Bostiat could be speaking today…


Nuthin' but the truth
Oct 8, 2013
South Carolina
Watch from 1:10 forward. Levin explains this beautifully. While the weapons may be different, ie; there would be no chopping off heads, the fundamental mistakes made that led to the French Revolution are being repeated today…I give you Levin…


What a clown. One of the few legitimate purposes of government according to Bastiat is the justice system which Trump is currently experiencing.

Also it's Bastiat with an A.
Tell me specifically what he got wrong
The word socialism is misleading. Bastiat explains in the Law that what he means by socialism is all manner of plunder in the forms of (and he lists them) tariffs, protection (protectionism), prerequisites, gratuities, encouragements, progressive taxation, free public education, right to work, right to profit (he doesnt mean profit you earn but those guaranteed by government. Think too big to fail), right to wages, right to assistance, right to instruments of labor, gratuity of credit, etc. etc.

He would also be opposed to any anti immigration efforts, including building a wall. He would of seen trying to prevent people from immigrating here as a form of protectionism (for American workers) under the false philosophy of scarcity, which is that its better to have fewer of a thing, (in this case labor) under the false notion that scarcity is better than abundance.
The word socialism is misleading. Bastiat explains in the Law that what he means by socialism is all manner of plunder in the forms of (and he lists them) tariffs, protection (protectionism), prerequisites, gratuities, encouragements, progressive taxation, free public education, right to work, right to profit (he doesnt mean profit you earn but those guaranteed by government. Think too big to fail), right to wages, right to assistance, right to instruments of labor, gratuity of credit, etc. etc.

He would also be opposed to any anti immigration efforts, including building a wall. He would of seen trying to prevent people from immigrating here as a form of protectionism (for American workers) under the false philosophy of scarcity, which is that its better to have fewer of a thing, (in this case labor) under the false notion that scarcity is better than abundance.
Bastiat believed in the freedom and liberty of the individual above all else. And he also talked extensively about forces that would turn the law into State sanctioned plunder of those God given rights.

This I believe is what Biden, is currently doing to the law.
Bastiat believed in the freedom and liberty of the individual above all else. And he also talked extensively about forces that would turn the law into State sanctioned plunder of those God given rights.

This I believe is what Biden, is currently doing to the law.
Every American President in history was a plunderer to Bastiat. He said of America's founding that it was the nation that managed to limit plunder the least except in the forms of slavery and tariffs and that the former would likely tear the country in two. He was a pretty brilliant man with one blind spot in his logic which unfortunately was the foundation of his philosophy.
Every American President in history was a plunderer to Bastiat. He said of America's founding that it was the nation that managed to limit plunder the least except in the forms of slavery and tariffs and that the former would likely tear the country in two.
And it did, fortunately we abolished slavery…

He was a pretty brilliant man with one blind spot in his logic which unfortunately was the foundation of his philosophy.

This is where we disagree…
And it did, fortunately we abolished slavery…

He was a pretty brilliant man with one blind spot in his logic which unfortunately was the foundation of his philosophy.

This is where we disagree…
You disagree and think God can be explained rationally and thus be the basis for the existence of inalienable rights? How so?
You disagree and think God can be explained rationally and thus be the basis for the existence of inalienable rights? How so?
Not going to discuss religion or faith, but our founders enshrined inalienable rights from God as well.

If you don’t believe in God, good for you…
Not going to discuss religion or faith, but our founders enshrined inalienable rights from God as well.

If you don’t believe in God, good for you…
Whether or not the Founders wrote them down doesn't mean that they rationally exist. You said you disagreed with my assertion that there was no rational basis for the belief in God or inalienable rights, if you believe otherwise, that you have a rational argument for the existence of God and inalienable rights then I'd love to hear it. It would be the first time I've ever heard one.
Bastiat believed in the freedom and liberty of the individual above all else. And he also talked extensively about forces that would turn the law into State sanctioned plunder of those God given rights.

This I believe is what Biden, is currently doing to the law.
Using the law as an instrument of plunder.

Last I checked that resulted in multiple beheadings.
Whether or not the Founders wrote them down doesn't mean that they rationally exist. You said you disagreed with my assertion that there was no rational basis for the belief in God or inalienable rights, if you believe otherwise, that you have a rational argument for the existence of God and inalienable rights then I'd love to hear it. It would be the first time I've ever heard one.
If you want to talk about God, then seek out a pastor, or theologian of your choice, and discuss it with them.
If you want to talk about God, then seek out a pastor, or theologian of your choice, and discuss it with them.
I was merely asking you about what disagreement you and I had about the nature of inalienable rights. The suggestion of a disagreement, implies one that you could explain. If you can't then that's OK.
I was merely asking you about what disagreement you and I had about the nature of inalienable rights. The suggestion of a disagreement, implies one that you could explain. If you can't then that's OK.
Well, this thread is about when government uses its position in the law to plunder rights, wealth, and freedom…While I was raised Catholic, I am not a practicing parishioner….
Well, this thread is about when government uses its position in the law to plunder rights, wealth, and freedom…While I was raised Catholic, I am not a practicing parishioner….
That begs the question, what rights?

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