Political Cartoon


You think that'll help you diminish Trump even more ? 🙄

Why isn't Joe, Hunter and the funky bunch in prison yet ?

Everyone coming out and supporting this country and Trump against all these extortionist is somehow the enemy to you people now eh ?
Irrelevant questions, because the case was built on a very weak assumption or conspiracy theory that suggest that MAYBE Trump paid Stormy off to change the outcome of the 2016 election.

Absolutely ridiculous, but even if he hypothetically did want her to keep quiet about a hook up, well it is that most understand that it was for a myriad of reason's (one being that he possibly let himself get tangled up in a possible bribery scheme used against him, and that was hatched by people that are some of the most shady character's this nation has had the displeasure of meeting, and sadly he couldn't get away from it.

None perfect, no not one, especially when it comes to people getting caught up in situations that lurk in the darkness waiting to pounce when the time is ripe. Trump proved that he has moved on from the days of Hollywood deceptive courtships and set ups.

Most would fall if the right circumstances were to present themselves, so it best to pick yourselves back up, brush off the dust, and move forward in the light again. This is what terrorizes the left, otherwise because it's not successful at destroying people's lives when a mistake occurs.

Stand up Donald Trump, and move forward into the light, and you will metaphorically cast coals of fire upon their head's. Do this with your kindness and strength that will be found in that kindness.
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