CDZ The 10 commandments which ones do leftys object to?

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I can only guess number one maybe number two and three ..a serious question which others would a lefty have a problem.with?

  1. I am the Lord your God, thou shall have no other gods before me.
  2. Thou shall not use the Lord's name in vain.
  3. Remember to keep the Sabbath day holy.
  4. Honor thy Mother and Father.
  5. Thou shall not kill.
  6. Thou shall not commit adultery.
  7. Thou shall not steal.
  8. Thou shall not bear false witness of thy neighbor.
  9. Thou shall not covet thy neighbor's wife.
  10. Thou shall not covet thy neighbor's goods.


Number 10 goes right out the window with leftists
:rofl: :thup:
#4. I would guess a third of leftists dont even have a father. Probably why they are so fucking loony
#4. I would guess a third of leftists dont even have a father. Probably why they are so fucking loony

That's absurd.

I don't have a father. Because he's dead. And I watched him suffer from illness through his last years.
Not sure where you're going with this but it's nothing constructive.
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More specifically, #1 says don't choose or invent a deity more important than the deity that your parents taught you to worship.

That doesn't make sense. What if you (a) decide your parents were wrong, or (b) they didn't teach one?

You can't lock people in to "what has always been". Nothing would ever develop.

#2 says don't worship graven objects.

Way too late for that in this culture, the religion of money. (and pickup trucks, and iPhones and "designer" fashions and flatscreen TVs and a nice lawn etc etc etc)
Well that's what the 10 say.

You don't have to like it.

Liking has got nothing to do with it.

Nor did I POST anything about "liking". I pointed out that your admonition to blindly follow whatever your parents laid down is a dead end. Which it is.
Well, number 4 is a problem. It may need to be rephrased to Honor your parental partners. Could be two men or two women or some other combination.
#4 is honor the Sabbath.

#5 is honor your father and mother.

Not the way we learned 'em.
You need to read it in Hebrew to learn what they actually say and what they are in order.

If you don't do this yourself then you will never really know the 10 commandments.

If you don't take my word for it then you need to start leaning Hebrew yourself.

Again --- I don't *NEED* to learn Hebrew. The OP is in English. That's what we deal with here in theadland.

I do however have a bottle of "He-Brew" in my beer bottle collection. "The Chosen Beer -- it's the one you've been waiting for!" :beer:
#4. I would guess a third of leftists dont even have a father. Probably why they are so fucking loony

That's absurd.

I don't have a father. Because he's dead. Not sure where you're going with this but it's nothing constructive.
Its a stereo-type pogo. I was having fun.

See how much "fun" it is when you have to watch your father imprisoned in a medical facility and not be able to grasp why he can't go home. Loads of chuckles for the whole family.
#4. I would guess a third of leftists dont even have a father. Probably why they are so fucking loony

That's absurd.

I don't have a father. Because he's dead. Not sure where you're going with this but it's nothing constructive.
Its a stereo-type pogo. I was having fun.

See how much "fun" it is when you have to watch your father imprisoned in a medical facility and not be able to grasp why he can't go home. Loads of chuckles for the whole family.

Been there, done that, had to wait 20+ for my inheritance from mom
#4. I would guess a third of leftists dont even have a father. Probably why they are so fucking loony

That's absurd.

I don't have a father. Because he's dead. Not sure where you're going with this but it's nothing constructive.
Its a stereo-type pogo. I was having fun.

See how much "fun" it is when you have to watch your father imprisoned in a medical facility and not be able to grasp why he can't go home. Loads of chuckles for the whole family.

Been there, done that, had to wait 20+ for my inheritance from mom

It's always instructive when one looks at one's parents as "inheritances" one has to "wait for". SMH

Also instructive that Harley finds the experience of watching one's family member deteriorate though no fault of their own "funny". Summa y'all had some fucked up backgrounds.

So much for who's down with Number Four and who obviously objects to it. Although I still maintain it has nothing to do with politics.
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I can only guess number one maybe number two and three ..a serious question which others would a lefty have a problem.with?

  1. I am the Lord your God, thou shall have no other gods before me.
  2. Thou shall not use the Lord's name in vain.
  3. Remember to keep the Sabbath day holy.
  4. Honor thy Mother and Father.
  5. Thou shall not kill.
  6. Thou shall not commit adultery.
  7. Thou shall not steal.
  8. Thou shall not bear false witness of thy neighbor.
  9. Thou shall not covet thy neighbor's wife.
  10. Thou shall not covet thy neighbor's goods.


Then there's also judge or you shall be judged likewise or some such wording, somewhere in the new testament. So, be careful about being judgemental, even of leftwing fanatics, if you're truly a believer.
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I can only guess number one maybe number two and three ..a serious question which others would a lefty have a problem.with?

  1. I am the Lord your God, thou shall have no other gods before me.
  2. Thou shall not use the Lord's name in vain.
  3. Remember to keep the Sabbath day holy.
  4. Honor thy Mother and Father.
  5. Thou shall not kill.
  6. Thou shall not commit adultery.
  7. Thou shall not steal.
  8. Thou shall not bear false witness of thy neighbor.
  9. Thou shall not covet thy neighbor's wife.
  10. Thou shall not covet thy neighbor's goods.

I think the better question is why do right wingers pretend to promote them, but clearly don't follow them?
We do as much as humanly possible, only the left trys to justify their bad behavior and despise them so it appears

'as much as humanly possible'- really?

So you avoided all sex before marriage- or was that not humanly possible?

The 'Christian' you elected? He certainly has not managed to avoid adultery- certainly he bears false witness almost every day- and you elected him knowing that he does indeed covet his neighbors wife.

The left no more justifies lying or murder than the right does. Those on the left who are Christians make as much effort to live by the 10 commandments as those on the right do.

Claiming otherwise is breaking #8.
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