complained about imported "stainless steel" rusting in our kitchens less than a month due to foreign misrepresentations about products that should last a lifetime, but are destined for a hasty future in the garbage dump due to rusting and falling apart.

And while we're on the subject, can we force Madame speaker to get counselling for her rabid case of paranoia against President Trump?

DNC Rebuttal Receives Surrebuttal from Bill O'Reilly:

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President Trump only wants to get on with the business of providing for the common defense of the American people as he outlined in his State of the Union Speech last night. He called for the halt of investigations that are hurting the Executive Branch workers at the behest of the Nancy Pelosi Freak Show of revenge and hatred.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi took his request to end the 2-year investigation that has shown him to be innocent of the false charges leveled against him over Russia, and after Special Investigator Mueller said nothing has been found on the President.

The Democrats pledged before he took office that they would immediately impeach him when he won, although they had no proof of wrongdoing. So for two years, the Democrats have ninnyhammered every one of Trump's team with hair-splitting legal battles in order to ensure Trump cannot function.

Instead, Trump took measures that lowered gas prices at the pump, put more Americans to work than ever, and has the lowest unemployment rate in half a century (50 years).

How long are we going to tolerate this madness and demands for power by the Speaker of the House of Representatives to completely disable the President from completing his mission of Making America Great Again. He's given us back our steel industry, when we complained about imported "stainless steel" rusting in our kitchens less than a month due to foreign misrepresentations about products that should last a lifetime, but are destined for a hasty future in the garbage dump due to rusting and falling apart.

And while we're on the subject, can we force Madame speaker to get counselling for her rabid case of paranoia against President Trump?

and like the bitch she is....they've already set to expand the investigations.....

House Expands Russia Inquiry as Pelosi Declares Democrats Will Not Be Cowed

yeah, if you can't find anything...then keep looking until you the taxpayers expense :banghead:
PIGlosie is a worthless CVnt..

They cant win in the realm of ideas so they practice the art of personal destruction. These traitors are disconnected from reality behind their own walls, guns and guards. They are so detached from reality that their special interest groups have them by their genitals..
President Trump only wants to get on with the business of providing for the common defense of the American people as he outlined in his State of the Union Speech last night. He called for the halt of investigations that are hurting the Executive Branch workers at the behest of the Nancy Pelosi Freak Show of revenge and hatred.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi took his request to end the 2-year investigation that has shown him to be innocent of the false charges leveled against him over Russia, and after Special Investigator Mueller said nothing has been found on the President.

The Democrats pledged before he took office that they would immediately impeach him when he won, although they had no proof of wrongdoing. So for two years, the Democrats have ninnyhammered every one of Trump's team with hair-splitting legal battles in order to ensure Trump cannot function.

Instead, Trump took measures that lowered gas prices at the pump, put more Americans to work than ever, and has the lowest unemployment rate in half a century (50 years).

How long are we going to tolerate this madness and demands for power by the Speaker of the House of Representatives to completely disable the President from completing his mission of Making America Great Again. He's given us back our steel industry, when we complained about imported "stainless steel" rusting in our kitchens less than a month due to foreign misrepresentations about products that should last a lifetime, but are destined for a hasty future in the garbage dump due to rusting and falling apart.

And while we're on the subject, can we force Madame speaker to get counselling for her rabid case of paranoia against President Trump?

DNC Rebuttal Receives Surrebuttal from Bill O'Reilly:

Why the Flame Thread?

Nancy does hot have a 'hatred' for Trump. I suggest you project here, as people you disagree with you end up having hatred for
1. Muellers investigation isnt over - his findings have not been published.
2.Congress has every right to investigate Trump on the same level they investigated Bill and Hillary Clinton
3. The POTUS isnt above the law or being investigated - ask Nixon.

4. Fuck Trump.
Let the idiots waste time doing investigations that have already been done or are being done now.

I'm sure the voters will remember come 2020.

Go Dems.
President Trump only wants to get on with the business of providing for the common defense of the American people as he outlined in his State of the Union Speech last night. He called for the halt of investigations that are hurting the Executive Branch workers at the behest of the Nancy Pelosi Freak Show of revenge and hatred.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi took his request to end the 2-year investigation that has shown him to be innocent of the false charges leveled against him over Russia, and after Special Investigator Mueller said nothing has been found on the President.

The Democrats pledged before he took office that they would immediately impeach him when he won, although they had no proof of wrongdoing. So for two years, the Democrats have ninnyhammered every one of Trump's team with hair-splitting legal battles in order to ensure Trump cannot function.

Instead, Trump took measures that lowered gas prices at the pump, put more Americans to work than ever, and has the lowest unemployment rate in half a century (50 years).

How long are we going to tolerate this madness and demands for power by the Speaker of the House of Representatives to completely disable the President from completing his mission of Making America Great Again. He's given us back our steel industry, when we complained about imported "stainless steel" rusting in our kitchens less than a month due to foreign misrepresentations about products that should last a lifetime, but are destined for a hasty future in the garbage dump due to rusting and falling apart.

And while we're on the subject, can we force Madame speaker to get counselling for her rabid case of paranoia against President Trump?

DNC Rebuttal Receives Surrebuttal from Bill O'Reilly:

Why the Flame Thread?

Nancy does hot have a 'hatred' for Trump. I suggest you project here, as people you disagree with you end up having hatred for

Every kid knows:
Twinkle, twinkle, little star
What you do is what you are.

In my opinion, Nancy Pelosi world is a weird, weird, place. She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth, not to mention good looks, and over the years she has used her assets to choke her adversaries a little more, and a little more. She found out that lying, cheating, and stealing brought her really good things at an early age, and if she goes for the man at the top, she can get rid of him by staying with the program, as evil and self-serving as that may seem, it's her paradigm of paradise. Oh, wait. She has no conscience. Self-serving is a virtue in her twisted small mind. Her value is to surround herself with everything that is the best in life, and use other people with the threat of revealing anything bad you know about him. She found out about Mueller and his Creepsister law suits that ruin good people, and his modus operandi is to take two different and unrelated laws, bind them together toward purposes never intended by lawmakers, and foist that heresy on an older judge whose recollection of exact laws is fuzzy or maybe even find something pleasant under his outdoor floormat the next day, or have his bimbo file for palimony in order to destroy his current relationship with the locker-room towel boy. The judge becomes mum on the case forever so his wife and kids will never know. See how that works? Nancy merely oversees the works that all good things will happen to Democrats and that all bad things will happen to Republicans. In return for inside stories, she buys reporters to report all good things about Democrats while all the bad is hush-hush or is defended as a lie in the press, and the reporters know that if they report all bad things, whether they are true or not, about Republicans, and willfully ignore Republican home-runs, their lives will be filled with the best seats on the best planes, free meals at restaurants that do not post prices (meaning unaffordable), and box seats at the superbowl's 50 yard line might be found under their front door welcome mat, too. Not to mention luxury accommodations in faraway posh places average people never even consider. She doesn't view tips as bribes, but good things happen to reporters on the DNC payroll of bribes described as grants.

Of course, Republicans ruined in the wake of never having their good deeds shown, but all things bad about them being in Nancy's press friends fishbowl with extra-large lenses and Mueller's masterfully-merged unlaws that seem to make minutia into a maelstrom,

So while she cloaks herself in luxury, good times, and good looks, her black heart is planning evil things against good people, especially taxpayers, who since around 1914, have been patriotically giving more and more of their paycheck money to Uncle Sam, not knowing that there would be people in the world like Nancy Pelosi whose sights were set on the luxuries furnished by the labor of people she considers peons, who is everyone except people who help her make it happen rather than to see the OTHER SIDE of the generous benefactor. She's using YOU to provide for her lifestyle of using luxurious military planes to plan her missions to foreign country to collect more money and the demise of her adversaries, while projecting the same sins on her adversaries back home who are blindsided by her advantures at the dismantling of YOUR taxes into HER PURSE even if it means making your grandchildren's life hard when they are working to pay what she is spending back to the piper, while she takes the money and runs with it to anywhere she cannot be scrutinized for the usurer or other people that she is a master of conning

Nancy Pelosi is the ultimate black widow. She eats the man who helps her prosper. And when she poops them out, she thinks it doesn't stink.

And that's what I think..
Paranoid Nancy Pelosi Rages On to Spite President Trump with More Probes

Trump shouldn't make threats in Nancy's House. BTW, your poll is pathetically partisan and dishonest.
What's dishonest about "just yes" and "just no" if you don't like my other alternatives, which hit the nail right on the head, and you know it, too, don't you.
Let the idiots waste time doing investigations that have already been done or are being done now.

I'm sure the voters will remember come 2020.

Go Dems.

Except they haven’t been done. The GOP abdicated their oversight duties to be shills for Trump.

Bullshit. Mueller has been investigating for two years now. If you don't think he's investigated Trumps financials they you are an idiot.
Let the idiots waste time doing investigations that have already been done or are being done now.

I'm sure the voters will remember come 2020.

Go Dems.

Except they haven’t been done. The GOP abdicated their oversight duties to be shills for Trump.

Bullshit. Mueller has been investigating for two years now. If you don't think he's investigated Trumps financials they you are an idiot.

read the list of questions the committee's plan on asking ... Mueller never made any of his questions public.

now tell everyone you're The Amazing Kreskin, and know about his investigation.

Congress plans to open Trumps financial records.

Helloooooooo tax returns !:badgrin:
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