Nancy Mace Destroys Sniveling Clinton Crony George Stephanopoulos After He Tries to Shame Her as a Rape Victim for Supporting President Trump

It demonstrates dramatically it had no contact around ordinary males during the developments years into teen years.
Because males normally talk about how they are stars that are entitled to pussy grabbing? :cuckoo:

The buillshit that goes on in average Trumpster's head never ceases to amaze.

How many of you were actually "stars"?

What kind of "stars" were you.

How did you define your "stardom"?

None dummy.

How fucked in the head do you have to be to think you can grab people by the pussy just because you happen to be famous?

And then how much of a tool do you have to be to defend such degenerate comments as "normal"?
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Because males normally talk about how they are stars that are entitled to pussy grabbing? :cuckoo:

The buillshit that goes on in average Trumpster's head never ceases to amaze.
Most all Males guy talk
If you were an actual one, you would know
But you are a gullible know nothing agenda order taker who loves to Pearl Clutch
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Most all Males guy talk
If you were an actual one, you would know
But you are a gullible know nothing agenda order taker who loves to Pearl Clutch
You guy talk about how being famous means you can grab anyone you want by the pussy?

Answer that question if you really have the balls.
Most all Males guy talk
If you were an actual one, you would know
But you are a gullible know nothing agenda order taker who loves to Pearl Clutch
Sure, we do brag about how much pussy we get, however very few guys brag about being able to grab any woman by the pussy because being a star, they let you. They didn't let him. They were afraid of him because he had so much money he could ruin them, so many were too scared of him to come forward, not because he was a star.
I can’t do anything for you guys who went into and through your teen years with no useful males (s) to guide snd develop you
Heterosexual males do guy talk about women probably in the 90Th percentile.
Generally these comments arise several times a year in quite private circumstances like Trump was Told he had with Billy Bush. Girls gossip, guys “gossip” per se is often guy talk,
Sorry to burst your fragile,non reality bubbles.
you guys who went into and through your teen years with no useful males

Was it your "useful male" father that told you that grabbing women by the pussy was all good if you are famous?

Looks like you are the degenerate here, not everyone else.
Who are you talking about nutbag?

Was it your "useful male" father that maybe that told you that grabbing women by the pussy was all good if you are famous?

Has it ever occured to you that you are maybe the degenerate here, not everyone else?
The more shrill you become the more you prove No Manliness
What a complete misogynist weasel George is. First of all he didn’t get his facts right. And Mace was right, he was trying to shame her, as a rape victim for supporting Trump.

Fact Check: George Stephanopoulos Lies About Trump and ‘Rape’​

You can call it the Novel-GOP if you like, or simply the New-GOP. Today at least for me it is the new party of Benedict Donald, for the benefit of Benedict Donald. As opposed to the old GOP like Mitt Romney, John McCain and Darth Vader's daughter Liz.......

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